Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part I is an Event Quest during the Moonlight Merriment event.
- Talk to Cloud Retainer
- Follow the aura trail and find the ingredients
- Pursue and defeat the Anemo Slimes carrying the Bamboo Shoots
- Obtain Anemo Slime-Swallowed Bamboo Shoots ×1
- Report back to Cloud Retainer
- Help Cloud Retainer complete the dish
- Complete the Supreme Cuisine Machine challenge in 1:30 time (90 seconds).
- Obtain Piping-Hot Oncidium Tofu ×3
- Report back to Cloud Retainer
- (Talk to Cloud Retainer)
- Cloud Retainer: Mm... Perhaps this path is best...
- Cloud Retainer: Ah, Traveler. Fine timing. Only recently has one finished setting this device up.
So this is the Supreme Cuisine Machine?
- Cloud Retainer: Verily. Much personal work has one put into it, and its faculties are vast.
So, what does it do?
- Cloud Retainer: Hmph, how hasty of you. Be at ease, and let one explain it to you.
- Cloud Retainer: Much lore did one read in the construction of this cuisine-making machine. Know that there are a few key points in the art of "making food."
- Cloud Retainer: The first of these is finding ingredients, which are of utmost importance in cooking. Many long years have countless chefs labored and wandered in search of all manner of ingredients...
- Cloud Retainer: One's device aims to solve this issue first of all.
- Cloud Retainer: Upon activation, it will automatically search for suitable ingredients nearby, and will mark their scent out, all the better for chefs to track them to their source.
Can't it go grab those ingredients by itself?
- Cloud Retainer: Ahem. This... Early days yet would one call this stage of work, and this issue of how a stove may trek across treacherous mountain roads by itself has yet to be resolved.
- Cloud Retainer: Now then, the second matter is the cooking itself. One has placed countless intricate components in this device's interior, such that the mere act of placing ingredients within will see them automatically processed.
How does it know how to do that?
- Cloud Retainer: Well... Naturally, it references the corresponding recipe in determining how the ingredients are to be processed.
- Cloud Retainer: Its inner workings are difficult to explain in a short time. You only need to know that resolving this matter took quite some work.
- Cloud Retainer: Much thought has one also bent to an affair most troubling for chefs — the cleaning of one's cooking utensils.
- Cloud Retainer: Quite a spoilage of a lovely scene of feasting it would be to have to clean up leftovers in the pot otherwise, no?
Is this device for sale?
- Cloud Retainer: Haha, but one doubts you could afford this wondrous tool.
- Cloud Retainer: Moreover, it will only work under one's adeptal power at the moment. Purchasing it shall profit you nothing.
Why did you make this device?
- Cloud Retainer: One's motive? Why, to explore the arts of mechanisms and engineering, naturally.
- Cloud Retainer: And of course, one's cooking will this render more convenient in the future...
- Cloud Retainer: Alright, we have spoken idly long enough. Even as one was constructing this machine, one was also studying recipes.
- Cloud Retainer: Recipes too, therefore, has one developed alongside, such that this Supreme Cuisine Machine may face suitable trials.
- Cloud Retainer: One invited you here to lend a little aid in gathering ingredients and following said recipes to make some dishes.
- Cloud Retainer: The first of these one names the Oncidium Tofu.
- Cloud Retainer: This dish requires tofu to be diced into tiny threads... a fair trial for this machine's knife-work.
- Cloud Retainer: As to what the ingredients are... one shall require Tofu, Ham, Bamboo Shoots, and Fowl. One has already asked Ganyu to prepare those ingredients, and they should be...
- Cloud Retainer: ...What? Where have the Bamboo Shoots gone? Most surely did one place them here. Did some villains take advantage of one's engrossed state to steal them away?
- Cloud Retainer: ...Hmph. No matter. This is a good opportunity to show you the ingredient-finding faculties of one's Supreme Cuisine Machine.
- Cloud Retainer: Supreme Cuisine Machine... activate!
- Cloud Retainer: Traveler, the machine has been activated. Follow the tracks it has created and reclaim one's Bamboo Shoots.
- (On approaching a group of slimes)
- Paimon: Eh? Why's the trail leading to those slimes?
- Paimon: Did those Slimes steal the Bamboo Shoots? What do they need 'em for?
- Paimon: Well, whatever! Let's keep up the chase!
- (After Defeating the Slimes and obtaining Anemo Slime-Swallowed Bamboo Shoots)
- You obtain the ingredients swallowed by the Anemo Slimes.
- Paimon: They're pretty well-preserved. Anemo Slimes sure are something...
- Paimon: Let's bring these Bamboo Shoots back to Cloud Retainer.
- (Talk to Cloud Retainer)
- Cloud Retainer: Have the Bamboo Shoots been reclaimed?
- (Opens item selection menu)
- Cloud Retainer: Good, good. These are the Bamboo Shoots that Ganyu prepared for oneself.
- Cloud Retainer: The ingredients have all been prepared. Let us make ready to cook.
- (Talk to Cloud Retainer again)
- Cloud Retainer: Then the rest can be left to this machine. However, Traveler, the heat control is yours to tend to.
Can't this machine do that by itself?
- Cloud Retainer: Well... One has tried several times to use an internal flame in an attempt to achieve autonomous heat control...
- Cloud Retainer: But the flame on the Supreme Cuisine Machine's stove is far from ordinary. One must use one's own adeptal flame to operate it.
- Cloud Retainer: Adeptal flames of such power would warp the shape of the internal components if fed directly into the machine's interior. Sacrificing the larger machine for some small gain is thus unwise.
- Cloud Retainer: The best solution at present is to apply the adeptal flames externally. As such, one requires a helper to control the heat of said flames...
- Cloud Retainer: The all-important flames shall be yours to command, Traveler. When you are ready, inform one at once.
I'm ready.
- Cloud Retainer: Then let us begin.
- Cloud Retainer: Supreme Cuisine Machine... activate!
I'm not ready yet.
- Cloud Retainer: Hmm. Ready yourself, then, and inform one once it is so.
- (Failing the challenge)
- Paimon: Uh, seems like we failed...
- (Talk to Cloud Retainer if the challenge failed)
- Cloud Retainer: One could not call the heat control desirable...
- Cloud Retainer: But no matter. One has ingredients to spare with which to attempt this once more.
- (Succeeding the challenge)
- Paimon: That smells great! It's a success for sure!
- Obtain Piping-Hot Oncidium Tofu ×3
- (Talk to Cloud Retainer again)
- Cloud Retainer: How is it? Is the Oncidium Tofu complete?
- (Opens item selection menu)
- Cloud Retainer: Very good! Verily do the capabilities of this machine exceed the norm!
- Cloud Retainer: The fine control exercised in processing this Tofu... Indeed, one has outdone oneself.
- Cloud Retainer: This is thanks to your aid as well, Traveler. Allow one to bestow a copy of the Oncidium Tofu recipe upon you.
- Cloud Retainer: You may attempt to make it again, should time allow.
- Cloud Retainer: Further adjustments must one make to this machine's faculties...
- Cloud Retainer: One might still need your help. One trusts that you will not decline, yes?
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Contraption-Contrived Cooking Course: Part I | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 机关烹饪之法・之一 Jīguān Pēngrèn zhī Fǎ - Zhī Yī | Method of Mechanical Cooking - Part One |
Chinese (Traditional) | 機關烹飪之法・之一 Jīguān Pēngrèn zhī Fǎ - Zhī Yī | |
Japanese | からくり調理法・一 Karakuri Chourihou - Ichi | Contraption Cookery - Part One |
Korean | 기계장치 요리법・첫 번째 Gigyejangchi Yoribeop - Cheot Beonjjae | Machinery Cookery - First |
Spanish | Cocina mecánica I | Mechanical Kitchen I |
French | Divine cuisine - Partie I | Divine Cuisine - Part I |
Russian | Курс машинной кулинарии I Kurs mashinnoy kulinarii I | Machine Cooking Course I |
Thai | เครื่องกลทำอาหาร I | |
Vietnamese | Bí Quyết Nấu Nướng I | |
German | Kochkurs mit Küchenmaschine – Teil I | Cooking Class with Food Processor - Part I |
Indonesian | Mekanisme Memasak I | Cooking Mechanism I |
Portuguese | Curso de Culinária Inventada Por Engano I | Culinary Course Invented By Mistake I |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.1