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Galathee's Salt Solicitation is a Reputation Request that occurs in Fontaine.


  1. Give 10 bottles of Salt to Galathee

Request Details[]

"Tales of Humanity":
This is my first time writing in to The Steambird. I'm looking for someone who can provide my sailors with regular deliveries of salt. We often spend longer at sea than we do on the land.
Every time we come ashore to resupply, we're extremely pressed for time. In light of this I'm looking for someone who can guarantee a regular supply of Zaytun Peaches to improve the lives of my crew.
If you're interested please contact Captaine Galathee directly.


UI Quest Quest Description

Galathee needs 10 bottles of Salt.
Icon Dialogue Quest About Salt...
Galathee: Hello. Are you here to discuss matters related to the supply of salt?
Galathee: Then you must have a lot of salt prepared, right?
Icon Dialogue Quest Salt is ready.
Galathee: The current amount should be enough for a short voyage. You seem pretty reliable. If I have any needs like this in the future, you'll be the first one I contact.
Icon Dialogue Talk Not yet.
Galathee: It won't do to be without salt. Every time our ship sets sail, we need to stockpile enough salt for our journey.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishGalathee's Salt Solicitation
Garatea no Shio no Rikuesuto
Korean갈라티의 소금 의뢰
Gallati-ui Sogeum Uiroe
Galathee's Salt Request
SpanishSal para GalathéeSalt for Galathee
FrenchDu sel pour GalathéeSome Salt for Galathee
RussianСоль для Галатеи
Sol' dlya Galatei
Thaiคำขอเกลือของ Galathee
VietnameseYêu Cầu Về Muối Của Galathee
GermanGalathées Bitte um SalzGalathee's Request for Salt
IndonesianGaram Untuk GalatheeSalt for Galathee
PortugueseSolicitação de Sal de Galathee
TurkishGalathee'nin Tuz Talebi
ItalianLa sollecitazione di GalathéeGalathée's Solicitation

Change History[]
