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Storytelling Method is a World Quest in Inazuma. It is immediately available upon the completion of the commissions This Novel... Seems Familiar? and This Novel Seems... Problematic?

Start Location[]


  1. Talk to Junkichi
  2. Get a feel for Junkichi's story
  3. Report to Junkichi

Gameplay Notes[]


UI Quest Quest Description

Junkichi seems to be struggling with his writing again...
(Talk to Junkichi or Shigeru)
Junkichi: ...So this is the structure I have in mind this time.
Junkichi: The supremely-skilled ninja uses all sorts of abilities to infiltrate the enemy fortress and retrieve the required intel in secret...
Shigeru: *sigh* And how many "abilities" are you going to give this ninja this time?
Junkichi: Th—That, uh, might depend on the situation?
Shigeru: Right. So you haven't thought about it, then.
Junkichi: I mean, it's fine! I mean, if you lock down all the narrative devices ahead of time, there's nowhere to adapt from there, right?
Shigeru: Oh, here you go again. If you had these devices locked in beforehand, your writing wouldn't go all over the shop!
Junkichi: I—I have my own creative methods, alright? The story should put its narrative first. How can it be shackled by these devices?
Shigeru: That's just irresponsible, you...
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you two arguing about?
Junkichi: Oh, its you! I was just thinking about to structure a novel about a ninja.
Junkichi: But Shigeru's criticizing the structures that I came up with again...
Shigeru: I'm not saying that what you've come up with is bad, per se. I'm just asking you to put your narrative devices in place first before you start writing...
Junkichi: No, no... I'm not going to list them all down and structure the narrative around them. That's just too staid!
Junkichi: The narrative is the most important thing in the novel, which everything else revolves around, even the setting and narrative devices...
Shigeru: You...
Junkichi: I...
Icon Dialogue Talk Alright, cut it out.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's call a halt to this real quick, shall we?
Shigeru: Forget it, you're not going to listen to me anyway...
Junkichi: I'm sticking to my creative principles no matter what you say.
Shigeru: *sigh* ...You know what, Traveler? Since you're here, why don't you be the judge?
Icon Dialogue Talk And how am I supposed to judge...
Icon Dialogue Talk Am I supposed to read his novel right here and now?
Shigeru: Uh, no, you just need to listen to Junkichi tell us the structure of this new narrative passage he's dreamed up.
Shigeru: After that, just use your judgment and think about how his ninja would act.
Shigeru: That way, Junkichi should get the feedback he needs about what happens when he just writes his story willy-nilly.
Junkichi: Hmph, sure. Well, Traveler, we're counting on you.
Junkichi: I'll narrate the story for you. Just act according to what you think is natural.
Junkichi: Let's show Shigeru how awesome a story unbound by these... narrative devices can be!
Shigeru: You...
Junkichi: I...
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's just start...
Icon Dialogue Talk This creativity business sure is tiring...
Junkichi: Well, let's begin, Traveler.
Junkichi: So, as I was writing, this ninja is entering the enemy fortress solo, preparing to steal critical intelligence.
Junkichi: Hehe, Traveler, are you ready to play the stealthy ninja?
Junkichi: Having made all the necessary preparations, the ninja infiltrates the fortress stealthily...
(The player is teleported into the domain)

(If the player goes backward and explores the first room)
Junkichi: The ninja, being very vigilant, scouts the area thoroughly before acting... and he finds nothing out of place.
(Approach the ladder)
Junkichi: After infiltrating the fortress, the ninja prepares to initiate the operation. He is sure that the intelligence was hidden beside a fake tree within the fortress itself...
(Approach the breakable planks)
Perhaps the ground here can be broken with a Plunging Attack...
(Break the planks and drop down)
Junkichi: The ninja discovers guards ahead. The broken wooden planks must've alerted the enemy. The ninja decides to find a way around them...
(If the player goes up the stairs without alerting the enemies)
Junkichi: Using his amazing agility, the ninja passes through this room without alerting anyone... What a brilliant move!
(If the player goes up the stairs after defeating the enemies)
Junkichi: And failing that... Then defeating them is still an option!
(If the player goes up the stairs after alerting the enemies without defeating them)
Junkichi: Oh no, the ninja alerts the enemy, and they come in hot pursuit!
(If the player defeats the enemies)
Junkichi: Fortunately, the ninja's... uh, direct combat skills as also very good, and he defeats them all with ease!
(Enter the next room)
Junkichi: Yet another tightly locked room lies ahead, but the ninja adroitly discovers that perhaps the weak wooden flooring might serve as an entry point.
(If the player approaches the window to the room with two enemies)
Junkichi: On the other side of the window, the ninja finds yet another room next door. But he should focus on his mission...
(If the player enters the room with the two enemies)
Junkichi: Wait, what are you doing here... Oh, I guess I can just write that the ninja checks his surroundings to be sure that it's safe...
Shigeru: Maybe the ninja can also look for a few other trinkets while he's at it.
Junkichi: What? I didn't write his character to be like that!
(If the player interacts with the investigation points nearby)
Junkichi: Aha! Vegetables! Guess we shan't leave empty-handed!
Junkichi: I must say that your searching skills are like that of a... uh, a vigilant, professional ninja.
(If the player approaches the room with three Precious Chests)
Junkichi: The next room is full of treasure, but the ninja is unmoved. He is a true professional, and will certainly not deviate to perform some side quest.
(If the player approaches the chest)
Junkichi: Hey! That treasure chest is empty, too, really! Come on, please, can you just follow my outline!?
(If the player opens the chests)
Junkichi: I already said there's nothing inside. I haven't finished thinking yet... Well, never mind. The ninja eventually decides to leave this room.
(Enter the room with the final objective)
Junkichi: This should be where the intel is. The ninja decides to check the fake tree.
(Each time the player approaches a drum for the first time)
Junkichi: It's a fake tree! Or it's clearly a drum! ...Well, whatever. The ninja carefully searches around the drum...
Junkichi: There's nothing around the drum! But the ninja is still quite pleased. At least he now knows that there's... nothing beside the drum...
(If the player approaches the windows of the lit corridor in the final room)
Junkichi: The ninja feels that perhaps his surroundings might hide some unspeakable secret, and so he searches carefully...
Junkichi: But there really is nothing here...
(Approach the final objective)
Junkichi: This should be that fake tree, and the ninja searches carefully...
(Investigate the final objective)
Junkichi: The ninja finds the intel successfully! Now he can return and make his report.
Shigeru: If I might interrupt, what's the intel exactly? Why's it just a box?
Junkichi: I—I haven't finished thinking yet! ...Whatever the case, the ninja has the intel now!
(If the player approaches the exit point shortly after completing final objective)
Junkichi: The ninja checks that he has the box with the intelligence inside it in hand, and he prepares to leave.
(If the player enters the hallway instead of approaching the exit point)‍[exact trigger?]
Junkichi: H—He prepares to leave... Hey, the ninja's leaving to report back. What are you planning to do?
(If the player approaches the room past the exit point after completing the domain)
Junkichi: Oh, come on... The ninja's actions have been discovered by the enemy, and large numbers of them surround him on every side. The ninja believes that it's time to go.
(If the player defeats the enemies)
Junkichi: What? Why do I have to write the ninja as being this good as fighting... The ninja defeated all the enemies...
Junkichi: The ninja gazes upon the foes he has defeated. It's *really* time to leave now...

(After exiting the domain)
Junkichi: Alright, that's a wrap.
Junkichi: I've... never been this tired. Was this story always that complicated...
Shigeru: That's what you get when you don't decide on things early. Without narrative devices to restrain you, the various elements just clash wildly against each other.
Shigeru: When that happens, you'll end up losing control over the plot altogether. You'd exhaust yourself no matter what you were writing.
Junkichi: *sigh* Alright, alright... I've got no strength left to argue with you. Traveler, thanks for your... judgment.
Junkichi: I think I've gained a lot from this...
Junkichi: Take this as a token of my thanks. I'll get to writing again shortly.
Junkichi: Hmm, narrative devices or narrative... Which is more important?


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishStorytelling Method
Gùshì Gòusī Fǎ
Conception Method of a Story
Gùshì Gòusī Fǎ
Monogatari no Kousouhou‍[!][!]
Plot Rules of a Story
Korean스토리 구상법
Seutori Gusang'beop
Story Design Rules
SpanishLa estructura del argumentoThe Structure of the Argument
FrenchStructuration de l'intrigueIntrigue Structuration
RussianМетоды сочинения историй
Metody sochineniya istoriy
Methods of Story Writing
VietnameseCách kể chuyệnStorytelling Method
GermanTipps gegen SchreibblockadeTips Against Writer's Block
IndonesianPembuatan CeritaStory Making
PortugueseEstruturação da HistóriaStructuring of History
TurkishHikaye Anlatma Sanatı
ItalianCome raccontare una storia

Change History[]
