Media:VO_Rosaria Hello.oggListen disciple, if you've got a problem you can't handle, then I'm the one for the job. But if you're looking for prayer, you'd better find some other Sister [sic] ...Huh? You're not a disciple?
Media:VO_Rosaria About Rosaria - Troubles.oggEach of the Sisters is worse than the next. If it's not about prayer, then it's about choir or some other thing I'm supposed to participate in... I'm trying to stay out of sight, so don't you dare tell them you saw me here.
About Us: Beliefs
About Us: Beliefs
Media:VO_Rosaria About Us - Beliefs.oggPerhaps a god has the power to protect everyone if they would choose to do so, but that would never happen. Otherwise, people's suffering couldn't ever be taken seriously.
Media:VO_Rosaria About the Vision.oggA Vision... Could be proof of strength, or a medal for having survived... who knows? There're two sides to every coin. I won't limit my Vision with ceremonies and definitions. It witnesses me, and I witness it, that's all.
Something to Share
Friendship Lv. 4
Something to Share
Friendship Lv. 4
Media:VO_Rosaria Something to Share.oggYou don't always know why good things happen, or why we should be happy about them. Heh... But if you ever face a problem too big to handle, don't give up hope. You never know, someone may be there to help, even if you can't see them.
Interesting Things
Interesting Things
Media:VO_Rosaria Interesting Things.oggI take no interest in plant life and the sort, but the dandelion is an exception. How such a simple flower could turn into such a delectable wine is beyond me. A glass of dandelion wine after work is even better than sleeping in on Sunday.
Media:VO_Rosaria About Diluc.oggIsn't it obvious? There's more than meets the eye to that rich tycoon. He's confident, yet discreet... and even a little bit dangerous.
Media:VO_Rosaria About Kaeya.oggWine has its uses... like revealing someone's true colors, for example. Smooth talk is Kaeya's veil, but being me, I can see right through it. Hah, you should see him when he's drunk.
Media:VO_Rosaria About Venti.oggThere's something extremely interesting about this bard... I can't quite put my finger on it. There's something that makes him different from the others in Mondstadt.
Media:VO_Rosaria About Barbara.oggBarbara is like a thorn in my side, always nagging me about mass and choir practice. I wouldn't be surprised if Sister Victoria specifically asked her to keep an eye on me.
Media:VO_Rosaria About Jean.oggShe's not only competent in her own work but also somehow manages to clear up various matters for others... Huh. Now that's a woman who deserves admiration.
Media:VO_Rosaria About Albedo.oggHe's like an oil painting you find hanging on the wall in some ancient hall, profound and mysterious... hard to see through. But what can I say, I find people with stories... interesting.
Media:VO_Rosaria About Varka.oggI'm sure Varka means well, but his long-winded conversations get real old real quick. Although, he does really care for those around him, doesn't he?
About Her Father
Friendship Lv. 4
About Her Father
Friendship Lv. 4
Media:VO_Rosaria About Father.oggFather? I'm not familiar with the word. You could say that I don't have one — could also say I have many, too. What's it to you?
Media:VO_Rosaria More About Rosaria - 02.oggWhat's weird about a Sister without reverence for the gods? There are hunters who don't eat pork, and fisherman who don't eat fish, aren't there? Just because you do something doesn't mean you love to do it. That's how every job goes.
Media:VO_Rosaria More About Rosaria - 04.oggMondstadt is a beast of light, both old and young. Old in the sense that it constantly requires someone's protection, yet too young to ever survive on its own. That's why there's people like me. I care for Mondstadt just as the other Sisters care for the believers, we are all guiding that which we love onward on the path towards freedom. Huh? Why do I call it a beast of light? Because people like myself can only be found in the dark...
More About Rosaria: V
Friendship Lv. 6
More About Rosaria: V
Friendship Lv. 6
Media:VO_Rosaria More About Rosaria - 05.oggI sometimes feel that my former selves from years past still exist alongside me, urging me on. I'm sure you know the feeling, too. Even if you decide to venture down a new path, don't just abandon the former you. For that is the foundation upon which you now take footing. Do not fear your past, and do not be scared to come to grips with it.
Rosaria's Hobbies
Rosaria's Hobbies
Media:VO_Rosaria Hobbies.oggThere are some troubles that only a stiff drink can take away. That being said, I never get drunk.
Media:VO_Rosaria Birthday.oggToday's your birthday, so if you have any dirty work that needs taking care of, I can give you a hand... Just don't tell anybody, got it?