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A Prayer for Blessings, Told to Crested Peaks is the Tribal Chronicles chapter for Children of Echoes.

List of Acts[]


A strange sound echoes across the ridgeline's edge...

Act I - Tepetli Dissonance[]

With your help, Cheven, the owner of Muhuru's Gemporium, escapes danger. She seems to have decided to prepare a gift for you as thanks...

(To be added.)

Act II - Hoarse Echoes[]

You and Cheven pay a visit to Tlazolli, and you discover that she gave up on her work to care for her sick daughter Nechca. Now that Nechca's condition is improving, things seem to be looking up for all involved...

(To be added.)

Act III - Melodious Chant[]

In the end, you, Xilonen, and "Nechca" saved the child whose true name is "Nepecha."
The strange noises that plagued the peaks are now still, the one behind the schemes has been brought to justice, and every "name" has returned to its rightful place. Nepecha's future is now in her own hands.
Perhaps one day, when the mist clears, she may also discover all about her "past"...
And learn the meaning of the name "Nepecha."
Threadlike Whispers

(To be added)

A Faint Signal Lingers

(To be added)

Wailing Cacophony

(To be added)

Serenity's Reprise

(To be added)


14 Characters appear in this Chapter:

Total Rewards[]

Mora 192,825 Mora


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishA Prayer for Blessings, Told to Crested Peaks
Shukufuku wo Inori, Tepetoru ni Tsugu
Korean산에 올리는 축복의 기도
Sane Ollineun Chukbog-ui Gido
A Wish of Blessing For the Mountains
SpanishUn deseo para las montañasA Wish For the Mountains
FrenchPrière de bénédiction sur les sommets dentelésPrayer of Blessing on the Jagged Summits
RussianМолитва о благословении на горном хребте
Molitva o blagoslovenii na gornom khrebte
A Prayer of Blessings on Mountain Crest
Thaiอธิษฐานขอพร บอกกล่าวขุนเขา
VietnameseCầu Nguyện Chúc Phúc, Kể Với Đỉnh Núi
GermanGebete und Wünsche an die Gipfel der BergePrayers and Wishes to the Mountains' Peaks
IndonesianPermohonan Berkah, Pengungkapan PuncakA Prayer for Blessings, Revelation of the Peak
PortugueseUma Oração por Bênçãos para os Picos
TurkishYüksek Tepelere Yapılan Lütuf Duaları
ItalianPreghiera propizia alle Cime Crestate

Change History[]

Version 5.1

Version 5.0
