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This template uses Module:VO (edit | hist), a script written in Lua.
  • Use as {{VO/Story}} for the Story section of character Voice-Overs pages, with the exception of Traveler, who uses {{VO/Traveler}} (see it's documentation for details)
  • Use as {{VO/Combat}} for Aether's Combat section and {{VO/Combat2}} for Lumine's Combat section, but use {{Combat VO}} for the rest of charcaters.
  • Use {{VO}} for the Story and Combat sections of replaced Voice-Overs (See Amber/Voice-Overs/Chinese)


|character               = Name of character in English, for files and subtitles
|name                    = Name of character in language of table, for titles
|language                = Language of files and lang attribute for text

|vo_XX_00_title          = Group of voice-over (for Combat)
|vo_XX_00_subtitle       = Description of voice-over (for Combat)
|vo_XX_YY_title          = Title of voice-over (from game)
|vo_XX_YY_subtitle       = English equivalent of the voice-over title (from game)
|vo_XX_YY_friendship     = Friendship Level the voice-over unlocks at
|vo_XX_YY_ascension      = Ascension Phase the voice-over unlocks at
|vo_XX_YY_quest          = Completed quest that the voice-over unlocks after
|vo_XX_YY_hidden         = Completed quest that the voice-over becomes unavailable after
|vo_XX_YY_file           = Filename
|vo_XX_YY_tx             = Voice-over official transcription
|vo_XX_YY_rm             = Voice-over romanization
|vo_XX_YY_actualtx       = Actual voice-over transcription if audio does not match text
|vo_XX_YY_actualrm       = Actual voice-over romanization if audio does not match text
|vo_XX_YY_mention        = Character mention. Comma separated, no spaces
  • The languages supported are English (en, default), Simplified Chinese (zh), Traditional Chinese (zh-tw), Japanese (ja), and Korean (ko).
  • XX and YY are used to sort the voice-overs and must be consecutive integers starting from 01.
    • XX can be any value from 01 to 99
    • YY can be any value from 01 to 99
  • The variables {character}, {name}, {language} can be used in the vo_XX_YY_ZZZZ arguments to replace text.
  • vo_XX_YY_tl and vo_XX_YY_actualtl parameters exist for legacy reasons. They should not be used.


English Story Example

|character               = Amber

|vo_01_01_title          = Voice-Over Line Title
|vo_01_01_quest          = The Outlander Who Caught the Wind
|vo_01_01_hidden         = Lingering Warmth
|vo_01_01_friendship     = 2
|vo_01_01_ascension      = 1
|vo_01_01_notquest       = The Outlander Who Caught the Wind
|vo_01_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Hello.ogg
|vo_01_01_tx             = This is an example of a Voice-Over line with most of the frequently used requirements.<br />Uses {character}'s "Hello" voiceline for demonstrative purposes.

|vo_01_02_title          = Voice-Over Line Title
|vo_01_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Hello.ogg
|vo_01_02_tx             = This is an example of Voice-Over line.<br />Uses {character}'s "Hello" voiceline for demonstrative purposes.

Voice-Over Line Title
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 2
Icon Character Ascension Unlocked Ascension Phase 1
Icon Warning Not Available after Lingering Warmth
 This is an example of a Voice-Over line with most of the frequently used requirements.
Uses Amber's "Hello" voiceline for demonstrative purposes.
Voice-Over Line Title
 This is an example of Voice-Over line.
Uses Amber's "Hello" voiceline for demonstrative purposes.

Chinese Story Example

|character               = Amber
|language                = zh
|language_s              = zh
|language_t              = zh-tw
|name_s                  = 安柏
|name_t                  = 安柏

|vo_01_01_title_s        = 画外音标题
|vo_01_01_title_t        = 畫外音標題
|vo_01_01_subtitle       = Hello
|vo_01_01_quest          = The Outlander Who Caught the Wind
|vo_01_01_friendship     = 2
|vo_01_01_ascension      = 1
|vo_01_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Hello.ogg
|vo_01_01_tx_s           = This is an example of a Voice-Over line with most of the frequently used requirements.<br />Uses {name_s}的「初次见面」 voiceline for demonstrative purposes. (translate)
|vo_01_01_tx_t           = This is an example of a Voice-Over line with most of the frequently used requirements.<br />Uses {name_t}的「初次見面」 voiceline for demonstrative purposes. (translate)
|vo_01_01_rm             = 

|vo_01_02_title_s        = 画外音标题
|vo_01_02_title_t        = 畫外音標題
|vo_01_02_subtitle       = Hello
|vo_01_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Hello.ogg
|vo_01_02_tx_s           = This is an example of a Voice-Over line.<br />Uses {name_s}的「初次见面」voiceline for demonstrative purposes. (translate)
|vo_01_02_tx_t           = This is an example of a Voice-Over line.<br />Uses {name_t}的「初次見面」voiceline for demonstrative purposes. (translate)
|vo_01_02_rm             = 
  • Simplified
  • Traditional

Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 2
Icon Character Ascension Unlocked Ascension Phase 1
 This is an example of a Voice-Over line with most of the frequently used requirements.
Uses 安柏的「初次见面」 voiceline for demonstrative purposes. (translate)
 This is an example of a Voice-Over line.
Uses 安柏的「初次见面」voiceline for demonstrative purposes. (translate)

Note: The following transcriptions and romanizations may differ slightly from the audio as the Chinese Voice-Overs are based on the Simplified Chinese text.


Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 2
Icon Character Ascension Unlocked Ascension Phase 1
 This is an example of a Voice-Over line with most of the frequently used requirements.
Uses 安柏的「初次見面」 voiceline for demonstrative purposes. (translate)
 This is an example of a Voice-Over line.
Uses 安柏的「初次見面」voiceline for demonstrative purposes. (translate)

Copy Wikitext

English Story

|character               = {{subst:ROOTPAGENAME}}

<!-- Hello -->
|vo_01_01_title          = Hello
|vo_01_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Hello.ogg
|vo_01_01_tx             = 
|vo_01_01_mention        = 

<!-- Chats -->
|vo_02_01_title          = Chat:
|vo_02_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Chat - .ogg
|vo_02_01_tx             = 
|vo_02_01_mention        = 
|vo_02_02_title          = Chat:
|vo_02_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Chat - .ogg
|vo_02_02_tx             = 
|vo_02_02_mention        = 
|vo_02_03_title          = Chat:
|vo_02_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Chat - .ogg
|vo_02_03_tx             = 
|vo_02_03_mention        = 
|vo_02_04_title          = Chat:
|vo_02_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} Chat - .ogg
|vo_02_04_tx             = 
|vo_02_04_mention        = 

<!-- Weather -->
|vo_03_01_title          = 
|vo_03_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_01_tx             = 
|vo_03_01_mention        = 
|vo_03_02_title          = 
|vo_03_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_02_tx             = 
|vo_03_02_mention        = 
|vo_03_03_title          = 
|vo_03_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_03_tx             = 
|vo_03_03_mention        = 
|vo_03_04_title          = 
|vo_03_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_04_tx             = 
|vo_03_04_mention        = 
|vo_03_05_title          = 
|vo_03_05_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_05_tx             = 
|vo_03_05_mention        = 
|vo_03_06_title          = 
|vo_03_06_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_06_tx             = 
|vo_03_06_mention        = 

<!-- Greetings -->
|vo_04_01_title          = Good Morning
|vo_04_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Good Morning.ogg
|vo_04_01_tx             = 
|vo_04_01_mention        = 
|vo_04_02_title          = Good Afternoon
|vo_04_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Good Afternoon.ogg
|vo_04_02_tx             = 
|vo_04_02_mention        = 
|vo_04_03_title          = Good Evening
|vo_04_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Good Evening.ogg
|vo_04_03_tx             = 
|vo_04_03_mention        = 
|vo_04_04_title          = Good Night
|vo_04_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} Good Night.ogg
|vo_04_04_tx             = 
|vo_04_04_mention        = 

<!-- About -->
|vo_05_01_title          = About {name}
|vo_05_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} About {character}.ogg
|vo_05_01_tx             = 
|vo_05_01_mention        = 
|vo_05_02_title          = About {name}:
|vo_05_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} About {character} - .ogg
|vo_05_02_tx             = 
|vo_05_02_mention        = 
|vo_05_03_title          = About {name}:
|vo_05_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} About {character} - .ogg
|vo_05_03_tx             = 
|vo_05_03_mention        = 
|vo_05_04_title          = About {name}:
|vo_05_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} About {character} - .ogg
|vo_05_04_tx             = 
|vo_05_04_mention        = 

<!-- About Us -->
|vo_06_01_title          = About Us:
|vo_06_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} About Us - .ogg
|vo_06_01_tx             = 
|vo_06_01_mention        = 
|vo_06_02_title          = About Us:
|vo_06_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} About Us - .ogg
|vo_06_02_tx             = 
|vo_06_02_mention        = 
|vo_06_03_title          = About Us:
|vo_06_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} About Us - .ogg
|vo_06_03_tx             = 
|vo_06_03_mention        = 
|vo_06_04_title          = About Us:
|vo_06_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} About Us - .ogg
|vo_06_04_tx             = 
|vo_06_04_mention        = 

<!-- Miscellany I -->
|vo_07_01_title          = About the [[Vision]]
|vo_07_01_friendship     = 4
|vo_07_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} About the Vision.ogg
|vo_07_01_tx             = 
|vo_07_01_mention        = 
|vo_07_02_title          = Something to Share
|vo_07_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Something to Share.ogg
|vo_07_02_tx             = 
|vo_07_02_mention        = 
|vo_07_03_title          = Interesting Things
|vo_07_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Interesting Things.ogg
|vo_07_03_tx             = 
|vo_07_03_mention        = 

<!-- About Teammates -->
|vo_08_01_title          = About [[]]
|vo_08_01_friendship     = 
|vo_08_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_01_tx             = 
|vo_08_01_mention        = 
|vo_08_02_title          = About [[]]
|vo_08_02_friendship     = 
|vo_08_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_02_tx             = 
|vo_08_02_mention        = 
|vo_08_03_title          = About [[]]
|vo_08_03_friendship     = 
|vo_08_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_03_tx             = 
|vo_08_03_mention        = 
|vo_08_04_title          = About [[]]
|vo_08_04_friendship     = 
|vo_08_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_04_tx             = 
|vo_08_04_mention        = 
|vo_08_05_title          = About [[]]
|vo_08_05_friendship     = 
|vo_08_05_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_05_tx             = 
|vo_08_05_mention        = 
|vo_08_06_title          = About [[]]
|vo_08_06_friendship     = 
|vo_08_06_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_06_tx             = 
|vo_08_06_mention        = 
|vo_08_07_title          = About [[]]
|vo_08_07_friendship     = 
|vo_08_07_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_07_tx             = 
|vo_08_07_mention        = 
|vo_08_08_title          = About [[]]
|vo_08_08_friendship     = 
|vo_08_08_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_08_tx             = 
|vo_08_08_mention        = 
|vo_08_09_title          = About [[]]
|vo_08_09_friendship     = 
|vo_08_09_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_09_tx             = 
|vo_08_09_mention        = 
|vo_08_10_title          = About [[]]
|vo_08_10_friendship     = 
|vo_08_10_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_10_tx             = 
|vo_08_10_mention        = 
|vo_08_11_title          = About [[]]
|vo_08_11_friendship     = 
|vo_08_11_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_11_tx             = 
|vo_08_11_mention        = 
|vo_08_12_title          = About [[]]
|vo_08_12_friendship     = 
|vo_08_12_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_12_tx             = 
|vo_08_12_mention        = 

<!-- More About -->
|vo_09_01_title          = More About {name}: I
|vo_09_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} More About {character} - 01.ogg
|vo_09_01_tx             = 
|vo_09_01_mention        = 
|vo_09_02_title          = More About {name}: II
|vo_09_02_friendship     = 3
|vo_09_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} More About {character} - 02.ogg
|vo_09_02_tx             = 
|vo_09_02_mention        = 
|vo_09_03_title          = More About {name}: III
|vo_09_03_friendship     = 4
|vo_09_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} More About {character} - 03.ogg
|vo_09_03_tx             = 
|vo_09_03_mention        = 
|vo_09_04_title          = More About {name}: IV
|vo_09_04_friendship     = 5
|vo_09_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} More About {character} - 04.ogg
|vo_09_04_tx             = 
|vo_09_04_mention        = 
|vo_09_05_title          = More About {name}: V
|vo_09_05_friendship     = 6
|vo_09_05_file           = VO_{language}{character} More About {character} - 05.ogg
|vo_09_05_tx             = 
|vo_09_05_mention        = 

<!-- Miscellany II -->
|vo_10_01_title          = {name}'s Hobbies
|vo_10_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Hobbies.ogg
|vo_10_01_tx             = 
|vo_10_01_mention        = 
|vo_10_02_title          = {name}'s Troubles
|vo_10_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Troubles.ogg
|vo_10_02_tx             = 
|vo_10_02_mention        = 
|vo_10_03_title          = Favorite Food
|vo_10_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Favorite Food.ogg
|vo_10_03_tx             = 
|vo_10_03_mention        = 
|vo_10_04_title          = Least Favorite Food
|vo_10_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} Least Favorite Food.ogg
|vo_10_04_tx             = 
|vo_10_04_mention        = 

<!-- Receiving a Gift -->
|vo_11_01_title          = Receiving a Gift: I
|vo_11_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Receiving a Gift 01.ogg
|vo_11_01_tx             = 
|vo_11_02_title          = Receiving a Gift: II
|vo_11_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Receiving a Gift 02.ogg
|vo_11_02_tx             = 
|vo_11_03_title          = Receiving a Gift: III
|vo_11_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Receiving a Gift 03.ogg
|vo_11_03_tx             = 

<!-- Birthday -->
|vo_12_01_title          = Birthday
|vo_12_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Birthday.ogg
|vo_12_01_tx             = 
|vo_12_01_mention        = 

<!-- Feelings About Ascension -->
|vo_13_01_title          = Feelings About Ascension: Intro
|vo_13_01_ascension      = 1
|vo_13_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Feelings About Ascension - 01.ogg
|vo_13_01_tx             = 
|vo_13_02_title          = Feelings About Ascension: Building Up
|vo_13_02_ascension      = 2
|vo_13_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Feelings About Ascension - 02.ogg
|vo_13_02_tx             = 
|vo_13_03_title          = Feelings About Ascension: Climax
|vo_13_03_ascension      = 4
|vo_13_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Feelings About Ascension - 03.ogg
|vo_13_03_tx             = 
|vo_13_04_title          = Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
|vo_13_04_ascension      = 6
|vo_13_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} Feelings About Ascension - 04.ogg
|vo_13_04_tx             = 

Chinese Story

|character               = {{subst:ROOTPAGENAME}}
|language                = zh
|language_s              = zh
|language_t              = zh-tw
|name_s                  = 
|name_t                  = 

<!-- Hello -->
|vo_01_01_title_s        = 初次见面…
|vo_01_01_title_t        = 初次見面…
|vo_01_01_subtitle       = Hello
|vo_01_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Hello.ogg
|vo_01_01_tx_s           = 
|vo_01_01_tx_t           = 
|vo_01_01_rm             = 

<!-- Chats -->
|vo_02_01_title_s        = 闲聊・
|vo_02_01_title_t        = 閒聊・
|vo_02_01_subtitle       = Chat:
|vo_02_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Chat - .ogg
|vo_02_01_tx_s           = 
|vo_02_01_tx_t           = 
|vo_02_01_rm             = 

|vo_02_02_title_s        = 闲聊・
|vo_02_02_title_t        = 閒聊・
|vo_02_02_subtitle       = Chat:
|vo_02_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Chat - .ogg
|vo_02_02_tx_s           = 
|vo_02_02_tx_t           = 
|vo_02_02_rm             = 

|vo_02_03_title_s        = 闲聊・
|vo_02_03_title_t        = 閒聊・
|vo_02_03_subtitle       = Chat:
|vo_02_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Chat - .ogg
|vo_02_03_tx_s           = 
|vo_02_03_tx_t           = 
|vo_02_03_rm             = 

<!-- Weather -->
|vo_03_01_title_s        = 
|vo_03_01_title_t        = 
|vo_03_01_subtitle       = 
|vo_03_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_01_tx_s           = 
|vo_03_01_tx_t           = 
|vo_03_01_rm             = 

|vo_03_02_title_s        = 
|vo_03_02_title_t        = 
|vo_03_02_subtitle       = 
|vo_03_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_02_tx_s           = 
|vo_03_02_tx_t           = 
|vo_03_02_rm             = 

|vo_03_03_title_s        = 
|vo_03_03_title_t        = 
|vo_03_03_subtitle       = 
|vo_03_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_03_tx_s           = 
|vo_03_03_tx_t           = 
|vo_03_03_rm             = 

|vo_03_04_title_s        = 
|vo_03_04_title_t        = 
|vo_03_04_subtitle       = 
|vo_03_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_04_tx_s           = 
|vo_03_04_tx_t           = 
|vo_03_04_rm             = 

|vo_03_05_title_s        = 
|vo_03_05_title_t        = 
|vo_03_05_subtitle       = 
|vo_03_05_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_05_tx_s           = 
|vo_03_05_tx_t           = 
|vo_03_05_rm             = 

|vo_03_06_title_s        = 
|vo_03_06_title_t        = 
|vo_03_06_subtitle       = 
|vo_03_06_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_06_tx_s           = 
|vo_03_06_tx_t           = 
|vo_03_06_rm             = 

<!-- Greetings -->
|vo_04_01_title_s        = 早上好…
|vo_04_01_title_t        = 早安…
|vo_04_01_subtitle       = Good Morning
|vo_04_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Good Morning.ogg
|vo_04_01_tx_s           = 
|vo_04_01_tx_t           = 
|vo_04_01_rm             = 

|vo_04_02_title_s        = 中午好…
|vo_04_02_title_t        = 午安…
|vo_04_02_subtitle       = Good Afternoon
|vo_04_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Good Afternoon.ogg
|vo_04_02_tx_s           = 
|vo_04_02_tx_t           = 
|vo_04_02_rm             = 

|vo_04_03_title_s        = 晚上好…
|vo_04_03_title_t        = 晚上好…
|vo_04_03_subtitle       = Good Evening
|vo_04_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Good Evening.ogg
|vo_04_03_tx_s           = 
|vo_04_03_tx_t           = 
|vo_04_03_rm             = 

|vo_04_04_title_s        = 晚安…
|vo_04_04_title_t        = 晚安…
|vo_04_04_subtitle       = Good Night
|vo_04_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} Good Night.ogg
|vo_04_04_tx_s           = 
|vo_04_04_tx_t           = 
|vo_04_04_rm             = 

<!-- About -->
|vo_05_01_title_s        = 关于{name_s}自己…
|vo_05_01_title_t        = 關於{name_t}自己…
|vo_05_01_subtitle       = About {character}
|vo_05_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} About {character}.ogg
|vo_05_01_tx_s           = 
|vo_05_01_tx_t           = 
|vo_05_01_rm             = 

|vo_05_02_title_s        = 关于{name_s}自己・
|vo_05_02_title_t        = 關於{name_t}自己・
|vo_05_02_subtitle       = About {character}:
|vo_05_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} About {character} - .ogg
|vo_05_02_tx_s           = 
|vo_05_02_tx_t           = 
|vo_05_02_rm             = 

|vo_05_03_title_s        = 关于{name_s}自己・
|vo_05_03_title_t        = 關於{name_t}自己・
|vo_05_03_subtitle       = About {character}:
|vo_05_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} About {character} - .ogg
|vo_05_03_tx_s           = 
|vo_05_03_tx_t           = 
|vo_05_03_rm             = 

|vo_05_04_title_s        = 关于{name_s}自己・
|vo_05_04_title_t        = 關於{name_t}自己・
|vo_05_04_subtitle       = About {character}:
|vo_05_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} About {character} - .ogg
|vo_05_04_tx_s           = 
|vo_05_04_tx_t           = 
|vo_05_04_rm             = 

<!-- About Us -->
|vo_06_01_title_s        = 关于我们・
|vo_06_01_title_t        = 關於我們・
|vo_06_01_subtitle       = About Us:
|vo_06_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} About Us - .ogg
|vo_06_01_tx_s           = 
|vo_06_01_tx_t           = 
|vo_06_01_rm             = 

|vo_06_02_title_s        = 关于我们・
|vo_06_02_title_t        = 關於我們・
|vo_06_02_subtitle       = About Us:
|vo_06_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} About Us - .ogg
|vo_06_02_tx_s           = 
|vo_06_02_tx_t           = 
|vo_06_02_rm             = 

|vo_06_03_title_s        = 关于我们・
|vo_06_03_title_t        = 關於我們・
|vo_06_03_subtitle       = About Us:
|vo_06_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} About Us - .ogg
|vo_06_03_tx_s           = 
|vo_06_03_tx_t           = 
|vo_06_03_rm             = 

|vo_06_04_title_s        = 关于我们・
|vo_06_04_title_t        = 關於我們・
|vo_06_04_subtitle       = About Us:
|vo_06_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} About Us - .ogg
|vo_06_04_tx_s           = 
|vo_06_04_tx_t           = 
|vo_06_04_rm             = 

<!-- Miscellany I -->
|vo_07_01_title_s        = 关于「神之眼」…
|vo_07_01_title_t        = 關於「神之眼」…
|vo_07_01_subtitle       = About the [[Vision]]
|vo_07_01_friendship     = 4
|vo_07_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} About the Vision.ogg
|vo_07_01_tx_s           = 
|vo_07_01_tx_t           = 
|vo_07_01_rm             = 

|vo_07_02_title_s        = 有什么想要分享…
|vo_07_02_title_t        = 有什麼想要分享…
|vo_07_02_subtitle       = Something to Share
|vo_07_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Something to Share.ogg
|vo_07_02_tx_s           = 
|vo_07_02_tx_t           = 
|vo_07_02_rm             = 

|vo_07_03_title_s        = 感兴趣的见闻…
|vo_07_03_title_t        = 感興趣的見聞…
|vo_07_03_subtitle       = Interesting Things
|vo_07_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Interesting Things.ogg
|vo_07_03_tx_s           = 
|vo_07_03_tx_t           = 
|vo_07_03_rm             = 

<!-- About Others -->
|vo_08_01_title_s        = 关于…
|vo_08_01_title_t        = 關於…
|vo_08_01_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_01_friendship     = 
|vo_08_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_01_tx_s           = 
|vo_08_01_tx_t           = 
|vo_08_01_rm             = 

|vo_08_02_title_s        = 关于…
|vo_08_02_title_t        = 關於…
|vo_08_02_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_02_friendship     = 
|vo_08_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_02_tx_s           = 
|vo_08_02_tx_t           = 
|vo_08_02_rm             = 

|vo_08_03_title_s        = 关于…
|vo_08_03_title_t        = 關於…
|vo_08_03_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_03_friendship     = 
|vo_08_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_03_tx_s           = 
|vo_08_03_tx_t           = 
|vo_08_03_rm             = 

|vo_08_04_title_s        = 关于…
|vo_08_04_title_t        = 關於…
|vo_08_04_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_04_friendship     = 
|vo_08_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_04_tx_s           = 
|vo_08_04_tx_t           = 
|vo_08_04_rm             = 

|vo_08_05_title_s        = 关于…
|vo_08_05_title_t        = 關於…
|vo_08_05_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_05_friendship     = 
|vo_08_05_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_05_tx_s           = 
|vo_08_05_tx_t           = 
|vo_08_05_rm             = 

|vo_08_06_title_s        = 关于…
|vo_08_06_title_t        = 關於…
|vo_08_06_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_06_friendship     = 
|vo_08_06_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_06_tx_s           = 
|vo_08_06_tx_t           = 
|vo_08_06_rm             = 

|vo_08_07_title_s        = 关于…
|vo_08_07_title_t        = 關於…
|vo_08_07_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_07_friendship     = 
|vo_08_07_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_07_tx_s           = 
|vo_08_07_tx_t           = 
|vo_08_07_rm             = 

|vo_08_08_title_s        = 关于…
|vo_08_08_title_t        = 關於…
|vo_08_08_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_08_friendship     = 
|vo_08_08_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_08_tx_s           = 
|vo_08_08_tx_t           = 
|vo_08_08_rm             = 

|vo_08_09_title_s        = 关于…
|vo_08_09_title_t        = 關於…
|vo_08_09_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_09_friendship     = 
|vo_08_09_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_09_tx_s           = 
|vo_08_09_tx_t           = 
|vo_08_09_rm             = 

|vo_08_10_title_s        = 关于…
|vo_08_10_title_t        = 關於…
|vo_08_10_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_10_friendship     = 
|vo_08_10_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_10_tx_s           = 
|vo_08_10_tx_t           = 
|vo_08_10_rm             = 

|vo_08_11_title_s        = 关于…
|vo_08_11_title_t        = 關於…
|vo_08_11_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_11_friendship     = 
|vo_08_11_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_11_tx_s           = 
|vo_08_11_tx_t           = 
|vo_08_11_rm             = 

|vo_08_12_title_s        = 关于…
|vo_08_12_title_t        = 關於…
|vo_08_12_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_12_friendship     = 
|vo_08_12_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_12_tx_s           = 
|vo_08_12_tx_t           = 
|vo_08_12_rm             = 

<!-- More About -->
|vo_09_01_title_s        = 想要了解{name_s}・其一
|vo_09_01_title_t        = 想要瞭解{name_t}・其一
|vo_09_01_subtitle       = More About {character}: I
|vo_09_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} More About {character} - 01.ogg
|vo_09_01_tx_s           = 
|vo_09_01_tx_t           = 
|vo_09_01_rm             = 

|vo_09_02_title_s        = 想要了解{name_s}・其二
|vo_09_02_title_t        = 想要瞭解{name_t}・其二
|vo_09_02_subtitle       = More About {character}: II
|vo_09_02_friendship     = 3
|vo_09_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} More About {character} - 02.ogg
|vo_09_02_tx_s           = 
|vo_09_02_tx_t           = 
|vo_09_02_rm             = 

|vo_09_03_title_s        = 想要了解{name_s}・其三
|vo_09_03_title_t        = 想要瞭解{name_t}・其二
|vo_09_03_subtitle       = More About {character}: III
|vo_09_03_friendship     = 4
|vo_09_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} More About {character} - 03.ogg
|vo_09_03_tx_s           = 
|vo_09_03_tx_t           = 
|vo_09_03_rm             = 

|vo_09_04_title_s        = 想要了解{name_s}・其四
|vo_09_04_title_t        = 想要瞭解{name_t}・其四
|vo_09_04_subtitle       = More About {character}: IV
|vo_09_04_friendship     = 5
|vo_09_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} More About {character} - 04.ogg
|vo_09_04_tx_s           = 
|vo_09_04_tx_t           = 
|vo_09_04_rm             = 

|vo_09_05_title_s        = 想要了解{name_s}・其五
|vo_09_05_title_t        = 想要瞭解{name_t}・其五
|vo_09_05_subtitle       = More About {character}: V
|vo_09_05_friendship     = 6
|vo_09_05_file           = VO_{language}{character} More About {character} - 05.ogg
|vo_09_05_tx_s           = 
|vo_09_05_tx_t           = 
|vo_09_05_rm             = 

<!-- Miscellany II -->
|vo_10_01_title_s        = {name_s}的爱好…
|vo_10_01_title_t        = {name_t}的愛好…
|vo_10_01_subtitle       = {character}'s Hobbies
|vo_10_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Hobbies.ogg
|vo_10_01_tx_s           = 
|vo_10_01_tx_t           = 
|vo_10_01_rm             = 

|vo_10_02_title_s        = {name_s}的烦恼…
|vo_10_02_title_t        = {name_t}的煩惱…
|vo_10_02_subtitle       = {character}'s Troubles
|vo_10_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Troubles.ogg
|vo_10_02_tx_s           = 
|vo_10_02_tx_t           = 
|vo_10_02_rm             = 

|vo_10_03_title_s        = 喜欢的食物…
|vo_10_03_title_t        = 喜歡的食物…
|vo_10_03_subtitle       = Favorite Food
|vo_10_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Favorite Food.ogg
|vo_10_03_tx_s           = 
|vo_10_03_tx_t           = 
|vo_10_03_rm             = 

|vo_10_04_title_s        = 讨厌的食物…
|vo_10_04_title_t        = 討厭的食物…
|vo_10_04_subtitle       = Least Favorite Food
|vo_10_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} Least Favorite Food.ogg
|vo_10_04_tx_s           = 
|vo_10_04_tx_t           = 
|vo_10_04_rm             = 

<!-- Receiving a Gift -->
|vo_11_01_title_s        = 收到赠礼・其一
|vo_11_01_title_t        = 收到贈禮・其一
|vo_11_01_subtitle       = Receiving a Gift: I
|vo_11_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Receiving a Gift 01.ogg
|vo_11_01_tx_s           = 
|vo_11_01_tx_t           = 
|vo_11_01_rm             = 

|vo_11_02_title_s        = 收到赠礼・其二
|vo_11_02_title_t        = 收到贈禮・其二
|vo_11_02_subtitle       = Receiving a Gift: II
|vo_11_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Receiving a Gift 02.ogg
|vo_11_02_tx_s           = 
|vo_11_02_tx_t           = 
|vo_11_02_rm             = 

|vo_11_03_title_s        = 收到赠礼・其三
|vo_11_03_title_t        = 收到贈禮・其三
|vo_11_03_subtitle       = Receiving a Gift: III
|vo_11_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Receiving a Gift 03.ogg
|vo_11_03_tx_s           = 
|vo_11_03_tx_t           = 
|vo_11_03_rm             = 

<!-- Birthday -->
|vo_12_01_title_s        = 生日…
|vo_12_01_title_t        = 生日…
|vo_12_01_subtitle       = Birthday
|vo_12_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Birthday.ogg
|vo_12_01_tx_s           = 
|vo_12_01_tx_t           = 
|vo_12_01_rm             = 

<!-- Feelings About Ascension -->
|vo_13_01_title_s        = 突破的感受・起
|vo_13_01_title_t        = 突破的感受・起
|vo_13_01_subtitle       = Feelings About Ascension: Intro
|vo_13_01_ascension      = 1
|vo_13_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Feelings About Ascension - 01.ogg
|vo_13_01_tx_s           = 
|vo_13_01_tx_t           = 
|vo_13_01_rm             = 

|vo_13_02_title_s        = 突破的感受・承
|vo_13_02_title_t        = 突破的感受・承
|vo_13_02_subtitle       = Feelings About Ascension: Building Up
|vo_13_02_ascension      = 2
|vo_13_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Feelings About Ascension - 02.ogg
|vo_13_02_tx_s           = 
|vo_13_02_tx_t           = 
|vo_13_02_rm             = 

|vo_13_03_title_s        = 突破的感受・转
|vo_13_03_title_t        = 突破的感受・轉
|vo_13_03_subtitle       = Feelings About Ascension: Climax
|vo_13_03_ascension      = 4
|vo_13_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Feelings About Ascension - 03.ogg
|vo_13_03_tx_s           = 
|vo_13_03_tx_t           = 
|vo_13_03_rm             = 

|vo_13_04_title_s        = 突破的感受・合
|vo_13_04_title_t        = 突破的感受・合
|vo_13_04_subtitle       = Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
|vo_13_04_ascension      = 6
|vo_13_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} Feelings About Ascension - 04.ogg
|vo_13_04_tx_s           = 
|vo_13_04_tx_t           = 
|vo_13_04_rm             = 

Japanese Story

|character               = {{subst:ROOTPAGENAME}}
|language                = ja
|name                    = 

<!-- Hello -->
|vo_01_01_title          = 初めまして…
|vo_01_01_subtitle       = Hello
|vo_01_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Hello.ogg
|vo_01_01_tx             = 
|vo_01_01_rm             = 

<!-- Chats -->
|vo_02_01_title          = 世間話・
|vo_02_01_subtitle       = Chat:
|vo_02_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Chat - .ogg
|vo_02_01_tx             = 
|vo_02_01_rm             = 

|vo_02_02_title          = 世間話・
|vo_02_02_subtitle       = Chat:
|vo_02_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Chat - .ogg
|vo_02_02_tx             = 
|vo_02_02_rm             = 

|vo_02_03_title          = 世間話・
|vo_02_03_subtitle       = Chat:
|vo_02_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Chat - .ogg
|vo_02_03_tx             = 
|vo_02_03_rm             = 

|vo_02_04_title          = 世間話・
|vo_02_04_subtitle       = Chat:
|vo_02_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} Chat - .ogg
|vo_02_04_tx             = 
|vo_02_04_rm             = 

<!-- Weather -->
|vo_03_01_title          = 
|vo_03_01_subtitle       = 
|vo_03_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_01_tx             = 
|vo_03_01_rm             = 

|vo_03_02_title          = 
|vo_03_02_subtitle       = 
|vo_03_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_02_tx             = 
|vo_03_02_rm             = 

|vo_03_03_title          = 
|vo_03_03_subtitle       = 
|vo_03_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_03_tx             = 
|vo_03_03_rm             = 

|vo_03_04_title          = 
|vo_03_04_subtitle       = 
|vo_03_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_04_tx             = 
|vo_03_04_rm             = 

|vo_03_05_title          = 
|vo_03_05_subtitle       = 
|vo_03_05_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_05_tx             = 
|vo_03_05_rm             = 

|vo_03_06_title          = 
|vo_03_06_subtitle       = 
|vo_03_06_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_06_tx             = 
|vo_03_06_rm             = 

<!-- Greetings -->
|vo_04_01_title          = おはよう…
|vo_04_01_subtitle       = Good Morning
|vo_04_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Good Morning.ogg
|vo_04_01_tx             = 
|vo_04_01_rm             = 

|vo_04_02_title          = こんにちは…
|vo_04_02_subtitle       = Good Afternoon
|vo_04_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Good Afternoon.ogg
|vo_04_02_tx             = 
|vo_04_02_rm             = 

|vo_04_03_title          = こんばんは…
|vo_04_03_subtitle       = Good Evening
|vo_04_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Good Evening.ogg
|vo_04_03_tx             = 
|vo_04_03_rm             = 

|vo_04_04_title          = おやすみ…
|vo_04_04_subtitle       = Good Night
|vo_04_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} Good Night.ogg
|vo_04_04_tx             = 
|vo_04_04_rm             = 

<!-- About -->
|vo_05_01_title          = {name}自身について…
|vo_05_01_subtitle       = About {character}
|vo_05_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} About {character}.ogg
|vo_05_01_tx             = 
|vo_05_01_rm             = 

|vo_05_02_title          = {name}自身について・
|vo_05_02_subtitle       = About {character}:
|vo_05_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} About {character} - .ogg
|vo_05_02_tx             = 
|vo_05_02_rm             = 

|vo_05_03_title          = {name}自身について・
|vo_05_03_subtitle       = About {character}:
|vo_05_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} About {character} - .ogg
|vo_05_03_tx             = 
|vo_05_03_rm             = 

|vo_05_04_title          = {name}自身について・
|vo_05_04_subtitle       = About {character}:
|vo_05_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} About {character} - .ogg
|vo_05_04_tx             = 
|vo_05_04_rm             = 

<!-- About Us -->
|vo_06_01_title          = について…
|vo_06_01_subtitle       = About Us:
|vo_06_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} About Us - .ogg
|vo_06_01_tx             = 
|vo_06_01_rm             = 

|vo_06_02_title          = について…
|vo_06_02_subtitle       = About Us:
|vo_06_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} About Us - .ogg
|vo_06_02_tx             = 
|vo_06_02_rm             = 

|vo_06_03_title          = について…
|vo_06_03_subtitle       = About Us:
|vo_06_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} About Us - .ogg
|vo_06_03_tx             = 
|vo_06_03_rm             = 

|vo_06_04_title          = について…
|vo_06_04_subtitle       = About Us:
|vo_06_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} About Us - .ogg
|vo_06_04_tx             = 
|vo_06_04_rm             = 

<!-- Miscellany I -->
|vo_07_01_title          = 「神の目」について…
|vo_07_01_subtitle       = About the [[Vision]]
|vo_07_01_friendship     = 4
|vo_07_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} About the Vision.ogg
|vo_07_01_tx             = 
|vo_07_01_rm             = 

|vo_07_02_title          = シェアしたいこと…
|vo_07_02_subtitle       = Something to Share
|vo_07_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Something to Share.ogg
|vo_07_02_tx             = 
|vo_07_02_rm             = 

|vo_07_03_title          = 興味のあること…
|vo_07_03_subtitle       = Interesting Things
|vo_07_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Interesting Things.ogg
|vo_07_03_tx             = 
|vo_07_03_rm             = 

<!-- About Others -->
|vo_08_01_title          = について…
|vo_08_01_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_01_friendship     = 
|vo_08_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_01_tx             = 
|vo_08_01_rm             = 

|vo_08_02_title          = について…
|vo_08_02_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_02_friendship     = 
|vo_08_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_02_tx             = 
|vo_08_02_rm             = 

|vo_08_03_title          = について…
|vo_08_03_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_03_friendship     = 
|vo_08_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_03_tx             = 
|vo_08_03_rm             = 

|vo_08_04_title          = について…
|vo_08_04_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_04_friendship     = 
|vo_08_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_04_tx             = 
|vo_08_04_rm             = 

|vo_08_05_title          = について…
|vo_08_05_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_05_friendship     = 
|vo_08_05_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_05_tx             = 
|vo_08_05_rm             = 

|vo_08_06_title          = について…
|vo_08_06_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_06_friendship     = 
|vo_08_06_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_06_tx             = 
|vo_08_06_rm             = 

|vo_08_07_title          = について…
|vo_08_07_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_07_friendship     = 
|vo_08_07_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_07_tx             = 
|vo_08_07_rm             = 

|vo_08_08_title          = について…
|vo_08_08_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_08_friendship     = 
|vo_08_08_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_08_tx             = 
|vo_08_08_rm             = 

|vo_08_09_title          = について…
|vo_08_09_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_09_friendship     = 
|vo_08_09_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_09_tx             = 
|vo_08_09_rm             = 

|vo_08_10_title          = について…
|vo_08_10_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_10_friendship     = 
|vo_08_10_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_10_tx             = 
|vo_08_10_rm             = 

|vo_08_11_title          = について…
|vo_08_11_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_11_friendship     = 
|vo_08_11_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_11_tx             = 
|vo_08_11_rm             = 

|vo_08_12_title          = について…
|vo_08_12_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_12_friendship     = 
|vo_08_12_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_12_tx             = 
|vo_08_12_rm             = 

<!-- More About -->
|vo_09_01_title          = {name}を知る・1
|vo_09_01_subtitle       = More About {character}: I
|vo_09_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} More About {character} - 01.ogg
|vo_09_01_tx             = 
|vo_09_01_rm             = 

|vo_09_02_title          = {name}を知る・2
|vo_09_02_subtitle       = More About {character}: II
|vo_09_02_friendship     = 3
|vo_09_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} More About {character} - 02.ogg
|vo_09_02_tx             = 
|vo_09_02_rm             = 

|vo_09_03_title          = {name}を知る・3
|vo_09_03_subtitle       = More About {character}: III
|vo_09_03_friendship     = 4
|vo_09_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} More About {character} - 03.ogg
|vo_09_03_tx             = 
|vo_09_03_rm             = 

|vo_09_04_title          = {name}を知る・4
|vo_09_04_subtitle       = More About {character}: IV
|vo_09_04_friendship     = 5
|vo_09_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} More About {character} - 04.ogg
|vo_09_04_tx             = 
|vo_09_04_rm             = 

|vo_09_05_title          = {name}を知る・5
|vo_09_05_subtitle       = More About {character}: V
|vo_09_05_friendship     = 6
|vo_09_05_file           = VO_{language}{character} More About {character} - 05.ogg
|vo_09_05_tx             = 
|vo_09_05_rm             = 

<!-- Miscellany II -->
|vo_10_01_title          = {name}の趣味…
|vo_10_01_subtitle       = {character}'s Hobbies
|vo_10_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Hobbies.ogg
|vo_10_01_tx             = 
|vo_10_01_rm             = 

|vo_10_02_title          = {name}の悩み…
|vo_10_02_subtitle       = {character}'s Troubles
|vo_10_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Troubles.ogg
|vo_10_02_tx             = 
|vo_10_02_rm             = 

|vo_10_03_title          = 好きな食べ物…
|vo_10_03_subtitle       = Favorite Food
|vo_10_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Favorite Food.ogg
|vo_10_03_tx             = 
|vo_10_03_rm             = 

|vo_10_04_title          = 嫌いな食べ物…
|vo_10_04_subtitle       = Least Favorite Food
|vo_10_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} Least Favorite Food.ogg
|vo_10_04_tx             = 
|vo_10_04_rm             = 

<!-- Receiving a Gift -->
|vo_11_01_title          = 贈り物を受け取る・1
|vo_11_01_subtitle       = Receiving a Gift: I
|vo_11_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Receiving a Gift 01.ogg
|vo_11_01_tx             = 
|vo_11_01_rm             = 

|vo_11_02_title          = 贈り物を受け取る・2
|vo_11_02_subtitle       = Receiving a Gift: I
|vo_11_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Receiving a Gift 02.ogg
|vo_11_02_tx             = 
|vo_11_02_rm             = 

|vo_11_03_title          = 贈り物を受け取る・3
|vo_11_03_subtitle       = Receiving a Gift: I
|vo_11_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Receiving a Gift 03.ogg
|vo_11_03_tx             = 
|vo_11_03_rm             = 

<!-- Birthday -->
|vo_12_01_title          = 誕生日…
|vo_12_01_subtitle       = Birthday
|vo_12_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Birthday.ogg
|vo_12_01_tx             = 
|vo_12_01_rm             = 

<!-- Feelings About Ascension -->
|vo_13_01_title          = 突破した感想・起
|vo_13_01_subtitle       = Feelings About Ascension: Intro
|vo_13_01_ascension      = 1
|vo_13_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Feelings About Ascension - 01.ogg
|vo_13_01_tx             = 
|vo_13_01_rm             = 

|vo_13_02_title          = 突破した感想・承
|vo_13_02_subtitle       = Feelings About Ascension: Building Up
|vo_13_02_ascension      = 2
|vo_13_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Feelings About Ascension - 02.ogg
|vo_13_02_tx             = 
|vo_13_02_rm             = 

|vo_13_03_title          = 突破した感想・転
|vo_13_03_subtitle       = Feelings About Ascension: Climax
|vo_13_03_ascension      = 4
|vo_13_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Feelings About Ascension - 03.ogg
|vo_13_03_tx             = 
|vo_13_03_rm             = 

|vo_13_04_title          = 突破した感想・結
|vo_13_04_subtitle       = Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
|vo_13_04_ascension      = 6
|vo_13_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} Feelings About Ascension - 04.ogg
|vo_13_04_tx             = 
|vo_13_04_rm             = 

Korean Story

|character               = {{subst:ROOTPAGENAME}}
|language                = ko
|name                    = 

<!-- Hello -->
|vo_01_01_title          = 첫 만남…
|vo_01_01_subtitle       = Hello
|vo_01_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Hello.ogg
|vo_01_01_tx             = 
|vo_01_01_rm             = 

<!-- Chats -->
|vo_02_01_title          = 잡담・
|vo_02_01_subtitle       = Chat:
|vo_02_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Chat - .ogg
|vo_02_01_tx             = 
|vo_02_01_rm             = 

|vo_02_02_title          = 잡담・
|vo_02_02_subtitle       = Chat:
|vo_02_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Chat - .ogg
|vo_02_02_tx             = 
|vo_02_02_rm             = 

|vo_02_03_title          = 잡담・
|vo_02_03_subtitle       = Chat:
|vo_02_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Chat - .ogg
|vo_02_03_tx             = 
|vo_02_03_rm             = 

|vo_02_04_title          = 잡담・
|vo_02_04_subtitle       = Chat:
|vo_02_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} Chat - .ogg
|vo_02_04_tx             = 
|vo_02_04_rm             = 

<!-- Weather -->
|vo_03_01_title          = 
|vo_03_01_subtitle       = 
|vo_03_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_01_tx             = 
|vo_03_01_rm             = 

|vo_03_02_title          = 
|vo_03_02_subtitle       = 
|vo_03_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_02_tx             = 
|vo_03_02_rm             = 

|vo_03_03_title          = 
|vo_03_03_subtitle       = 
|vo_03_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_03_tx             = 
|vo_03_03_rm             = 
|vo_03_04_title          = 
|vo_03_04_subtitle       = 
|vo_03_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_04_tx             = 
|vo_03_04_rm             = 

|vo_03_05_title          = 
|vo_03_05_subtitle       = 
|vo_03_05_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_05_tx             = 
|vo_03_05_rm             = 

|vo_03_06_title          = 
|vo_03_06_subtitle       = 
|vo_03_06_file           = VO_{language}{character} .ogg
|vo_03_06_tx             = 
|vo_03_06_rm             = 

<!-- Greetings -->
|vo_04_01_title          = 아침 인사…
|vo_04_01_subtitle       = Good Morning
|vo_04_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Good Morning.ogg
|vo_04_01_tx             = 
|vo_04_01_rm             = 

|vo_04_02_title          = 점심 인사…
|vo_04_02_subtitle       = Good Afternoon
|vo_04_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Good Afternoon.ogg
|vo_04_02_tx             = 
|vo_04_02_rm             = 

|vo_04_03_title          = 저녁 인사…
|vo_04_03_subtitle       = Good Evening
|vo_04_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Good Evening.ogg
|vo_04_03_tx             = 
|vo_04_03_rm             = 

|vo_04_04_title          = 굿나잇…
|vo_04_04_subtitle       = Good Night
|vo_04_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} Good Night.ogg
|vo_04_04_tx             = 
|vo_04_04_rm             = 

<!-- About -->
|vo_05_01_title          = {name} 자신에 대해…
|vo_05_01_subtitle       = About {character}
|vo_05_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} About {character}.ogg
|vo_05_01_tx             = 
|vo_05_01_rm             = 

|vo_05_02_title          = {name} 자신에 대해・
|vo_05_02_subtitle       = About {character}:
|vo_05_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} About {character} - .ogg
|vo_05_02_tx             = 
|vo_05_02_rm             = 

|vo_05_03_title          = {name} 자신에 대해・
|vo_05_03_subtitle       = About {character}:
|vo_05_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} About {character} - .ogg
|vo_05_03_tx             = 
|vo_05_03_rm             = 

|vo_05_04_title          = {name} 자신에 대해・
|vo_05_04_subtitle       = About {character}:
|vo_05_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} About {character} - .ogg
|vo_05_04_tx             = 
|vo_05_04_rm             = 

<!-- About Us -->
|vo_06_01_title          = 우리에 대해・
|vo_06_01_subtitle       = About Us:
|vo_06_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} About Us - .ogg
|vo_06_01_tx             = 
|vo_06_01_rm             = 

|vo_06_02_title          = 우리에 대해・
|vo_06_02_subtitle       = About Us:
|vo_06_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} About Us - .ogg
|vo_06_02_tx             = 
|vo_06_02_rm             = 

|vo_06_03_title          = 우리에 대해・
|vo_06_03_subtitle       = About Us:
|vo_06_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} About Us - .ogg
|vo_06_03_tx             = 
|vo_06_03_rm             = 

|vo_06_04_title          = 우리에 대해・
|vo_06_04_subtitle       = About Us:
|vo_06_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} About Us - .ogg
|vo_06_04_tx             = 
|vo_06_04_rm             = 

<!-- Miscellany I -->
|vo_07_01_title          = 「신의 눈」에 대해…
|vo_07_01_subtitle       = About the [[Vision]]
|vo_07_01_friendship     = 4
|vo_07_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} About the Vision.ogg
|vo_07_01_tx             = 
|vo_07_01_rm             = 

|vo_07_02_title          = 하고 싶은 이야기…
|vo_07_02_subtitle       = Something to Share
|vo_07_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Something to Share.ogg
|vo_07_02_tx             = 
|vo_07_02_rm             = 

|vo_07_03_title          = 흥미있는 일…
|vo_07_03_subtitle       = Interesting Things
|vo_07_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Interesting Things.ogg
|vo_07_03_tx             = 
|vo_07_03_rm             = 

<!-- About Others -->
|vo_08_01_title          = 에 대해…
|vo_08_01_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_01_friendship     = 
|vo_08_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_01_tx             = 
|vo_08_01_rm             = 

|vo_08_02_title          = 에 대해…
|vo_08_02_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_02_friendship     = 
|vo_08_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_02_tx             = 
|vo_08_02_rm             = 

|vo_08_03_title          = 에 대해…
|vo_08_03_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_03_friendship     = 
|vo_08_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_03_tx             = 
|vo_08_03_rm             = 

|vo_08_04_title          = 에 대해…
|vo_08_04_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_04_friendship     = 
|vo_08_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_04_tx             = 
|vo_08_04_rm             = 

|vo_08_05_title          = 에 대해…
|vo_08_05_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_05_friendship     = 
|vo_08_05_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_05_tx             = 
|vo_08_05_rm             = 

|vo_08_06_title          = 에 대해…
|vo_08_06_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_06_friendship     = 
|vo_08_06_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_06_tx             = 
|vo_08_06_rm             = 

|vo_08_07_title          = 에 대해…
|vo_08_07_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_07_friendship     = 
|vo_08_07_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_07_tx             = 
|vo_08_07_rm             = 

|vo_08_08_title          = 에 대해…
|vo_08_08_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_08_friendship     = 
|vo_08_08_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_08_tx             = 
|vo_08_08_rm             = 

|vo_08_09_title          = 에 대해…
|vo_08_09_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_09_friendship     = 
|vo_08_09_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_09_tx             = 
|vo_08_09_rm             = 

|vo_08_10_title          = 에 대해…
|vo_08_10_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_10_friendship     = 
|vo_08_10_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_10_tx             = 
|vo_08_10_rm             = 

|vo_08_11_title          = 에 대해…
|vo_08_11_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_11_friendship     = 
|vo_08_11_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_11_tx             = 
|vo_08_11_rm             = 

|vo_08_12_title          = 에 대해…
|vo_08_12_subtitle       = About [[]]
|vo_08_12_friendship     = 
|vo_08_12_file           = VO_{language}{character} About .ogg
|vo_08_12_tx             = 
|vo_08_12_rm             = 

<!-- More About -->
|vo_09_01_title          = {name}에 대해 알기・첫 번째
|vo_09_01_subtitle       = More About {character}: I
|vo_09_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} More About {character} - 01.ogg
|vo_09_01_tx             = 
|vo_09_01_rm             = 

|vo_09_02_title          = {name}에 대해 알기・두 번째
|vo_09_02_subtitle       = More About {character}: II
|vo_09_02_friendship     = 3
|vo_09_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} More About {character} - 02.ogg
|vo_09_02_tx             = 
|vo_09_02_rm             = 

|vo_09_03_title          = {name}에 대해 알기・세 번째
|vo_09_03_subtitle       = More About {character}: III
|vo_09_03_friendship     = 4
|vo_09_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} More About {character} - 03.ogg
|vo_09_03_tx             = 
|vo_09_03_rm             = 

|vo_09_04_title          = {name}에 대해 알기・네 번째
|vo_09_04_subtitle       = More About {character}: IV
|vo_09_04_friendship     = 5
|vo_09_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} More About {character} - 04.ogg
|vo_09_04_tx             = 
|vo_09_04_rm             = 

|vo_09_05_title          = {name}에 대해 알기・다섯 번째
|vo_09_05_subtitle       = More About {character}: V
|vo_09_05_friendship     = 6
|vo_09_05_file           = VO_{language}{character} More About {character} - 05.ogg
|vo_09_05_tx             = 
|vo_09_05_rm             = 

<!-- Miscellany II -->
|vo_10_01_title          = {name}의 취미…
|vo_10_01_subtitle       = {character}'s Hobbies
|vo_10_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Hobbies.ogg
|vo_10_01_tx             = 
|vo_10_01_rm             = 

|vo_10_02_title          = {name}의 고민…
|vo_10_02_subtitle       = {character}'s Troubles
|vo_10_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Troubles.ogg
|vo_10_02_tx             = 
|vo_10_02_rm             = 

|vo_10_03_title          = 좋아하는 음식…
|vo_10_03_subtitle       = Favorite Food
|vo_10_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Favorite Food.ogg
|vo_10_03_tx             = 
|vo_10_03_rm             = 

|vo_10_04_title          = 싫어하는 음식…
|vo_10_04_subtitle       = Least Favorite Food
|vo_10_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} Least Favorite Food.ogg
|vo_10_04_tx             = 
|vo_10_04_rm             = 

<!-- Receiving a Gift -->
|vo_11_01_title          = 선물 획득・첫 번째
|vo_11_01_subtitle       = Receiving a Gift: I
|vo_11_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Receiving a Gift 01.ogg
|vo_11_01_tx             = 
|vo_11_01_rm             = 

|vo_11_02_title          = 선물 획득・두 번째
|vo_11_02_subtitle       = Receiving a Gift: II
|vo_11_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Receiving a Gift 02.ogg
|vo_11_02_tx             = 
|vo_11_02_rm             = 

|vo_11_03_title          = 선물 획득・세 번째
|vo_11_03_subtitle       = Receiving a Gift: III
|vo_11_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Receiving a Gift 03.ogg
|vo_11_03_tx             = 
|vo_11_03_rm             = 

<!-- Birthday -->
|vo_12_01_title          = 생일…
|vo_12_01_subtitle       = Birthday
|vo_12_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Birthday.ogg
|vo_12_01_tx             = 
|vo_12_01_rm             = 

<!-- Feelings About Ascension -->
|vo_13_01_title          = 돌파의 느낌・기
|vo_13_01_subtitle       = Feelings About Ascension: Intro
|vo_13_01_ascension      = 1
|vo_13_01_file           = VO_{language}{character} Feelings About Ascension - 01.ogg
|vo_13_01_tx             = 
|vo_13_01_rm             = 

|vo_13_02_title          = 돌파의 느낌・승
|vo_13_02_subtitle       = Feelings About Ascension: Building Up
|vo_13_02_ascension      = 2
|vo_13_02_file           = VO_{language}{character} Feelings About Ascension - 02.ogg
|vo_13_02_tx             = 
|vo_13_02_rm             = 

|vo_13_03_title          = 돌파의 느낌・전
|vo_13_03_subtitle       = Feelings About Ascension: Climax
|vo_13_03_ascension      = 4
|vo_13_03_file           = VO_{language}{character} Feelings About Ascension - 03.ogg
|vo_13_03_tx             = 
|vo_13_03_rm             = 

|vo_13_04_title          = 돌파의 느낌・결
|vo_13_04_subtitle       = Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
|vo_13_04_ascension      = 6
|vo_13_04_file           = VO_{language}{character} Feelings About Ascension - 04.ogg
|vo_13_04_tx             = 
|vo_13_04_rm             = 

No description.

Template parameters

This template has custom formatting.

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