Edwin Eastinghouse is an open-world NPC located in Administrative Area, Fontaine. He appears after completing the World Quest An Expected Lie.
Edwin is a former Senior Technician of the Fontaine Research Institute. Following a catastrophic explosion which occurred during one of his experiments, he was presumed deceased.[1] He is also the creator of the machine known as the Prototype Cal. Breguet, originally intended for the plan to turn Fontaine into a "city in the sky".[2]
He has brown hair, a monocle, and wears the green and white uniform of the institute.
When Edwin conducted an experiment using Arkhium in a bid to resolve Fontaine's prophecy, he instead caused a massive explosion which destroyed most of the Fontaine Research Institute's buildings.[1][3] The other members of the Institute presume he died in the explosion — Anatole catches himself while explaining to the Traveler that "they haven't found all the p[ieces]" and switches to "they haven't found Eastinghouse."[1]
Officially, Edwin is still considered alive by the Institute, and therefore was still considered an employee despite his disappearance. Regardless, he has since been dismissed from the post of Senior Technician on the grounds that he "has been absent from work without permission for a long period."[4] Raimondo and Choiseul have since taken up the task of rebuilding the Institute, much to Augustus Lovelace's disgruntlement.[3]
Edwin's disappearance resulted in several institute members attempting to gather any remaining assets and information to attempt to sell for their own gain, one of which was Nacker, a former associate of Edwin. However, it is later revealed that Edwin had survived the explosion and moved to a house in the Morte Region to continue his work, though as his former associates had stolen everything, had to start from scratch. When asked about the accident, he insists that it was not his fault, but rather his fellow "incompetent" researchers, claiming that he was outside when it occurred. He was able to acquire Loillier and Concini as benefactors, though he would eventually be discovered when the Traveler was trying to track Nacker down; as Nacker had posed a thorn to his work, he indirectly assisted them in his capture.[5] He was eventually brought back to the Institute where he and Nacker were subsequently fired and sent to the Fortress of Meropide. Despite this, Edwin is still insistent on researching Arkhium and shows interest in Jurieu's work, The Wingalet.
Quests and Events[]
World Quests
Idle Quotes[]
Arkhium research...
- "Arkhium is going to be the next big research frontier."
- Edwin Eastinghouse: Arkhium really has incredible research potential. I have to find a way to get in and take a look...
Whatever you do, you're not allowed to research Arkhium!
- Edwin Eastinghouse: Ugh, why are you here? Don't you understand? That explosion before was just an accident. Arkhium still has plenty of potential as a subject of research.
- Edwin Eastinghouse: And such incidents are inevitable during research. You lose a few researchers? Hire a few more. You destroy a lab? Build another. As long as the supply of Arkhium is guaranteed, I can get the research project up and running again.
- (If the player has not completed Masquerade of the Guilty)
- Edwin Eastinghouse: ...Why are you looking at me like that? Did I say something wrong?
- (If the player has completed Masquerade of the Guilty)
- Edwin Eastinghouse: What are you looking at me like that for? Am I wrong? I know you saw that ship Jurieu built, the Wingalet or whatever.
- Edwin Eastinghouse: Jurieu, Jurieu... And what energy source could he have used, if not Arkhium? That ship alone proves the value of the stuff!
- Edwin Eastinghouse: Although if you ask me, that tub of his was underpowered. There's room for improvement in his catalytic processes... yes, that's right! The tech I already developed should have been used...
It's your research that caused this tragedy.
- Edwin Eastinghouse: Indeed, it was a tragedy. However, they sacrificed themselves for science, and I salute them.
- Edwin Eastinghouse: But I must insist that you stop trying to pin that explosion on me. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I wasn't in the Central Laboratory at the time. I was out inspecting other departments.
- Edwin Eastinghouse: Some knucklehead must have spilled a cup of coffee, or accidentally pulled the wrong lever. Who knows how those idiots screwed up? At any rate, they ruined my lab and the entire Arkhium project!
You're the project leader. Don't try to evade responsibility.
- Edwin Eastinghouse: Ha! So you came all this way just to lecture me?
- Edwin Eastinghouse: I never asked to be the project leader. If the Institute hadn't imposed a deadline on my research—
- Edwin Eastinghouse: I wouldn't have had to hire that gaggle of fools to assist me. If I had the time to personally oversee every project, that accident would never have happened!
- Edwin Eastinghouse: Forget it. I won't waste any more of my time explaining it to you. When I get out of the Fortress of Meropide, I must get it through to the Institute to restart the research.
Will the Fontaine Research Institute take you back?
- Edwin Eastinghouse: If I were Raimondo, I wouldn't let Edwin Eastinghouse himself be idle and outside the Institute.
- Edwin Eastinghouse: Otherwise... Hmph! Does he really want the Institute to turn into a Fonta development factory?
- Edwin Eastinghouse: But now that that Choiseul has moved his office into the Institute... He might try to stop me from returning...
- Edwin Eastinghouse: I just want to conduct my own research in peace. Is that too much to ask?
What about Loillier and Concini?
- Edwin Eastinghouse: Financial backers for my research that's all. They only cared about making Mora. They didn't understand the first thing about technology, and couldn't even handle simple tasks like procuring precision instruments.
- Edwin Eastinghouse: I'd had enough. I was forced to assemble the instruments myself and rebuild the entire lab.
- Edwin Eastinghouse: They ended up being more interested in Nacker's shoddy prototype, and they kicked me out of the lab!
- Edwin Eastinghouse: They asked me to work on peripheral suppressors instead. How absurd!
What carrot did they dangle in front of you?
- Edwin Eastinghouse: Mora, fame, mansions, the whole nine yards. But I'm not interested in any of that.
- Edwin Eastinghouse: Mora won't necessarily buy you raw Arkhium, and fame won't attract top research assistants.
- Edwin Eastinghouse: As for the mansions... maybe I'd consider it if they were filled with precision instruments, but that clearly wouldn't be the case.
- Edwin Eastinghouse: I had no place to restart my research at the time, so I had to agree to rebuild the lab there.
- Edwin Eastinghouse: And now, thanks to Nacker, I don't even have my lab anymore!
- Edwin Eastinghouse: Hmm...How can I get in?
- Edwin's surname, Eastinghouse, may come from a nickname used by the engineers at the Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant in Finland to refer to their reactors. Concerned that their Soviet-designed reactors were unsafe to use, Loviisa's engineers recruited help from Western companies Siemens and Westinghouse Electric Company to remodel the reactors, thereby leading them to dub their reactors "Eastinghouse," after the combination of Western (German and U.S.) and Eastern (Soviet) technology.[6] Unlike Edwin, Loviisa has not faced any major crisis since it began operating in 1977.
- Given Edwin's primary achievement is the construction of a novel type of generator, he may also be named more directly after George Westinghouse, founder of the Westinghouse Electric Company (as the Westinghouse Electric Corporation) which pioneered alternating current systems for power transmission.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Edwin Eastinghouse |
Chinese (Simplified) | 艾德温・伊斯丁豪斯 Àidéwēn Yīsīdīngháosī |
Chinese (Traditional) | 艾德溫・伊斯丁豪斯 Àidéwēn Yīsīdīngháosī |
Japanese | エドウィン・イースティングハウス Edowin Iisutinguhausu |
Korean | 에드윈 이스팅하우스 Edeuwin Iseutinghauseu |
Spanish | Edwin Eastinghouse |
French | Edwin Eastinghouse |
Russian | Эдвин Истингхаус Edvin Istingkhaus |
Thai | Edwin Eastinghouse |
Vietnamese | Edwin Eastinghouse |
German | Edwin Eastinghouse |
Indonesian | Edwin Eastinghouse |
Portuguese | Edwin Eastinghouse |
Turkish | Edwin Eastinghouse |
Italian | Edwin Eastinghouse |
Change History[]
- Edwin Eastinghouse was released as an NPC.
- Edwin Eastinghouse was mentioned in quest dialogue.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Event Vibro-Crystal/2023-03-14 World Quest: Vibro-Crystal Reharmonization
- ↑ Archive, Living Beings, Enemies and Monsters, Automatons: Prototype Cal. Breguet
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 World Quest: Recollections of a Fontainian
- ↑ Interactable: Announcement Concerning Personnel Changes
- ↑ World Quest: An Expected Plan
- ↑ Spiegel: "Ärger mit Eastinghouse" [Trouble with Eastinghouse] (German)