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This page contains information about a past event that may or may not return in a future version.

The experiences you've had, and the people you've met — these are the things that make your journey unique.
With Paimon by your side, let the stars carry you away as you recall your precious memories from the past year...

Dream of Roving Stars is a Web Event in Version 4.1.

Event Duration[]

September 28, 2023 – October 12, 2023 23:59 (UTC+8)

  • Rewards cannot be claimed after the event ends. Please claim them in time.


Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 10 or above can participate in this event.

  • The data for the "Dream of Roving Stars" event will be collected up to September 25, 2023 00:00 (UTC+8) (there may be a margin of error of about 30 minutes) and is valid only for Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 10 or above before the cut-off time.

Event Description[]

During the event, click to enter different data sections and view your travel memories. Finish viewing them to obtain Primogems and other in-game rewards.

You can also share the event and collect different blessings to obtain in-game rewards.

Share Memories[]

After viewing all data sections, you can enter the Annual Report to customize and edit your own travel memories. After editing, you can generate your own travel memory card.

You can share your own travel memories with others via a link/image. You can also invite your friends to share data by sharing the link with them. Upon the first successful share, you will receive Primogems and other in-game rewards.

DRS Blessings Icon Sharing and Collecting Blessings[]

After viewing all data sections, you will be able to click the "Share Blessings" button in the top-right corner of the event homepage to enter the Blessing Collection page.

You can share blessings with your friends via a link. You can also collect different blessings and obtain rewards by clicking on links from friends.

  • Blessings from each shared link can be claimed up to 20 times.

DRS Rewards Icon Event Rewards[]

Task Reward
Finish viewing the data section regarding adventures
Primogem 40
Hero's Wit 2
Finish viewing the data section regarding explorations in Teyvat
Primogem 40
Hero's Wit 2
Finish viewing the data section regarding combats
Primogem 40
Hero's Wit 2
Finish viewing the data section regarding characters
Primogem 30
Hero's Wit 3
Finish viewing the data section regarding version events
Primogem 30
Hero's Wit 3
Share your annual travel memories
Mora 20,000
Share your data with friends once
Mora 20,000
Collect the Blessing of Freedom
Windwheel Aster 3
"Pile 'Em Up"CRIT Rate Up 3
Mora 10,000
Collect the Blessing of Gold
Glaze Lily 3
Lotus Flower CrispDEF Up 3
Mora 10,000
Collect the Blessing of Elegance
Sakura Bloom 3
Tricolor DangoHealing 3
Mora 10,000
Collect the Blessing of Ingenuity
Padisarah 3
Candied Ajilenakh NutDEF Up 3
Mora 10,000
Collect the Blessing of Justice
Rainbow Rose 3
Pate de FruitCRIT Rate Up 3
Mora 10,000
Gather the blessings of five nations
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

Rewards for Viewing All Data Sections[]

Travelers can claim corresponding rewards by viewing different data sections in full. You can obtain a total of Primogem Primogem ×180 and Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×12.

Rewards for Collecting Blessings[]

Collect all 5 different types of blessings to obtain corresponding blessing rewards as well as a reward for collecting all the blessings.

You can obtain a total of Mora Mora ×70,000, Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×4, as well as various materials and dishes from Teyvat.

Sharing Rewards[]

You can claim corresponding rewards by sharing your customized data, as well as by sharing data with other Travelers. You can obtain a total of Mora Mora ×40,000.

  • The in-game rewards will be distributed via in-game mail. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the rewards in time.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
16Astral ChimeThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3Dream of Roving Stars (travel memories)
Locations, Quests
17Dreamlike ReflectionThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3Dream of Roving Stars (menu)
Locations, Quests

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishDream of Roving Stars
Chénxīng Lǚmèng
Chénxīng Lǚmèng
Ukiyo no Hoshi, Tabi no Yume
Stars of the Fleeting World, Dreams of Travels
Korean떠도는 별빛의
Tteodoneun Byeolbit-ui Kkum
Roaming Starlight's Dream
SpanishSueño de estrellas errantesDream of Wandering Stars
FrenchRêve étoiléStarry Dream
RussianГрёзы скитающихся звёзд
Gryozy skitayushchikhsya zvyozd
VietnameseMộng Cảnh Ánh Sao
GermanTraum von reisenden SternenDream of Traveling Stars
IndonesianMimpi Bintang yang BerkelanaDream of Wandering Stars
PortugueseSonhos de Poeira Estelar
TurkishGezgin Yıldızların Rüyaları
ItalianSogno di un viaggio tra le stelleDream of a Journey Amongs the Stars

Change History[]
