Bruce is an open-world NPC located in the City of Mondstadt, Mondstadt. He can be found near the main gate of the city during the daytime and at the second floor of Angel's Share during the nighttime.
Bruce is a Knight of Favonius. He spends his time slacking off under the shade during the day, daydreaming of joining the Adventurers' Guild, and drinking at Angel's Share tavern.
Bruce wears one of the standard uniforms of the Knights of Favonius. The uniform consists of a black long-sleeve shirt and horse riding pants with white plate armor worn on top. However, the poleyns, greaves, and sabatons are black. The Knights of Favonius crest decorates the breastplate.
Quests and Events[]
Story Quests
Idle Quotes[]
- (Daytime)
It's Mondstadt. What could happen?
- "It's Mondstadt. What could happen?"
- (Nighttime)
...*hic* And another!
- "Just...just one more!"
- "Dandelion wine. ...Another!"
- "Another...another...dandelion wine!"
- During Invitation of Windblume
- (Daytime)
If only I'd been...
- "If only I'd been born in the days of Old Mondstadt. *hic* Just maybe."
- (At daytime)
- Bruce: Hi— Hi! Anything the Knights can do for you?
- (At nighttime)
- Bruce: Hi! Are you here to try Mondstadt's famous wine too?
About Stormterror... (After completing The Outlander Who Caught the Wind)
- Bruce: If you ask me, I don't think it's anything serious.
- Bruce: The Archon War makes Stormterror look like child's play. If you think about it, there haven't been a lot of casualties at all.
- Bruce: In any case, we have our reliable colleagues and our eminent Acting Grand Master. This issue will be solved very soon. Mondstadt won't be in any great danger.
What are you doing?
- (At daytime)
- Bruce: I was just having a sleep— Uh.. a sweep!
- Bruce: ...I was doing a sweep— sweeping survey of all the, uh, safety blind spots in Mondstadt! Mm-hmm!
- Bruce: Slacking off? No! By no means, not me! Never! Perish the thought!
What a peculiar knight...
- Bruce: *sigh* Look at me, making a fool of myself.
- Bruce: In any case, you can't say peace prevails in Mondstadt unless you've got a freeloading — sorry, I meant free-spirited — knight to show for it...
- (At nighttime)
- Bruce: Hmm! From the look of you, you must be a traveler from out of town!
- Bruce: Here you go, try some of this — the crowning jewel of Mondstadt's wine industry, dandelion wine!
- Bruce: What? You're underage? In that case... you have to try the apple vinegar!
What are you doing here?
- Bruce: What do you mean? I'm off work...
- Bruce: I sleep better when I've had a little tipple after work to take the edge off.
- Bruce: ...Huh? What difference does it make when I slack off all day anyway, you say?
- Bruce: Well there's nothing to do because... because Mondstadt is just so peaceful, that's why.
- Bruce: I'm sure my life would have been more interesting if I'd gone with the Adventurers' Guild instead...
...What makes you say that?
- Bruce: Just think. As an adventurer, you'd get to go explore wherever you wanted, literally anywhere in the seven nations of Teyvat...
- Bruce: And best of all, you can make a living from it! What could be more fun than that?
It does sound like a good deal.
- Bruce: Exactly! I also feel like the Knights have too serious an air about them for my liking...
- Bruce: By comparison, the Adventurers' Guild doesn't have so many annoying rules, and has a lot of interesting people!
- Bruce: For example, there's Fischl. I don't always understand everything she says, but it sounds really cool!
- Bruce: If only I had joined the Adventurers' Guild back then, I might even be her partner right now...
- Bruce: I've even thought of something to call myself. Something like "The Demon King of Damnation." Sounds cool, right?
- Bruce: Okay, goodbye!
- Bruce: Hope you enjoy your stay in Mondstadt.
Event Dialogue[]
Invitation of Windblume[]
- Bruce: Ah, the Windblume Festival... How I envy those heroes who left their mark on history...
What's with the long face?
- Bruce: Ah, it's just a shame. Mondstadt is so... well, it's peaceful, but maybe it's too much so.
- Bruce: *sigh* If only I'd been born in the days of Old Mondstadt *hic* ...just maybe...
- Bruce: How is one to become a hero in such days of peace?
By fending Stormterror off, perchance?
- Bruce: Well, that certainly was an opportunity, but...
- Bruce: Wait. Are you trying to ask me what I was doing during the Stormterror Crisis?
- Bruce: I... I'll have you know that I was doing a sweeping survey of all of Mondstadt's safety blind spots!
- Bruce: *cough* I mean, it's all water under the bridge now, isn't it? Let's not dredge it up anymore, hahaha...
Perhaps dueling a Fatui Harbinger might do the trick?
- Bruce: I... well... I mean, Snezhnaya is, after all, an ally of Mondstadt's...
- Bruce: I couldn't possibly cause a diplomatic incident just like that, could I?
- Bruce: *cough* I guess I should just find some other way to do this...
See you.
- Bruce: Okay, goodbye!
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Bruce |
Chinese (Simplified) | 布鲁斯 Bùlǔsī |
Chinese (Traditional) | 布魯斯 Bùlǔsī |
Japanese | ブルース Buruusu |
Korean | 브루스 Beuruseu |
Spanish | Bruce |
French | Bruce |
Russian | Брюс Bryus |
Thai | Bruce |
Vietnamese | Bruce |
German | Bruce |
Indonesian | Bruce |
Portuguese | Bruce |
Turkish | Bruce |
Italian | Bruce |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.0