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Fatui Skirmisher - Geochanter Bracers are Common Enemies that are part of the Fatui Skirmishers enemy group and the Fatui family.



Toggle Drops at Lower Levels

90+32–49204 + 20.20%1 + 12.05%28.00%


Energy Drops
TypeHP ThresholdDrop(s)
Geo66%Particle ×2
33%Particle ×2
0%Particle ×2


State Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
Unshielded −20% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Shielded 80% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110%

Toggle Levels

Level Scaling

Note that HP and ATK values may change in Co-Op Mode, some Quests, and certain Domains (including Spiral Abyss and Imaginarium Theater). For more details, see Enemy/Level Scaling § Other Multipliers.


Most ability names are unofficial.

Rock Projectile
Shoots a small rock projectile from their staff towards the player, dealing 66.6% ATK as Geo DMG on hit.
  • Geocrystal Beam: When their Elemental Buff is active, shoots 3 slightly bigger projectiles at once in a straight line in different directions, dealing 100% ATK as Geo DMG.
Shining Withdraw
Teleports away if the player strays too close. This ability is only used when their Elemental Buff is active.
Crystal Shield
If an ally is nearby, forms a large dome around themselves that blocks ranged projectiles and increases ATK of all allies inside the dome by 20%. This ability is only used when their Elemental Buff is active.
Elemental Buff: Geo
Upon reaching 50% HP or after some time has passed, generates a Geo shield, granting them a massive increase in Resistances and enhancing their abilities. The shield takes Poise Damage, with Blunt Attacks being especially effective. Breaking the shield will leave them stunned and vulnerable to attack.
Ward Data
GU Required to Break[1]Poise DMG
Required to Break
Requires manually triggering Crystallize by applying Geo on a Cryo/Electro/Hydro/Pyro aura. Consumption scales with the aura's gauge at the moment Crystallize is triggered.

AI Logic[]

  • An ability will only be used if all of the following conditions have been met:
    • The ability is not on cooldown
    • The target is within the range required by the ability
    • The ability has the highest priority out of all that meet the previous 2 conditions
      • A lower priority number indicates a higher priority.
      • If multiple abilities share the highest priority, one will be chosen at random.
  • Certain abilities with extra trigger conditions may defy regular ability logic.
Ability Range Req. (m) Priority CD (s) Initial CD (s) Shared CD Action Interval (s) Triggers Act. Int. Ignores Act. Int. State Req.
Rock Projectile 3–25 4 5–7.5 1 2 Not Armored
Geocrystal Beam 0–25 4 5–7.5 1 Armored
Shining Withdraw 0–5 1 10–12.5 3 Armored
Crystal Shield 0–999 2 48 15–22.5 15 Armored
Elemental Buff: Geo 1 0–999 2 80–90 10–20
Elemental Buff: Geo 2 0–999 2 10 0 Below 50% HP
Elemental Buff: Geo 3 0–999 2 90–100 20–40


  • English
  • Chinese
  • Japanese


Fatui Skirmisher - Geochanter Bracer
Tutorial Enemies Fatui Skirmisher - Geochanter Bracer
Fatui Skirmishers that wield staffs to manipulate Geo energy and summon crystallized shields. They receive some kind of elemental buff. Perhaps using an element that reacts with Geo could make quick work of their buff...


A skirmisher with the ability to generate a Geo Shield and defend their allies.
Unlike the elite Mages and Agents, Fatui Skirmishers are soldiers of lesser individual might.
To complete their tasks and reduce losses in men and material, their tactics are thus more reliant on teamwork.


  • The Japanese version of the Geochanter Bracer's Spotting the Player voicelines are played at a significantly lower pitch. This is inconsistent with the rest of his voicelines being at a normal pitch when fought.


Genius Invokation TCG[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishFatui Skirmisher - Geochanter Bracer
Yúrénzhòng Xiānqiǎnduì - Yán Shǐ Yóujíbīng
Fatui Skirmisher - Geo Herald Guerilla
Yúrénzhòng Xiānqiǎnduì - Yán Shǐ Yóujíbīng
Fadyui Senkentai - Yuugekihei - Iwadzukai‍[!][!]
Fatui Skirmisher - Squadron - Geo Messenger
Korean우인단 선발대・바위 유격대
U'in-dan Seonbaldae - Bawi Yugyeokdae
Fatui Advance Party - Rock Guerrilla Unit
SpanishSoldado Fatui - Guerrillero GeoFatui Soldier - Geo Guerrilla
FrenchTirailleur Fatui - Mercenaire GéoFatui Skirmisher - Geo Mercenary
RussianЗастрельщик Фатуи: Гео заклинатель
Zastrel'shchik Fatui: Geo zaklinatel'
Fatui Skirmisher: Geo Caster
ThaiFatui Skirmisher - Geochanter Bracer
VietnameseĐội tiên phong Fatui - Quân du kích NhamFatui Vanguard - Geo Guerrilla
GermanFatui-Plänkler Geo-Boten-FreischärlerFatui Skirmisher - Geo Envoy Franctireur
IndonesianFatui Skirmisher - Geochanter Bracer
PortugueseSoldado dos Fatui - Guerrilheiro Geo
TurkishFatui Avcı Eri - Destek Toprak İlahicisiFatui Skirmisher - Backup GeoGeoGeoGeoTooltip for GeoGeo Chanter
ItalianSchermagliatore dei Fatui Fante Geoincantatore

Change History[]

Version 3.6
  • Updated Archive description:
    • Old: A skirmisher with the ability to generate a Geo Shield and defend their allies.
      Unlike the elite Mages and Agents, Fatui Skirmishers are soldiers of lesser individual might.
      To complete their tasks and reduce losses in men and materiel, their tactics are thus more reliant on teamwork.
    • New: A skirmisher with the ability to generate a Geo Shield and defend their allies.
      Unlike the elite Mages and Agents, Fatui Skirmishers are soldiers of lesser individual might.
      To complete their tasks and reduce losses in men and material, their tactics are thus more reliant on teamwork.

Version 3.1

  • ATK increased by 50%.
  • DMG multipliers decreased by 1/3.

Version 2.4

  • The Geochanter Bracer's icon was updated.

Version 1.0

  • Geochanter Bracer was released.
  • The enemy icon was the following:


