Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Crafting Methods (unofficial name) are permanent systems in Genshin Impact that allow players to obtain certain items out of various starting materials.

Some like Crafting are instantaneous, while others like Forging have a processing time. Cooking is the only crafting method that features a minigame. Certain Crafting Methods allow for a character to assist the process, and may yield additional products if that character possesses a Utility Passive related to that Crafting Method.

List of Crafting Methods[]

Change History[]

Version 4.1
  • After Crafting, Converting, Forging, Cooking, or Creating furnishings, the formula selection interface will no longer move so that the selected formula appears at the bottom, and will instead align the interface so that the selected formula is in the middle of the screen. Moreover, formulas for which the player runs out of materials will not immediately be moved to the bottom of the list; the list will only be updated after switching to another screen.
  • When picking a character to assist a Crafting Method process, the currently selected character will appear at the top of the list instead of at their place according to their available Utility Passive bonus or obtainment order.

Version 2.4

  • Adjusts the display of the Crafting, Converting and Forging interfaces from a single-column list to a grid.

Version 2.0

Version 1.5

Version 1.3

Version 1.0

