An exorcist who roams the land with Liyue as his base of operations, evil spirits fleeing wherever he goes. As the heir to a clan of exorcists, he has always possessed abilities superior to most. However, these abilities are not the result of training, but of an inborn trait — a pure yang spirit.
—Description from the Official Website[1]
A young exorcist from a family of exorcists. He does everything he can to suppress his abundance of yang energy.
—In-game character attributes and profile page text
The young exorcist from Liyue, Chongyun. One might find Chongyun as a composed and stoic individual, though his friends might not say it is true most of the time.
Chongyun is a positive individual quite literally, as he has an excess of positive energy in him. Due to this excess in positive energy, he's vulnerable to things that warm him — fiery events, food, drinks, clothing, the sun, and even blushing. In the event he is not able to suppress those feelings, he might enter a manic state of being excited, friendly or faint. In extreme cases, he may show extreme signs of irrationality. To counter said positive energy, he always wears light-colored and light-weight clothing and usually eats cold food, though even with these methods and despite his efforts, he still has issues overcoming his unusual constitution.
Despite having a Vision, he's not as fond of it as others, believing that training is the way to become a stronger individual. Due to his intense training and the sole focus of exorcising a demon, Chongyun is extremely introverted in everything outside of exorcism.[2] He regards Xingqiu as a friend due to their similar agendas despite being pranked on by the bookworm on a frequent basis, which he usually tolerates.[3] Even beyond Xingqiu's pranks, Chongyun can be quite gullible, such as once taking the contents of a novel to be real-life events until informed otherwise.
Chongyun uses the medium male model. He has light blue hair reaching his ears, pale skin, and ice-blue cat slit eyes.
Official Introduction
Want to see a different side of Chongyun? Find a way to get him into a hot spring, and you'll see!
—Wise words from Young Master Xingqiu, who enjoys playing pranks on his friend.
With Liyue as his base of operations, the exorcist Chongyun roams the land, ridding it of evil. As the heir to a clan of exorcists, he has always possessed abilities superior to most. However, this ability is not the result of training, but of an inborn trait he has come to term, "congenital positivity."
Congenital positivity is an exceedingly rare physiology that makes the body susceptible to heating up due to an overabundance of positive energy. If unchecked, those who possess such a form can easily become hot blooded. Chongyun is a particularly serious case, his shifts in mood are explosive, and he remembers nothing from such episodes. However, Chongyun's condition is also his greatest asset, for all he needs to do to expel evil spirits is to sit awhile in whatever dark corner they may haunt.
As such, Chongyun's path as an exorcist has been smooth as smooth can be. However, he himself does not approve of this manner of doing things. In his honest and upright heart, leaning on his unique physiology to exorcise evil is but a cheap trick. An exorcist must, in his estimation, perform their duties with an exorcist's arts.
To counteract this congenital positivity, Chongyun has several disciplines that he practices. He does not go out in the sun or wear thick clothes, and he abstains from hot beverages and hot and spicy food. He takes up no quarrels, and he indulges no tempers. Yet despite searching high and low, and far and wide, he has been unable to find a lasting solution to his condition.
This troubled the young exorcist. The evil spirits were expelled, yes, but if things kept going like this, how would he ever prove himself to be a qualified exorcist?
As he sits atop an ice-capped mountain chewing on a snow bun, Chongyun cannot help but sigh. The road ahead is still long indeed.
Character Stories
Character Details
Throughout its long history, Liyue has never had a lack of rumors and myths regarding all manner of evil spirits and demons. And regardless of the truth of such rumors, someone has to do something about them.
Chongyun was born into a renowned family of exorcists, and has possessed a natural ability to drive away evil spirits from a young age due to his pure-yang spirit. His powers of exorcism are far beyond the norm: his mere presence is sufficient to scatter evil spirits.
However, this has proven to be an inconvenience for Chongyun himself, for though he has undertaken hundreds of successful exorcisms, he has never come face-to-face with a single ghost or demon.
Chongyun believes in his heart that a true exorcist should exorcize evil with charms and swordsmanship. This natural ability that he has... is just not orthodox.
Therefore, he has dedicated himself to the study of exorcism techniques and martial arts, as well as seeking the haunts of evil spirits to prove himself an able and professional exorcist even without his unique physical condition.
Yet, when will that condition stop being a stumbling block on his path to self-realization?
Character Story 1
Friendship Lv. 2
When Chongyun first ventured out as an exorcist, there had been much talk of an evil spirit lurking inside Liyue Harbor.
The victim of these hauntings was a woman from a family with a high enough stature to even have a word or two with the Liyue Qixing.
From a time she knew not when, her sleep began to be harassed by sounds that kept her awake, but every time she tried to follow the sound, it would suddenly shift behind her, and begin ringing again in her ears.
This shock caused her unspeakable distress, and she even lost weight for loss of appetite.
Her wealth was enough to hire the best exorcists from all over, but no matter what they tried, they had to retreat empty-handed. And not only did the noises persist, they even grew in boldness.
It was then, just when she had given up all hope, that Chongyun walked through her door.
"I apologize for coming just now, it has been far too sunny lately... I heard that this place houses a very stubborn ghost. Please, leave it to me."
Then Chongyun brought a chair over, and sat upon it in the middle of the house for a time.
That night, the strange sounds were no more.
The wealthy woman finally had a good night's sleep, and she came running to Chongyun the next morning with an overabundance of gold and jewelry as a reward.
But Chongyun, as was his wont, only accepted his usual fee of a few hundred Mora without an ounce of emotion on his face.
Ever since that incident, Chongyun has found that his reputation precedes him for miles around. He has become beloved in Liyue for his "style and character," and indeed scholars have given him this appellation: "a heart of clear water, and a face of ice."
Character Story 2
Friendship Lv. 3
However, calling his mannerisms and style "frosty" couldn't be farther from the truth.
Due to the abundance of yang energy in his constitution, he is constantly troubled by increased body temperature and sudden urges or impulses.
He has tried everything to alleviate the issues both physically and psychologically.
His methods include not drinking hot water, not eating hot or spicy food, wearing light clothes, not getting into arguments, keeping himself from being angered, staying indoors on sweltering days, and always bringing a parasol when on the job.
In short, he attempted to stay away from everything that might aggravate his condition.
Despite all this, his yang energy did not subside a whit.
A little depressed, Chongyun began to wrestle with his own body. When he heard about an evil spirit in Dragonspine, he made for the peak wearing only a shirt.
Though it was hard enough to keep himself warm, he still felt this insufficient. Digging a hole in a frozen lake, he jumped in and soaked in the icy water while waiting for the evil spirit to show itself.
After staying in the lake for half a day, he finally caught a glimpse of his target.
However, after pursuing it down to the mountainside, he discovered it was only a snow rabbit that had been frightened off by his flying swords and floating charms.
The fever that he ran afterward lasted far longer than it would in a normal person.
Character Story 3
Friendship Lv. 4
Chongyun's pure-yang spirit is not only a huge obstacle in his path as an exorcist, but a constant daily hassle.
He must be extra careful to stay away from "heaty" things, to which he is very sensitive, or risk his yang energy and emotions going out of control.
Chongyun's clan once held a celebration party at Wanmin Restaurant. And though he waited until all the dishes had gone cold, he did not expect the tender rice balls to be stuffed with Jueyun Chili.
After but a single bite... Chongyun had no recollection of what happened next.
However, according to the victim, chef Xiangling of Wanmin Restaurant, many unforgettable things happened.
Chongyun first jumped onto the reception desk and shouted, "Everything's on me tonight!" — never mind that he did not actually have any money on him.
He then began to chat with customers at other tables as if they were old pals, bragging to them of how incredible his clan's exorcist arts were, never forgetting to taste other people's dishes on the tables before he left.
Lastly, he claimed to have sensed an evil spirit in Wanmin Restaurant. This he did not find, but he did slap a charm on Xiangling's forehead and chase her around with his sword.
Afterwards, Chongyun scrimped and saved for an entire month to pay Wanmin Restaurant back for the mess and any damages he might have caused; he also gave Xiangling an evil-warding talisman that he carved by hand.
But Xiangling, for her part, didn't mind Chongyun's "transgressions" at all. Instead, she felt that the crazy Chongyun was the real Chongyun, without any personal walls up.
Character Story 4
Friendship Lv. 5
Chongyun has had the privilege of meeting a true friend in his long journey as an exorcist: Xingqiu.
In contrast to the hard-working Chongyun, Xingqiu was naturally gifted, and had a more flexible way of looking at problems.
After learning about Chongyun's troubles, Xingqiu came up with a possible solution.
"If you can't reduce the effects of your yang energy, what if you sought out an evil spirit that is immune to it?"
This was a eureka moment for Chongyun. Since then, Chongyun has no longer sought to alleviate his condition. Instead, he now tries to get Xingqiu to come with him to find such a spirit.
"What? Sightings of the legendary Aoyin near the Sea of Clouds? Leave it to me!"
"The old house at Feiyun Slope has been taken over by an evil spirit? My bad. I'll attend to it right away."
"A master exorcist is staying over at Wangshu Inn? I could learn a lot from him... Hmm, better go with a gift."
Xingqiu usually just makes these "leads" up as he goes, and thanks to his "advice," Chongyun often comes back empty-handed, blaming his bad luck.
"I tried my best to look for it, and even spent quite a sum purchasing more intelligence on that evil spirit — but I wound up missing it by a hair anyway," Chongyun says, abashed.
If Xingqiu has time to spare when such an occasion arises, he will encourage Chongyun, treat him to some new cold dishes he has found and then set off to get Chongyun's swindled money back.
A warm and reliable companion, indeed! — So Chongyun thinks at such moments. Who could he possibly trust, if not his fine friend Xingqiu?
Character Story 5
Friendship Lv. 6
In truth, Chongyun wishes that he could fit in more, but he is often forced to reject the invitations of others on account of his need to control his abundance of yang energy.
Of these practices, he finds one particularly incomprehensible: hot springs.
Bathing and "relaxing" in steaming-hot water? Even the sound of that scares him a hundred times more than freezing in a lake on Dragonspine.
However, he has also heard everyone sing yearning praises of these hot springs, praising their comfort, and asserting that they become more so the hotter they are, and that one is filled with energy for a whole week afterward.
Chongyun still doesn't know if this is true or if people are just teasing him.
And he would have dared to try it out, if not for the ever-present problem of his pure-yang spirit.
Xingqiu once asked him this:
"If you were able to master your yang energy and rid the world of all evil spirits someday...what would you do after that?"
This seemingly off-the-cuff remark troubled Chongyun deeply.
Perhaps he had indeed missed out on a lot in life on account of his condition.
But he doesn't regret spending time. If one way of living doesn't work, he just needs to find himself another — and in any case, he already has his answer.
If that day comes, well, he'll go to the hot springs then.
Field Guide to Demons and Beasts
Friendship Lv. 4
The tomes that Chongyun's family has passed down from generation to generation detail every evil spirit they have ever subdued.
From little critters to the monstrous demons found in tall tales of horror, their varieties are almost dazzling.
It was one such terrifying story that inspired Chongyun's vow to rid the world of evil spirits.
But as far as he is concerned, inheriting these books has... also proved inconvenient.
Other than textual descriptions, the books also contain illustrations of said evil spirits that carefully detail their unique characteristics — even if the artist may not have been the greatest talent.
But Chongyun has never seen an evil spirit in his life. Unwilling to break with this artistic tradition, he was at a loss.
Ultimately, he would attempt to use his imagination to draw some suitably strange images.
—Thus did the Field Guide to Demons and Beasts grow ever more exotic. Best not to think too deeply about that seven-winged, five-legged chicken-beast or that half-fish, half-hilichurl demon.
Friendship Lv. 6
"Those other exorcists at least have the courtesy to wave their swords or tack on some talismans. You just sat here for a while, and now you say you're done, and that I should pay you? Who are you trying to fool?"
Chongyun faced a great deal of suspicion when he first took up the role of an exorcist.
He immediately faced one big hurdle: it was a lot easier to prove that "evil spirits are present" than not.
Of course he would seem a charlatan even compared to "exorcists" who just went through the motions.
With all the ability in the world but no place to use it, looked on with suspicion, and needing to suppress any passionate impulses...
Those who eventually apologized to him were also few.
But even so, Chongyun would not go with the flow, and use some fancy act to cover for his real method of conducting exorcism.
Even with his unique composition posing countless obstacles for him, Chongyun has never once considered giving up.
One day, he will become the greatest exorcist in Liyue, control his abundance of yang energy, and rid the world of evil spirits.
Perhaps it was this resolve that earned him the gods' favor — that said, the Vision granted to Chongyun was one of "Cryo" rather than "Pyro."
As to which of his goals it was that the Vision responded to, that is also a mystery.
Chongyun: Spirit Blade | |
![]() |
Obtain: Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Chongyun Description: This was originally a peachwood sword made of ice. But a big enough ice block makes a better exorcist's tool than peachwood. |
Nubis Caesor | |
![]() | Meaning: Cloud Cutter |
Quests and Events
Story Quests
Hangout Events
- Moonlight Merriment
- Part I: One for the Foodies, Two for the Show
- Part II: Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go (cinematic)
- Fleeting Colors in Flight
- The Exquisite Night Chimes
- Part II: A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul
- Epilogue: Between Facades and Familiar Faces
- Duel! The Summoners' Summit!
- Round 2: Roll! A Sea of New Acquaintances
- Waterborne Poetry
- Springtime Charms
- Travelers' Tales: Anthology Chapter
Web Events
- Side by Side We Venture
- An Unforgettable Journey
- Festive Celebration of Flowing Hues
- Canvas of Starlight Memories
- Discover Teyvat
Character Trials
- Event Story Quest Tears Among the Leaves in Waterborne Poetry: Part II - Tears Among the Leaves
Test Run Events
- Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Chongyun — 2021-03-02
- Kamisato Ayaka, Yanfei, Chongyun, Ningguang — 2021-07-21
- Tartaglia, Ningguang, Chongyun, Yanfei — 2021-10-13
- Shenhe, Xiao, Yun Jin, Ningguang, Chongyun — 2022-01-05
- Arataki Itto, Kuki Shinobu, Chongyun, Gorou — 2022-06-21
- Yoimiya, Yae Miko, Kirara, Yun Jin, Chongyun — 2023-05-24
- Sangonomiya Kokomi, Wanderer, Faruzan, Rosaria, Yanfei — 2023-07-25
- Wriothesley, Venti, Chongyun, Thoma, Dori — 2023-10-17
- Navia, Kamisato Ayaka, Sucrose, Rosaria, Candace — 2023-12-20
- Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria — 2024-06-25
- Arlecchino, Clorinde, Lan Yan, Chevreuse, Rosaria — 2025-01-21
Character Mentions
Character Stories
Character | Stories |
Character Voice-Overs
Character | Voice-Overs |
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- Today... (2021-09-07)
- My Family Say... (2022-09-07)
- Exorcise Evil! (2023-09-07)
- It's Come True! (2024-09-07)
- The three symbols on Chongyun's clothes, underneath his belt, are from the Bagua, eight trigrams in Taoist cosmology that link between various concepts. In order of top to bottom, they are: ☳ (震 Zhèn, represents thunder), ☵ (坎 Kǎn, represents water), and ☶ (艮 Gèn, represents mountains).
- Chongyun's popsicles, which he can be seen eating in one of his idle animations, are specially made at Wanmin Restaurant and have yang-suppressing qualities. It is made using water, Mist Flowers, and Qingxin, and has no particular flavor.[4]
- Chongyun's Chinese voice actor kinsen (金船) is also the voice actor for Xiao. Chongyun mentions in Chongyun's Hangout Event: Act I - Signs of Evil and his voice-over About Xiao that he has deep respect for the guardian yaksha Xiao.
- According to Xingqiu, Chongyun has lovely handwriting.[5]
NPCs Mentions
- Hongyu mentions that Chongyun once exorcised an evil spirit from his house for him.
- After completing the quest Wangshu, if you talk to the chef Smiley Yanxiao and ask how things are going, he will say that, if another ghost appears, his boss will call Chongyun.
- On the Wangshu Inn Bulletin Board, Chongyun leaves a note apologizing for losing control after eating heaty foods. Based on the reply to his note, Xingqiu was with him, as he paid for the damages.
- Based on Zhi's message on the Qingce Village Bulletin Board, Chongyun saved her from falling into an abyss.
- During the Fleeting Colors in Flight event, Little Zuo calls Chongyun and Xingqiu as weirdos who always go to Qingce Village discussing "evil spirits" and assumes that they are writing a story.
- Chongyun is mentioned in the description of the following Furnishing:
- His constellation, Nubis Caesor, is Latin for "The Cloud Cutter."
- This could be an allusion to his name, which means "layers of clouds."
Other Languages
Character Title: Frozen Ardor
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Frozen Ardor | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 雪融有踪 Xuě Róng Yǒu Zōng | Traces of Snow Melting |
Chinese (Traditional) | 雪融有蹤 Xuě Róng Yǒu Zōng | |
Japanese | 雪消の跡 Yukige no Ato[!][!] | Traces of Snow Melting |
Korean | 얼어붙은 열정열정 Eoreobuteun Yeoljeong | Frozen Passion |
Spanish | El Hielo Ardiente | The Burning Ice |
French | Corps de glace et cœur de feu | Body of Ice and Heart of Fire |
Russian | Морозная пылкость Moroznaya pylkost' | Frosty Ardor |
Thai | ร่องรอยในหิมะ Rong Roi Nai Hima | Traces in Snow |
Vietnamese | Bóng Hình Băng Giá | |
German | Spuren im schmelzenden Schnee | Traces in Melting Snow |
Indonesian | Frozen Ardor | — |
Portuguese | Pegadas na Neve | Footprints in The Snow |
Turkish | Donmuş Ateş | |
Italian | Ardore ghiacciato | Frozen Ardor |
- ↑ Official Genshin Impact Website: Chongyun
- ↑ Story Quest Act, Chongyun: Act I: Signs of Evil
- ↑ Chongyun's Voice-Over: About Xingqiu
- ↑ Hangout Event, Chongyun, Act I - Signs of Evil: Popsicles and Their Curious Uses
- ↑ Event Travelers' Tales: Anthology Chapter Anecdote: Xingqiu: No Other Choice