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Genshin Impact Wiki

Icefang Rush is an Elemental Skill for Wriothesley in Genius Invokation TCG.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishIcefang Rush
Bīngyá Tūchí
Icefang Rushing Charge
Bīngyá Tūchí
Aisu Fangu - Rasshu
Icefang - Rush
Korean얼음송곳니 돌진
Eoreumsonggonni Doljin
Icefang Rush
SpanishEnvite ateridorCold-Stunning Push
FrenchRuée glaciale du crocGlacial Rush of the Fang
RussianСтремительный ледяной клык
Stremitel'nyy ledyanoy klyk
Rapid Ice Fang
ThaiIcefang Rush
VietnameseNanh Băng Càn Quét
GermanEiszahn-AnsturmIcetooth Onslaught
IndonesianIcefang Rush
PortugueseCorrida da Presa Gelada
TurkishBuzdiş Saldırısı
ItalianAssalto della zanna di ghiaccioIce Fang Assault

Change History[]

Version 4.8
  • Adjusted Chilling Penalty Formation status:
    • Old: When the character uses a Normal Attack: If this character has at least 6 HP remaining, this Skill costs 1 less Cryo Die, deals +1 DMG, and deals 1 Piercing DMG to themselves. If the character has no more than 5 HP, deals +1 DMG and heals the character once the Skill is finalized for 2 HP. Usage(s): 2
    • New: When the attached character uses a Normal Attack: Deal +1 DMG. If this character has at least 6 HP, this Skill costs 1 less Cryo Die. After this Skill finalizes, if this character has at least 6 HP, deal 1 Piercing DMG to them; if this character has no more than 5 HP, heal them for 2 HP. Usage(s): 2

Version 4.7

  • Icefang Rush (Character Card Skill) was released.

