Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki
Urgent Repairs
TypeAdventure Challenge
GroupOpen World Match
CharacterWagner Wagner
Required Player Level2
Stage Introduction
You and the mineral cargo you were escorting to Mondstadt came under attack from hilichurls, and to ensure the safe passage of the goods, you drew your blade, freshly forged at the blacksmith...
Special Rule: Your Support Zone starts with 1 "Wagner" card.
Hint: Wagner can allow you to play Weapon cards for free. Get your character geared before you press the attack!
Challenge Objective(s)Reward(s)
Achieve victory
Play 1 Weapon Equipment Card
Achieve victory within 5 Rounds
Active Lineup
Hydro Slime Character CardHydro Slime4Hydro Slime Character CardHydro Slime4Anemo Samachurl Character CardA­ne­mo Sa­ma­churl4
Reserve Lineup
Electro Hilichurl Shooter Character CardElectro Hilichurl Shooter3Electro Hilichurl Shooter Character CardElectro Hilichurl Shooter3
Player Support Cards
Wagner Support CardWagner2

Change History[]
