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To Yesterday is the first part of Furina's Story Quest, Animula Choragi Chapter: Act I - "The Little Oceanid."


  1. Go to the Court of Fontaine's Adventurers' Guild
  2. Ask about Furina's disposition
  3. Go back and pass on the word about Furina's views
  4. Go to the rehearsal location
  5. Enter the rehearsal location


UI Quest Quest Description

One day, you and Paimon arrive at the Adventurers' Guild to check out the commissions there...
(Approach the Adventurers' Guild in Fontaine)
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey, Katheryne, it's us! Got any new commissions? Specifically, one with a huge Mora tag, perhaps...?
Icon Dialogue Talk You didn't have to be so direct...
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 02a 1.ogg Paimon: Eh, Paimon's just being enthusiastic. We're old friends now, she gets it!
Icon Dialogue Talk The more lucrative, the better!
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 02b 1.ogg Paimon: You know we're worth it! For quality work and speedy results, choose the Paimon and the Traveler!
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 katheryne 01.ogg Katheryne: Hehe, it's always a pleasure to see our two most avid adventurers again. Looking for the next challenge, I see.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 katheryne 02.ogg Katheryne: Actually, we do in fact have a rather urgent commission that is still open. Having read the details, however, I don't believe you'd consider it to be "lucrative"...
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Um, don't worry about that. We were just kidding. So what's the situation?
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 katheryne 03.ogg Katheryne: To put it simply, the requester is looking for a temporary replacement actress for their musical. The original cast member ran into some issues, and is currently unable to perform the role.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 katheryne 04.ogg Katheryne: But the troupe has also been experiencing some financial difficulties, so unfortunately they cannot afford to pay the replacement actress...
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Hmm... That does sound like a tricky situation. So basically, they're looking for a volunteer?
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 katheryne 05.ogg Katheryne: That's right. Our adventurers reached out to many actresses, but none of them were willing to take the job.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 katheryne 06.ogg Katheryne: There are only a few days left until the performance. If they can't find someone in time, they'll probably have to postpone the show. And delays tend to create all sorts of new problems...
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Got it... Oh... This one's a doozy. What do you think, (TravelerTraveler)? Any ideas?
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Even if we took the commission, neither of us have any experience starring in musicals...
Icon Dialogue Talk Very true...
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 katheryne 07.ogg Katheryne: Hmm... If you're interested in helping, why not start by having a chat with the requester? He's right over there.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 katheryne 08.ogg Katheryne: Maybe you can't fill the role yourselves, but you might be able to help him figure out another solution. Maybe there's something he hasn't thought of.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Ohh, it's that guy, huh? No wonder he looks like he just ate a sour lemon.
Icon Dialogue Talk Got it.
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll go talk to him.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Paimon approves. Let's go!
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Hello there! Are you the guy looking for a new actress?
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 01.ogg Lauwick: Wait... I know you two! Are you really willing to act in my musical!?
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Wow, sounds like we're pretty famous in Fontaine already! Heehee.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Uh... But to answer your question, neither of us have any experience in musicals... But we heard that you're in a bit of a bind, so we figured we could at least try to help you think of a solution.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 02.ogg Lauwick: Ah, I see... It's okay, I knew that asking for a volunteer was a long shot.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 03.ogg Lauwick: If we can't find someone to step in, we'll have no choice but to cancel the show... It would be such a shame.
Icon Dialogue Talk Can't you cover the budget for a new actress with ticket fees?
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 04.ogg Lauwick: *sigh* That's the thing... We're not some high-profile theater troupe. Just a group of amateur enthusiasts.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 05.ogg Lauwick: All our sets and props are very crude. We're grateful enough just to get an audience, never mind ticket fees.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 06.ogg Lauwick: If we had a way to make this profitable, things might've turned out differently... But now it looks inevitable that we'll disband.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Disband? You're splitting up the troupe?
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 07.ogg Lauwick: Oh, I guess the lady at the Adventurers' Guild didn't tell you? Yeah... This is supposed to be our final show together as a troupe.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 08.ogg Lauwick: One last show, and after that, we go our separate ways. So we were really hoping to end on a high note.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 09.ogg Lauwick: Nobody wants things to just... fizzle out. Not after all the time and effort we've invested into it.
Icon Dialogue Talk Katheryne mentioned that one of your actresses can't make it?
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 10.ogg Lauwick: Yeah... the leading lady, in fact. She's been dealing with a chronic illness ever since childhood, and unfortunately it flared up again recently. It really drains all her energy, so she's in no state to perform.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 11.ogg Lauwick: The show just won't be the same without her... But for everyone else's sake, I still hope we can find a way to hold the performance on schedule.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Got it. We have a clearer picture now... Um... Let's see if we can come up with any ideas.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Uh... What if we sponsored the show? Um... Traveler, how much Mora are you carrying?
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 12.ogg Lauwick: Ah, please, there's no need to go that far. I wouldn't feel right asking such a huge favor, and I can't promise that we'd ever be able to pay you back.
Icon Dialogue Talk Mora isn't the biggest problem...
Icon Dialogue Talk How do we find someone who's a good fit for the role?
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Hmm, good point. If the actress just goes through the motions for the Mora, that's not exactly rescuing the show.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: We should find someone who'll put on the best performance possible. Hmm... Ooh, wait! What about you-know-who...?
Icon Dialogue Talk Great minds think alike. I was just thinking that.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: Haha, that's how you know we're the best of partners! Anyway, she should have all the free time in the world right now.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: She's really good at performing, and she was once super popular with the crowd... performing in a musical should be a piece of cake for her!
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 13.ogg Lauwick: Who are you thinking of? Sounds like someone famous...?
Icon Dialogue Talk Furina.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 14.ogg Lauwick: Her!? You're... That was a joke, right?
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: Um... Nope. Paimon doesn't actually know if she's performed on stage before, but Paimon's pretty confident that she'd be really good at it.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 15.ogg Lauwick: You're not wrong there... She has actually performed in a number of big-name shows before. They were one of the reasons she was so popular...
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 16.ogg Lauwick: But even if she's no longer the Hydro Archon, it's not like she's suddenly a commoner.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 17.ogg Lauwick: She's still an idol to many people in Fontaine, including myself... I just think Lady Furina might feel a bit out of place in an amateur troupe like ours.
Icon Dialogue Talk You want the show to go ahead, don't you?
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you prepared to do whatever it takes?
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 18.ogg Lauwick: Well yes, but... but...
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 19.ogg Lauwick: Huh... Fair enough, I mean, if she was actually willing to, then of course I'd be honored to have Lady Furina star in our show. I'm sure the rest of the troupe would be delighted too.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 20.ogg Lauwick: I'm sure everyone in our troupe has probably dreamt of performing on stage with her one day.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 21.ogg Lauwick: Of course, it all depends on whether she's interested... She might consider this opportunity beneath her...
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 20.ogg Paimon: No point stressing about that. We'll only know if we ask her.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 21.ogg Paimon: And besides, things are different now. There's no reason for her to be all high and mighty anymore.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's go. It'll be good to check in on her anyway.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 22.ogg Lauwick: Thank you for your help... I guess I'll just stay here and wait for the good news. Good luck!
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 22.ogg Paimon: ...Wait, where does Furina actually live nowadays? She used to live in luxury at the Palais Mermonia, but she's, uh... moved out, right?
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 katheryne 09.ogg Katheryne: As it happens, I have her current address here. I can provide it to you.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 23.ogg Paimon: Whoa, when did you get here!?
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 katheryne 10.ogg Katheryne: Hehe, I came over when things were starting to sound more promising. I thought I should be at the ready in case my assistance is needed.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 katheryne 11.ogg Katheryne: It is my duty to support commissioners in any way I can.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 lauwick 23.ogg Lauwick: Thank you, Ma'am... Thank you so much.
Media:vo fnnlq001 1 paimon 24.ogg Paimon: Well, now that we've got the address, we'll go find Furina. Back in a jiffy!
(Talk to Lauwick or Katheryne again, optional)
Media:vo dialog fnnlq001 lauwick 01.ogg Lauwick: I can't believe they're seriously asking Lady Furina. Seems a little over the top...
Media:vo dialog fnnlq001 katheryne 01.ogg Katheryne: Try not to worry. May I pour you a glass of water?

Icon Quest Step Step Description

One day, you and Paimon go to the Adventurers' Guild to check out their commissions, and you meet a member of a theater troupe named Lauwick, who is looking for a replacement for their lead actress. Now that you think about it, Furina might be an excellent choice.
(Approach Furina's residence)
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Uhh... Did Katheryne really give us the right address? She lives... here?
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: N—Not that there's anything wrong with this place, it's just, uh... a bit of a step down from the Palais Mermonia.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 01.ogg Furina: You know, it's common courtesy to make sure the homeowner isn't in earshot when you're denigrating their abode.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Whoa! Okay, when did popping out of thin air become all the rage!? First Katheryne, and now you...
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 02.ogg Furina: I was just out on a shopping trip. I ran out of macaroni, so I went to grab a few more bags.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 03.ogg Furina: I used to have a much wider range of choices when it came to food, but now, I'm finding that simple, traditional home cooking can be quite delicious too.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Don't you get sick of macaroni every day?
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 04.ogg Furina: Not at all. As long as you have different kinds of sauces in, you can have macaroni and tomato sauce one week, macaroni and bolognese the next...
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Oh, sounds like you're really struggling to cope...
Icon Dialogue Talk Is it because you have to do all your own cooking now?
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 05.ogg Furina: How rude! Questioning my cooking skills, the audacity!
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 06.ogg Furina: It's not like I have a very eventful life these days. Actually, I barely leave the house. So I don't see how it's unusual that my meals are a little simpler now too.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 07.ogg Furina: Besides, I'm sure I could master dishes like "La Lettre a Focalors" or "Blubber Profiteroles" in no time. If I felt so inclined.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Ah, there it is. You don't know how to cook!
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 08.ogg Furina: Pff, not yet, maybe, but... Anyway! What are you even doing here? I do hope you didn't come here just to ogle at my fall from grace?
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 09.ogg Furina: Let me first be clear that I'm not taking guests at this time. So if you're just here to clown around, then please be on your way! Shoo!
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Sorry, we're sorry! Please don't be mad!
Icon Dialogue Talk Paimon was just showing concern for your wellbeing.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Yeah, exactly. What (TravelerTraveler) said! Paimon wasn't trying to make fun of you.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: ...Hang on a sec, you weren't exactly holding back either!
Icon Dialogue Talk That's not important.
Icon Dialogue Talk We actually came here to ask you for your help...
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 10.ogg Furina: My help, hmm? Well, maybe you're forgetting that I'm no longer the mighty Hydro Archon. I don't even have a Vision, you know.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Don't worry, it's nothing that serious! It's just very specific, and you're the one with the power to help.
Icon Dialogue Talk If not you, then no one.
Icon Dialogue Talk You're the only person for the job.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 11.ogg Furina: Oh? Well, if that's the case, then... fine, I'll spare you the lecture about your attitude just now.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 12.ogg Furina: So tell me. What, specifically, makes this matter so... specific?
You tell Furina about the troupe's plans for its final performance.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 13.ogg Furina: Ah, I see... I knew you couldn't have come all this way just to amuse yourselves at my expense.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 14.ogg Furina: After all, I was once the brightest star in all of Fontaine, well-versed in all the various performing arts. A mere musical is well within my capabilities...
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 15.ogg Furina: ...But given the present circumstances, I'm afraid I must regretfully decline your casting request.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: How come? It sounds like this'd be a breeze for you.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 16.ogg Furina: True, but I have made a decision to retire from the stage.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 17.ogg Furina: Although I am no longer required to play the role of the Hydro Archon, the time I spent inhabiting that character has left an indelible mark on me.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 18.ogg Furina: Centuries of pretending to be a different person changes you completely. I'm not the same person I once was.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 19.ogg Furina: Of course, that can't be undone now. It's too late, and I have no intention of reinventing myself all over again.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 20.ogg Furina: But at least I can say that I no longer desire to play any new roles.
Icon Dialogue Talk So that's how you really feel...
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Paimon can understand...
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: But this is just a one-off part to fill in for someone who's sick. Surely that's okay?
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 21.ogg Furina: Whether it's a one-off or not, it's a boundary that I've committed to no longer cross.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 22.ogg Furina: If I make an exception to the rule now, I'm just leaving a backdoor for myself. Which would be the same as not having a boundary in the first place.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 23.ogg Furina: So I'm not going to perform, and that is that.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Okay, guess there's no convincing you... Well, is there anything else we can do to help out the troupe? Otherwise, they'll just have to disband without any fanfare...
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Do you know any other actors who might be interested in the role?
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 24.ogg Furina: Nope.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Short and to the point, okay...
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 25.ogg Furina: I've never been great at maintaining relationships. Besides, anyone I've ever worked with probably couldn't wait to get rid of me...
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 26.ogg Furina: Since I'm just an ordinary person now. They'll probably just laugh in my face if I go asking them for help...
Icon Dialogue Talk You shouldn't assume the worst of people.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 27a 1.ogg Furina: True, but.. I mean, could you even blame them? I show up out of the blue, begging and groveling for their help with a show they won't even get paid for? ...*shudders* No way, I'm dying from embarassment just thinking about it. Nope, not happening!
Icon Dialogue Talk What's wrong with making one exception?
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 27b 1.ogg Furina: Look, I'm sorry, okay!? I'm sorry I drew a line in the sand without thinking about every possible grain on the other side!
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Well... Is there anything else we can do? This performance really means a lot to the guy we're working for...
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 28.ogg Furina: Have I not made myself clear? You're barking up the wrong tree. I don't want this job, nor do I know of anyone else who would.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 29.ogg Furina: ...Sorry, I didn't mean for that to sound so harsh. I wish I could help, really. But if I thought I had the answer to this problem, I would've said so by now.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: It's alright, Furina. Paimon just wanted to make sure we tried everything. *sigh* Everyone in the troupe will be so disappointed...
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's try to come up with a plan B.
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: Yeah, guess that's all we can do now. Alright then, we'll see you around, Furina...
Media:vo fnnlq001 2 furina 30.ogg Furina: Toodle-oo to you too. I'm going home to take a rest now.

Icon Quest Step Step Description

Furina was unexpectedly unyielding in her opposition to performing, so all you can do is return to the Adventurers' Guild and tell them the truth.
(While walking back to the Adventurers' Guild)
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: It's too bad, but we have to respect Furina's decision.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Maybe the thought of performing brings up too many painful memories now...
(Approach the Adventurers' Guild)
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Huh? What's going on? Are they arguing?
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 dulphy 01.ogg Dulphy: ...That's besides the point. I'll ask you again. Why did you start looking for a replacement without my consent? When did I tell you I'm going to take a step back?
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 lauwick 01.ogg Lauwick: You didn't need to say it... We've known each other for how long now? We know the signs. But you never tell us about your illness even when it's clearly flaring up.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 dulphy 02.ogg Dulphy: And that gives you the right to make a decision on my behalf?
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 katheryne 01.ogg Katheryne: Shortly after you left, the troupe's lead actress came to the Adventurers' Guild. She believes that she's healthy enough to perform.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 katheryne 02.ogg Katheryne: Excuse me, but can you both take a moment to discuss something else for now? The adventurer assigned to your commission has returned.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 lauwick 02.ogg Lauwick: Sorry, I was just dealing with a little misunderstanding. So, how did your conversation with Furina go?
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Sadly, it's a no from her. We tried to persuade her, but she wasn't having it. She doesn't want to play the role, for personal reasons.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 lauwick 03.ogg Lauwick: I see... Well, circumstances have changed a little, so maybe that's not such bad news after all.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 lauwick 04.ogg Lauwick: You see, our leading lady has just informed me that she's well enough to make it to the show after all. Staging the musical with the full original cast was always the dream, of course.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Oh, right... Sounds like everything worked itself out then.
Icon Dialogue Talk Imagine if we had managed to convince Furina to join...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Only for her to find out she's no longer needed.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Yeah, she'd be livid! We'd get the scolding of a lifetime!
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 dulphy 03.ogg Dulphy: Geez... Is Lady Furina really so harsh with people?
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Only joking, calm down! ...So, uh, guess we can consider this case closed now, huh?
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Despite the fact that we failed to complete the commission... We were still racking our brains for ideas on the way back here, hehe.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 lauwick 05.ogg Lauwick: *sigh* Look, there's no point arguing with you about this any more. You've made yourself very clear, so I'll stop looking for a replacement.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 lauwick 06.ogg Lauwick: This is the last chance we have, though. If your illness flares up again, there won't be time to find anyone to replace you.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 lauwick 07.ogg Lauwick: So, are you absolutely sure you'll be able to handle it? The whole team is putting everything they have into this final performance. We have to make sure it goes ahead.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 dulphy 04.ogg Dulphy: Yes, I'm completely confident. I've been taking a new medication from the doctor, and it's working brilliantly. I'll definitely be able to tough it out until the performance day.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 dulphy 05.ogg Dulphy: I share everyone's desire to commemorate all our years as a troupe with a proper farewell show. So the last thing I want is to be left out.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 dulphy 06.ogg Dulphy: Every one of us thinks of this troupe as their home. Myself included.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 lauwick 08.ogg Lauwick: You're right. I'm sorry — I let myself get too worried about the show. I should have asked for your permission first.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Hehe, all's well that ends well! Sounds like the show will go on.
Icon Dialogue Talk Paimon, wait here a second.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Uh... Sure.
(The Traveler sees Furina hiding nearby and grabs her hand)
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 01.ogg Furina: Hey, how did you... I—I was just passing by because... I realized I forgot a couple of items on my shopping list!
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 02.ogg Furina: ...Alright, alright, I'm coming. No need to drag me!
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 03.ogg Furina: Uh... Ahem, hello one and all. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation just now...
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Furina!? Didn't you say you were gonna take a rest at home? What are you doing here?
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 04.ogg Furina: I... I was just ever so slightly concerned about the situation you mentioned. Yes. A teensy bit concerned, that's all.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 05.ogg Furina: When you came to talk with me earlier, I jumped right to explaining my position, and said some strongly worded things.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 06.ogg Furina: And all before I even had a full grasp of the situation... Anyway, I just feel a bit bad about how it went down.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 07.ogg Furina: I'm sorry, Paimon.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Oh, it's totally fine! Paimon didn't take any of that personally!
Icon Dialogue Talk Then why didn't you just show yourself?
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 08.ogg Furina: ...You really have a knack for asking the most uncomfortable questions, don't you...
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 09.ogg Furina: I felt very sheepish, having had a change of heart after flatly refusing you. And then, to make matters worse, you caught me...
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 10.ogg Furina: But in any case, it sounds like the issue has already been resolved?
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 lauwick 09.ogg Lauwick: Yeah... When they said they were gonna ask for your help, I almost had a heart attack. I mean, how could we be worthy of having Lady Furina star in our show?
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 11.ogg Furina: There's no need to think like that, and no need to keep addressing me as "Lady." Just "Furina" is fine.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 12.ogg Furina: I was wondering... if this troupe is so important to all of you, why does it have to disband?
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 13.ogg Furina: If the difficulties are purely financial, then there must be a solution. You could put the shows on pause while you look for a sponsor, for instance.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 14.ogg Furina: Everyone seems so devoted to the troupe. I'm sure if you keep chipping away, you'll find a way through.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 dulphy 07.ogg Dulphy: *sigh* We all want to believe that, but... Some things are just beyond our control.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 dulphy 08.ogg Dulphy: ...Everything's been going downhill ever since we lost our director. She was the heart and soul of our troupe. She kept us going.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 lauwick 10.ogg Lauwick: Her name was Aurelie, and she was the founder as well as artistic director of our troupe. And tragically, she... was a victim in the serial disappearances case.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 15.ogg Furina: What?
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 lauwick 11.ogg Lauwick: That's actually how I recognized these two. It was all thanks to their efforts that the true culprit was brought to justice.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 lauwick 12.ogg Lauwick: *sigh* But still... No sentence can bring our director back to us.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 dulphy 09.ogg Dulphy: She was a loyal fan of your performances, Lady— Uh, Miss Furina. They were what first inspired her to get into musical theater.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 dulphy 10.ogg Dulphy: She rallied many people around her who were destitute or had lost their sense of purpose in life, and convinced them to join her troupe. She wrote her own scripts, acted on stage, and mentored each and every one of us.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 dulphy 11.ogg Dulphy: People loved our performances back then... We seemed to be going from strength to strength. Things were really looking up for us...
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 16.ogg Furina: And then, disaster struck...
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 lauwick 13.ogg Lauwick: Yeah. After that, the entire troupe fell into disarray.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 lauwick 14.ogg Lauwick: None of us know anything about scriptwriting, let alone how to handle the business side of things. We've been doing the best we can, but despite our efforts, things are slowly but surely falling apart.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 lauwick 15.ogg Lauwick: It's agonizing, but ultimately, we'd rather end things now on our own terms than stick it out to the bitter end and watch all our dreams turn to dust.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Oh...
Icon Dialogue Talk That's so sad...
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 17.ogg Furina: What a terrible waste... A gifted artist from humble beginnings, who achieved so much and no doubt had much more to give... and then her life was so cruelly taken.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 18.ogg Furina: I suppose it's fair to say, then, that this final show, besides being your farewell to the stage, is also your final gift for her?
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 dulphy 12.ogg Dulphy: Yes, exactly. We all miss her terribly.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 19.ogg Furina: Well, good thing I followed the Traveler here. After hearing this tragic tale, I can no longer stand by and do nothing.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Uh... Furina?
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 20.ogg Furina: I know what you're thinking, but I by no means plan to cross the boundary I've set for myself. Besides, they're no longer looking for a replacement anyway.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 21.ogg Furina: I can, however, provide some artistic guidance from the vantage point of a highly experienced audience member.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 22.ogg Furina: But only if you feel this is something that would help, of course.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 dulphy 13.ogg Dulphy: Oh, most definitely! We'll take any guidance that you can give!
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 lauwick 16.ogg Lauwick: We unfortunately don't have any budget for a consultant, though... Will that be a problem?
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 23.ogg Furina: I don't need any compensation. All I'd ask in return, if you're willing, is that you tell me some more about the life and work of your late director.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 24.ogg Furina: Something I've begun to realize since my departure from the Opera Epiclese is that there's a lot you don't see when you observe everything from on high.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 25.ogg Furina: The law only judges criminal behavior, and does not weigh human emotion. The court's verdict can settle the question of criminal liability, but...
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 26.ogg Furina: What about all the unresolved emotions of the parties involved? What happens to them?
Icon Dialogue Talk A verdict can bring emotional catharsis.
Icon Dialogue Talk They come pouring out, and flow away into infinity.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 27.ogg Furina: An interesting answer. But if you ask me, I think all emotion shall ultimately return home to the heart, and slowly settle with the passage of time.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 28.ogg Furina: Take, par exemple, how this troupe pines for their late director... Things such as this I have never witnessed before. And so, I should like to observe, perchance to understand.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Uhh... Still a fan of your old dramatic monologues then, huh?
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: You just wanna get back in on the action, don't you?
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 29.ogg Furina: No, no, no, this is a completely different situation! Hmph, pearls before swine...
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: The name's not "Swine," it's Paimon!
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 furina 30.ogg Furina: Would you be willing to join me? C'mon, take a break from adventuring to listen to a story.
Icon Dialogue Talk Since it's you, I'll do it.
Icon Dialogue Talk Especially since it's related to the serial disappearances case.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 lauwick 17.ogg Lauwick: Thank you all so much. Our director was a huge fan of Miss Furina's performances... as, of course, we all are.
Media:vo fnnlq001 3 lauwick 18.ogg Lauwick: Alright, follow me. We'll go to our usual practice space. Please excuse the size — it's a little on the smaller side.

Icon Quest Step Step Description

Furina was unexpectedly unyielding in her opposition to performing, so all you could do was return to the Adventurers' Guild and tell them the truth. However, she actually followed you back, and chooses to participate in the performance as a consultant...
(Enter the rehearsal location)
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 buraud 01.ogg Buraud: Huh? L—Lady Furina!?
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 elain 01.ogg Elain: What's Lady Furina doing here?
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 lauwick 01.ogg Lauwick: Hello, all. Allow me to explain. As of today, La— Uh, Miss Furina will be supporting our production of "The Little Oceanid" in the role of artistic consultant.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 lauwick 02.ogg Lauwick: These two over here are the ones that made it possible — they kindly reached out to Miss Furina on our behalf. I'm sure they need no introduction.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 buraud 02.ogg Buraud: You bet! That was the trial of the century!
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 elain 02.ogg Elain: You helped bring our director's murderer to justice. We can't thank you enough.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Oh, please don't mention it. We're just here to join in on the fun.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 furina 01.ogg Furina: So, you were saying — "The Little Oceanid"...?
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 dulphy 01.ogg Dulphy: Yeah, that's the name of our final show. It's an unfinished script left behind by our director.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 dulphy 02.ogg Dulphy: One of our greatest regrets is that she never got to complete it. So if we can bring it to the stage and make it a successful show, we can all take some solace in that.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wait, but if it's not finished, then...
Icon Dialogue Talk Finding an actress was the least of your problems...
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 lauwick 03.ogg Lauwick: Yeah, we've been battling issues on every front trying to realize this dream... Anyway, let me give you a quick summary of what the story's all about.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 lauwick 04.ogg Lauwick: The protagonist of the story is a young Oceanid who transforms herself into human form, despite the protests of her family.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 lauwick 05.ogg Lauwick: She longed to live just like any other human. And sure enough, she found friendship and even love. Everything seemed perfect.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 lauwick 06.ogg Lauwick: But one day, her true identity was exposed, and her world came crashing down around her...
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 furina 02.ogg Furina: So far, so good. A classic tale. What happened after that?
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 dulphy 03.ogg Dulphy: That's one of the issues we've been trying to deal with... Unfortunately, this was as far as the director got with her script.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 dulphy 04.ogg Dulphy: We need a proper ending so we can bring this musical to the stage, but people have different opinions on which direction to take it in.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 lauwick 07.ogg Lauwick: We still haven't decided between a happy ending or a true-to-life tragedy.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 furina 03.ogg Furina: By true-to-life, you mean... the director's sudden disappearance?
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 dulphy 05.ogg Dulphy: Yeah. Like they say, truth is stranger than fiction.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 dulphy 06.ogg Dulphy: But then there's the question of whether we really want to use the stage to pass our raw pain onto the audience.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 lauwick 08.ogg Lauwick: Exactly. A lot of the time, people come to watch a show just hoping for some light entertainment. We have to consider their emotional stake in this, not just our own.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 lauwick 09.ogg Lauwick: And one last thing — we're still waiting on confirmation from two of our main actors.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 lauwick 10.ogg Lauwick: The first is Pauleau, who plays the protagonist's lover. He's locked himself away to focus on writing and ending for the script. But the deadline's past and we still haven't heard from him.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 lauwick 11.ogg Lauwick: The other is Vilmant, who plays the main antagonist. He took the director's death pretty hard. Hasn't set foot in the city since.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 lauwick 12.ogg Lauwick: He did write to us, promising that he'll be there for the final performance, but we haven't seen or heard from him since. So we're not really sure what to make of that.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 dulphy 07.ogg Dulphy: Although... Now that we have Miss Furina helping us, maybe we should take the opportunity to get everyone back together?
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 furina 04.ogg Furina: What opportunity? What do you mean?
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 dulphy 08.ogg Dulphy: Hehe, maybe you're unaware, but your name has always been like a rallying cry for us.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 lauwick 13.ogg Lauwick: Our director was constantly singing your praises. All of us look up to you as a role model.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 furina 05.ogg Furina: Oh stop, you're making me all flustered. Although... hehe, not in a bad way.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 furina 06.ogg Furina: I suspect the reason they're dragging their feet is that they have their doubts about whether the show will really go ahead, considering all the issues you've been facing.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 furina 07.ogg Furina: But one by one, all the obstacles are being removed. Now is the time to rally the troops.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 dulphy 09.ogg Dulphy: Makes sense... Okay, priority number one — let's check in with Pauleau and see where he's at with the ending.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 dulphy 10.ogg Dulphy: He went back to Poisson a few days ago. Said that staying in a friend's home might help him to relax, and escape the feeling of isolation.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 lauwick 14.ogg Lauwick: I thought the last thing his friend would want right now would be to take visitors, given that Poisson was flooded not too long ago. But I guess it's the opposite — a friend in need, and all that.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Yeah, maybe he could use some company.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 furina 08.ogg Furina: Poisson...
Icon Dialogue Talk Uh, is something wrong?
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 furina 09.ogg Furina: Nothing... I suppose my presence will be indispendable if we are to restore his faith in the show.
Media:vo fnnlq001 4 furina 10.ogg Furina: So, allons-y! To Poisson!
(Talk to Buraud, optional)
Media:vo dialog fnnlq002 buraud 01.ogg Buraud: Pressure's on now... We gotta make sure we're fully prepared.
(Talk to Elain, optional)
Media:vo dialog fnnlq002 elain 01.ogg Elain: You're off to Poisson to find Pauleau, right? Have a safe trip! We'll take care of the troupe while you're gone.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishTo Yesterday
To Yesterday
Sugishi Hi ni Shukuhai wo
A Toast to Days Past
Korean지난날을 위한 축배
Jinannareul Wihan Chukbae
A Toast to Days Past
SpanishPor el pasadoTo the Past
FrenchÀ hierTo Yesterday
RussianВ честь вчерашнего дня
V chest' vcherashnego dnya
In Honor of Yesterday
VietnameseGửi Ngày Cũ
GermanAn die VergangenheitTo the Past
IndonesianKepada Hari KemarinTo Yesterday
PortugueseAo Ontem
TurkishDüne Dair
ItalianA ieri

Change History[]
