Media:VO_Freminet Hello.oggHello, my name's Freminet, I'm a diver... Oh, no need to shake hands. I mean, no need to be so formal. Ahem, if you need help surveying underwater ruins or salvaging materials, I can be of some use to you. But for anything else... You might find me a disappointment.
Media:VO_Freminet Good Afternoon.oggAll the components look intact. Maybe it's just a worn-out spring? If so, that's an easy fix... Oh, sorry, I was... Did you say something?
Good Evening
Good Evening
Media:VO_Freminet Good Evening.oggWant a bowl of seafood soup? It's made with shrimp and shellfish caught earlier today. I'm no cook, but the ingredients are fresh, so... it shouldn't taste too bad.
Good Night
Good Night
Media:VO_Freminet Good Night.oggYou go ahead, I'm gonna stay up and read for a while. Hmm? What am I reading? It's, um... it's about diving. There's a bunch of skills that I still need to... Anyway, night!
About Freminet: Diving
About Freminet: Diving
Media:VO_Freminet About Freminet - Diving.oggAs you know, diving is one of the few things I'm any good at. I spend more time among the Tidalga than I do talking to people. They don't ask you questions or act disappointed, they just float there quietly with you... The underwater world is much simpler than the world of dry land.
About Freminet: Clockwork Penguin
Friendship Lv. 4
About Freminet: Clockwork Penguin
Friendship Lv. 4
Media:VO_Freminet About Freminet - Clockwork Penguin.oggWhenever I feel lonely at night, Pers is the one who's always there for me. I thought that maybe some other kids might want a toy for company too, so I made a bunch of clockwork penguins and took them to Leschots's workshop to put on sale... Apparently, the customer feedback was good, but they didn't sell too many of them. And most of the buyers were adults...
About Us: Orders
About Us: Orders
Media:VO_Freminet About Us - Orders.oggOrders to me are like a clockwork spring driving me forward, and I don't know what to do with myself without them. So if there's anything you need me for, please don't hesitate to ask.
About Us: Companionship
Friendship Lv. 6
About Us: Companionship
Friendship Lv. 6
Media:VO_Freminet About Us - Companionship.oggTell me a bit more about yourself. Your hobbies, favorite food, favorite color, what animal you'd like to have as a pet... If you and I are companions, it means we're connected, more closely than gears in a machine.
Media:VO_Freminet About the Vision.oggAfter I got my Vision, I didn't need my helmet to go diving anymore. But... I can't bear to be without it. It cuts me off from the noise of the outside world, and makes me feel safe. My Vision, Pers, and my helmet... I draw my strength from them every time I take a breath.
Something to Share
Something to Share
Media:VO_Freminet Something to Share.oggIf you look up at the sky from far enough underwater, even the sun is soft on the eyes. That's why I like it down there.
Media:VO_Freminet Interesting Things - Beryl Conches.oggI've seen lots of Beryl Conches down in the depths. The patterns are so intricate, I often lose track of the time just staring at them. These fossils are all that's left of these beautiful creatures... I wonder how long before the rest of the world becomes part of this underwater museum, too?
Media:VO_Freminet Interesting Things - Lumitoile.oggLumitoile attach themselves to many things. Sometimes on the reefs or docks, but most commonly on large underwater buildings. Do you think they're drawn to humans like Cicins are drawn to the light?
Media:VO_Freminet About Father - Tears.ogg"Father" doesn't like it when children cry. "Father" says tears are the product of emotion and weakness. So when "Father" scolds me, I hold it in until I'm underwater, where no one can hear me cry. At least I have the Romaritime Flowers to keep me company.
Media:VO_Freminet About Father - Teaching.oggWhen I was little, I was taught that we should be ready to give our lives for our family. But when "Father" took control, this philosophy changed. "Father" said that every one of us is important, and we have to value our own lives, be our strongest selves, and stand on our own two feet in this world... But actually, all of that's much harder than just following orders.
Media:VO_Freminet About Lyney - Magic Shows.oggAt home, Lyney's always showing me his magic tricks. Whenever I smile, he grins excitedly and says the audience is definitely going to love this one... Do I really smile so rarely?
About Lyney: Mask
Friendship Lv. 6
About Lyney: Mask
Friendship Lv. 6
Media:VO_Freminet About Lyney - Mask.oggLyney is our team leader, and acts like everyone's older brother... But I can tell that he puts on a brave face sometimes. I tried to talk to him about it once — told him that he doesn't need to wear a mask all the time. But he denied it, and we ended up having an argument... Since then, I've never brought it up with him again.
Media:VO_Freminet About Lynette.oggIf you assigned Lyney and Lynette with the same mission, they'd both do an outstanding job. But not me. Lynette is always comforting me, saying that everyone has their strengths, and how everyone relies on me to fix things around the house when they break down... If only I was half as good at anything else.
Media:VO_Freminet About Neuvillette.oggOne day when I surfaced after a dive, the Chief Justice was just standing there alone on the beach. I don't know whether he had something on his mind, or was just enjoying the view... Obviously, I didn't ask. I only locked eyes with him for a split-second before disappearing back underwater. Thinking back, I must have looked so guilty... *sigh*
Media:VO_Freminet About Furina - Avoiding the Question.oggUh... I'm in no position to give a well-rounded opinion on the Hydro Archon, so... I'll pass. I mean, I've only seen her a few times... so I'm sure I have a somewhat skewed view of her.
About Furina: Verdict
Friendship Lv. 6
About Furina: Verdict
Friendship Lv. 6
Media:VO_Freminet About Furina - Verdict.ogg...Okay fine. I've seen what the Hydro Archon's like when she's sitting in the audience. In my view, she's a very charismatic speaker, but it's her silences that intrigue me more. Her eyes... they're like the darkness at the bottom of the ocean. Hiding a deep secret, afraid of anyone ever getting close to her... Ah! Sorry, I... I let my imagination get the better of me.
Media:VO_Freminet About Navia.oggLyney told me everything. I'm so grateful to you and Navia for your warmth and generosity. Please pass on my thanks when you see her... Huh? Tell her myself? ...Uh, I, uh... Ooh, I've suddenly got stomach cramps — sorry, gotta dash.
Media:VO_Freminet About Charlotte.oggFor some reason, Charlotte never believes me when I say I'm just an ordinary diver. She's convinced that my past is full of news stories waiting for her to dig up... Am I really that bad of a liar?
Media:VO_Freminet About Clorinde.oggI owe Clorinde my life, but she says she doesn't want anything from me in return... It's not a nice feeling, having put someone out so much, and only being able to offer empty thank-yous in return.
Media:VO_Freminet About Chevreuse.oggI hear that Chevreuse is a regular customer of Beaumont Workshop. She always purchases the most expensive and advanced components for her musket. If I make enough Mora, maybe one day I can afford to upgrade Pers's components.
Media:VO_Freminet More About Freminet - 02.oggMy past... If you promise not to look at me, or you'll let me wear my diving helmet... Maybe then I could try to tell you a little more. Personality's one part of it, but... the bigger reason is that I've been avoiding my past for so long now, it might be hard to talk about...
Media:VO_Freminet More About Freminet - 03.oggI read in a book that when people die, they turn into stars and watch over us from the sky... I hate my real father. He abandoned my mother and me, so I don't care about him. But... if my mother looks down from the sky and sees that, after all this time in his new home, the child she protected with her life is still so timid that he can't fend for himself... Will she be... disappointed in me?
Media:VO_Freminet More About Freminet - 04.oggI don't like thinking about my time in the House of the Hearth under the previous director. All I'll say is... My habit of retreating into the sea started back then. "Father" changed not only me, but my view of our family, too. Then Lyney and Lynette joined the family... and for the first time ever, I gained some genuine companions.
Media:VO_Freminet More About Freminet - 05.oggI once swore an oath that I would do whatever it takes to protect this family, and never look back. Now, I stay true to this oath not because it's the previous director's orders, or because it's what "Father" expects of me, but because it's my own desire. Please keep our family's secret safe... so that I can keep my promise.
Freminet's Hobbies
Freminet's Hobbies
Media:VO_Freminet Hobbies.oggApart from diving, my main hobby is dismantling mechanical things and modifying them. I also collect spare parts, and sometimes I build new clockwork toys out of them. ...Pers? No, Pers is more like family to me. We grew up together... No, I'm serious. I'm always tinkering with it to add more functionality... I truly hope that a day will come when Pers can fly free into the sky.
Freminet's Troubles
Freminet's Troubles
Media:VO_Freminet Troubles.ogg...That's a tough question. I don't have any critical issues that need addressing, but at the same time, there's a long laundry list of minor things which all take their toll. If I was a clockwork toy on the shelf, I wouldn't even know where to start trying to fix me up... But at the end of the day, I guess it all comes down to one thing... I'm just too weak.
Favorite Food
Favorite Food
Media:VO_Freminet Favorite Food.oggSeafood. Mainly fish and shrimp, crab's okay too. I'm really glad that Lyney and Lynette share my tastes, because it means we can eat meals together... I don't mind how the ingredients are cooked, though. I leave that decision up to them.
Least Favorite Food
Least Favorite Food
Media:VO_Freminet Least Favorite Food.oggI can't handle coffee. More than half a cup and before long, my heart starts racing and I can't calm my breathing down. Everyone says that coffee can boost your energy levels, but to me, it's torture...
Media:VO_Freminet Birthday.oggWould you be willing to come with me somewhere? There's this place I know where the scenery is spectacular. I think it's even more magical than a fantasy novel. I have a secret hideout there, and I keep some glowing sea creatures as pets... I just want to give you a birthday experience like you've never had before, and then give you my birthday wishes... Will you give me the chance to do that?
Media:VO_Freminet Feelings About Ascension - 04.oggHow can I ever repay you for this? I don't know what to say, I... I don't have much practice at this, and right now I'm terrified of saying something stupid and upsetting you... and making you regret this whole thing... I'm sorry, is it okay if I just... say nothing, and just stay here with you for a while?