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Genshin Impact Wiki

A Dragon's Wondrous Sight is a Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

One copy of A Dragon's Wondrous Sight is obtained from the World Quest The Tales Behind the Fan.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishA Dragon's Wondrous Sight
"Chuàng Lóng Diǎn Jīng Qí Xiàng"
"The Wonderous Sight of Creating a Dragon and Drawing the Eye"
"Chuàng Lóng Diǎn Jīng Qí Xiàng"
"Souryuuten Seiden"‍[!][!]
"Legend of Drawing the Eyes on a Wounded Dragon"
Korean「창룡점정의 기이한 형상」
"Changryongjeomjeong-ui Giihan Hyeonsang"
"The Eccentric Phenomenon of Creating a Dragon and Drawing the Eye"
SpanishLa maravillosa visión del dragónThe Marvelous Sight of the Dragon
French« Merveille à travers les yeux du dragon »"Wonder Through the Dragon's Eyes"
RussianДивный взгляд дракона
Divnyy vzglyad drakona
Dragon's Marvelous Glance
"A-phi-nihan Mop Chiwit hai Mangkon"
"The Miracle of Giving Life to the Dragon"
Vietnamese"Cảnh Tượng Tạo Rồng Điểm Mắt"
GermanDer wundersame Blick eines Drachen"The Wondrous Sight of a Dragon"
IndonesianPemandangan Penglihatan Seekor NagaSight of a Dragon's Vision
PortugueseMaravilhosa Visão do Dragão
TurkishEjderin Mucizevi Görünümü
ItalianVista portentosa di un drago

Change History[]

