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Book of Esoteric Revelations is a World Quest in Beryl Region, Fontaine. The ??? point of interest is unlocked during this quest.

Start Location[]

To start this quest, talk to Canotila (originally labeled as ???) in Merusea Village, Fontaine.


  1. Go to the place where the book is hidden
  2. Find the pages (0/3)
  3. Decipher the page
  4. Find Canotila
  5. Drive away the Rifthounds
  6. Keep exploring


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UI Quest Quest Description

To investigate the secrets of the unfathomable book, you decide to work alongside Canotila...
(Talk to Canotila)
Paimon: Hey, what are you doing under a waterfall? Are you gonna take a bath or something?
Paimon: Um, if that's the case, we won't disturb you...
???: What bath? I am pondering some profound questions. If I must say... I suppose I am "meditating."
???: If you hadn't come thundering along and interrupted my train of thought, perhaps I would have already come up with the answers.
Icon Dialogue Talk "Meditating"...
???: I read in a book that if you run into something you can't make sense of, if you just "meditate," maybe you'll find the answers. I didn't misunderstand that, right?
Icon Dialogue Talk We're really sorry...
???: Let's see... A human most strange and a rainbow balloon. You two must be from outside the village?
Paimon: Right! Paimon's Paimon, and (‍hehe/sheshe‍)'s (TravelerTraveler)... Wait a sec. Though you're right to say that we're not from here, what do you mean, a rainbow balloon?
???: Oh, right. You might not see it that way... I almost forgot about that again...
???: Let me think... Right. (TravelerTraveler), what does Paimon look like to you?
Icon Dialogue Talk She looks like a white Specter.
Paimon: Wait! Don't people use "Specter" as an insult!?
Icon Dialogue Talk Like emergency food.
Paimon: Now that's just wrong!
Icon Dialogue Talk Paimon's Paimon.
Paimon: Uh... That sounds right, but it also sounds like you didn't answer that question at all.
???: Haha! Interesting. But to my eyes, Paimon is just like a little rainbow balloon floating in the air, and her string seems to extend upward, to somewhere above the sky itself...
Paimon: What the... Seriously!?
???: Yes... And just what does (TravelerTraveler) look like to your eyes, Paimon?
Paimon: Uh... Of course, Paimon's golden-haired traveling companion! Don't tell Paimon you see something else.
???: What I see... If I really must say, then I see a monster that looks like it could swallow the whole world in a single bite.
Paimon: That's way too scary! Are you serious!?
???: Of course I'm serious! Perhaps you've heard that we Melusines can see things that humans cannot see...
???: But for some reason, I see things differently, even when compared to other Melusines. I can always find things that have been hidden.
???: I have read that the "nature" of things is hidden beneath them, and this "nature" decides their "future." Not that I know what that means...
Paimon: If that's the case, how did you know that we're outsiders?
???: Well... Though what we see is different, we can still find "ideas" that we have in common.
???: Just like how you can tell a flower is still a flower, no matter how strange the color, right?
???: As long as I spend enough time with everyone, I can grasp the "concepts" that everyone talks about and then pretend to fit in.
???: If you hadn't looked special in my eyes at all, I wouldn't have struggled to find the right "concept" to describe you.
???: As I thought. It seems that I still have lots to learn...
Paimon: Uh... That's a whole bunch of stuff that Paimon didn't really get. On that note, we've been talking for ages, but we don't even know your name!
Canotila: What is a name, but an artificial code that confers false uniformity on different perceptions? ... Still, everyone calls me Canotila, and you may do so as well.
Paimon: Wow! You talk in such a roundabout way, just like a scholar!
Canotila: Roundabout? Is that how you see it...
Canotila: I don't usually talk with humans from outside, so I don't quite understand your methods of communication. I am merely making deductions and inferences based on what I have read in books.
Paimon: You keep talking about what you've read in books... Do Melusines read too?
Icon Dialogue Talk It must be really inconvenient for you to turn the pages, right?
Paimon: But maybe they don't use their hands, but the feelers on their heads... Er, um, wait, that's not the point!
Paimon: Still, Paimon wasn't expecting there to be books hidden here.
Icon Dialogue Talk I wasn't expecting there to be books here.
Canotila: Yes, an amazing scholar left them behind, all hidden inside a secret base. All of what I just said, I learned from those books.
Canotila: There's even a book there that I just couldn't understand. "Meditation" has allowed me to comprehend it — ever so little of it.
Canotila: But lately, I've been making no progress no matter how I rack my brain. That's why I came here to meditate and try to find a way forward.
Paimon: A book that can't be understood... Aren't arcane secrets, never meant to be known by anyone, usually encrypted in books like that?
Paimon: Speaking of secrets, that usually means treasure...! Now that Paimon thinks about it, she's getting curiouser and curiouser!
Canotila: If you're interested, why don't I take you there to have a look?
Canotila: That book is important to me, and I must find a way to understand it.
Canotila: You appear to be knowledgeable, well-informed outsiders. Perhaps you'll be able to understand that book quite easily.
Icon Dialogue Talk I've certainly solved a puzzle or two.
Icon Dialogue Talk Our experience tends to be more on the practical side.
Paimon: That's right! We're like, super professionals at this! Come on, Canotila, show us the way!

(Approach the marked location)
Canotila: Aaand we're here! If we dive down below this "entrance," we'll find the place where that scholar once hid the books.
Paimon: Huh... But it looks like an ordinary pond. What sort of entrance are you talking about?
Canotila: Ah, right, it is being hidden, after all, so you won't be able to see... Hehe, just watch, then.
Canotila takes out something that looks like a key, tracing the air along some unseen trail.
There is a soft chime, and the shallow pool before you suddenly becomes unfathomably deep.
Canotila: Well, here's the entrance now!
Paimon: Wow, Paimon couldn't tell how you did that!
Canotila: Well, I can't quite explain it either... But while others can't see it, there are actually all sorts of fissures here.
Canotila: As long as I use my token to draw a line across those fissures, I can do some incredible things.
Canotila: That said, I don't know why they are only present here. As such, I did a lot of research... until I found that indecipherable book...
Canotila: It has much to do with me and my token, and I'm also certain that if I figure it out, I'll know why I'm special in this way.
Icon Dialogue Talk That's quite the burden.
Icon Dialogue Talk There's nothing wrong with being special.
Canotila: Well, then! That's enough of that! Let's go inside!
Canotila: I must find a way to understand that strange book.
(Approach the book)
Paimon: ...
Paimon: Hmm... So you can't understand it at all either, after all?
Icon Dialogue Talk Not a single word.
Paimon: Maybe there's some kind of cipher! Take a closer look!
Icon Dialogue Talk I reckon we should look more closely.
You stare at the runes on the page for some time. The runes slowly start to disintegrate and reassemble themselves, becoming new words.
At the same time, your surroundings seem to recede, and you arrive in a strange new place.
"I see. This is a world where even Sweet Flowers and Mint cannot grow. Can you see it, too?"
You turn around to look for the source of the voice, but are suddenly awakened. Looking back at the book, it looks just like it did originally, as though nothing happened.
Paimon: So... Did you discover anything, (TravelerTraveler)?
Icon Dialogue Talk It was like I entered a strange place.
Paimon: A strange place? But you were here the whole time! Did you just stare too intensely or something?
Icon Dialogue Talk I think I saw the runes dissolving, and then reconstructing themselves.
Paimon: That's weird... Did you just stare too intensely or something?
Canotila: I knew you'd be able to see it too.
Paimon: Huh? Have you had the same experience, Canotila? Is this what you meant by "meditating"?
Canotila: Yes. Though I can't understand a single word in the book, I get a strange feeling from looking at it for long enough.
Canotila: It feels as though you've been transported to another world, and then, you can start to understand the book's contents.
Canotila: But as soon as you awake, you're back to being unable to comprehend it.
Icon Dialogue Talk Then what have you seen before...?
Canotila: Oh! Wait just a moment.
Canotila: Ta-da! This is my notebook. I've written down everything I saw inside!
Canotila: Um, that said, I wrote it all down while I was "meditating," and I was sort of in a trance, so it might be a bit hard to understand...
Paimon: Let Paimon see... Yep, this is really messy. Wow.
Paimon: But it says something about an "Elynas" or something like that...
(If Limner, Dreamer, and Robotic Dog has been completed)
Canotila: Hmm, based on my previous results, that scholar must have been conducting research on Elynas or something.
Paimon: Uh... Then this book must record things that happened a long time ago!
Canotila: Yes. But I still can't understand exactly what happened.
Canotila: Even when "meditating," I can't make heads or tails of what comes before and after.
Canotila: As such, though I can understand just a little bit, I still don't know what it is really saying... If I'm not mistaken, however, the book is still missing a lot of content.
Icon Dialogue Talk The notebook does mention a few locations.
Paimon: Oh! So you mean that these locations might be clues?
Canotila: Locations? Yes, the names of locations are written between important sections. Could it be trying to tell us where critical parts of the text are hidden?
Canotila: I mean, I've guessed as much in the past, but I've never left Elynas, so...
Paimon: In that case, why don't you stay here, Canotila? We'll go investigate the places in the notebook. Maybe we'll find the missing pieces!
Paimon: And besides, it's related to Elynas, so there's no way we're going to ignore it!
Canotila: Alright! In that case, I'm counting on you two.
Canotila: If you find anything, just bring it back. I'll be waiting here for you.
(Talk to Canotila again, optional)
Canotila: If we can find the missing parts of this book and put them back where they belong, maybe we'll be able to understand more...

(Talk to Canotila after collecting all three pages)
Canotila: These do look like the missing pages from the book! Let's try putting one back in, shall we?
Icon Dialogue Quest Insert Page
(Submit Enigmatic Page (I) Enigmatic Page (I))
Canotila: And then we just need to concentrate and "meditate" on the book, like before.
The edges of the page gradually blur. After a spell of dizziness, the words seem to become clearer...
Enigmatic Page (I) countless volumes here. It appears that these books were left behind by an ancient order... Kingdoms rise and fall, and when a civilization is annihilated, a new one will be born after from the ashes, which these books refer to as "Fortuna"... It's somewhat rudimentary, but theoretically at least, it bears striking resemblance to the computational scheme I have formulated and termed "world-formula"...
...All the records are blurred with age. But were I able to quantify them to some extent, they could be of use in my "world-formula" calculations...

...No matter how many times I derive it, the result remains the same, though this result is not expected... Unlike the world depicted in these ancient texts, there will be no more new civilizations born... Unless we consider introducing "variables" from outside the system... If it was that sort of power, there might be a chance...
Item Enigmatic Page (I) Image
Here I found the magical techniques left behind by the Golden Troupe (they seem to be referred to by various names, I'll go with this one for now). Based on my interpretation, it appears to be known as the "Seal of the Chymical Marriage" and consists of two parts. However, it has been weathered too much to decipher any more information... Interestingly, I have encountered similar symbols in documents from the Narzissenkreuz Institute archives... They look complicated, yet the underlying principles are quite clear. If the records prove accurate, there are some key locations within the realm remaining... Related records may be found elsewhere as well... I should record my findings here for now, as they may prove useful in the future...
Paimon: Wow! This time, even Paimon could start to understand! Seems like the confusion was all due to the pages that were missing before, huh?
Canotila: Awesome! Let's put another page in now, shall we?
Icon Dialogue Quest Insert Page
(Submit Enigmatic Page (II) Enigmatic Page (II))
As you start meditating again, you once more attempt to understand the page's contents.
The edges of the page blur, and the incomprehensible shapes that line it leap forth, as if mounted on a pop-up book.
Yet, before you can make sense of what is happening, there is a rush of noise all around you, and you return to the world as it was.
Enigmatic Page (II)
...The pollution of the land and water wrought by the giant beast Elynas seems to have been mostly purified and diluted. However, when it comes to Elynas itself, even the adults seem to be at a total loss. They simply cordoned off the surrounding area. Nevertheless, it was quite easy to sneak in. It felt rather strange slipping into the creature's mouth, and it reminded me of events from some of the stories I once read...

...Though I have no substantive evidence, I still sensed some sort of "will" from it. Jakob did, too... There were no signs of decay in the flesh. Instead, its body was hardening, as if forming a protective membrane. Given its current immobilized state, it looked like a self-defense mechanism to safeguard its internal organs...
...But it does make sense, with such a wellspring of vitality... If my deduction is correct, it may also be used to enhance Jakob's strength by following the same principle... However, at this stage, there's no need to subject Jakob to such risks. I should get safe experimental data first through the Institute of Natural Philosophy, and then set specific research objectives. Although, as Jakob mentioned, this may waste a lot of precious time...
...After all, the flesh of Elynas remains toxic, and the risk if Jakob...

...Jakob has returned. He's quite brave, but also an idiot. He didn't give any thought to the possible consequences. We have no one else to rely on now. If he...
...The data we've collected is still incomplete. Jakob had minor adverse reactions, primarily vomiting. But he recovered quickly and hasn't shown other symptoms in the short term. His mental status and physical status remain stable... It's only possible because Jakob completely trusts me... Our lives are limited. Still, even if it's just for the future, we must find a way to get allies, get stronger, and prevent disaster...

...Alain has enrolled in the Institute of Natural Philosophy. He should fit right in with his sharp mind. I brought the pocket watch he gave us, and we compared the time only to find there was already a significant discrepancy... We agreed to meet at the Institute. The brightest minds of Fontaine are gathered there, and we can expect to make huge progress and get much-needed help...
...As for Mary-Ann, just the sight of her fills me with joy. We had a long discussion about the Narzissenkreuz Institute, but Jakob was crying through most of it... I didn't tell them about Jakob. It's because Uncle Guillotin, who was with them, is part of the Maison Gardiennage. Although he seems to be treating Alain and Mary-Ann very well, he still can't be trusted. After all, Father and Mother... It was all the doing of their lackeys and goons...
Canotila: Well, Paimon can read the words now, but the author's intended meaning is still a total mystery!
Canotila: We'll just have to put this last page in and see what we get. Maybe the contents will link up, or something!
Enigmatic Page (III)
...The tests on Jakob's strength continue. As before, the flesh and blood of the great beast Elynas is being used as nutrition. Jakob seems to have gotten used to it, so there's nothing to worry about anymore. Thus the "adverse reactions" observed before may just have been caused by Jakob's feelings of disgust. It's a relief to know that his physical condition hasn't been harmed...
...Jakob still eats, but only out of habit and no longer as a necessity for survival. But I suppose it's a good thing, because eating together is nice. It suddenly occurred to me that jam was somewhat similar to the flesh and blood of Elynas, so I made a joke about it. Jakob seemed quite uncomfortable...
...The results have improved significantly in comparison to previous tests. Perhaps more can be done... Then the next step would be to attempt the opening of a "passage"...

...The "passage" was opened successfully, though it only lasted a short while. During this time, many black monsters that were shaped like dogs emerged. They were very aggressive and terrifying, but thank goodness Jakob was here. Though he was so scared he was crying, he still managed to wipe them out while bawling...
...These monsters are identical to those we discovered during our desert expedition. However, those were salt gray, stiff, and immobile at the time, so it was relatively safe...
...I'm certain their properties are nearly identical to those of Elynas...

...The Khaenri'ahn records mention "passages" appearing in large numbers, and numerous dangerous monsters that looked like dogs emerging from them. It's very likely that they are the same type...
...It can be safely postulated that the location these "passages" link to is full of these monsters, and I shall tentatively call them "Beastly Rifts"... thus, these hounds may be called "Rifthounds"...
As you read faster and faster, you fall into a trance and arrive again in that mysterious space.
The same voice from before rings out.
"...No matter how many times I run the calculations, the results are the same. After a few hundred years, all the birthing waters of the world will dry up, and a few hundred years after that, the world will become as it appears now before us. This is quite the predicament."
"...Hey, come on now, don't cry! There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm here, aren't I? Don't you trust me? Also, Alain and the others will definitely help. Also, I bet you'll definitely be able to survive in this world. You're special..."
"...I know, I know. You're worried that constitution of others is different from yours. That's reasonable. Well, that's why we need to continue researching the things left behind by the Golden Troupe. Perhaps we'll discover some new possibilities. We'll go back to the Narzissenkreuz Institute together and take a look, okay?"
The voice drifts away again. After what feels like a long time — though, in this world, time seems to no longer measure changes in matter — you hear the voice once more.
"It looks like he won't help us anymore. You're the only one I can rely on now. Hey, come on! Don't be like that. I'm sad too, but I won't cry until after the fat lady sings. Moreover, we still have to find a way to cure him."
"...Don't be scared, it'll all go smoothly. There are already lots of people willing to listen to us. If we want to persuade them further... Besides belief, we'll also need ceremony..."
"...As for the name, we'll call it the "Book of Revealing," and put it in the form of a book. We'll use our secret cipher to write it. Everyone only sees the world that their cognitive framework allows them to see. But using this method, we can share the visions we have foreseen with others..."
Just as you begin to listen closely to what the voice is saying, it begins to gradually fade away...
At the same time, you feel the world around you suddenly begin to collapse, and with a roaring sound resounding, you wake again.
Paimon: Are you okay, (TravelerTraveler)?
Icon Dialogue Talk Was that an earthquake just now?
Paimon: Earthquake? What earthquake? Nothing happened here...
Paimon: Paimon did get a little dizzy, but you looked like you'd fainted! You didn't wind up in some mysterious space again, did you?
Paimon: Just what's going on with that weird space, anyhow... And if you think about it, it's pretty dangerous too! What if you go in and can't get back out?
Paimon: So just what did you encounter inside?
Icon Dialogue Talk I seem to have witnessed a premonition that someone had.
Paimon: Huh? The pages we found before did mention something about deductions and calculations, too... Could it be that the things revealed inside that space were actually the result of such deductions?
Icon Dialogue Talk I seem to have heard a prophecy that someone made.
Paimon: Eh? Did someone say anything in there? And it was some kind of prophecy? That's real creepy...
Paimon: Hmm... If what you say is true, then this was actually a book of prophecies, wasn't it?
Paimon: But why make the format so complicated? If the author didn't want people to understand it, wouldn't it have been better to not write it at all?
Canotila: Actually, I also heard all kinds of sounds while I was meditating... But they were just the songs of birds and flowers... I don't know anything about the prophecy you spoke of.
Canotila: It seems we must enter that space again to understand what is going on... If we meditate together this time, we should be able to enter it.
Paimon: Paimon's still worried... Wait! Paimon wants to come too! No way is she gonna stay here alone.
Once again, you focus upon meditating, and the furor surrounding you fades. The world grows silent.
Then, you hear the tiniest of sounds, and a feeling that is wrath, or perhaps grief, wells up within your heart.
Your very soul feels drawn to this mysterious sound.
And as you follow that sound, a whole world — utterly alien, supremely familiar — races to meet you.
(The Traveler and Paimon arrive at a floating ruin)
Paimon: Wha—? Where the heck did we end up?
Paimon: This is like some kind of dreamscape! This must be the strange place you were talking about before.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's much more vivid than before.
Icon Dialogue Talk It could be dangerous.
Paimon: Did the author of the book really create this place? And they hid such a big space inside it, too...
Paimon: Hmm... Well, Paimon doesn't know how they did it, but this place looks like a ruin!
Paimon: Also, we meditated with Canotila to get here, but we're the only two people around right now...
Paimon: She didn't fall somewhere, did she? Oh no! Things could get bad if she winds up in danger!
Paimon: Let's go find her! Hurry!
(Approach the marker)
Paimon: Paimon sees her! That's Canotila over there, right?
Paimon: Canotilaaaa! Over here!
Paimon: Can she not hear us?
Paimon: C'mon, faster!
(Approach the book)
Paimon: Huh!? Where'd Canotila go? She was just here a moment ago...
Paimon: Wait! There's something on the ground, pick it up and take a look!
You pick up a page from a book...
Scattered Page
...See that? That's the conclusion the world-formula arrived at after countless calculations. The scene we foresaw, the destruction after the cataclysm, and this world where not even a Sweet Flower or a Mint can grow... That is the end of all things...
...Do you believe it at last? Whether you have arrived at this place via the Book of Revealing or the Looking Glass, lend me your strength, that we may avoid this future...
...Just as I said, the only way is...
Paimon: Is this page the same as the ones we found before? How did it end up here?
Paimon: Let Paimon see!
Paimon: It's easily readable! Is it because we're in this strange space?
Paimon: Cataclysm? Destruction? Some kinda apocalypse? What...? Even if Paimon can read the words, it still doesn't make any sense.
Icon Dialogue Talk But if we put it together with the other pages...
Paimon: Hmm... That's true. We've definitely seen something about "calculations" before.
Icon Dialogue Talk This appears to be a prophecy.
Paimon: Huh... So it's as we guessed previously.
Paimon: So, does this mean that this is the future the author wants us to see?
Paimon: A world where even Sweet Flowers and Mints won't grow — ugh, that's a terrible place no matter how you slice it!
Paimon: But if that really is the future, shouldn't the author tell everyone about it and find a solution? Why make a place like this?
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe this is the only way everyone will believe it.
Icon Dialogue Talk Or maybe he had his own considerations.
Paimon: It also mentions some kind of "Looking Glass"... Seems like there are other ways to get in here.
Paimon: Still, Paimon doesn't think any of this will be much help in answering Canotila's questions...
Paimon: Ugh, forget it! Who cares about some dumb prophecy, anyway? The important thing right now is to find Canotila! Let's keep looking!
(Obtain Scattered Page Scattered Page)
(Approach the marked location)
Paimon: Up there! But how did Canotila get there?
(Enter the rift)
Paimon: And beside her... That's a Rifthound, isn't it? Canotila's in danger!
(Defeat the Rifthound)
Paimon: No sign of Canotila or where she's gone. There's only this fellow here...
Paimon: That said, it doesn't seem to want to attack us anymore. That's a first for a Rifthound, huh?
Paimon: It looks like... It wants to say something to us?
Icon Dialogue Talk Not that we can understand it, anyway.
Icon Dialogue Talk We shouldn't get too close... just in case.
Paimon: Wait, is Paimon seeing things?
Paimon: What's an ordinary little doggie doing here? Where'd that Rifthound go?
Paimon: (TravelerTraveler), take a look! Is there something wrong with Paimon's eyes?
Icon Dialogue Talk It might be the Rifthound.
Icon Dialogue Talk Anything can happen in a dream.
Paimon: Is it trying to tell us to go through that passage over there?
Paimon: Judging from its reaction, Paimon guessed right!
Paimon: Who knows where that's gonna lead, but we weren't able to find Canotila anywhere... so maybe she did leave via that way.
Paimon: And it looks like there's no other route we can take, so let's just try it and see what happens!
(Enter the rift)
Paimon: Huh. We came right back.
Paimon: Or maybe... we never even left...
Canotila: Oh? You had the same reaction as I did, Paimon.
Paimon: Canotila! We were looking all over for you!
Paimon: Paimon kept calling out for you, but you never responded! That place was so dangerous, but you just ran around all over the place!
Canotila: Dangerous? The place we entered was so serene and peaceful, like a beautiful garden.
Paimon: Huh? But all we saw was rubble!
Canotila: That's odd. I kept looking for you two back in that previous space. But there were big trees and flowers everywhere, so I got lost...
Canotila: Fortunately, I followed the sound of a bird, then found a golden butterfly, which brought me up on top of the garden...
Paimon: What about the Rifthound? We saw you and a Rifthound... Oh, right! That Rifthound even turned into a dog.
Paimon: Ugh... Now it feels like Paimon is just talking nonsense...
Canotila: I saw a little dog too! On top of the garden, there was a cute little dog that nodded at me, and helped open the way out for me.
Canotila: I thought you both had gone somewhere else to play... And that I didn't need to worry, so I just came back here.
Canotila: And you? What did you discover?
Icon Dialogue Talk Nothing special.
Paimon: Though Paimon doesn't think it'll answer your questions, we did find a page...
Icon Dialogue Talk We found another page.
Paimon: Right! We found this inside, though we don't know if it'll be useful, it also looks like a page from this book...
You open the page you found, and show it to Canotila...
Canotila: The butterfly... It's the golden butterfly...
Paimon: Huh? What are you talking about?
Canotila: I can see golden butterflies flying out from the page, just like the one I saw in the space before.
Paimon: Ugh... Never mind solving anything, we've got even more problems on our hands now! Seems like you really did see something completely different in that space!
Paimon: Hmm. If that space is the future predicted by the author, then why did you see a garden? Just thinking about that makes Paimon's head hurt!
Canotila: But I was very happy inside... I didn't even think about those questions! Maybe that's what the book was trying to tell me all along.
Canotila: Even if we perceive differently, if we can communicate our feelings to one another, maybe the "essence" of things doesn't matter all that much after all.
Paimon: Paimon wouldn't say that we had a great time in there, but if you've figured things out for yourself, good on you!
Paimon: Still, that place is pretty sketchy, and we don't yet have any clue as to what's up with that prophecy either.
Canotila: Speaking of the prophecy, this book makes it sound really scary, sure, but what if the things I saw were the real future? After all, such things aren't set in stone, are they?
Canotila: And since the book mentions other ways to enter that space, we may be able to figure this book and its prophecy out if we find them.
Canotila: And then maybe we can meet there again, in that space!
Paimon: Uh, it might be better if we just meet in reality. Also, Canotila, don't go running around in that space anymore!


  • When entering the floating ruins, looking through the crack in the wall behind the players spawn location reveals the Fountain of the Inverted City.
  • The static image (as seen through the wall) shows the same vegetation and root-network as the real room. The room we see is therefore not in the distant past, but also not in the present due to the small altar in the center of the room not appearing (It was probably installed there shortly before Requiem of the Echoing Depths took place).

Video Guides[]

Guide: Book of Esoteric Revelations

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBook of Esoteric Revelations
Mìhuì Jiēshì zhī Shū
Book of Secret Teachings Revealing
Mìhuì Jiēshì zhī Shū
Hikyou to Keiji no Sho
Korean난해한 게시의
Nanhaehan Gesi-ui Chaek
Abstruse Book of Revelations
SpanishEl «Vademécum de la revelación oceánica»The "Vade Mecum of Oceanic Revelation"
FrenchLivre des révélations ésotériquesBook of Esoteric Revelations
RussianТайны «Книги Откровения»
Tayny "Knigi Otkroveniya"
Secrets of "Book of Revelation"
Book of Revelation of the Unknown Sea
VietnameseSách Khải Huyền Soi Rạng
GermanEin geheimnisvolles Buch der AufdeckungA Mysterious Book of Revelation
IndonesianKitab Kebenaran SamudraThe Book of the Truth of Ocean
PortugueseLivro das Revelações Oceânicas
TurkishSaklı Vahiyler Kitabı
ItalianLibro delle rivelazioni esotericheBook of Esoteric Revelations

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