"Shousei" is an open-world NPC that appears in the World Quest Tanuki-Bayashi in the Forest in Series Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual and can be found next to Ioroi afterwards. He cannot be interacted with.
(To be added.)
(To be added.)
Quests and Events[]
World Quests
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | "Shousei" |
Chinese (Simplified) | 「证城」 "Zhèngchéng" |
Chinese (Traditional) | 「證城」 "Zhèngchéng" |
Japanese | 「証城」 "Shousei" |
Korean | 「쇼우세이」 "Syousei" |
Spanish | "Shousei" |
French | Shousei |
Russian | Сёсэй Syosey |
Thai | "Shousei" |
Vietnamese | "Shousei" |
German | „Shousei“ |
Indonesian | "Shousei" |
Portuguese | "Shousei" |
Turkish | "Shousei" |
Italian | Shousei |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.0