- (Talk to Charlotte)
- Charlotte: Absolutely! I've been waiting for the chance to play Genius Invokation with you!
Let's play Genius Invokation TCG.
- (Open Genius Invokation TCG match interface)
Adjust the deck first...
- (Open Genius Invokation TCG deck interface)
I've got other things to do right now...
- (When the player defeats one of Charlotte's Character Cards)
- Charlotte: Wait, that wasn't right...
- (When the player defeats two of Charlotte's Character Cards)
- Charlotte: C'mon... Think, gotta think...
- (When Charlotte defeats one of the player's Character Cards)
- Charlotte: I knew that would come in handy.
- (When Charlotte uses an Elemental Burst)
- Charlotte: There's plenty more where this came from.
- (If the player wins the match)
- Charlotte: I lost... *sigh* A few wrong moves and you lose the whole match. Genius Invokation is so complicated...
- (If the player loses the match)
- Charlotte: So this is what it feels like to win a game of Genius Invokation... Hmm, not bad. I should write an article about it.
Change History[]
Released in Version 4.5