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The Still Water's Flow is a World Quest for unlocking Enkanomiya and the From Dusk to Dawn in Byakuyakoku quest series. It is available after completing The Moon-Bathed Deep quest series.


  1. Talk to Tsuyuko
  2. Talk to Tsuyuko at the altar
  3. Look for the remaining Key Sigils (0/2)
  4. Follow Tsuyuko's instructions and activate all the altars (0/2)
  5. Talk to Tsuyuko
  6. Descend into Enkanomiya
  7. Investigate the cavern
    • Upon completion of this step, the southernmost Teleport Waypoint in Enkanomiya is unlocked.

Gameplay Notes[]


UI Quest Quest Description

The now-awakened Enkanomiya calls out to a hero. Beneath the still waters lies a new realm.
(Upon obtaining the quest)
Paimon: Paimon wonders how Tsuyuko's preparations are going. Has the way to Enkanomiya opened already?
Paimon: Let's go look for her at Sangonomiya Shrine!
(Talk to Tsuyuko)
Tsuyuko: Hello there, (TravelerTraveler).
Paimon: Hey there, Tsuyuko. How have your preparations for getting that coral thingamajig gone?
Tsuyuko: Ah, alas, our work has been... troubled thus far.
Paimon: You know, Tsuyuko, you can make as sad a face as you want...
Paimon: But you're not convincing anyone if you keep glancing at us meaningfully like that!
Tsuyuko: Aha, I see. So you, too, have realized the severity of our situation. In that case, I shall hide it no longer.
Paimon: You weren't hiding anything in the first place!
Tsuyuko: We did obtain the Key of the Moon-Bathed Deep, yes, and Enkanomiya is slowly awakening. However, we are quite short on manpower. As such, our investigations are proceeding at a slow pace.
Tsuyuko: These are uniquely trying circumstances, after all. We do not yet know if relations with Narukami Island will indeed warm.
Icon Dialogue Talk You know I'm only one pair of hands, right?
Tsuyuko: Ah, but that is a different matter. Know that according to tradition, a "hero" is vital to the process of obtaining the coral.
Tsuyuko: We must set up a base and assist the hero in retracing the paths of our ancestors, before finally facing the trial.
Tsuyuko: In this manner, we shall build a steady road to victory...
Paimon: Or that was your plan, anyway — and you can't carry it out because you lack the people.
Tsuyuko: That is absolutely correct. Not to mention how we have seen neither hide nor hair of our most vital character, this "hero."
Tsuyuko: But wait, I think I see it now. Our hero has... Yes, our hero has a head of blond hair!
Paimon: Ugh, this sounds super troublesome. Paimon doesn't think making this trip is a great idea.
Tsuyuko: Ah, but exploration usually leads to the discovery of rare treasure. I mean, such things would usually be given over to the Sangonomiya Clan, of course.
Tsuyuko: But if you were to find something, why, I suppose we could simply close one eye in this case...
Icon Dialogue Talk I wouldn't mind if you closed both eyes.
Icon Dialogue Talk You know, I think we and Madam Kokomi get along pretty well and all...
Tsuyuko: Ah, our hero, our gallant warrior, our paragon, our savior! Does this mean that you agree, then?
Paimon: Ah well, how could we leave Sangonomiya in such a time of crisis, right?
Tsuyuko: Wonderful! It certainly seems that the methods recommended by Madam Kokomi are quite persuasive indeed.
Tsuyuko: She even anticipated that you would indeed return to look for me.
Paimon: Sorry, what did you say?
Tsuyuko: Oh, nothing, nothing. In that case, please come with me. I would like to show you something.
Tsuyuko: Let us meet up at the altar below the area ahead of us. If you can't see it...
Paimon: If we can't see it?
Tsuyuko: Then just look to the southeast and squint.

(Talk to Tsuyuko at the altar)
Tsuyuko: We call this a "Key Sigil." It was once heraldry used throughout Enkanomiya. It only resurfaces when the road is about to be opened.
Tsuyuko: This is said to be a second set of keys that are sent to the people of Watatsumi Island when Enkanomiya awakens, and our records show that there are a total of five types of Key Sigils.
Tsuyuko: At the moment, we have found three of the five on Watatsumi Island. We can then operate them in this manner to return them to their proper places and release the seal.
Tsuyuko: We removed the three we found from their keyholes and placed them in other locations throughout Watatsumi Island. This way, the barrier can be restored.
Tsuyuko: The purpose behind doing that, of course, was to prevent children, Fatui spies, Narukami Islanders or outlanders from sneaking inside.
Tsuyuko: Um, you're not in that "outlanders" category, don't worry. Ahaha...
Tsuyuko: We are presently unable to establish contact with the Adventurers' Guild, so no adventurers are allowed down there either.
Paimon: Did you ever let them go down there anyway?
Tsuyuko: There are such historical records. We were looking for a win-win arrangement, you understand. It is always good to have people whose strong suit is exploration around — yourself included.
Paimon: Oho, so this means that no one's stolen a march on us this time, right?
Icon Dialogue Talk Whoa, Paimon, manners...
Tsuyuko: Well, how should I put this? I doubt that our temporary barrier restoration was completely foolproof. Some time did pass between our investigating the Key Sigils' locations and removing them from the keyholes, so some rats may have scurried in during the interim.
Tsuyuko: We are short on manpower, after all. In short, if you encounter any Fatui, Treasure Hoarders, Kairagi, or any of their ilk... Feel free to teach them a lesson.
Paimon: Wait a minute. If they got down there so easily, what was the point of us getting that Moon-Caked-Whatever again?
Tsuyuko: Enkanomiya will only awaken if we retrieve the Key of the Moon-Bathed Deep. Similarly, only that Key can activate the trial system within.
Tsuyuko: And if there are any who did not enter Enkanomiya to perform the Watatsumi Goryou Matsuri... Well, there might be some other twisted, winding way to get in. Who knows?
Tsuyuko: Either way, please retrieve the other Key Sigils on the island with all haste.
Tsuyuko: The Key Sigils have been placed at the Fin and Heart of Watatsumi. As for their two altars, they can be found at the line that connects either shrine and Sangonomiya Shrine, which intersects with the second mountain wall that surrounds the Moon-Bathed Deep.
Tsuyuko: Well then, I'll wait for news from you at the usual place.
(Talk to Tsuyuko again at the Sangonomiya Shrine)
Tsuyuko: Anything else you wish to ask me, (TravelerTraveler)?
Icon Dialogue Talk About the Key Sigils...
Tsuyuko: We've placed them at the Fin and Heart of Watatsumi.
Tsuyuko: Honestly, we just tried to find a compromise between distance and stealth, and those two shrines happened to be in decently concealed locations.
Tsuyuko: We tried our best. Really.
Icon Dialogue Talk Where do I find the altars?
Tsuyuko: You can find them to the north and to the east. They are located along the second mountain wall that surrounds the Moon-Bathed Deep.
Tsuyuko: If you draw two lines between Sangonomiya Shrine and the Fin and Heart of Watatsumi...
Tsuyuko: Then connect those lines with the arc of the mountain wall, you should get two positions. That's where the altars are.

(Look for the remaining Key Sigils at the Fin of Watatsumi)
Paimon: Why are the Ruin machines attracted to the Key Sigils? Are they, like, giving off similar feelings, or what?
(Look for the remaining Key Sigils at the Heart of Watatsumi)
Paimon: Agh, it's the Fatui! How did they get here?

(Investigate the altar)
Investigate: "This ancient altar is overgrown with moss. It seems to have been a long time since it was tended by anyone..."
(Follow Tsuyuko's instructions and activate the first altar)
Paimon: Well, that leaves just one place!
(Follow Tsuyuko's instructions and activate the second altar)
Paimon: That should be all of them. Let's head back and look for Tsuyuko.

(Talk to Tsuyuko)
Tsuyuko: Now is the time to release the seal. Here, take the Key of the Moon-Bathed Deep you retrieved before.
Paimon: Say that again?
Tsuyuko: Key of the Moon-Bathed Deep.
Paimon: Say that again three times fast?
Tsuyuko: Key of the Moon-Bathed Deep, Key of the Moon-Bathed Deep, Key of the Doom-Bathed Meep... Gah! Okay, it's a bit of a tongue-twister.
Paimon: See? Paimon told you that it was a weird name! You should consider changing it.
Tsuyuko: Eh, even if we do change its name today, it'll only be important again a few centuries down the line. Just bear with it for now.
Tsuyuko: *cough* Either way. I'm going to begin the ritual now.
(The Moon-Bathed Deep transforms and changes color, allowing the Traveler to enter)
Tsuyuko: Unfortunately, we do not have any details as to the nature of Enkanomiya's trial, so you will have to rely on yourself there.
Tsuyuko: If we must blame anything, we should blame stupid traditions that are supposed to "preserve mysteries." I wish you good luck.
Tsuyuko: Also, please do not push yourself too hard. Your safety is of utmost importance.
(Talk to Tsuyuko again at the Sangonomiya Shrine - to the left after going through the entrance gate)
Tsuyuko: Anything else you wish to ask me, (TravelerTraveler)?
Icon Dialogue Talk About Byakuyakoku...
Tsuyuko: Enkanomiya's name was Byakuyakoku once upon a time. There was neither sun nor moon in that underground realm, and the only two astronomical phenomena being the Whitenight and the Evernight.
Tsuyuko: One of my ancestors was a shrine maiden named Eboshi. She was a character of some significance in Byakuyakoku's history, and it is due to her that I am in charge of the Watatsumi Goryou Matsuri.

(Descend into Enkanomiya and investigate the cavern)
Paimon: So this is Enkanomiya? It just seems like your run-of-the-mill cave.
Paimon: No trace of civilization at all... How can that be?
Paimon: Um, let's keep moving forward and keep our eyes peeled, huh?


Video Guides[]

The Still Water's Flow Guide

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Still Water's Flow
Zhǐshuǐ zhī Pān
The Still Water's Whirlpool[• 1]
Zhǐshuǐ zhī Pān
Shisui no Han‍[!][!]
The Still Water's Whirlpool[• 1]
Korean고요한 물의 흐름
Goyohan Mul-ui Heureum
Calm Water's Flow
SpanishAguas tranquilasPeaceful Waters
FrenchLe flot des eaux calmesThe Flow of Still Waters
RussianСтоячая вода
Stoyachaya voda
Still Water
Nam Ning thi Lai Rin
The Still Water's Slow Flow
VietnameseNgăn Cách Dòng ChảyFlow Separation
GermanDer Fluss des stillen WassersThe Flow of Still Water
IndonesianAliran Air Yang TenangStill Water Flows
PortugueseAs Águas Paradas Fluem
TurkishDingin Suların Akışı
ItalianLo scorrere dell'acqua immobile
  1. 1.0 1.1 Chinese and Japanese: 止水之潘 is a literary term for "the deep," or a deep abyss beneath the ocean. The term is a reference from Liezi: Huangdi (列子・黃帝): "止水之潘為淵。 A still water's whirlpool is [called] the deep."

Change History[]
