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Fate's Yearning Perfume is a Quest Item made by Ying'er during the Archon Quest Three Poignant Perfumes in Chapter I: Act II - Farewell, Archaic Lord. Ying'er says this perfume has a gentle but lingering fragrance, something something like the dusk mist, and it's a favorite of mature ladies.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishFate's Yearning Perfume
"Piāomiǎo Xiān Yuán" Xiāng Gāo
"Boundlessly Wide Adeptal Connection" Incense Ointment
"Piāomiǎo Xiān Yuán" Xiāng Gāo
"Hyoubyou-taru Sen'en" Koukou
"Boundlessly Wide Adeptal Connection" Incense Ointment
Korean「표묘선연」 향고
"Pyomyoseonyeon" Hyanggo
"Fluttering and Distant Adeptal Connection" Incense Ointment
SpanishPerfume de anhelo del destinoFate Yearning Perfune
FrenchBaume de désir du destinDestiny's Desire Balm
RussianМасло «Тоскующей фортуны»
Maslo "Toskuyushchey fortuny"
"Yearning Fortunte" Oil
Thaiน้ำหอม "Fate's Yearning"
Nam-hom "Fate's Yearning"
VietnameseSáp thơm "Phiêu Miểu Tiên Duyên"
GermanDuftessenz Schleierhafte FügungFragrance Essence "Obscure Providence "
IndonesianParfum Kerinduan TakdirFate's Yearning Perfume
PortuguesePerfume de "Anseio do Destino"
TurkishKaderin Cilvesi Parfümü
ItalianProfumo di Brama del destino

Change History[]
