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The Ancient Azure Stars is an Event Quest during the Summertime Odyssey Event. It is the third quest of the fifth part.


  1. Follow the hint and explore the area
  2. Return to the mirage and use the shard
  3. Solve the astral puzzle
  4. Follow the strange star
  5. Open the fourth door
  6. Solve the astral puzzle
  7. Follow the strange star
  8. Enter the underwater space
  9. Touch the strange ornament
  10. Follow the star to the destination
    • The active character will be restricted to Mona from this step onwards, who can only control movement keys
  11. Talk to everyone
  12. Seize destiny
    • Capture the moving star
  13. Talk to everyone


UI Quest Quest Description

The vast expanse of the starry sky extends endlessly into the distance, with many a fate hidden within. It is simply fascinating: The beautiful sky stands silently in the mirage, its bosom wide and vast, its very existence ancient and gentle, as if it was born to embrace fate and grace everyone with its compassion. Mona understands fate in a way similar to this starry sky.
(Enter the domain)
Media:vo yqeq113 1 fischl 01.ogg Fischl: Huh, we've returned here once more.
Media:vo yqeq113 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Looks like the story's not finished yet. Let the adventure continue!
(After opening the Exquisite Chest)
Media:vo yqeq113 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: It's another star.
(After the strange star stops)
Media:vo yqeq113 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Huh? It stopped by the water but didn't go in...
Media:vo yqeq113 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Seems almost like it's waiting for something...
(After opening the Exquisite Chest)
Media:vo yqeq113 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Ooh, there's another star here.
Media:vo yqeq113 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Was the first star waiting for this one?
(Approach the mirage door)
Media:vo yqeq113 3 mona 01.ogg Mona: Whoa! Wait, how the...
Media:vo yqeq113 3 kazuha 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Another house in Mondstadt?
Media:vo yqeq113 3 mona 02.ogg Mona: What are we doing in my house!!!
Media:vo yqeq113 3 fischl 01.ogg Fischl: Your house? This is your house?
Media:vo yqeq113 3 oz 01.ogg Oz: My, how unexpected... I heard Lady Megistus lived a modest life, but this abode...
Media:vo yqeq113 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Look at the labels on these books on the ground... "Only one of its kind, 990,000 Mora..." Hey! That's super expensive!
Media:vo yqeq113 3 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: There are so many expensive-looking hardcovers over here... So this is what an astrologist's room looks like...
Media:vo yqeq113 3 kazuha 02.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: The rooms are exquisitely designed... This place must be very expensive.
Icon Dialogue Talk So Mona's rich...
Icon Dialogue Talk It was my misconception this whole time...
Media:vo yqeq113 3 mona 03.ogg Mona: Hey, I'm just occasionally out of Mora, that's all. I never said I was a pauper.
Media:vo yqeq113 3 fischl 02.ogg Fischl: You're not? Ugh, so what about those times I treated you to meals? And had you over to my place for dinner?
Media:vo yqeq113 3 oz 02.ogg Oz: Mein Fräulein, mind your phrasing.
Media:vo yqeq113 3 fischl 03.ogg Fischl: Ahem! Thou wert blessed with the coveted opportunity to enter the palace of the Immernachtreich and meet with the Kaiser and Kaiserin der Verurteilung. Or hast thou conveniently forgotten this magnificent occasion?
Media:vo yqeq113 3 mona 04.ogg Mona: Oh, yes, the stew and cold cuts your mother made were heavenly! Mmm, I could go for some more of that right now...
Media:vo yqeq113 3 oz 03.ogg Oz: Lady Megistus, this is not the time for such things!
Media:vo yqeq113 3 xinyan 02.ogg Xinyan: Is that Mondstadt cuisine? I wanna try some! I heard Mondstadt has lots of local delicacies, especially meat dishes.
Media:vo yqeq113 3 fischl 04.ogg Fischl: Hmph, then I shall extend to you the honor of meeting the Kaiser and Kaiserin with me on a future occasion.
Media:vo yqeq113 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Really? Hey (TravelerTraveler), we should go too!
Media:vo yqeq113 3 kazuha 03.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Now that you mention it, it has been a while since I visited a friend's house. I shall gladly oblige.
Media:vo yqeq113 3 kazuha 04.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Oh, but shouldn't we bring some sort of gift?
Media:vo yqeq113 3 oz 04.ogg Oz: Those two are very kind and understanding, so please don't worry about that. Just bring yourselves.
Media:vo yqeq113 3 mona 05.ogg Mona: You seriously have to try her mom's cold cut platter. It's her specialty, or something — anyway, it's simply delightful!
Media:vo yqeq113 3 oz 05.ogg Oz: Not to interrupt, but perhaps we should start working on the puzzle at hand? Ever since I entered this place, I have found myself most preoccupied with that ornament...
Media:vo yqeq113 3 mona 06.ogg Mona: Oh, right.
(Touch the strange ornament)
Media:vo yqeq113 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Whoa!
(Enter the domain)
Media:vo yqeq113 4 mona 01.ogg Mona: Astrologists are able to understand the most complex signs among the stars. And because of this, we are not allowed to show any arrogance.
Media:vo yqeq113 4 mona 02.ogg Mona: If one believes that astrology grants them unlimited power, they will face banishment by the stars.
Media:vo yqeq113 4 mona 03.ogg Mona: In the past, I was ignorant enough to think that I understood all fates in the universe.
Media:vo yqeq113 4 mona 04.ogg Mona: Maybe it was some form of punishment... but I became lost. I couldn't see the stars any longer.
Media:vo yqeq113 4 mona 05.ogg Mona: "You should not get confused. If you should become confused one day, not even astrology will be able to help you then."
Media:vo yqeq113 4 mona 06.ogg Mona: That's what the old hag said. We astrologists can't predict our own fate.
Media:vo yqeq113 4 mona 07.ogg Mona: But today, those words seem to carry a different meaning.
Media:vo yqeq113 4 mona 08.ogg Mona: I understand now that people won't always follow a beacon's guiding light. Even though the way forward may be dark and dangerous, they will still resolutely forge ahead.
Media:vo yqeq113 4 mona 09.ogg Mona: Fate is called such precisely because it cannot be altered or reversed.
Media:vo yqeq113 4 mona 10.ogg Mona: I understand the governing laws of the universe, and have glimpsed secrets between heaven and earth. Observing it is enough for me, there's no need to force it to change.
Media:vo yqeq113 4 mona 11.ogg Mona: There are no perfect legends, and no heroes that can save everyone. Instead of dwelling on my helplessness, what I should do...
Media:vo yqeq113 4 mona 12.ogg Mona: seize my own destiny.
Media:vo yqeq113 4 mona 13.ogg Mona: ...Looks like it's coming to an end again.
(Fall through the floor)
Media:vo yqeq113 5 fischl 01.ogg Fischl: What a magnificent view...
Media:vo yqeq113 5 oz 01.ogg Oz: Lady Megistus, I believe this is the firmest evidence yet of your immense genius. You truly are the greatest archmage in the history of the Immernachtreich.
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 01.ogg Mona: Thank you, although the Immernachtreich really doesn't have that much of a history...
Media:vo yqeq113 5 kazuha 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: ...Stars like diamonds, and the moon like a pearl. This is the most brilliant night sky I have ever beheld.
Media:vo yqeq113 5 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: It's beautiful...
Media:vo yqeq113 5 xinyan 02.ogg Xinyan: To call up such a mirage, Mona must have a vast and boundless sea of stars in her heart.
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 02.ogg Mona: ...
Icon Dialogue Talk Mona, what's the matter?
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 03.ogg Mona: ...I'm just thinking, these must be the things that we aspire to.
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 04.ogg Mona: This night sky is incredibly beautiful. In fact, I might go so far as to say it's even more beautiful than what I usually see in divinations.
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 05.ogg Mona: All the stars are in their rightful place.
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 06.ogg Mona: ...This is definitely my mirage. Only here can I see extraordinary sights like these.
Media:vo yqeq113 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Extraordinary? Why do you say that?
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 07.ogg Mona: You know, the night sky of Teyvat is truly marvelous. All the answers in the world seem to have been hidden within.
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 08.ogg Mona: "When is my missing son going to be found?"
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 09.ogg Mona: "Do they love me or not?"
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 10.ogg Mona: "Will I ever recover?"
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 11.ogg Mona: As your stars move across the sky, they record all your life events in their path. And among all the people in the world, a considerable number will see their stars deviate from their path.
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 12.ogg Mona: When your stars are on track, it means you will be healthy, happy, and at peace.
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 13.ogg Mona: Conversely, if your stars go off track, everything will get worse.
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 14.ogg Mona: The starry sky in my divinations would never look as perfect as this. Some stars would lose their way, and others would fall...
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 15.ogg Mona: ...I wish everyone could be happy, and stay on track.
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 16.ogg Mona: To this end, I offer advice and tell the truth.
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 17.ogg Mona: I know it's useless. All fates are already revealed in the night sky, with mine, too, just another among them. I can't change anything.
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 18.ogg Mona: Even so... outside of astrology, outside of the words of truth, I still cling to the wisp of an irrational fantasy.
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 19.ogg Mona: We must all live within the confines of reality, but... call me presumptuous, but I still believe in miracles.
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 20.ogg Mona: In this vast sea of stars, there are stars for you, for me, for everybody.
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 21.ogg Mona: What are the chances of one star encountering another? Are these encounters not the most wonderful miracles in all of destiny? ...I don't know.
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 22.ogg Mona: But within Teyvat, the stars in the sky will always have a place for us. Even if astrology is resolutely rational, fate remains arbitrary, cruel, but romantic.
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 23.ogg Mona: ...
Icon Dialogue Talk Mona, you seem to have been deep in thought...
Icon Dialogue Talk Have you found the answer?
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 24.ogg Mona: ...I think I have figured out what those stars are hiding.
Media:vo yqeq113 5 mona 25.ogg Mona: "Now, I will seize my own destiny."
(Capture the star)
(A cutscene plays)
Mona: There was a transparent bird made of crystal
Mona: It was beautiful and fragile, and could sing the most beautiful songs
Mona: But since mortals couldn't even see it, they believed it to be a trick
Mona: How could a transparent bird possibly exist, let alone sing?
Mona: When the bird heard that, it flapped its wings
Mona: And flew across mountains and seas
Mona: All the way to the night sky, where it turned into a star
Mona: Its brilliance was so dazzling that it illuminated everyone
Mona: It allowed all those that could see it to follow its light through the dark night
Mona: To sail through the seas under the guidance of the stars
Mona: It was born in wisdom, but trapped in ignorance
Mona: It has never voiced a complaint, for this is its destiny
Mona: Guiding people to see their destinies is the very meaning of its existence
(Cutscene ends)
Media:vo yqeq113 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We're back here again. So... Are we completely out of the mirage?
Media:vo yqeq113 6 mona 01.ogg Mona: How strange...
Media:vo yqeq113 6 mona 02.ogg Mona: My mirage didn't contain any hints on the Fatui or the machine... Does that mean they had nothing to do with these mirages after all?
Media:vo yqeq113 6 mona 03.ogg Mona: Or perhaps these mirages are a mere consequence, and not part of a process at all?
Media:vo yqeq113 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Umm, Paimon's lost...
Media:vo yqeq113 6 mona 04.ogg Mona: I mean, these mirages were not steps towards solving the mystery, but rather a direct effect of whatever is going on.
Media:vo yqeq113 6 mona 05.ogg Mona: Someone did something to bring the mirages into being. As they were just passive side products, it was natural that they couldn't provide us with any useful information.
Media:vo yqeq113 6 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: In other words, those mirages were only about ourselves.
Media:vo yqeq113 6 fischl 01.ogg Fischl: Hmm, pure materializations of ourselves... Interesting.
Media:vo yqeq113 6 kazuha 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: ...
Media:vo yqeq113 6 kazuha 02.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Everyone, maybe we should go back to where this whole thing began.
Media:vo yqeq113 6 kazuha 03.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: During our first day on the island, (TravelerTraveler) and I checked out the Fatui camp together. We found a strange machine there, as well as some disoriented Fatui.
Icon Dialogue Talk This is correct.
Media:vo yqeq113 6 kazuha 04.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: The researcher who spoke to us claimed that the machine was just a Fatui industrial invention. He even promised to not disturb us.
Media:vo yqeq113 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Right right, and the cappy-cap guy looked half asleep the entire time. He kept talking nonsense!
Media:vo yqeq113 6 kazuha 05.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: I wonder, is it possible that "madness" and "mirages" are two different outcomes of the machine's influence?
Media:vo yqeq113 6 kazuha 06.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: If so, everything can be traced back to that damaged machine — except for the difference in how it affects people. This, I believe, is caused by differences between the affected people themselves.
Media:vo yqeq113 6 mona 06.ogg Mona: ...!
Media:vo yqeq113 6 mona 07.ogg Mona: When you put it that way... it is indeed difficult to distinguish dreams and hallucinations.
Media:vo yqeq113 6 mona 08.ogg Mona: So what you're saying is, the device affected us differently because we are different from the Fatui?
Media:vo yqeq113 6 kazuha 07.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Yes, and according to our observations over these past few days, I think... the difference is that we all have stronger willpower.
Media:vo yqeq113 6 xinyan 02.ogg Xinyan: ...Yeah, I can get behind that.
Media:vo yqeq113 6 xinyan 03.ogg Xinyan: People with strong willpower will hallucinate instead of falling into madness, but those who break too easily can't maintain a stable mirage.
Media:vo yqeq113 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: In other words, we should go back to the Fatui camp and destroy that machine right away.
Media:vo yqeq113 6 fischl 02.ogg Fischl: No, it should be repaired, rather than destroyed.
Media:vo yqeq113 6 oz 01.ogg Oz: What mein Fräulein means is that rashly destroying a machine we do not understand may lead to more serious consequences. It would be better to find a way to repair it first.
Media:vo yqeq113 6 kazuha 08.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Right, it pays to be cautious.
Media:vo yqeq113 6 mona 09.ogg Mona: If my guess is correct, that machine is capable of influencing the human brain. So we'd better tread carefully.
Media:vo yqeq113 6 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: So let's go now! There's no time to waste!


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
51Phantasm SuiteThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 2As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared (Part 3) (cutscene), Blazin' Trails (Part 3) (cutscene), Immernachtreich Apokalypse (Part 3) (cutscene), The Ancient Azure Stars (Part 3) (cutscene)


Video Guides[]

The Ancient Azure Stars Guide

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Ancient Azure Stars
Gèngǔ de Cāngxīng
Azure Stars Throughout Time[• 1]
Gèngǔ de Cāngxīng
Inishie No Sousei
Ancient's Azure Stars
Korean태고의 푸른
Taego-ui Pureun Byeol
Ancient's Blue Star
SpanishEstrellas arcaicasArchaic Stars
FrenchLes anciennes étoilesThe Ancient Stars
RussianДревние лазурные звёзды
Drevniye lazurnyye zvyozdy
The Ancient Azure Stars
Dara Banphakan
The Ancient Star
VietnameseÁnh Sao Lam Cổ XưaAncient Blue Starlight
GermanDie uralten azurblauen SterneThe Ancient Azur Blue Stars
IndonesianBintang Biru KunoAncient Blue Star
PortugueseAntigas Estrelas AzuisAncient Azure Stars
TurkishKadim Okyanus Yıldızları
ItalianLe antiche stelle azzurre
  1. Chinese: 亘古/亙古 Gèngǔ is a literary term for things that went throughout time.

Change History[]
