Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki
Bow Maintenance...
SenderKujou Sara
Time/Date2024-07-14 (During Version 4.7)

Recently, the Shogunate's Tenryou Commission has commenced a two-week break. I now have some time to dedicate myself to taking care of my bow.

There is an ancient saying in Inazuma that "everything has its own spiritual essence." Masters of archery will instruct their disciples to "channel your conviction into your bow when cleaning and caring for it."

In the past, my conviction was to "live up to the Almighty Shogun's expectations and to do my utmost to protect Inazuma." Now that matters in Inazuma have stabilized, I feel that I need a new conviction, and that is "constant improvement."

Therefore, I need to see you — a respected warrior who grows stronger every moment.

With you present, the conviction I channel into my bow during its care will surely reach impeccable heights.

Please join me while I tend to my war bow. I will be sure to prepare a sumptuous meal to welcome you.
