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Academic Exchange is an Event Quest during the A Study in Potions event.


  1. Report the effects of the Smoldersleet Potions to Timaeus


UI Quest Quest Description

The Smoldersleet Potion's phased trials are over. It is time to report back to Timaeus...
Paimon: Well, we sure used our Smoldersleet Potions a ton of times back in that Domain, didn't we?
Paimon: Guess it's time to head back and look for Timaeus!
(Approach the crafting bench)
Timaeus: You're back! How are the Smoldersleet Potions performing?
Icon Dialogue Talk I just wish we could use it outside Domains.
Paimon: Yup! That would take the cake!
Timaeus: Oh? Seems like you liked it. Go on then, give us the details!
Icon Dialogue Talk I think there's room for improvement.
Paimon: That's true... For example, it would be better if we could use it outside Domains!
Timaeus: True. I was just discussing the issue with Ms. Ying'er. Please, give us all the details.
You explain what happened during the test run in detail.
Timaeus: It's just as you predicted, Ms. Ying'er!
Timaeus: Our path for improvement is clear — we must somehow contain the sublimated substances within a set area.
Timaeus: Perhaps we could reverse the special characteristics of dandelions to create special excipients that can prevent the substances from being affected by the flow of air.
Timaeus: There is no precedent to such a method though, and we will need a great number of trials to prove its feasibility.
Paimon: Wow, Paimon couldn't make sense of that at all.
Paimon: Still, it feels like you made some important suggestions each time, Ms. Ying'er.
Ying'er: Ah, I don't think I ever came up with such a detailed postulation.
Ying'er: Well, my hardworking alchemist, are you trying to fathom my depths, or are you just trying to please me through flattery?
Timaeus: I—I'm just expressing my admiration for your knowledge!
Ying'er: Alright, alright. You'd best give it your all, now. Who knows? You might have to use some alternative sources of knowledge in the future, too.
Ying'er: Don't forget to keep me posted once your research succeeds.
Timaeus: Of course! When that time comes, I'll send you my best potions as a memento!
Timaeus: You know, Ms. Ying'er, if you have the time, would you like to come with us to Wanmin Restaurant...?
Ying'er: Oh, I'm afraid our academic exchange must come to an end for now. There are still many matters I must attend to at Scent of Spring.
Ying'er: Don't forget to drop by often~
Icon Dialogue Talk We will!
Paimon: Thanks, Ms. Ying'er!
Ying'er leaves.
Timaeus: *sigh* I couldn't say it in the end, huh?
Timaeus: But considering that I'd already given her so much trouble, it was probably for the best that I didn't take up any more of her time.
Timaeus: Alright then. We'll calm down a bit, and wait for a suitable opportunity...
Paimon: What are you talking to yourself about, Timaeus?
Timaeus: Uh, N—Nothing [sic]!
Timaeus: Thanks for your help so far! As we agreed, I'll treat you both to a great meal at Wanmin Restaurant.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'd almost forgotten...
Paimon: Ooh, that's right! Alright, alright, alright! Time for a great big meal!
You go to Wanmin Restaurant with Timaeus and have a hearty meal.
Paimon: Whew! Paimon's super full!
Paimon: Actually, this research was pretty cool! You should bring us along next time you come to Liyue, Timaeus!
Icon Dialogue Talk You know, Paimon, somehow I doubt that you're in it for the research.
Icon Dialogue Talk You're just here for the free meal, aren't you?
Paimon: C'mon! Paimon did help... ask for directions!
Timaeus: Haha! Whatever the case, thank you both so much!
Timaeus: But once I return to Mondstadt, I'll be throwing myself into improving the Smoldersleet Potion, so I'm afraid I won't be coming back to Liyue for some time.
Timaeus: Maybe I'll have to ask you to help me deliver a letter. I mean, I still haven't properly thanked Ms. Ying'er for her help.
Paimon: Eh? Weren't you two discussing stuff the whole time? Why didn't you just tell her?
Timaeus: *cough* Well, uh, Ms. Ying'er's manner of speech is just too... too special! I must consider my words very carefully, and in such cases, penning a letter is naturally superior to speaking face-to-face...
Timaeus: Well now, time presses. Let's head back to Mondstadt right now. Why, I can't wait to create the perfected version of my Smoldersleet Potion!
Paimon: Traveler, do you get the feeling that Timaeus has been acting all weird ever since we said bye to Ms. Ying'er?
Paimon: Paimon doesn't get it...

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAcademic Exchange
Xuéshù de Wǎnglái
Academic Exchange
Xuéshù de Wǎnglái
Gakujutsu Kouryuu
Academic Exchange
Korean학술 교류
Haksul Gyoryu
Academic Exchange
SpanishIntercambio académicoAcademic Exchange
FrenchÉchange académiqueAcademic Exchange
RussianРазговоры о науке
Razgovory o nauke
Conversations About Science
Paimahasu thang Wichakan
Academic Exchange
VietnameseNguồn Gốc Của Học Thuật
GermanAkademischer AustauschAcademic Exchange
IndonesianPertukaran AkademisAcademic Exchange
PortugueseIntercâmbio Acadêmico

Change History[]
