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Connor's Brew is a weekly Reputation Request that occurs in Mondstadt.


  1. Give ten servings of Wheat / three Flaming Flower Stamens / three Mist Flower Corollas / three sets of Dandelion Seeds to Connor

Request Details[]

Wheat Request[]

Help Needed:
I feel like I should brew a gentler wine before I get some rest...
But our warehouse supplies are almost all used up, thanks to me...
If anyone is willing to help out, please gather ten spikes of Wheat for me...

Flaming Flower Stamen Request[]

Help Needed:
Hmm... Some guests would like a drink that'll leave a deep impression.
A special wine needs to be brewed with special ingredients.
If anyone is willing to help, please gather three Flaming Flower Stamens for me.

Mist Flower Corolla Request[]

Help Needed:
I'd like to make a batch of new wine, but due to carelessness on the part of the warehouse caretakers, a portion of our wine-making resources have been damaged and are now unusable.
I am in urgent need of three Mist Flower Corollas. If anyone is willing to lend a hand, please gather them for me.

Dandelion Seeds Request[]

Hep Needed:
The resources I've expended in my brewery experiments are getting out of hand, it seems — we're all out of Dandelion Seeds.
If anyone is willing to help out, please gather three sets of Dandelion Seeds for me.


UI Quest Quest Description

The Dawn Winery's Connor requires ten servings of Wheat / three Flaming Flower Stamens / three Mist Flower Corollas / three sets of Dandelion Seeds.

Wheat Request[]

(While talking to Connor)
Icon Dialogue Quest About the wheat...
Connor: You... Ah. Saw my commission, did you?
Connor: So, gathered those ten spikes of Wheat yet?
Icon Dialogue Quest Here they are.
(After giving the Wheat)
Connor: Let me see... Yes, I think this is enough.
Connor: Thank you. Please accept a token of my appreciation...
Icon Dialogue Talk Still working on it...
Connor: Well, pass them to me once you're done gathering them. I need to rest for a while more...

Flaming Flower Stamen Request[]

(While talking to Connor)
Icon Dialogue Quest So, I heard someone needs Flaming Flower Stamens...
Connor: Yes, that was a commission I sent out. I must say, that was rather quick...
Connor: So, have you gathered the three Flaming Flower Stamens that I need?
Icon Dialogue Quest Here they are.
(After giving the Flaming Flower Stamens)
Connor: Yes, this will do. Please accept this small token from me as thanks for your help.
Connor: While I'm not certain if we can brew anything sufficiently special with these ingredients...
Connor: But I'm sure that this will be a memorable brewing experience nonetheless.
Icon Dialogue Talk Not yet.
Connor: Well then, give them to me as soon as you're done gathering them. I have wine to brew.

Mist Flower Corolla Request[]

(While talking to Connor)
Icon Dialogue Quest A little bird told me that someone wants Mist Flower Corollas...
Connor: Ah, you must have seen that commission of mine. So, do you have those three Mist Flower Corollas handy?
Icon Dialogue Quest Here they are.
(After giving the Mist Flower Corollas)
Connor: My, my... These Mist Flower Corollas are of fine quality indeed.
Connor: Please, take these — consider them a token of my appreciation.
Icon Dialogue Talk Not yet.
Connor: Please hurry, then. I'm due to use them to brew up some wine.

Dandelion Seeds Request[]

(While talking to Connor)
Icon Dialogue Quest So, I hear you need dandelions...
Connor: Oh, you must have seen my commission, then. Well, what about it? Have you gathered three sets of Dandelion Seeds?
Icon Dialogue Quest Here they are.
(After giving the Dandelion Seeds)
Connor: Yes... These Dandelion Seeds should last me for a while.
Connor: Please accept this. Thanks for helping me out.
Icon Dialogue Talk Not yet.
Connor: Not yet, eh... Well, be sure to give them to me once you've got them. I need to start brewing wine soon.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishConnor's Brew
Kāngnà de Niàngjiǔ Cáiliào Xūqiú
Connor's Brewing Material Needs
Kāngnà de Niàngjiǔ Cáiliào Xūqiú
Konaa no Jouzou Zairyou no Rikuesuto
Connor's Brewing Ingredient Request
Korean코너의 주조 재료 의뢰
Koneo-ui Jujo Jaeryo Uiroe
Connor's Brewing Ingredients Request
SpanishMateriales de vino para ConnorWine Materials for Connor
FrenchLe vin artisanal de ConnorConnor's Home-Made Wine
RussianАлкогольные ингредиенты для Коннора
Alkogol'nyye ingrediyenty dlya Konnora
Alcohol Ingredients for Connor
Thaiการสรรหาวัตถุดิบหมักไวน์ของ Connor
VietnameseNguyên liệu ủ rượu Connor cần
GermanConnors GebräuConnor's Brew
IndonesianBahan yang Dibutuhkan ConnorIngredients that Are Needed by Connor
PortuguesePedido de Materiais para Fermentação de Vinho de ConnorConnor's Order of Materials for Fermentation of Wine
TurkishConnor'ın Şarap Mayası
ItalianIl preparato di Connor

Change History[]
