Media:VO_Keqing Hello.oggI am Keqing, Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing. We live in an era of change, as the old order that has existed for a thousand years is about to be rewritten. Join me. Let us bear witness to this historical moment together.
Media:VO_Keqing When It Rains.oggQuite a downpour... Nothing will get done until it clears. Let this be a lesson to those who yesterday said, "I'll do it tomorrow."
Media:VO_Keqing Good Morning.oggMorning. Time to set the tone for the rest of the day, so if you're still feeling sleepy, shake it off!
Good Afternoon
Good Afternoon
Media:VO_Keqing Good Afternoon.oggI'm not in the habit of napping at noon, but don't let that stop you if you're feeling tired. I'll give you a wake-up call in, say, three minutes' time.
Good Evening
Good Evening
Media:VO_Keqing Good Evening.oggThe lights are coming on now that the night is setting in. *yawn* Another delightful day draws to a close.
Good Night
Good Night
Media:VO_Keqing Good Night.oggSleep well. ...Me? Uh... I still have a handful of things on my to-do list, but I'll call it a night once they are done.
Media:VO_Keqing About Keqing - Work.oggMy role is to manage real estate and construction in Liyue. Sure, Liyue is a vast place with abundant resources — but without proper planning, and if too much focus is placed on short-term profit, a great many things can go wrong.
About Keqing: Skepticism
About Keqing: Skepticism
Media:VO_Keqing About Keqing - Skepticism.oggWhat do you think has kept Liyue going over the last millennium? Rex Lapis? ...I disagree. We mortals have to fight for survival whatever happens, he just feels the need to come down here and poke his nose into everything that's going on for some reason... Hmph, people don't like to think about this, but should we really be trusting him to be an expert in everything?
Media:VO_Keqing About Keqing - Self-Reflection.oggAfter I took on the management of so many of Liyue's affairs, I had a new-found respect for Rex Lapis and all his hard work over the last millennium. Recently, every time I come up against a difficult problem with no obvious solution, I find myself thinking: What would Rex Lapis do? Maybe he really IS an expert in everything, and I've got more left to learn than I realized...
About Us: Pursuing
About Us: Pursuing
Media:VO_Keqing About Us - Pursuing.oggYou know why I like you? It's because you don't believe something just because it was said by a god. You make up your own mind. You ask the questions everyone else is too cowardly to ask, and when you don't get an answer, you keep looking till you find one. Oh don't worry — your way is definitely the right way. Who says gods don't make mistakes, anyway?
About Us: Trying
Friendship Lv. 6
About Us: Trying
Friendship Lv. 6
Media:VO_Keqing About Us - Trying.oggIt's not difficult, you'll see. Just give it a try. What if you try and it doesn't work out? ...No, I don't believe that will happen. You've never let me down before. You don't seem the type.
Media:VO_Keqing About Us - Encouragement.oggI used to be so naive. I genuinely believed that I was on a par with Rex Lapis... Seems I really overestimated myself. Hmm? Yes... You're right! I have plenty of self-confidence in other areas, so why not in this? ...I can catch up with him — I WILL catch up with him! I just need to keep my chin up, keep trying, and keep learning!
Media:VO_Keqing About the Vision - Skepticism.oggIf a Vision means the approval of the gods, then I don't see why I should want one. In fact, I find it quite insulting... It's like trying to say everything I've ever achieved is all thanks to the gods looking out for me! Well, I got to where I am today through hard work. The gods had nothing to do with it.
Media:VO_Keqing About the Vision - Reflection.oggOh, so... Rex Lapis wanted me to have power beyond the average mortal so that I can be a great leader? Huh... I like to think I'd do an admirable job even without his blessing! Yeah, I'll show him... I won't give him any reason to be disappointed with me...
Something to Share: Initiative
Something to Share: Initiative
Media:VO_Keqing Something to Share - Initiative.oggIn addition to my work with the Liyue Qixing, I do a lot of work for the public, too. Mostly the feedback is positive, but whenever I propose something like adding an extra hour to the workday, I come up against very strong resistance... I'm too forward-thinking, I suppose. Maybe I should start with a half hour instead?
Media:VO_Keqing Something to Share - Souvenir.oggWhat do you mean, Geo Archon paraphernalia? ...You're not suggesting my bedroom is full of that stuff, surely? I'm not a child anymore! Although... Okay, I did buy a couple of Rex Lapis figurines recently, but — but, they're just to keep me on the straight and narrow. Look, just because I own an idol or two does not mean that I idolize him, okay!?
Interesting Things
Interesting Things
Media:VO_Keqing Interesting Things.oggI once heard a Mondstadtfable about courage being what it takes for birds to learn to fly. But I think that you must first possess a yearning for the boundless skies before you would have any inclination, let alone the courage, to spread your wings and try to fly. For me, Liyue is that boundless sky.
Media:VO_Keqing About Zhongli.oggThe gentleman from the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor? Clearly, he's an extremely learned individual, and I do have a lot of respect for him. But his mindset is too traditional for me — he thinks in the same tired old terms as Rex Lapis did... If he were more of an original thinker, I'm sure he'd be a great asset to me in reaching my objectives.
Media:VO_Keqing About Beidou.oggThat captain is always flouting the rules, and her personality really rubs people the wrong way. That said, The Crux Fleet is indispensable to Liyue Harbor. It's a bit of an art, knowing when to enforce the rules and when it's in everyone's interests to be more lenient. Thing is, the Tianquan is supposed to be the one enforcing the rules, but she always seems to be too busy...
Media:VO_Keqing About Ningguang - Conflict.oggWe do work together, but we couldn't be more opposite personality-wise. To her, Liyue Harbor is nothing more than a marketplace, and she'll do anything as long as it makes money for her. Doesn't she have any principles? Hmm, or maybe turning a profit IS her principle?
Media:VO_Keqing About Ningguang - Cooperation.oggSince Rex Lapis left us, we've actually found some common ground. I was quite judgmental of her in the past, and we still fundamentally disagree on a number of issues, but in the current climate I have to say I count her as a comrade in arms.
Media:VO_Keqing About Ningguang - Trifling Matters.oggUgh, having said that... I ordered a Lucent Crescent from Mingxing Jewelry three months in advance, and when it was finally time to pick it up, they told me Ningguang had bought up the last few months' worth of Lucent Crescents for herself by paying double the price! *sigh* She can be such a pain!
Media:VO_Keqing About Xinyan.oggYou know what, I think her music rocks. Too noisy by traditional standards, for sure, but I don't care. Good music is good music. And good music should reach the widest possible audience.
Media:VO_Keqing About Baizhu.oggEveryone has faith in Dr. Baizhu's medical skills. He's the right guy to go to when you can't figure out what's wrong with you. Oh... the rumors, you say? The only one I know for a fact is true is how disgusting his medicine tastes. It's not just the kids who find it bitter, it's left me with some horrible memories, too!
Media:VO_Keqing About Xiangling.oggYeah, the up-and-coming chef from Wanmin Restaurant... I get that she's gifted and everything, I just think her cooking can be a bit hit-or-miss. I was all ready to hire her for a small banquet once, and give her full control over the menu... but the amount of lizard and slime in her sample dishes quickly turned me off that idea!
Media:VO_Keqing About Xingqiu.oggI've heard his story — he was born into a well-to-do family, but wasn't keen on the family business, so he now devotes his time to being an envoy of justice. I have huge respect for that! Not everyone has the guts to follow their dreams when it means breaking with a long-standing family tradition.
Media:VO_Keqing About Xiao.oggI feel like now that we live in the age of mankind's rule, it's time for the legendary boy-adeptus to be released from duty. We no longer need a defender of that kind, because we are capable of working through the challenges we face on our own strength.
Media:VO_Keqing About Ganyu - Skepticism.oggWho knows what Rex Lapis must have done to inspire such blind devotion from Ganyu... But her reluctance to be critical is not without its advantages. In the workplace, she'll carry out my instructions to the letter, even when I can tell she has her reservations. It's a good attitude to have as a career professional.
Media:VO_Keqing About Ganyu - Reflection.oggI find myself getting a second opinion from her a lot these days. Lots of things come up that I just have no idea about, and of everyone in Liyue, she's probably the most familiar with Rex Lapis. Heh... I feel a bit awkward, though, because I used to be openly disparaging of Rex Lapis in front of her... But she doesn't seem to mind, so I guess I've got nothing to worry about...
Media:VO_Keqing About Yun Jin.oggWhen you're passing by Heyu Tea House and have to squeeze your way through the biggest crowd you've seen in your life, that's when you know Yun Jin's on stage performing. There's not a merchant in Liyue who wouldn't buy up the place if they had the chance, and Yun Jin is the reason it would be worth every Mora.
Media:VO_Keqing About Venti.oggSince Rex Lapis left us, the question of Liyue's future has been on my mind constantly. In addition to reviewing his own past deeds, I've been researching the other archons' modes of governance, too. Mondstadt's god is the one who baffles me the most though — how exactly do any of his actions contribute to the longevity of Mondstadt? It's completely beyond me.
Media:VO_Keqing About Yanfei.oggThe way I see it, the law is a summary of things done the right way in the past. However, it should also be continuously adapted and improved to match the needs of the present. Given that Liyue is about to undergo a radical transformation, legal talent is in great demand. With an assistant like Yanfei, I could spare myself a great deal of trouble.
Media:VO_Keqing About Yelan.oggMs. Yelan's ancestors used to serve the Qixing. My grandfather and her family have had academic collaborations in the past. All in all, she's reliable, efficient, and provides important intel to the Ministry of Civil Affairs. I can't say for sure how Ms. Yelan actually gets her intel, however...
Media:VO_Keqing About Lan Yan.oggFile:VO Keqing About Lan Yan.oggMadame Lan is a lovely young lady and a very talented craftswoman. As the Ministry of Civil Affairs works to promote local craftmanship in the future, we will certainly consult masters like her. Oh, what about outside of work? Of course, she's welcome in Liyue Harbor any time. I find her company very enjoyable.
More About Keqing: I
More About Keqing: I
Media:VO_Keqing More About Keqing - 01.oggYou want to know more about me? Sure. Let's start with the principles that are central to the role of Yuheng. Once you've memorized the hundred or more contractual obligations of the position, you'll know my hopes and dreams like the back of your hand!
More About Keqing: II
Friendship Lv. 3
More About Keqing: II
Friendship Lv. 3
Media:VO_Keqing More About Keqing - 02.oggNothing exists independently, and there's nothing you can do to change that. So, when you drag your heels on one thing, you're actually causing chaos for a whole bunch of other connected issues, too. That's why I firmly believe you should never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. ...I'm also a very impatient person and can't stand procrastinating, so that's also part of it.
More About Keqing: III
Friendship Lv. 4
More About Keqing: III
Friendship Lv. 4
Media:VO_Keqing More About Keqing - 03.oggNever mince your words with me, okay? Yuheng's just a title. I'll not have you treading on eggshells around me just because of my status. Say what's on your mind, always — that's what makes you unique, and it's the thing I admire about you the most.
More About Keqing: IV
Friendship Lv. 5
More About Keqing: IV
Friendship Lv. 5
Media:VO_Keqing More About Keqing - 04.oggWe've been on our fair share of adventures together, haven't we? The more time we spend together, the more I think you're the person of my dreams, and— Huh? Why so shocked? You're a crucial part of my dreams for the new Liyue.
Media:VO_Keqing More About Keqing - 05.ogg"The time has come for humanity to make its mark in the land of the Geo Archon"... Turns out that was quite an ambitious statement after all. But I want you to make me a promise: come and visit when the new Liyue Harbor is born. I will show you around. After all the help and support you've given me along the way, you deserve to see Liyue reborn with your own eyes. I owe you that much.
Keqing's Hobbies
Keqing's Hobbies
Media:VO_Keqing Hobbies.oggThat indulgent feeling of being spoilt for choice between countless different varieties... That, to me, is the appeal of shopping.
Keqing's Troubles
Keqing's Troubles
Media:VO_Keqing Troubles.oggIt's great that the quality of life in Liyue is improving for everyone. But one downside is the growing number of people who are happy to reap the rewards without doing their fair share of the work. The Liyue Qixing did not put in all this effort to create a more prosperous society just so people like them can loaf around.
Favorite Food
Favorite Food
Media:VO_Keqing Favorite Food.oggIt makes no logical sense to be greedy with food, but for me, all rationality goes out the window when there's Golden Shrimp Balls involved... They're just irresistible. The taste of a single Golden Shrimp Ball brings me so much joy that all the stress of work just melts away.
Media:VO_Keqing Birthday.oggHappy birthday! I've got a very special gift for you. It might look like an ordinary old lantern, but this one runs on Electro energy and stays alight for a really long time. For those times when you need a little extra light in your life.
Media:VO_Keqing Feelings About Ascension - 04.oggI feel I have grown immensely from my travels with you. If, one day, I finally manage to make my dreams a reality... I wonder, will you still be there by my side?