Brek is an open-world NPC located at the aboveground part of "The Rusty Rudder", Erinnyes Forest, Fontaine.
Idle Quotes[]
Find another way...
- "Have to find another way..."
- Brek: I was forced to do this in order to make a living. My hands were tied.
What are you talking about?
- Brek: You scared me! I thought it was another creditor coming for me.
- Brek: I'm thinking of starting a new business. If this deal goes through, I'll be sitting atop a goldmine. I'll have enough Mora to leave the Court of Fontaine and start anew.
- Brek: But that cowardly Debal... Bah! He deserves to be poor. He couldn't hold onto Mora even if you handed it to him on a silver platter.
Leave? But what about your creditors?
- Brek: They really took me for a ride with this loan. When I borrowed that sum, I had no idea they'd come up with so many terms and charge me interest that was sky high.
- Brek: If I were only expected to pay back the principal, I wouldn't exactly be overjoyed, but I could accept it. But now they're telling me that the interest alone has grown to three times the principal!
- Brek: If they think I'm gonna pay that, they're delusional. I was hoodwinked. This was never my debt to begin with!
Then why did you borrow Mora in the first place?
- Brek: I was in dire need of Mora for my business at the time, but no one was willing to lend me a cent. I had no choice but to approach that bunch of crooks for a small loan.
- Brek: It doesn't matter now anyway. Once I get my hands on that thing and send it out, all of this will be settled.
So... what exactly is this business?
- Brek: Hmph, I can't tell you unless... you're willing to join me.
- Brek: I can give you a little hint though. It was a deal with a prominent merchant from Snezhnaya. He struck the deal with me personally, hehehe.
- Brek: Goodbye for now. Those creditors shouldn't be able to find me here, right?
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Brek |
Chinese (Simplified) | 布雷克 Bùléikè |
Chinese (Traditional) | 布雷克 Bùléikè |
Japanese | ブレック Burekku |
Korean | 브렉 Beurek |
Spanish | Brek |
French | Brek |
Russian | Брек Brek |
Thai | Brek |
Vietnamese | Brek |
German | Brek |
Indonesian | Brek |
Portuguese | Brek |
Turkish | Brek |
Italian | Brek |
Change History[]
Released in Version 4.2