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Leisurely Chatter is the first part of Xianyun's Story Quest, Grus Serena Chapter: Act I - A Thousand Moonlit Miles.


  1. Go to Mt. Aocang
  2. Go to Yuehai Pavilion to meet Ganyu
  3. Go to Wanmin Restaurant to see Shenhe
  4. Sit and chat
  5. Get ready to eat

Gameplay Notes[]


UI Quest Quest Description

Paimon has a sudden yearning for the quirky stories told by Cloud Retainer. Go to Mt. Aocang to see this adeptus, with whom you are quite familiar.
(Upon obtaining quest)
Media:vo lylq001 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We've been to so many places lately! What do you say we take a day off from adventuring and just find somewhere nice to relax?
Media:vo lylq001 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Let Paimon think, where are some nice places we could go... Oh, why don't we pay Cloud Retainer a visit at Mt. Aocang?
Media:vo lylq001 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: It's been a while since we last saw that illuminated bird! She's always the one popping up out of nowhere and scaring us half to death, so let's surprise her this time!
You and Paimon arrive at Mt. Aocang...
(Approach the pond at Mt. Aocang)
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Here we are! Right outside her place.
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Do you still remember the first time we came here? We even brought offerings and everything.
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: And when we told her that Rex Lapis had been assassinated, she immediately threatened to "squash Liyue Harbor"! Paimon thought she'd be impossible to get along with, but now that we've spent some more time together, she's really not like that at all.
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: We probably don't need to bring any offerings now that we've gotten to know her pretty well, right? Still, Paimon's got some snacks around here somewhere, so if she really wants something, we can just use that!
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Huh? (TravelerTraveler)? Did something catch your eye?
Icon Dialogue Talk Wow, it's...
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't think we've ever seen her before...
Paimon follows your gaze and there, in the middle of the lake, stands an unfamiliar woman.
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Whoa, what a pretty lady! Is she also here to visit Cloud Retainer?
Icon Dialogue Talk It seems like she could also be a powerful adeptus.
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Yeah, you're right... All it takes is one look and you can tell she's someone special! As expected of that bird lady, really. She must have a whole bunch of adepti friends from all over the country!
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Okay, but... If we're both friends of Cloud Retainer, then we're basically friends by association, right? Want to go up to her and say hello?
Icon Dialogue Talk Who knew you were such a social butterfly, Paimon.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll leave the introductions to you!
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Helping you make more connections is a part of Paimon's job as your reliable guide. Paimon's got this!
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: H—Hello!
Media:vo lylq001 2 xianyun 01.ogg ???: ...
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Um... Paimon is Paimon, and this is (TravelerTraveler).
Icon Dialogue Talk (Paimon...!)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Just say everything in a nice, even tone!)
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: A—Ahem... Paimon doesn't think we've met, but we're also friends of Cloud Retainer. May we have the pleasure of learning your name, Madame Adeptus?
Media:vo lylq001 2 xianyun 02.ogg ???: You two...
Media:vo lylq001 2 xianyun 03.ogg ???: What is this tomfoolery? Has this shift in form so clouded your eyes that you no longer recognize one anymore?
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Wait, you're...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Cloud Retainer?
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Huh!? You're the illuminated bird? But you look human! How did that happen?
Media:vo lylq001 2 xianyun 04.ogg Cloud Retainer: Donning human form is scarcely any test of one's abilities. As for your confusion, one merely had no reason to indulge such inclinations before.
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: So uh... you're indulging now because...?
Media:vo lylq001 2 xianyun 05.ogg Cloud Retainer: Well... One has made plans to pay a visit to some disciples at Liyue Harbor. Taking on a human form for such a trip is simply a way to make matters less conspicuous.
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: You, worrying about keeping a low profile? You're the one who likes to pop up out of nowhere all over the place. In fact, Paimon can think of several examples. Like last year, when you suddenly appeared on the top of a roof without any warning, or—‍[is this line conditional upon having done One for the Foodies, Two for the Show?]
Media:vo lylq001 2 xianyun 06.ogg Cloud Retainer: Ahem...
(TravelerTraveler): (It feels like Cloud Retainer has her reasons, but doesn't want to discuss them too openly...)
Icon Dialogue Talk I almost forgot. Paimon brought you some gifts!
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: Hey! Didn't we agree to not bring that up unless she asked?
Media:vo lylq001 2 xianyun 07.ogg Cloud Retainer: Oh? So you have taken care to follow the proper rules of etiquette after all. Most commendable.
Cloud Retainer tries, but fails, to look indifferent as Paimon begrudgingly takes out her snacks...
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: Um... Well, this is all Paimon's got. You don't mind, right...?
Media:vo lylq001 2 xianyun 08.ogg Cloud Retainer: One has never found oneself lacking in basic comforts. On the contrary, it is the gesture that one values above all else. So long as you've shown proper respect and consideration, the quantity or quality of the gift is but a trivial matter.
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: Ahh... That kinda makes Paimon feel a little guilty for trying to keep them for herself. Anyway, where were we before you reminded Paimon about the gifts?
Icon Dialogue Talk Cloud Retainer said that she's going to visit some of her disciples.
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 20.ogg Paimon: Ah, right! So by disciples, you must mean Ganyu and Shenhe! It's also been a while since we last saw them. Maybe we can come too!
Media:vo lylq001 2 xianyun 09.ogg Cloud Retainer: One planned to extend the invitation even if you had not raised the matter yourself. Shenhe and Ganyu should be quite pleased to see you again.
Media:vo lylq001 2 xianyun 10.ogg Cloud Retainer: However... One would first inquire as to the reason behind your visit here. You have cause to seek one's company?
Icon Dialogue Talk No reason in particular.
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 21.ogg Paimon: Yeah, we just found ourselves missing you and wanted to see how you were doing! We were hoping you'd tell us one of your stories. Who knew we'd run into your human form while we were at it...
Media:vo lylq001 2 xianyun 11.ogg Cloud Retainer: Is that so...
Media:vo lylq001 2 xianyun 12.ogg Cloud Retainer: If there are no urgent matters at hand, then let us make haste for Liyue Harbor. Ganyu is likely still working at Yuehai Pavilion, so that shall be our first stop.
Media:vo lylq001 2 paimon 22.ogg Paimon: Sounds great! Then let's all go to Liyue Harbor!
UI Quest Quest Description

You didn't expect to see Cloud Retainer in a human form. She says that she wishes to visit her disciples in Liyue Harbor. Accompnay her on her trip.
(After the cutscene)
Media:vo lylq001 3 xianyun 01.ogg Cloud Retainer: *sigh* Ganyu has been quite busy with work as of late. One can count on one talon the number of times she returns to Mt. Aocang each year.
Media:vo lylq001 3 xianyun 02.ogg Cloud Retainer: Shenhe has also secured employment recently. In her correspondence with me, she wrote that she shall have "no need to return for the foreseeable future."
Media:vo lylq001 3 xianyun 03.ogg Cloud Retainer: Hmph! Did they think one was so easily mollified? One shall investigate everything with one's own eyes, and decide for oneself if their living conditions are satisfactory!
(Investigate the mechanism on the table, optional)
Mechanism on the table: (An elegantly assembled mysterious mechanism. For some reason, it is hard to keep your eyes off of it.)
Mechanism on the table: (It appears to be one of Cloud Retainer's new inventions, but it's hard to tell what it could be used for.)
(Approach Yuehai Pavilion)
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We're almost at Yuehai Pavilion! Hey, do you think Ganyu will be shocked to see Cloud Retainer like this?
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Guess we have no idea if Shenhe and Ganyu have ever seen her in this form before... Wait, where did she go?
Icon Dialogue Talk She's back there.
Icon Dialogue Talk She didn't come with us!
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Why are you just standing there, Cloud Retainer?
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 01.ogg Cloud Retainer: Quietly, now. One shall stay here. You two can go and meet with her.
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Huh? But why? Isn't it better if we all go together?
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 02.ogg Cloud Retainer: Hmph. If one were to proudly proclaim one's presence, Ganyu would surely profess herself otherwise unoccupied and drop everything to attend to one's visit. One fears that would only result in her staying up all night to make up for lost time.
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 03.ogg Cloud Retainer: One does not wish to trouble her. Conversing vicariously via you two shall suffice. Do remember to inquire as to her recent well-being. Again! Do not mention one's presence here.
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Fair enough, makes sense. Alright, then we'll just pass on your regards and—
(Ganyu notices from afar)
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 01.ogg Ganyu: Cloud Retainer?
(Cloud Retainer turns away)
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 04.ogg Cloud Retainer: !!!
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Oh, busted!
Media:vo lylq001 5 huixin 01.ogg Huixin: Is that lady someone you know, Ms. Ganyu?
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 02.ogg Ganyu: She is indeed. I'm sorry, Huixin, but could we delay the upcoming meeting for a little bit? I believe my schedule today is quite full. Although, perhaps I could move some work to later in the evening...
Media:vo lylq001 5 huixin 02.ogg Huixin: Not to worry, Ms. Ganyu. I'll make the necessary arrangements right away.
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 03.ogg Ganyu: Thank you, Huixin.
(Ganyu walks over)
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: It's been a while, Ganyu!
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 04.ogg Ganyu: Greetings. What brings you here today? And Cloud Retainer, too... It's been quite some time since I last saw you in this form.
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 05.ogg Cloud Retainer: You are quite mistaken. One is not acquainted with this Cloud Retainer of whom you speak. One is simply... a mere mortal passerby!
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 05.ogg Ganyu: ...?
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Seems she's not buying it!
Icon Dialogue Talk Ganyu saw right through her!
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 06.ogg Cloud Retainer: Ahem, that was... but a simple test. One did not expect you to be able to recognize one so easily, especially after so many years of only seeing one's other form.
(TravelerTraveler): (Ganyu looks totally bewildered... She's thinking, "Why wouldn't I recognize you...? I used to see you every day... how bad do you think my memory is?")
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 06.ogg Ganyu: But recognizing you is, uh... my responsibility as your disciple.
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 07.ogg Cloud Retainer: Hah, an apt observation.
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 08.ogg Cloud Retainer: One was simply passing by while attending to some important business. One thought it would only be fitting to pay you a visit while in the area.
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Wait, Paimon wasn't aware of any important— Ohh...
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Cloud Retainer's right! We've still got something suuuper important to do, so we can't stay here for too long today.
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 07.ogg Ganyu: Is that so... but it's been so long since we last saw each other...
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 09.ogg Cloud Retainer: One simply desired to see you and had no intention of interrupting your work. A quick conversation should suffice for today — a more involved reunion should wait until you find yourself less occupied.
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 08.ogg Ganyu: I understand. That should be fine...
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 10.ogg Cloud Retainer: While one acknowledges the amount of work that you have to deal with every day, one must also remind you to rest. Though adepti blood flows through your veins, excessive exhaustion will still cause grave harm to your body.
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 11.ogg Cloud Retainer: Ah, it still makes one nostalgic to see you as you are now, respected and independent. When you were young, you oft begged one to cuddle you to sleep when you suffered from nightmares—
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 09.ogg Ganyu: C—Cloud Retainer... Stop!
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 12.ogg Cloud Retainer: Hm, if you insist. We are running short on time regardless, so one will refrain from going into each and every story. Why don't you continue your conversation? One shall simply stand by and listen.
You discuss some of your recent adventures with Ganyu...
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 10.ogg Ganyu: Wow, you've been to so many new places since the last time we spoke. If you ever need anything, please just come find me at Yuehai Pavilion.
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 11.ogg Ganyu: Also... Forgive me for my presumptuousness, Cloud Retainer, but if you plan to continue appearing in this form, don't you think it'd be helpful to adopt a human name?
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 13.ogg Cloud Retainer: A human name? Hmm, you raise a valid point. Considering the sheer extent of one's renown, "Cloud Retainer" is surely too recognizable as a name.
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: You really think so? ...Not that you're NOT famous, or anything, but... THAT famous?
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 14.ogg Cloud Retainer: Hmph, you presume to know the extent of one's illustrious achievements? One would hardly think such a thing to be possible. Nevertheless, Ganyu's advice cannot be ignored. From this point on, when in public occasions, be sure to refer to one as "Xianyun."
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Xianyun?
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 12.ogg Ganyu: Ah, I assume that's a reference to the "Full Record of Pristine Pavilion."
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 13.ogg Ganyu: An adeptus of years past would rise with the clouds and rest with the moon. They were enlightened and wise, free and unfettered. The writer referenced master's name to describe her carefree and spontaneous nature.
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Whoa, that sounds super cool! Paimon feels like only the most powerful of adepti could rise with the clouds and rest with the moon!
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 14.ogg Ganyu: Actually, those lines were originally written to describe Cloud Retainer herself...
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Huh!? Wait, so you're really that powerful?
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 15.ogg Xianyun: And what of it? Did you truly take one to be nothing more than a bird of bigger than average size?
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: N—Not exactly...
Icon Dialogue Talk (Paimon looked away in embarrassment...)
Icon Dialogue Talk (That's totally what Paimon had in mind...)
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 15.ogg Ganyu: To be fair, Cloud Retainer rarely speaks of her past accomplishments. The tales of her past can only be found in ancient texts.
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 16.ogg Ganyu: It is said that once, a long, long time ago, there was a severe drought in Liyue. Left with no choice, many people left their homes, while others spent day and night praying to the adepti.
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 17.ogg Ganyu: Although I did not live through such tragedy, simply reading about it is enough to gain a visceral understanding of all the pain and desperation during that time.
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 18.ogg Ganyu: On top of the drought, a noxious gas also began to spread through the land. If not for Cloud Retainer's efforts, much of Liyue would be nothing more than a barren wasteland today.
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 19.ogg Ganyu: The books had this to say about what happened:
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 20.ogg Ganyu: Upon arrival, the adeptus borrowed the wind to retain the clouds. Immediately, the clouds gathered together, and abundant rain burst forth from the heavens. Drought and plague were both driven away, and the people were saved.
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Woah! That's incredible!
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 16.ogg Xianyun: Mortal records add embellishments to dramatize past events. One did merely what one ought. And even if one had not interceded, the other adepti would surely have stepped in to help.
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: Even so... you stopped an entire drought! Can you really control the weather like the book said?
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: Paimon suddenly has a lot more respect for you! Eh, so it was Paimon's bad for calling you "illuminated bird" before. You're not too mad, are you?
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 17.ogg Xianyun: How laughable. A name is but a simple label we carry with us on our journey through the world. Why would one be offended by such a trivial matter?
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: Whew... That's a relief... In that case, Paimon will continue to call you whatever feels right in the moment, hehe.
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 18.ogg Xianyun: Well, that is quite enough ancient history for now. Ganyu, have you had word from Shenhe?
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 19.ogg Xianyun: One has heard that she procured a job recently. Have you any thoughts on her workplace? And what, pray tell, of her monthly remuneration?
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 20.ogg Xianyun: Moreover, does she find herself overly inundated with work? Is she allowed time off during Lantern Rite?
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 20.ogg Paimon: That is a lot of questions!
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 21.ogg Ganyu: There is no cause for concern, Cloud Retainer. I introduced Shenhe to her employer personally.
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 22.ogg Ganyu: Wanmin Restaurant's business has been booming recently, so with Chef Mao being swamped with customers, and Xiangling still often out in search of new recipes, I introduced Shenhe to staff the restaurant.
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 21.ogg Xianyun: I see. Most excellent indeed. One has had the pleasure of being introduced to that family. Xiangling is kind and astute, while her father is loyal and reliable. One has no cause to believe that they will make Shenhe's work difficult.
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 22.ogg Xianyun: ...Now, it is almost time to partake in the victuals of noon. One shall visit Wanmin Restaurant in person, and see how Shenhe is doing.
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 23.ogg Ganyu: Huh? But didn't you just say that you had something important to do...?
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 21.ogg Paimon: Can that wait until after we've eaten?
Media:vo lylq001 5 xianyun 23.ogg Xianyun: You may return to your work, Ganyu. One shall see to this matter on one's own. There will be many an occasion to dine together in the future. One is certain the opportunity shall present itself most readily.
Media:vo lylq001 5 ganyu 24.ogg Ganyu: Of course, Cloud Retainer. Please take care. (TravelerTraveler), Paimon — I'll see you some other time.
Media:vo lylq001 5 paimon 22.ogg Paimon: See you around, Ganyu!
(After the cutscene)
Media:vo lylq001 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Phew... Paimon was pretty quick on the uptake there, don't you think?
Media:vo lylq001 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: As soon as you mentioned important business to attend to, Paimon realized that you were just looking to cut the conversation short, and not take too much of Ganyu's time! Is Paimon right?
Media:vo lylq001 6 xianyun 01.ogg Xianyun: No, in fact, it was not an excuse. One is indeed visiting Liyue Harbor for an important purpose.
Media:vo lylq001 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Wait, for real?
Media:vo lylq001 6 xianyun 02.ogg Xianyun: The moment is not yet upon us. Still, the truth will be revealed to you in time.
Media:vo lylq001 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Huh... She really seems to be playing up the whole mysterious adeptus thing right now... Is it because we just heard that cool story about her powers?

(Approach Wanmin Restaurant)
Media:vo lylq001 7 wenliu 01.ogg Wenliu: You get what I'm saying, right?
Media:vo lylq001 7 qingji 01.ogg Qingji: Yeah, how can I not? Not even fine food is enough to distract from the presence of a fine lady.
Media:vo lylq001 7 wenliu 02.ogg Wenliu: I'm far more interested in getting her details than ordering any dishes. Hey, how about you ask her?
Media:vo lylq001 7 qingji 02.ogg Qingji: You do it.
Media:vo lylq001 7 wenliu 03.ogg Wenliu: Nonono, I think you should... Wait, she's coming!
Media:vo lylq001 7 shenhe 01.ogg Shenhe: What can I get for you today?
Media:vo lylq001 7 qingji 03.ogg Qingji: Greetings, Miss. I was just wondering... If you'd be willing to—
Media:vo lylq001 7 shenhe 02.ogg Shenhe: What would you like to order?
Media:vo lylq001 7 qingji 04.ogg Qingji: Eek!
Media:vo lylq001 7 wenliu 04.ogg Wenliu: Two servings of Mora Meat to go. ...Good chat, bye!
Media:vo lylq001 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Shenhe!
Media:vo lylq001 7 shenhe 03.ogg Shenhe: Welcome. It's been a while. May I take your order?
Media:vo lylq001 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Don't welcome us as guests and greet us as old friends in the same line! It's weird!
Icon Dialogue Talk It's been a while, Shenhe.
Media:vo lylq001 7 shenhe 04.ogg Shenhe: Mmm.
Media:vo lylq001 7 shenhe 05.ogg Shenhe: And this is...
Media:vo lylq001 7 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Uh, this is Ms. Xianyun!
Media:vo lylq001 7 shenhe 06.ogg Shenhe: ...Master?
Media:vo lylq001 7 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Huh!?
Media:vo lylq001 7 xianyun 01.ogg Xianyun: Hah, one does not recall ever revealing this form to you before. How were you able to ascertain one's true identity with such ease?
Media:vo lylq001 7 shenhe 07.ogg Shenhe: I've trained and lived with Master for more than ten years. I would recognize you no matter what form you take.
Media:vo lylq001 7 xianyun 02.ogg Xianyun: *gasp* You...
Media:vo lylq001 7 shenhe 08.ogg Shenhe: Is something the matter, Master?
Media:vo lylq001 7 xianyun 03.ogg Xianyun: Hardly, hardly. One simply learned of your employment from your letter and came to check on your well-being.
Media:vo lylq001 7 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: And check out the great food, too!
Media:vo lylq001 7 shenhe 09.ogg Shenhe: Indeed, it is almost lunch time... My apologies. I'm still on the clock, and can't talk for very long.
Media:vo lylq001 7 chefmao 01.ogg Chef Mao: Well, if it isn't (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon! Are you here for Shenhe?
Media:vo lylq001 7 chefmao 02.ogg Chef Mao: The lunch rush isn't in yet, Shenhe, so I've got things covered for now.
Media:vo lylq001 7 chefmao 03.ogg Chef Mao: Go ahead, sit down and enjoy some time with your friends. I'll let you know if things pick up.
Media:vo lylq001 7 shenhe 10.ogg Shenhe: Thank you, Chef Mao.
Media:vo lylq001 7 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Woohoo!
(Talk again to Chef Mao, optional)
Media:vo dialog lylq001 chefmao 01.ogg Chef Mao: I wonder where Xiangling's run off to this time...
Media:vo dialog lylq001 chefmao 02.ogg Chef Mao: If you bump into her, please let her know that a new shipment of spices has come in, so it'd be nice if she could come home and take a look.
(Approach the table)
Media:vo lylq001 9 xianyun 01.ogg Xianyun: It is just as one expected. The owner of Wanmin Restaurant is indeed a most reasonable and accommodating human.
Media:vo lylq001 9 xianyun 02.ogg Xianyun: Still, the work here entails dealing with quite a varied group of people. Has this been difficult for you, Shenhe?
Media:vo lylq001 9 shenhe 01.ogg Shenhe: It's been manageable so far. I sometimes run into strange people, but I have figured out a way to deal with them.
Media:vo lylq001 9 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Seems like you've been making progress! So by "dealing with them," you mean...
Media:vo lylq001 9 shenhe 02.ogg Shenhe: First, I try to talk sense into them. If that doesn't work, I threaten them with violence. At this point, they usually decide they are in favor of a civil conversation.
Media:vo lylq001 9 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Uh... How should Paimon put this...
Icon Dialogue Talk Sounds reasonable enough...?
Media:vo lylq001 9 xianyun 03.ogg Xianyun: A sensible plan. One is gladdened to see you integrate so well into human society.
Media:vo lylq001 9 shenhe 03.ogg Shenhe: And you, Master? How have you been?
Media:vo lylq001 9 xianyun 04.ogg Xianyun: Simply marvelous! Though Mt. Aocang has scarcely enjoyed your presence recently, one has hardly found the pleasure of one's own company to be lacking.
Media:vo lylq001 9 shenhe 04.ogg Shenhe: I see... Just as expected of Master.
Media:vo lylq001 9 xianyun 05.ogg Xianyun: Hmph... Hmph!
Icon Dialogue Talk What she means to say is, she actually misses the two of you a lot.
Media:vo lylq001 9 shenhe 05.ogg Shenhe: I have missed Master quite a bit, too. Even though work has been busy lately, I've already had a conversation with Chef Mao about taking some time off soon to visit Master.
Media:vo lylq001 9 xianyun 06.ogg Xianyun: You did? Ahem, do make note of such matters in your letters in the future. There is hardly a need to keep one in suspense.
Media:vo lylq001 9 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Whoa, her mood shot up just like that...
Media:vo lylq001 9 shenhe 06.ogg Shenhe: By the way... Master, since you are in Liyue Harbor, have you had the chance to visit Ganyu?
Media:vo lylq001 9 xianyun 07.ogg Xianyun: Indeed. She is similarly preoccupied with her work. There was time only to exchange a few simple pleasantries.
Media:vo lylq001 9 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Ganyu told us the story of Cloud Retainer's name! It was amazing — we never knew how powerful she was before!
Media:vo lylq001 9 shenhe 07.ogg Shenhe: I see. In that case, allow me to also share a story about Master's past.
Media:vo lylq001 9 xianyun 08.ogg Xianyun: Oh?
Media:vo lylq001 9 shenhe 08.ogg Shenhe: Is that a problem, Master? I believe this to be a good topic of conversation.
Media:vo lylq001 9 xianyun 09.ogg Xianyun: No, not a problem... one was simply caught off guard. But no matter. Please, proceed — one is most curious to see how much of one's own conversational prowess you possess.
Media:vo lylq001 9 shenhe 09.ogg Shenhe: Master once participated in a race against Moon Carver. After Moon Carver lost, he insisted that Master's ability to fly gave her a natural edge in such a contest.
Media:vo lylq001 9 shenhe 10.ogg Shenhe: In response, Master agreed to forgo flying in return for being able to use one of her devices in the race. Moon Carver accepted, only to find Master with a brand-new device on the day of the contest.
Media:vo lylq001 9 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: So what kind of device was it?
Media:vo lylq001 9 shenhe 11.ogg Shenhe: It was a mechanical vehicle made out of iron. What was it called again... An "Electro-Powered Bicycle"?
Media:vo lylq001 9 xianyun 10.ogg Xianyun: You refer to the "Bi-Cyclical Thunderflash-Mobile." One spent forty-nine days conceptualizing and crafting it. It need only be infused with adeptal energy, and it can cover thousands of miles in one day.
Media:vo lylq001 9 xianyun 11.ogg Xianyun: It boggles the mind why Moon Carver ever supposed he might best me in a contest of locomotion. Though he sprinted with all his might, he could barely keep up.
Media:vo lylq001 9 xianyun 12.ogg Xianyun: Alas, the one flaw of my mechanism lay in its weakness against mountainous terrain. One was thwarted mere seconds from victory, when it was thrown off course and failed to make it across the final stretch... Truly a most unfortunate turn of events... Anyway, do go on, Shenhe.
Media:vo lylq001 9 shenhe 12.ogg Shenhe: Master, that was the end of that story.
Media:vo lylq001 9 xianyun 13.ogg Xianyun: Is that so? *sigh* With you gone, one has seldom felt the desire to call upon those old fossils for another contest. What is a race without spectators, after all.
Media:vo lylq001 9 shenhe 13.ogg Shenhe: Have you been lonely, Master?
Media:vo lylq001 9 xianyun 14.ogg Xianyun: Lonely? Hah, at one's age, entire human generations come and go in the blink of an eye. Even one's own self-directed musings can span several days and nights.
Media:vo lylq001 9 xianyun 15.ogg Xianyun: Tis a most foreign sentiment. The mere mention of it is preposterous.
Media:vo lylq001 9 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: ...
Media:vo lylq001 9 xianyun 16.ogg Xianyun: Mmm? What is the reason for that look upon your face?
Media:vo lylq001 9 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: It's nothing! It's just... Well, Paimon gained a lot of respect for you after listening to that story of you summoning the rain and everything. But... all it took was a few words out of your mouth, and it's like you're back to being that illuminated bird again.
Media:vo lylq001 9 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Paimon's just a little bit confused... which one of the two is the real Cloud Retainer?
Media:vo lylq001 9 shenhe 14.ogg Shenhe: To me, they are both Master. One is the Master that's widely revered by the people, while the other is the Master that I respect and adore.
Media:vo lylq001 9 xianyun 17.ogg Xianyun: Hah, one finds oneself exalted yet again with sweet words of praise and flattery of a most extravagant nature. You chose to exalt one with your words, yet you refuse to grace Mt. Aocang with your presence for any extended period of time. One would almost question the sincerity of your estimations.
Media:vo lylq001 9 xianyun 18.ogg Xianyun: That is not to say that your words paint an inaccurate picture. One has always lived by a single ideal: eschew all action and abide by no rule. One does as one pleases and speaks as one pleases. Others may critique or praise as they see fit, yet one places little weight in such judgments.
Media:vo lylq001 9 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: She got like, what, two sentences of flattery from her disciple, and it's as if her ego is about to burst...
Media:vo lylq001 9 baotai 01.ogg Baotai: Do you have any empty tables?
Media:vo lylq001 9 dixin 01.ogg Dixin: Hey there! Could we get another Fish Stew?
Media:vo lylq001 9 shenhe 15.ogg Shenhe: ...I'm hearing more guests come in. I should get back to work.
Media:vo lylq001 9 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Alright! Good luck with the lunchtime rush, Shenhe!
Media:vo lylq001 9 shenhe 16.ogg Shenhe: Mhm hmm. I'll try my best.
As more and more guests begin to trickle in, Paimon takes the opportunity to order a whole array of delicious dishes...
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: So much yummy food! Paimon's gonna feast!
Icon Dialogue Talk Can you eat this kind of food, Cloud Retainer?
Icon Dialogue Talk Is the food to your taste, Cloud Retainer?
Media:vo lylq001 10 xianyun 01.ogg Xianyun: One is fond of all kinds of delicacies and delights in a multitude of flavors.
Media:vo lylq001 10 xianyun 02.ogg Xianyun: The dishes here demonstrate no shortage of culinary skill. Their unique flavor profile has left one more than satisfied. In fact, one has been struck by quite the fit of inspiration. One has already begun to conceptualize the next generation of supreme cuisine machines.
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Everything's so tasty... A bit too hot at times, but still super tasty...
Media:vo lylq001 10 chefmao 01.ogg Chef Mao: I'm sorry, Miss, but our tables are full.
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 01.ogg ???: Shall we try somewhere else, Granny?
Media:vo lylq001 10 yuandai 01.ogg ???: But it smells so delightful... Can we really not eat here? My poor legs can't go on for much longer.
Media:vo lylq001 10 chefmao 02.ogg Chef Mao: Well... You could always check with some of the other guests and see if anyone's happy to share a table?
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 02.ogg ???: Okay. I'll ask around.
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 03.ogg ???: Excuse me, would you mind letting us share a table with you? There are no empty tables left, so...
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Ah, well Paimon doesn't mind! What about you guys?
Icon Dialogue Talk I don't mind, either.
Icon Dialogue Talk As long as you don't mind our chatter.
Paimon looks at you and Xianyun. Xianyun nods.
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 04.ogg Shuyu: Great! Thanks so much. My name is Shuyu, and this is my granny, Yuandai.
Yuandai notices Xianyun, and her gaze lingers, staring at her.
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Granny?
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 05.ogg Shuyu: Yep. Is there something wrong with that?
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: No, no, Paimon's just a bit surprised. She looks so young...
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 06.ogg Shuyu: Hehe, yeah, a lot of people compliment Granny on her youthful looks. But she's actually much older than she appears.
Media:vo lylq001 10 yuandai 02.ogg Yuandai: ...
Yuandai observes Xianyun with doubt in her eyes, and their gazes meet.
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 07.ogg Shuyu: Granny? Why don't you take a seat? C'mon, it's not polite to stare...
Media:vo lylq001 10 xianyun 03.ogg Xianyun: Have we met before?
Media:vo lylq001 10 yuandai 03.ogg Yuandai: No...
Media:vo lylq001 10 xianyun 04.ogg Xianyun: Tis a fated meeting then. Please, take a seat.
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 08.ogg Shuyu: What would you like to eat, Granny? I can order for you.
Media:vo lylq001 10 yuandai 04.ogg Yuandai: I want... braised earthworms. They always pop up out of the ground after a rainstorm...
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 09.ogg Shuyu: No, no, not this again! Granny, there's no braised earthworms on the menu.
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Braised earthworms? Well, that sounds weird... Do people actually eat that?
Icon Dialogue Talk Can't hurt to ask...?
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Right, that's what Paimon was thinking, too!
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Uh... Need any help?
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 10.ogg Shuyu: Help? ... Oh, do you mean with Granny?
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 11.ogg Shuyu: Thanks, it's nice of you to offer. Granny has pretty bad dementia, so her memory's getting worse all the time. She's always saying things that sound kinda confusing.
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 12.ogg Shuyu: Actually, her memory's been bad ever since I was little. But it's gotten so bad lately that I even have to remind her who I am every morning.
Icon Dialogue Talk What about your parents?
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 13.ogg Shuyu: They died young. It's just me and Granny now.
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Oh, um...
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 14.ogg Shuyu: Ah, but it's okay, don't feel bad. Granny loves me a lot, and I love her a lot too. Sure, it's hard at times, but you just gotta make the best of the life you've got.
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Wow. You're really tough for your age, kid!
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 15.ogg Shuyu: You're too kind.
Media:vo lylq001 10 yuandai 05.ogg Yuandai: And me? What about me?
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 16.ogg Shuyu: You're tough too, Granny. Plus, you're really gentle and you're always there for me.
Media:vo lylq001 10 yuandai 06.ogg Yuandai: Yes, and it's hardly as if I forget everything! I still remember the important things. Uhh... Wait, what was that really important thing again?
Media:vo lylq001 10 yuandai 07.ogg Yuandai: Ah, I remember now. It was a dream. I had a dream, where everything was dark. Someone was standing in front of me... She told me to come and find her — and that once I'd found her, I would be free.
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 17.ogg Shuyu: Huh? That sounds super important... but how come you've never told me about it before?
Media:vo lylq001 10 yuandai 08.ogg Yuandai: It was just a dream, so I forgot about it. But I'm in a good mood now, and somehow I remembered it again.
Media:vo lylq001 10 yuandai 09.ogg Yuandai: Ah... You know, I believe I've had this dream a great many times. But just how many times have I had it? Now that, I do not remember...
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Wait, so you have a recurring dream where someone's talking to you? That sounds spooky! Does that mean... You're possessed?
Media:vo lylq001 10 xianyun 05.ogg Xianyun: Unlikely. Her eyes are clear, and her breathing remains calm and level. One sees no signs of possession.
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Are you sure?
Media:vo lylq001 10 xianyun 06.ogg Xianyun: Who do you take me for? Is one not an adept— Ahem, am I not an expert?
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Ah, you're right, Paimon almost forgot, you're the expert... In that case... Do you still remember what the person in your dreams looked like, Granny?
Media:vo lylq001 10 yuandai 10.ogg Yuandai: Not anymore. Although, I have a sense that she looked rather like... me, but not as I am now. My younger self.
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 18.ogg Shuyu: A younger version of Granny?
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: This is just getting weirder and weirder! What is going on here?
Media:vo lylq001 10 xianyun 07.ogg Xianyun: As one said, fate must have brought us together. You may leave this situation to me.
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 19.ogg Shuyu: Are you sure? Umm... So, what are your names?
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Paimon's Paimon!
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm (TravelerTraveler).
Media:vo lylq001 10 xianyun 08.ogg Xianyun: Just Xianyun is fine.
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 20.ogg Shuyu: Thank you all so much for offering to help! But first... I'm sorry for asking, but, um... How do you want us to pay you back?
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Oh, we don't need any payment for this.
Icon Dialogue Talk We're just curious about your situation, and want to help if we can.
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 21.ogg Shuyu: Th—Thank you so much!
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: You're welcome! But Ms. Xianyun, what exactly can we do to help out this Granny?
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: All we have to go off of is that dream. Where do we start?
Media:vo lylq001 10 xianyun 09.ogg Xianyun: That is elementary. Since her dreams portray her younger self, then we shall retrace the steps of her youth. Once we have revisited those places, her memories will likely return.
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: Hmm, sounds like a plan. So Granny, do you remember which places you went to when you were young?
Media:vo lylq001 10 yuandai 11.ogg Yuandai: Why, of course I do! The heavens above, the earth below, the wispy clouds, and the emerald mountain streams...
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 20.ogg Paimon: Okay... Taking that as a no.
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 22.ogg Shuyu: I... might have an idea.
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 23.ogg Shuyu: Once, when I was really little, my dad told me that Granny used to be a martial artist heroine who saved loads of people from a disaster.
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 24.ogg Shuyu: If it's true, then maybe they wrote about it in the history books, or something...
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 21.ogg Paimon: A martial arts heroine? Hmm... Oh! Xingqiu knows tons about Liyue's chivalric traditions. If anyone knows about the heroes of the past, it's him. Let's go find him at the Feiyun Commerce Guild!
Media:vo lylq001 10 yuandai 12.ogg Yuandai: Are you leaving already? But I'm still hungry...
Media:vo lylq001 10 shuyu 25.ogg Shuyu: I'll go order some food, Granny. If there's nothing on the menu that you especially want, I'll just get a few different things.
Media:vo lylq001 10 xianyun 10.ogg Xianyun: It seems we must part ways for now. (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon are bound for the Feiyun Commerce Guild, while Yuandai and Shuyu shall remain here and partake of their lunch. As for myself... I have matters to discuss with Streetward Rambler.
Media:vo lylq001 10 paimon 22.ogg Paimon: Streetward Rambler... Oh! You mean Madame Ping?
Media:vo lylq001 10 xianyun 11.ogg Xianyun: Precisely. Let us meet at Yujing Terrace once you are ready.
(At the other tables, idle quotes)
Media:vo lylq001 14 baotai 01.ogg Baotai: I've always wanted to try this place...
Media:vo lylq001 15 dixin 01.ogg Dixin: For this price, the food is unbelievable!
Media:vo lylq001 16 juan 01.ogg Wenliu: Everyone, please eat to your hearts' content! Today is my treat.
(Talk to Shuyu or Yuandai, optional)
(Yuandai gets up from the table)
Media:vo dialog lylq001 shuyu 01.ogg Shuyu: Where are you going, Granny? Don't you like the food?
Media:vo dialog lylq001 yuandai 01.ogg Yuandai: Fresh milk... I need to buy you some fresh milk.
Media:vo dialog lylq001 shuyu 02.ogg Shuyu: Milk? Why?
Media:vo dialog lylq001 yuandai 02.ogg Yuandai: You need to drink milk before eating, or the spicy food will make you cry. Hush, little one, don't cry...
Media:vo dialog lylq001 shuyu 03.ogg Shuyu: Granny, you're forgetting things again! I'm not a little baby anymore — I can eat spicy food now. Even the super spicy dishes like their fish stew. I can eat two whole bowls, no problem...
Media:vo dialog lylq001 yuandai 03.ogg Yuandai: Wonderful, how wonderful... my darling granddaughter is all grown up...
(Talk to Shenhe, optional)
Media:vo dialog lylq001 shenhe 01.ogg Shenhe: Ah...
Media:vo dialog lylq001 shenhe 02.ogg Shenhe: I should get paid in another few days. Shall we take the opportunity to go out and have some fun?
(Talk to Chef Mao, optional)
Media:vo dialog lylq001 chefmao 03.ogg Chef Mao: This is one of our busiest periods in the year... Things should calm down a little in another few days.
Media:vo dialog lylq001 chefmao 04.ogg Chef Mao: I sure am glad to have Shenhe now. There's no way I'd have been able to cope this year all by myself.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishLeisurely Chatter
Xiánhuà Jiācháng
Xiánhuà Jiācháng
Korean일상 한담
Ilsang Handam
SpanishCharlas predestinadasPredestined Chats
FrenchPapotage tranquilleLeisurely Chatter
RussianУютные беседы
Uyutnyye besedy
Cozy Chats
VietnameseNgày Thường Nhàn Nhã
GermanGemütliches GeplauderCozy Chatter
IndonesianObrolan RinganSmall Talk
PortugueseConversa Despreocupada
TurkishKeyifli Sohbet
ItalianChiacchiere in tranquillità

Change History[]
