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Favonian Goodies is an Event Quest during the Of Ballads and Brews Event.


  1. Go back to the shop


UI Quest Quest Description

After going through a fair bit of effort, the starting capital for your charitable activities has been obtained. It's time to open for business...
(After securing funds)
Media:vo jyeq002 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Lemme see... Yep, looks like we've got enough funds now! Let's go see Bernhard.
(Approach Bernhard)
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Bernhard, we've got all the funds you need!
Media:vo jyeq002 2 bernhard 01.ogg Bernhard: Already? Wow, you sure work fast!
Icon Dialogue Talk Everything's in place, we just need to open shop now.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 bernhard 02.ogg Bernhard: Alright, our suppliers are ready and waiting — just give me a moment.
Bernhard pays the suppliers with Fairbrew Jellies, and before long the shop is complete.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 bernhard 03.ogg Bernhard: What do you think? Not bad, huh? Of course, if you're in a creative mood at any point, feel free to redecorate the place however you want.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: It's great! Really looks the part!
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: The shop definitely needs a name though! Hmm, how about... "Favonian Goodies"?
Icon Dialogue Talk Indubitably Paimonial.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 04a 1.ogg Paimon: ...Paimon will take that as a compliment! Okay, Bernhard, so what do you need us to do next?
Icon Dialogue Talk What do we need to do next?
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 04b 1.ogg Paimon: Hey! A little feedback on the name, please? A nod of the head, perhaps!?
Media:vo jyeq002 2 bernhard 04.ogg Bernhard: Gathering the funds was a monumental task. It must have been very demanding. So don't worry about all the other menial things that need doing — I'll handle those.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 bernhard 05.ogg Bernhard: You both have more experience than me. It'd be great if you could figure out the more managerial-level things like our sales strategy, SOPs, USPs, QC principles, KPIs...
Media:vo jyeq002 2 bernhard 06.ogg Bernhard: I've gotta be honest — I hear other store owners using these terms, but I can't say I really know what they mean. I just know they're important... which means they're probably best dealt with by you.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: So in other words, we'll be the shop owners who make the big business decisions, and you'll be the shop assistant doing all the actual day-to-day work?
Media:vo jyeq002 2 bernhard 07.ogg Bernhard: Yep, my strength is in execution. Your shop, your rules! I am but a tool to be used however you see fit!
Icon Dialogue Talk Very selfless...
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Umm... That sounds a little extreme. This is for charity, remember? We're not some cutthroat business executives...
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 07a.ogg Paimon: Alright, why don't you go ahead and take a tight five, Bernhard? The two of us need to touch base on strategy.
You and Paimon analyze the product offering and hash out some core strategic action points...
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Okay, we have a clear corporate mission statement: Our goal is to become the best darn snack shop in the whole festival market!
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Now, let's all prepare to give 110% as we receive our first customers...
Icon Dialogue Talk We're open for business!
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 01.ogg Mona: (TravelerTraveler)? Paimon? What a surprise!
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Mona and Fischl! You came to check out the market, huh?
(If the player has not met Mona yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Mona IconMona — Astral Reflection
As her full name, "Mona Megistus, the Astrologist," is far too long, she permits those around her to call her Mona.
Mona's hydromancy is masterful and accurate, but people are often unwilling to accept the cruel truths presented to them through astrology.
At the same time, astrological tools and resources are necessary and regular expenses for a brilliant astrologist such as her, but they are not cheap by any means.
Due to this and her lack of financial management skills, she lives a frugal life and can barely make ends meet.
However, in her own words, Mona has simply chosen this simple life to penetrate the truths of this world. For how could the Great Astrologist Mona be shackled by poverty?
Media:vo jyeq002 2 fischl 01.ogg Fischl: Hm! One was wise to follow one's intuition, and ask Lady Megistus to join the Prinzessin on a tour of this folk festival...
(If the player has not met Fischl yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Fischl IconFischl — Prinzessin der Verurteilung!
"I, Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, have descended upon this realm from mine Immernachtreich, as decreed by destined doom."
"Each and every day, mine familiar Oz and I observe every weft and weave of fate..."
Apologies, Ms. Fischl of the Adventurers' Guild can be... hard to understand at times.
I would like to remind you on behalf of the Guild that the "Fischl Dictionary" is there for you should you fail to comprehend her words. You may also ask her companion, Mr. Oz, for help.
Overall, however, Ms. Fischl is a most trustworthy investigator. I hope that you will work well together.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 fischl 02.ogg Fischl: Extraordinary events may yet unfold even on this unexceptional autumn day... Splendid, most splendid!
Media:vo jyeq002 2 oz 01.ogg Oz: Mein Fräulein is battling hard to suppress the euphoria in her voice. Seeing you here has put her in the most wonderful mood...
Media:vo jyeq002 2 fischl 03.ogg Fischl: O—Oz! Spare us your gratuitous embellishments!
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 02.ogg Mona: Hehehe, maybe you should leave me to do the explaining.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 03.ogg Mona: Not long ago, Her Highness had a very nice dream, and took it as an [sic] sign that something good was about to happen. Naturally, Her Highness' first thought was to come to me for some astrological guidance on the matter.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 04.ogg Mona: She also noticed that the Weinlesefest was in full flow, and asked if I was interested in checking it out with her.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 05.ogg Mona: I, of course, agreed. I can take advantage of the festival-period discounts to purchase some bulk supplies for my present column-writing spree.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 06.ogg Mona: I must admit, without Her Highness' reminder, the Weinlesefest may well have completely passed me by...
Media:vo jyeq002 2 fischl 04.ogg Fischl: Lady Megistus, might Her Highness remind you that the dream of which you speak occurred no less than nine days ago...
Media:vo jyeq002 2 fischl 05.ogg Fischl: And that only after awaiting Lady Megistus's return letter in vain for all this time did one have no recourse but to rap most furiously upon the door to thy abode...
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 07.ogg Mona: Wait... it's been nine days already? NINE DAYS!? Where did the time go!
Media:vo jyeq002 2 fischl 06.ogg Fischl: In light of the great importance this manuscript has to you, Lady Megistus, one shall not hold thy inattentiveness to the passage of time against thee.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 oz 02.ogg Oz: But I would implore you, Lady Megistus, to be attentive at least to the nigh-overflowing mailbox outside your door. There appear to be many others whose letters go unanswered.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Wow, Mona... you were so immersed in your research that you forgot all about the time, stopped checking your mail, and almost missed out on a huge festival.
Icon Dialogue Talk Sometimes, it's very important to not be disturbed.
Icon Dialogue Talk Your ability to focus is admirable.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 08.ogg Mona: Ahem! Anyway! Time is of the essence, I have a lot of bulk-buying to do!
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 09.ogg Mona: Speaking of which — it's quite a surprise to see you running your own shop. And a snack shop at that, the most important kind!
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Oh, actually, we're just helping someone else out, hehe. Feel free to browse around!
Icon Dialogue Talk Is there anything you'd like to purchase?
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 10.ogg Mona: Let me think... Can you recommend anything that, um... goes well with a drink?
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Sure can! If you've got the hangries, then look no further! Just let Paimon check the menu...
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Wait a sec... "goes well with a drink"?
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Uh-oh... is the writing going that badly? You know drinking isn't gonna solve your problems, right?
Media:vo jyeq002 2 oz 03.ogg Oz: As it happens, mein Fräulein has been visiting Mona quite frequently as of late. It is possible that Lady Megistus is feeling the pressure from the constant interruptions.
Icon Dialogue Talk Hang in there, Mona!
Media:vo jyeq002 2 fischl 07a 1.ogg Fischl: ...
Icon Dialogue Talk Restrain yourself, Your Highness!
Media:vo jyeq002 2 fischl 07b 1.ogg Fischl: H—Huh!?
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 11.ogg Mona: No, no, it's nothing like that. This has nothing to do with drinking or with Fischl's visits, you all need to calm down...
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 12.ogg Mona: Recently, Her Highness invited me to try her signature cold cut platter... Sorry, I mean Die Heilige Sinfonie!
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 13.ogg Mona: It had such a unique taste and every bite was so sumptuous, before I realized it, I had finished the entire plate...
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Wow... Well, an empty plate is the highest compliment you can give to the chef.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 14.ogg Mona: Die Heilige Sinfonie is an excellent dish. It's filling, full of energy, and has a long shelf life. And if I'm not mistaken, it's often paired with alcohol, yes?
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 15.ogg Mona: It is in almost every respect a far superior dish to the so-called "Satisfying Salad," the sole exception being the steep price...
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 16.ogg Mona: Fortunately, however, the Weinlesefest is upon us. A festival during which not only are wines sold at discounted prices, but also wine-related food products.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 17.ogg Mona: This opportunity is a godsend. I cannot let it slip by.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 fischl 08.ogg Fischl: Rejoice, Lady Megistus! That dish was but a spontaneous creation hastily made in a moment of need while on a royal excursion. You shall have many opportunities to enjoy far finer culinary delights than this...
Media:vo jyeq002 2 oz 04.ogg Oz: Mein Fräulein means to say that this dish represents a mere fraction of her full capabilities.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 18.ogg Mona: But of course! Far be it from me to suggest that the true breadth of Her Highness' culinary brilliance can be displayed in a single dish...
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 19.ogg Mona: However, I cannot expect the sovereign to serve her subject... Ugh, what I mean is, I can't keep letting you cook for me when you're a guest in my home...
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 20.ogg Mona: At the very least, I should have something more than salad in store for when people come around... With any luck, I'll be able to find something to your taste here...
Media:vo jyeq002 2 fischl 09.ogg Fischl: Huh? Mona... is that really what this is all about?
Media:vo jyeq002 2 oz 05.ogg Oz: Mein Fräulein, might I suggest alternative phrasing that would be more faithful to your style? Perhaps "long had I foreseen this," or "thou needst not fret over thy affinity for salad."
Media:vo jyeq002 2 fischl 10.ogg Fischl: Ahem! ...Most indeed! Lady Megistus!
Media:vo jyeq002 2 fischl 11.ogg Fischl: You have long since earned the recognition of your Prinzessin... Devote yourself to deciphering the secrets of the starry sky. You need not spend precious hours in search of additional ways to delight me.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 21.ogg Mona: Don't worry, I won't always be as busy as this... it'll be quite nice to work on some other skills when I have the time.
Icon Dialogue Talk In that case...
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: ...Allow Favonian Goodies to be the solution to your troubles!
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: In addition to our range of ready-to-eat drinking snacks, we also have a wide variety of semi-prepped dishes for sale. Why not get a few of each kind?
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: Finishing off these ready-to-cook meals at home is easy as pie, takes no time at all, and can help you improve your cooking skills.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 20.ogg Paimon: Then, once you have more time on your hands, you'll be ready to challenge yourself with some trickier dishes!
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 21.ogg Paimon: We can even come and help, if you want! (TravelerTraveler) is really good at cooking, it'd be no problem.
Icon Dialogue Talk Yeah, piece of cake.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 22.ogg Mona: Haha, that's a great idea! I'm almost tempted to increase my budget now...
Media:vo jyeq002 2 fischl 12.ogg Fischl: Lady Megistus, your Prinzessin awaits your culinary masterpiece with great anticipation.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 oz 06.ogg Oz: But please keep Paimon's suggestion in mind and allocate your time wisely.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 mona 23.ogg Mona: Hmm-hmm, oh, you just wait. The next time you dine at my home, I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised!
Mona buys some supplies, thanks you profusely, and leaves with Fischl and Oz, feeling very satisfied...
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 22.ogg Paimon: Hehehe, Favonian Goodies has just completed its first sale!
Icon Dialogue Talk A small sale...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...but a major milestone.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 23.ogg Paimon: That's right! And it makes Paimon so happy to see a delighted customer find something that they really like.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 24.ogg Paimon: Paimon never knew that selling things to people who need them could feel so fulfilling. Looks like being a shop owner is a pretty cool job after all.
Media:vo jyeq002 2 paimon 25.ogg Paimon: Alright, (TravelerTraveler), let's keep up the momentum and get our name out there!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishFavonian Goodies
Xīfēng Hūhū Yìmài-pù!
FavoniusFavoniusFavoniusFavoniusTooltip for FavoniusFavonius Whoosh-Whoosh Charity Shop![• 1]
Xīfēng Hūhū Yìmài-pù!
Sepyurosu Zaazaa Shoppu!
FavoniusFavoniusFavoniusFavoniusTooltip for FavoniusFavonius Whoosh-Whoosh Shop![• 1]
Korean서풍 후후 자선 가게!
Seopung Huhu Jaseon Gage!
West Wind Puff-Puff Charity Shop!
SpanishTienda Benéfiufiu de FavoniusFavonian Charity Shop
FrenchBidules favoniens !Favonian Thingamajigs!
RussianВкуснота от Фавониуса!
Vkusnota ot Favoniusa!
Deliciousness from Favonius!
Thaiร้าน Favonius การกุศลกว่านี้ก็แจกฟรีแล้ว!
VietnameseQuầy Hàng Từ Thiện Gió Tây Vù Vù!West Wind Puff-Puff Charity Shop!
GermanDer Favonius-Wohltätigkeitsladen!The Favonius Charity Store!
IndonesianToserba Favonius!Favonius Department Store!
PortugueseLoja Beneficente do Ventão de FavoniusBig Wind of Favonius' Charity Store
  1. 1.0 1.1 Chinese and Japanese: This is a pun, as the Chinese and Japanese equivalents for "Favonius" (Chinese: 西风; Japanese: 西風) mean "west wind," while 呼呼 and ザーザー are common onomatopoeia for the sound of wind and rain in Chinese and Japanese, respectively.

Change History[]
