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The South Wind Brings Adventure is the second part of Venti's Story Quest, Carmen Dei Chapter: Act I - Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land.


  1. Head to the Temple of the Lion
  2. Look for Jack and Stanley
  3. Rescue Jack and Stanley
  4. Complete the Domain adventure


UI Quest Quest Description

While investigating imaginary friends with Venti, Ellin asked you to search for the adventurer Jack within the Temple of the Lion. It seems he is traveling together with the legendary adventurer, Stanley.
(Inside the domain)
Media:vo wdlq002 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: The Temple of the Lion... We explored this place once before, didn't we? During the Stormterror incident.
Media:vo wdlq002 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Seems like it's now a hotspot for adventurers. That can only mean one thing...
Media:vo wdlq002 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: We didn't bag all the loot last time!
(Upon approaching the first obstacle)
Media:vo wdlq002 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Looks like we can't go any further.
Media:vo wdlq002 1 venti 01.ogg Venti: Not to worry! Allow me.
Media:vo wdlq002 1 venti 02.ogg Venti: Those who wander in the dust, the wind shall send soaring sky high.
(Upon finding two people surrounded by a Cryo Abyss Mage and hilichurls)
Media:vo wdlq002 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey, are those guys...
(During combat)
Media:vo wdlq002 2 jack 01.ogg Jack: Oh no, what're we going to do?
Media:vo wdlq002 2 stanley 01.ogg Stanley: D—Don't worry...! I—I've got this...
(After defeating the enemies and talking to either Jack or Stanley)
Media:vo wdlq002 3 stanley 01.ogg Stanley: *panting*
Media:vo wdlq002 3 jack 01.ogg Jack: I was so sure I was about to die!
Media:vo wdlq002 3 venti 01.ogg Venti: To be fair, that could have gone either way.
Media:vo wdlq002 3 venti 02.ogg Venti: So — you must be Jack the Adventurer, I assume?
Media:vo wdlq002 3 jack 02.ogg Jack: Yes... Who are you?
Media:vo wdlq002 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Actually, we came looking for you.
Media:vo wdlq002 3 venti 03.ogg Venti: Ellin has a message for you. She said she won't be able to join you today to plan out your next adventure together. She'll join you some other time.
Media:vo wdlq002 3 jack 03.ogg Jack: Oh, I see... I feel bad you had to come all this way to find me... and then had to rescue me...
Media:vo wdlq002 3 stanley 02.ogg Stanley: Huh? I don't see what all the fuss is about. It was nothing that I, Stanley, couldn't have dealt with by myself!
Media:vo wdlq002 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Whoa, you're Stanley? You're that legendary adventurer? Renowned in all of Mondstadt? Who once set foot in the Mare Jivari!?
Media:vo wdlq002 3 stanley 03.ogg Stanley: Hehehe, the very same!
Media:vo wdlq002 3 venti 04.ogg Venti: Hahaha! I must say, it's an honor to meet one as legendary as yourself.
Media:vo wdlq002 3 venti 05.ogg Venti: Well then, how would everyone like to proceed? Head back, or head further inside?
Icon Dialogue Talk Stanley, what do you think?
Media:vo wdlq002 3 stanley 04a 1a.ogg Stanley: Hehehe, well... I think you're now in the safe hands of Stanley, the great explorer and legend of Mondstadt!
Media:vo wdlq002 3 stanley 04a 2.ogg Stanley: In which case, why head back now?
Icon Dialogue Talk Jack, what do you think?
Media:vo wdlq002 3 jack 04b.ogg Jack: I think we should keep going. With Stanley by our side, we'll have no problem.
Media:vo wdlq002 3 venti 06.ogg Venti: Okay, motion passed by unanimous consent! Let's head further in.
(After the cutscene ends)
Media:vo wdlq002 4 stanley 01.ogg Stanley: So. I'm guessing you mostly came here because you wanted to hear my adventure stories, am I right?
Media:vo wdlq002 4 venti 01.ogg Venti: No, we really were just looking for Jack.
Media:vo wdlq002 4 stanley 02.ogg Stanley: What!? Do you know who I am? I am Stanley, renowned adventurer of Mondstadt!
Media:vo wdlq002 4 venti 02.ogg Venti: Yeah, I think we got that.
Media:vo wdlq002 4 stanley 03.ogg Stanley: Well, your attitude says maybe you don't got that! I am Stanley, the living legend! Stanley, who braved the Mare Jivari!
Media:vo wdlq002 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Enough already! Stop name-dropping yourself every time you open your mouth!
Media:vo wdlq002 4 jack 01.ogg Jack: It's true! Stanley is the most amazing guy!
Media:vo wdlq002 4 stanley 04.ogg Stanley: Hmph. Well, Jack will listen, won't you? Now, where was I?
Media:vo wdlq002 4 jack 02.ogg Jack: You and your partner reached the Mare Jivari! A famously terrifying place with not a wisp of wind!
Media:vo wdlq002 4 stanley 05.ogg Stanley: Precisely! There was a deathly silence in the air. A sea of ashes stretched out before us, as was as the eye could see — the Mare Jivari.
Media:vo wdlq002 4 stanley 06.ogg Stanley: Suddenly, my partner was caught in a whirlpool whipped up by an evil beast! Luckily, I managed to grab hold of him just in time...
Media:vo wdlq002 4 jack 03.ogg Jack: Wow! So did he make it?
Media:vo wdlq002 4 stanley 07.ogg Stanley: *sigh* Sadly... In the end, I alone was able to set foot on home ground once more, where the gentle breeze carried away the tears welling up in my eyes...
Media:vo wdlq002 4 jack 04.ogg Jack: *sobs* That poor guy... How could that happen...
Media:vo wdlq002 4 stanley 08.ogg Stanley: Jack! You can't cry so easily if you want to be a great adventurer!
Media:vo wdlq002 4 jack 05.ogg Jack: I—I know! Because an adventurer's proudest achievement is to die in the course of their final adventure.
Media:vo wdlq002 4 jack 06.ogg Jack: But whatever happens, no adventurer should ever die in a place where the wind doesn't blow... The wind has to bring your spirit back to Mondstadt!
Media:vo wdlq002 4 stanley 09.ogg Stanley: *sigh* That's right! To die in a place where the wind blows, and to have your spirit carried back to Mondstadt on the wind... That's... that's the dream...
Media:vo wdlq002 4 jack 07.ogg Jack: Yes... Although, the most I can aspire to right now is beginners' commissions, like clearing out the slimes clogging up the sewers...
Media:vo wdlq002 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: You shouldn't die in a place with no wind... Why do they keep going on about that?
Media:vo wdlq002 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Hmm, is that why Stanley thinks that Mare Jivari is the most terrifying place in the world? Because there's no wind there?
(After defeating the enemies in the domain)
Media:vo wdlq002 5 venti 01.ogg Venti: Traveler, I believe I have made a small discovery.
Media:vo wdlq002 5 venti 02.ogg Venti: Could I ask you to use the nirnama detector once more?
(The Traveler saw Stanley's imaginary friend while using the nirnama detector)
Media:vo wdlq002 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: What? Stanley has an imaginary friend?
Media:vo wdlq002 5 venti 03.ogg Venti: It seems his imaginary friend is a seasoned warrior... covered in scars from head to foot, and a look of staunch determination on his face.
Icon Dialogue Talk It fits Stanley's description of himself.
Media:vo wdlq002 5 venti 04a 1.ogg Venti: You're saying his imaginary friend is an idealized version of his own self?
Media:vo wdlq002 5 venti 04a 2.ogg Venti: Interesting idea! But is it true?
Icon Dialogue Talk I knew there was something weird about his story...
Media:vo wdlq002 5 venti 04b 1.ogg Venti: Oh? You thought so too, huh?
Media:vo wdlq002 5 venti 04b 2.ogg Venti: I agree. He wasn't telling the whole story.
Media:vo wdlq002 5 stanley 01.ogg Stanley: Please excuse me, I'll be leaving now.
Media:vo wdlq002 5 jack 01.ogg Jack: Bye, Stanley!
(Stanley leaves the scene)

(Jack talks to the Traveler, Venti, and Paimon)
Media:vo wdlq002 5 jack 02.ogg Jack: Do you two still have time to spare?
Media:vo wdlq002 5 venti 05.ogg Venti: What is it?
Media:vo wdlq002 5 jack 03.ogg Jack: A few days ago, Stanley got drunk and told me a secret — something he's never told anyone before.
Media:vo wdlq002 5 jack 04.ogg Jack: The weapons he took on his adventure all those years ago... they were none other than those once wielded by Mondstadt's greatest hero, Vennessa herself! The Sword of Brilliant Valor and the Shield of Magnificent Honor!
Media:vo wdlq002 5 jack 05.ogg Jack: I don't know whether you believe me, but... apparently, both the sword and shield are still right here in Mondstadt, over in Dadaupa Gorge!
Media:vo wdlq002 5 jack 06.ogg Jack: Since you guys are the experts at this... Can you come with me to try and retrieve these two legendary weapons?
Icon Dialogue Talk Stanley seriously owned these weapons?
Media:vo wdlq002 5 jack 07a.ogg Jack: You bet! This is Stanley we're talking about!
Icon Dialogue Talk Why did he abandon them in the wild, then?
Media:vo wdlq002 5 jack 07b.ogg Jack: I dunno, outstanding individuals always come with their quirks, right?
Media:vo wdlq002 5 jack 08.ogg Jack: If I can just get ahold of something impressive enough to show my family what I'm capable of, maybe they'll finally come around to the idea of me being an adventurer...
Media:vo wdlq002 5 jack 09.ogg Jack: Right now, I'm just a rookie. My abilities are limited, and my parents don't support my goals one bit...
Media:vo wdlq002 5 jack 10.ogg Jack: So, what do you say? Help a guy out?
Media:vo wdlq002 5 jack 11.ogg Jack: I can't bring myself to tell Stanley about it, because my reasons are so... selfish. But, I swear I'll give the weapons back to him as soon as I'm done!
Media:vo wdlq002 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Aw, poor Jack... Let's help him out!
Icon Dialogue Talk Alright then.
Icon Dialogue Talk Hard to say no after that sob story.
Media:vo wdlq002 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Venti, you coming too?
Media:vo wdlq002 5 venti 06.ogg Venti: Mm... I don't know...
Media:vo wdlq002 5 jack 12.ogg Jack: Oh, one other thing — I have a bottle of rare vintage wine that I had someone fetch for me a couple years ago. Help me find these weapons and it's all yours!
Media:vo wdlq002 5 venti 07.ogg Venti: Oh, Dadaupa Gorge, was it? Hehe, let's hurry, there's no time to lose!
(The camera pans to Stanley, who has been listening in on the conversation)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe South Wind Brings Adventure
Nán Fēng yǔ Màoxiǎn
The South Wind and the Adventure
Nán Fēng yǔ Màoxiǎn
Nanpuu to Bouken
The South Wind and the Adventure
Korean남풍과 모험
Nampunggwa Moheom
The South Wind and Adventure
SpanishViento del sur y aventuraSouth Wind and Adventure
FrenchVent du sud et aventureSouth Wind and Adventure
RussianЮжный ветер и приключения
Yuzhnyy veter i priklyucheniya
The South Wind and the Adventure
VietnameseGió Nam Và Mạo Hiểm
GermanAbenteuer aus dem SüdenAdventurer From The South
IndonesianPetualangan Dari Angin SelatanAdventure From the South Wind
PortugueseVento do Sul e AventuraSouth Wind and Adventure
TurkishGüney Rüzgarıyla Gelen Macera
ItalianDove ci porta il vento del Sud

Change History[]

Version 1.2
  • The line "Interesting! But is it true?" was revised to "Interesting idea! But is it true?" to match the voice-over.

Version 1.0

  • The South Wind Brings Adventure was released.