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A Cloud-Sea Appeal, a Brilliance Revealed is an Event Quest and the only quest in Event Story Quest Vibrant Harriers Aloft in Spring Breeze: Part II - A Cloud-Sea Appeal, a Brilliance Revealed.


  1. Wait until the appointed time (08:00 – 12:00 two days later)
  2. Go to Xinyue Kiosk and have dim sum with Gaming
  3. Go to Mt. Aocang
  4. Check on how construction is going (0/3)
  5. Make a kite
  6. Figure out where Xianyun's gone
  7. Follow Xianyun and check out the situation
  8. Return to Mt. Aocang
  9. Go to the abode entrance

Gameplay Notes[]


UI Quest Quest Description

In order to thank you for your help, Gaming proposes to invite you to Xinyue Kiosk for some dim sum...
(Pass time)
Media:vo eqhdj302 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Paimon has never had dim sum at Xinyue Kiosk before, but it should be quite the feast for sure!
Media:vo eqhdj302 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Ooh, and that's Paimon's stomach, right on cue, telling her it's time to go find Gaming. Let's go!
(Enter Xinyue Kiosk)
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 01.ogg Gaming: Oh! You're here early. I just ordered. The food should be out in a second. Sit down, sit down.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Let's all take a seat.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 02.ogg Gaming: Here, hand me your cups.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Oh, thank you!
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 03.ogg Gaming: Wait! You weren't supposed to drink that, Paimon.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 04.ogg Gaming: That was for you to rinse your utensils.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Huh? That's a thing?
As you talk, piping hot dim sum dishes arrive at the table one after another.
And just when you think that all the dishes have been delivered, the hostess brings over a generous bowl of seafood congee...
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Wow... So much delicious food. Do you really eat all this just for breakfast?
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 05.ogg Gaming: Hehe, that's just how we do it where I'm from.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 06.ogg Gaming: Most of the time, though, I don't eat lunch after dim sum.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: That's good to hear. Paimon doesn't need to worry about holding back, then!
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 07.ogg Gaming: Eat! Eat! If it's not enough, we can always order more. Oh, there's Tong Sui coming as well! I don't usually have that in the morning, but well, since everyone's here, I just had to order it.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 08.ogg Gaming: What about you, (TravelerTraveler)? Is the food to your liking? Want some more seafood congee? Let me refill your bowl.
Icon Dialogue Talk That would be great, thanks.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'd be happy to do it myself.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Paimon's gonna take you up on that! Fill it up nice and full, and make sure she gets a few extra shrimp. Thanks!
Everyone picks up their chopsticks and begins to dig in...
Each dish tastes exquisite and is uniquely flavorful. You slowly start to relax as you enjoy pleasant conversation over a satisfying meal...
This goes on until even Paimon can't eat another bite...
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Ah... So full. That meal was so satisfying, it even gave Paimon some extra brain juice.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Listen, listen, Paimon's figured it out!
Icon Dialogue Talk Figured what out?
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Let's think about this for a second, Gaming. You invited us to this awesome restaurant and ordered a whole tableful of expensive dim sum just for the three of us... Well, you must be hiding the fact that you're some young master from a rich family!
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: That would explain why you try to keep your friends and family away from each other.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 09.ogg Gaming: Haha, are you confusing me with Xingqiu?
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Huh? You know Xingqiu? You sure know a lot of people.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 10.ogg Gaming: Well, when you're on the road as much as I am, you hear all sorts of rumors. Sometimes they're true, sometimes they're not. What it comes down to is being able to tell the difference.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 11.ogg Gaming: More often than not, that means knocking on some doors to find out for yourself.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Oh, you truly are a man of many talents, Young Master Gaming!
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 12.ogg Gaming: Okay, okay. Enough with the teasing. Sorry to burst your bubble, Paimon, but you're wrong about my family situation.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: What!? Paimon thought she was on to something there...
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 13.ogg Gaming: My dad is just an ordinary tea merchant. Small-scale stuff, you know? It wouldn't even make sense to mention his business in the same breath as the Feiyun Commerce Guild.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 14.ogg Gaming: My dad... *sigh* He always wanted me to inherit the family business, to be a merchant like him.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 15.ogg Gaming: But that's just not who I am. It's not who I ever wanted to be.
(TravelerTraveler): (Gaming always seems so happy and carefree. This is the most serious I've ever seen him. This topic must be very important to him.)
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Have you ever talked to him about it?
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: You know... about your interests and aspirations and stuff?
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 16.ogg Gaming: Of course I have! I told him I wanted to be a Wushou dancer — that I wanted all of Teyvat to see what I could do!
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 17.ogg Gaming: According to my dad, though, that wasn't a real job... Just a child's pipe-dream.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Oh, that's terrible...
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 18.ogg Gaming: I'm sure he thought I would come around eventually, but Wushou dancing has always been the only thing I wanted to do.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 19.ogg Gaming: One day, he tried to get me to visit some other tea merchants to start building the right relationships, but I refused to go. We got into a huge fight. We were this close to throwing hands.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 20.ogg Gaming: In the end, I was so angry that I... I ran away from home. I haven't been back since...
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 21.ogg Gaming: Don't get on my case just yet, okay? It's not like I think I'm completely without fault.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 22.ogg Gaming: No... I know that it wasn't the right way to go about things.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 23.ogg Gaming: But my dad's stubborn. No matter how hard I tried to convince him, it just went in one ear and out the other. There was no changing his mind.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 24.ogg Gaming: I knew talking would only get me so far. But if I made it big in Liyue Harbor... The results could speak for themselves...
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: Gaming...
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 25.ogg Gaming: But... I'm sure you both already know how that's going. Wushou dancing's just not that big in Liyue Harbor.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 26.ogg Gaming: In the past, I would go door-to-door from store to store, asking if they would be interested in hiring a performer. Most times, I wound up eating nothing but humble pie, hehe...
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 27.ogg Gaming: And you can't just rely on dreams to put food on the table, right? So I found a job as a guard to make some money, and now I have enough to get by and then some!
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 28.ogg Gaming: ...Still, change takes time. Gotta take it slow, you know?
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: Paimon understands...
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 29.ogg Gaming: Okay! Enough of all that serious talk! Our tea's getting cold. Let's do something fun this afternoon. What do you say? I'll organize.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: Actually... We... kind of already have plans this afternoon.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 20.ogg Paimon: We told Xianyun that we would go to her kite-making workshop...
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 30.ogg Gaming: Oh?
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 21.ogg Paimon: Are you interested in kite-making, Gaming?
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 31.ogg Gaming: Oh, no. It's just that I happen to know Aunty Xianyun.
Icon Dialogue Talk Aunty Xianyun...
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 22a 1.ogg Paimon: That title certainly humanizes her a bit...
Icon Dialogue Talk Aunty is no way to address a mighty and illuminated Adeptus.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 22b 1.ogg Paimon: Uh, do you not know who she really is, Gaming?
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 32.ogg Gaming: Oh, I know that she's an adeptus. I met her during a delivery once. But hasn't she been in the city lately? She's even tried... with some limited success, to change her terms of self-address, or something like that...
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 33.ogg Gaming: She came to see me a few days ago to ask about luminescent dyes. Wait a second... She doesn't plan on putting those on a kite, does she?
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 23.ogg Paimon: Is that not something you can do?
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 34.ogg Gaming: It's one thing to use it on cloth. But applying it to paper is another matter entirely. Why couldn't she tell me what she wanted them for...
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 24.ogg Paimon: Yeah, she does seem to have trouble with that sometimes.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 gaming 35.ogg Gaming: It would be such a shame if everyone worked so hard on their kites only for them to get ruined in the end. Okay, I'll go with you. If Aunty Xianyun wants to use those dyes on a kite, the formula will need to be changed.
Media:vo eqhdj302 2 paimon 25.ogg Paimon: Great! The more the merrier!

(Approach Ganyu, Shenhe, and Yaoyao on Mt. Aocang)
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 yaoyao 01.ogg Yaoyao: Ganyu, Ganyu! C'mon, wake up! Some friends have arrived!
(If the player has not met Yaoyao yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Yaoyao IconYaoyao — Burgeoning Grace
The youngest disciple of Streetward Rambler.
She is gentle and considerate, treating others with sincerity and generosity, and is always actively taking on the responsibilities of others.
She is a gifted, enthusiastic learner, and though she is young and sometimes plays harmless pranks, she will surely grow into a learned and erudite woman in time.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 ganyu 01.ogg Ganyu: Hello... friends...
(If the player has not met Ganyu yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Ganyu IconGanyu — Plenilune Gaze
The blood of the Illuminated Beast known as the "Qilin" flows in the veins of this young lady. To fulfill her contract with Rex Lapis, she has been serving in the Yuehai Pavilion as a secretary for thousands of years.
She usually has a gentle and collected nature, and is supremely reliable at work. Her sense of responsibility is unflagging, even when faced with mountains of endless paperwork
This comes from her wish for the greatest possible well-being for the people of Liyue, which resides deep within her kind yet resilient heart. Now, she forges ahead ceaselessly to build the ideal Liyue, day after day.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 yaoyao 02.ogg Yaoyao: Ganyuuu!
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 shenhe 01.ogg Shenhe: I have some mint oil. Perhaps we should try that?
(If the player has not met Shenhe yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Shenhe IconShenhe — Lonesome Transcendence
Shenhe came from a branch line of exorcists. Due to a set of unique childhood circumstances, she came into Cloud Retainer's care, becoming a disciple of the adepti.
Many years of training with her master have left her emotions cooled and her heart aloof.
However, upon returning to Liyue Harbor and meeting other people once more, her life began to change.
Compassion, concern, care... Though she remains unfamiliar with these new emotions, her once frozen heart is nonetheless beginning to melt.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 shenhe 02.ogg Shenhe: A guest at Wanmin Restaurant recommended it to me. I've tried it. Its stimulative effects are much stronger than what can be achieved from chewing on mint leaves alone.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 ganyu 02.ogg Ganyu: *snore* *snore*
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 shenhe 03.ogg Shenhe: *sigh*
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 shenhe 04.ogg Shenhe: ...Apologies in advance.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 yaoyao 03.ogg Yaoyao: Wait! Shenhe! Not there...!
You see Shenhe take out a small green bottle, extract some minty-smelling liquid, and apply it to Ganyu's horns.
Yaoyao and Paimon look on in shock, mouths agape, but cannot stop her in time...
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 ganyu 03.ogg Ganyu: ...Ahem, ahem! ...Aaah!
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 shenhe 05.ogg Shenhe: See, it worked. She's awake.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 yaoyao 04.ogg Yaoyao: Are you okay, Ganyu? Do you need some water? Or maybe something to eat?
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 ganyu 04.ogg Ganyu: I—I'm fine. I just feel... chilly all over... *shiver*....
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 shenhe 06.ogg Shenhe: Huh. Was it that effective?
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 yaoyao 05.ogg Yaoyao: Chilly, huh... Hmm... Master always says, "a cool head leads to a calm heart." So, does this mean that heat's what we need to help you, Ganyu?
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Paimon doesn't think that's what the expression means, exactly...
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 ganyu 05.ogg Ganyu: Phew... I—I feel a bit better now...
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 ganyu 06.ogg Ganyu: Was I asleep? Must have been around the time I usually take my midday nap...
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 shenhe 07.ogg Shenhe: Did you not sleep last night? That does seem to happen to you often.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 shenhe 08.ogg Shenhe: Perhaps you should come work at Wanmin Restaurant with me. We get off at ten on the dot every night without fail.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 ganyu 07.ogg Ganyu: I—I could never!
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 ganyu 08.ogg Ganyu: I'm sorry, I seem to have missed your name. You are...?
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 gaming 01.ogg Gaming: Me? My name is Gaming. I work as a guard for the Secure Transport Agency.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 ganyu 09.ogg Ganyu: Gaming... The name sounds familiar. I believe I've heard your name mentioned around the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 ganyu 10.ogg Ganyu: People tell me you're an extremely enthusiastic worker and are very generous with your help.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 gaming 02.ogg Gaming: Eh, well you know me. Or, I guess you don't, haha...
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 ganyu 11.ogg Ganyu: My name is Ganyu. This is Shenhe, and this is Yaoyao.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 gaming 03.ogg Gaming: It's an honor to finally meet you all!
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 gaming 04.ogg Gaming: Oh, you must be here for Aunty Xianyun's kite-making workshop, right?
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 shenhe 09.ogg Shenhe: Yes.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 shenhe 10.ogg Shenhe: I have neither made nor flown a kite before. As long as Master is willing to teach, I am willing to learn.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 yaoyao 06.ogg Yaoyao: Me too! I want to participate in the kite-flying competition with my best friend.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 yaoyao 07.ogg Yaoyao: Plus, it's more meaningful if you make the kite yourself, right?
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Your best friend didn't come with you?
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 yaoyao 08.ogg Yaoyao: Well, Qiqi's been super busy helping Dr. Baizhu lately... I'll meet up with her later and give her a huge surprise!
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 yaoyao 09.ogg Yaoyao: Oh! I also brought bandages and ointment with me today. It's easy to cut yourself when working with bamboo, so I thought I should come prepared.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 gaming 05.ogg Gaming: Wow, you're really thoughtful!
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 ganyu 12.ogg Ganyu: As for myself... I'm afraid I lack some of my companions' enthusiasm.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 ganyu 13.ogg Ganyu: I was originally planning to buy a ready-made kite and just enjoy the festive city atmosphere with everyone...
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 ganyu 14.ogg Ganyu: But Cloud Retainer is always going out of her way to look after her juniors, wanting us to have the best there is — she always puts us before herself.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 gaming 06.ogg Gaming: ...
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 ganyu 15.ogg Ganyu: It was so thoughtful of her to arrange this workshop, so I simply couldn't let such consideration go to waste.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 ganyu 16.ogg Ganyu: My motivation for being here might be a little different, yes, but I'm ready to put in just as much effort as everyone else!
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Well, we're all here. But where the heck is Xianyun? Shouldn't she be here by now?
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 xianyun 01.ogg Xianyun: Who is it that speaks of oneself in such an ill-tempered tone?
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: C'mon, you clearly heard Paimon!
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 shuyu 01.ogg Shuyu: Master stopped to buy Grilled Tiger Fish to share with everyone — come get it while it's still warm.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Paimon's sorry, Miss Illuminated Bird. Paimon always knew you were the smartest, coolest, and prettiest adeptus. Someone as wonderful as you is sure to have brought enough for Paimon as well... right?
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 xianyun 02.ogg Xianyun: Hmph...
Cloud Retainer sets down her bags while Shuyu hands out the grilled fish. As everyone begins to talk, lively conversation fills the usually tranquil environment of Mt. Aocang...
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Ah, so delicious! Paimon's life is complete...
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 xianyun 03.ogg Xianyun: Hmm... It appears that we've ended up with quite a few participants indeed. Go ahead and divide yourselves into small groups.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 xianyun 04.ogg Xianyun: The materials are over here. The regular dyes and luminescent ones have been clearly marked. Use them as you see fit.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 xianyun 05.ogg Xianyun: As for how to make the kite, one assumes you all made sure to listen to the instructions one provided while we were eating, yes? Are there any questions?
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Paimon may have focused a little too hard on the eating and less on the listening...
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll be the one making it anyway.
Icon Dialogue Talk You can just help out.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Paimon knew she could count on you, (TravelerTraveler)!
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 xianyun 06.ogg Xianyun: One will wait under this tree and avail oneself of the cool air while one digests. Do not hesitate to seek one's company if you have any trouble, questions, or simply want to chat.
Media:vo eqhdj302 3 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: We're not in any hurry to get started. Why don't we go see what the others are up to?
(Talk to Yaoyao or Xianyun)
Media:vo eqhdj302 8 yaoyao 01.ogg Yaoyao: Aunty Cloud Retainer, look! Am I doing it right?
Media:vo eqhdj302 8 xianyun 01.ogg Xianyun: Very good. Your frame is nice and sturdy. This design... Is it a finch?
Media:vo eqhdj302 8 yaoyao 02.ogg Yaoyao: Yep! ♪ *whistle*~ ♪
Media:vo eqhdj302 8 xianyun 02.ogg Xianyun: Hehe... One is looking forward to seeing your finished product.
Media:vo eqhdj302 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: What color are you going to make it, Yaoyao?
Media:vo eqhdj302 8 yaoyao 03.ogg Yaoyao: I haven't decided yet. If I make it blue, it'll be more like my friend. But if I make it gold, it'll be more like me.
Media:vo eqhdj302 8 xianyun 03.ogg Xianyun: If you are asking for one's own opinion... One would advise choosing gold.
Media:vo eqhdj302 8 xianyun 04.ogg Xianyun: When giving a gift, the key consideration is the recipient's feelings, is it not? One imagines your friend would much prefer a kite that reminds them of you.
Media:vo eqhdj302 8 yaoyao 04.ogg Yaoyao: Hey, I never told you the kite was for Qiqi... How did you know?
Media:vo eqhdj302 8 xianyun 05.ogg Xianyun: With age comes wisdom, child. One simply has a way of knowing things.
Media:vo eqhdj302 8 yaoyao 05.ogg Yaoyao: Cool! Thanks, Aunty Cloud Retainer!
Media:vo eqhdj302 8 yaoyao 06.ogg Yaoyao: I'm gonna start painting it gold right now!
Media:vo eqhdj302 8 xianyun 06.ogg Xianyun: Good. One will watch.
Media:vo eqhdj302 8 xianyun 07.ogg Xianyun: You two seem strangely unoccupied. One was under the impression that one was supposed to be doing the relaxing. Is your kite finished?
Media:vo eqhdj302 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: W—We actually haven't started yet. But we're going to start... right now!
(Talk to Yaoyao or Xianyun again, optional)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj302 yaoyao 01.ogg Yaoyao: Once I get better at making kites, I'm going to make one shaped like Yuegui.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj302 yaoyao 02.ogg Yaoyao: You gave him to me, and he's just the best!
Media:vo dialog eqhdj302 xianyun 01.ogg Xianyun: Hehe... One is pleased that you like the gift.
(Talk to Gaming or Shuyu)
Media:vo eqhdj302 4 shuyu 01.ogg Shuyu: Hey Gaming, want to team up?
Media:vo eqhdj302 4 gaming 01.ogg Gaming: Huh? I have to participate? I thought I'd be done for the day after adjusting the dye formula.
Media:vo eqhdj302 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: You're that unenthused by kite-making, huh? That doesn't seem like you.
Media:vo eqhdj302 4 gaming 02.ogg Gaming: No, it's not that. It's just...
Media:vo eqhdj302 4 gaming 03.ogg Gaming: *sigh* It would take too long to explain. I guess I'll just make one then.
Media:vo eqhdj302 4 gaming 04.ogg Gaming: What shape should we go with... How about a butterfly?
(TravelerTraveler): (The butterfly symbolizes the desire for freedom. Perhaps that's also what Gaming's searching for.)
Media:vo eqhdj302 4 gaming 05.ogg Gaming: What do you think, Shuyu? Is there a particular design you want?
Media:vo eqhdj302 4 shuyu 02.ogg Shuyu: I want a suanni!
Media:vo eqhdj302 4 gaming 06.ogg Gaming: That might be a little hard to pull off...
Media:vo eqhdj302 4 shuyu 03.ogg Shuyu: True, but I still want to try! They're super cute!
Media:vo eqhdj302 4 gaming 07.ogg Gaming: Okay! It's decided, then!
(Talk to Gaming or Shuyu again, optional)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj302 shuyu 01.ogg Shuyu: Gaming, can I do the coloring?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj302 gaming 01.ogg Gaming: Sure! I'll go ahead and make the frame for you.
(Approach Ganyu and Shenhe)
Media:vo eqhdj302 6 ganyu 01.ogg Ganyu: Um, Shenhe... It would be great if you could refrain from putting things on my horns from now on. They're really quite sensitive...
Media:vo eqhdj302 6 shenhe 01.ogg Shenhe: I see. My apologies. I shall remember that in the future.
Media:vo eqhdj302 6 ganyu 02.ogg Ganyu: Thank you. No harm done.
Media:vo eqhdj302 6 shenhe 02.ogg Shenhe: Good.
Media:vo eqhdj302 6 shenhe 03.ogg Shenhe: ...Could I touch them just once more though? No oil or anything this time. I've just always wondered what Ms. Ganyu's horns feel like.
Media:vo eqhdj302 6 ganyu 03.ogg Ganyu: Huh? Please, I told you, just call me "Ganyu"... *sigh* Well, alright... Just be gentle.
Media:vo eqhdj302 6 shenhe 04.ogg Shenhe: (Firm to the touch with no discernable temperature, not unlike certain medicinal plants I've eaten before.)
Media:vo eqhdj302 6 shenhe 05.ogg Shenhe: (Still, Ganyu appears to be shaking like a cat whose whiskers have just been touched... I should stop.)
Media:vo eqhdj302 6 ganyu 04.ogg Ganyu: Ugh...
Media:vo eqhdj302 6 shenhe 06.ogg Shenhe: ...I see.
Media:vo eqhdj302 6 shenhe 07.ogg Shenhe: Then I'll apply the oil to your forehead next time.
Media:vo eqhdj302 6 ganyu 05.ogg Ganyu: Oh, no need, I'll just... refrain from taking afternoon naps outdoors.
Media:vo eqhdj302 6 ganyu 06.ogg Ganyu: *cough* *cough*... Anyway, we should probably get started on our kite. It won't be long before Cloud Retainer comes to check on our progress.
Media:vo eqhdj302 6 ganyu 07.ogg Ganyu: Perhaps... Perhaps we should just choose the most traditional style.
Media:vo eqhdj302 6 shenhe 08.ogg Shenhe: Okay.
Media:vo eqhdj302 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Well, they seem to be getting along swimmingly. Let's not disturb them.
(Talk to Ganyu or Shenhe again, optional)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj302 ganyu 01.ogg Ganyu: The scissor-tailed swallow sure takes a lot of curved bamboo rods to build...
Media:vo dialog eqhdj302 shenhe 01.ogg Shenhe: Ah...
Media:vo dialog eqhdj302 shenhe 02.ogg Shenhe: It broke.
(After talking to all the participants)
Media:vo eqhdj302 10 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We should get started on our kite now. Let's go!
(Start making the kite)
Media:vo eqhdj302 11 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: First, we have to decide on the shape... Hey, what are you laughing at?
Icon Dialogue Talk The obvious answer is to make a Paimon-shaped kite.
Media:vo eqhdj302 11 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hmm, that's not a completely crazy idea.
Media:vo eqhdj302 11 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: If nothing else, a Paimon-shaped kite could at least make sure you never get lost on your travels and always find the tastiest food and funnest things to do wherever you go!
Media:vo eqhdj302 11 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Maybe we're not exercising enough artistic license... We should exaggerate this a bit. How about this? The word "Paimon" means... "The Guardian Angel of Travelers"!
You build the kite's frame according to Cloud Retainer's instructions...
Media:vo eqhdj302 11 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Now... what expression should we give her? Since the kite is going to be flying super high in the sky...
Icon Dialogue Talk She should look pleased with herself...
Media:vo eqhdj302 11 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Ooh, like this? "Hahahaha! The title of champion kite-flyer is mine!"
Icon Dialogue Talk She should look afraid...
Media:vo eqhdj302 11 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: "It's too high! Someone save Paimon! She's about to faint!" Like that?
Icon Dialogue Talk She should look guilty about something...
Media:vo eqhdj302 11 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: "Ohh, Paimon totally didn't do anything wrong, and even if she did, she doesn't deserve to get shot up into the sky for it..." Something like this, then?
(After selecting an option)
Icon Dialogue Talk Yep, that's the one.
Media:vo eqhdj302 11 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Now that we've decided, let's make it happen.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let me rethink this...
Media:vo eqhdj302 11 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Since the kite is going to be flying super high in the sky...
(Return to option selection)
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Phew... it's done! Paimon has to say, Kite-Paimon might even rival real Paimon in terms of cuteness.
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Now we just have to attach the string, right?
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 xianyun 01.ogg Xianyun: Alright. Gather around, everyone.
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh! Xianyun's calling us.
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 xianyun 02.ogg Xianyun: Let one take a look...
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 yaoyao 01.ogg Yaoyao: Wow! Ganyu and Shenhe made a scissor-tailed swallow! It's so pretty!
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 shuyu 01.ogg Shuyu: Yep! The coloring... makes it look a lot like Master.
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: If the tail wasn't split in two like that, it might even be a spitting image!
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: If you look closely, there are a few spots where the colors go outside the lines... Did you doze off while painting it, Ganyu?
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 shenhe 01.ogg Shenhe: I did the painting.
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 shenhe 02.ogg Shenhe: I stared at the paper for quite some time, but I simply could not recall the coloring of any bird... except Master.
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 shenhe 03.ogg Shenhe: Or should I say that I'm too familiar with her crane form? Even when she stands before us in human form, all I can see is blue and white.
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Oh... Well, now that you mention it, Paimon can see it too...
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 shenhe 04.ogg Shenhe: Exactly. So, I simply closed my eyes and painted from memory.
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 gaming 01.ogg Gaming: No way! You can paint with your eyes closed? Wow, the disciples of adepti really are something!
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 xianyun 03.ogg Xianyun: You are most filial, Shenhe. One is flattered by the likeness.
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 ganyu 01.ogg Ganyu: The suanni that Gaming and Shuyu made looks very majestic. I'm sure it'll look even more impressive as it soars through the sky.
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 shuyu 02.ogg Shuyu: The eyes and ears glow in the dark, so you're sure to see it at night.
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 shuyu 03.ogg Shuyu: Your golden finch is cute too, Yaoyao!
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 yaoyao 02.ogg Yaoyao: It's all thanks to Aunty Cloud Retainer's guidance.
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 shenhe 05.ogg Shenhe: What about your kite, (TravelerTraveler)?
Media:vo eqhdj302 12 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Tada! Here it is!
(If the pleased option was chosen)
Media:vo eqhdj302 13 xianyun 01.ogg Xianyun: Its self-important countenance bears a striking resemblance to that of its namesake.
Media:vo eqhdj302 13 yaoyao 01.ogg Yaoyao: Hehe, it makes her look like she's already won the competition.
Media:vo eqhdj302 13 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Well, that's gonna happen one way or another.
Media:vo eqhdj302 13 xianyun 02.ogg Xianyun: Hmph...
(If the afraid option was chosen)
Media:vo eqhdj302 13 gaming 01.ogg Gaming: Pfft, that's hilarious.
Media:vo eqhdj302 13 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Why does Paimon feel like you're laughing at her and not with her...
Media:vo eqhdj302 13 gaming 02.ogg Gaming: I'm just admiring the expression you chose. Whether the kite soars high in the air or comes crashing straight to the ground, it's still fitting.
Media:vo eqhdj302 13 gaming 03.ogg Gaming: (TravelerTraveler), that's quite the impressive feat, actually.
(If the guilty option was chosen)
Media:vo eqhdj302 13 shenhe 01.ogg Shenhe: Very Paimon-like indeed.
Media:vo eqhdj302 13 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Why do you say that, Shenhe?
Media:vo eqhdj302 13 shenhe 02.ogg Shenhe: That one time (TravelerTraveler) suspected that a piece of meat was missing from their bowl, that was the exact expression on your face.
Media:vo eqhdj302 13 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: I—Is that something that happened?
Icon Dialogue Talk ...So it was you.
Media:vo eqhdj302 14 ganyu 01.ogg Ganyu: Is that... the Jade Chamber?
(A Jade Chamber kite floats off the nearby mountain)
Media:vo eqhdj302 14 xianyun 01.ogg Xianyun: Oh?
As a gentle breeze brushes past, the "Jade Chamber" drifts towards everyone's feet...
Media:vo eqhdj302 14 xianyun 02.ogg Xianyun: Who dares attempt such a flagrant display of impropriety by releasing a kite into one's territory without one's permission...
Media:vo eqhdj302 14 xianyun 03.ogg Xianyun: And to do so by making use of this... crude piece of mortal machinery!
Media:vo eqhdj302 14 xianyun 04.ogg Xianyun: One simply must know who it is that possesses such impertinence!
(Xianyun quickly changes into her crane form and takes off)
Media:vo eqhdj302 14 xianyun 05.ogg Xianyun: Continue attaching the strings, everyone. One will be but a moment.
Media:vo eqhdj302 14 ganyu 02.ogg Ganyu: Cloud Retainer...!
Media:vo eqhdj302 14 ganyu 03.ogg Ganyu: (TravelerTraveler), Paimon, could I trouble you to go after Cloud Retainer?
Media:vo eqhdj302 14 shuyu 01.ogg Shuyu: Master is going to be okay, right?
Media:vo eqhdj302 14 ganyu 04.ogg Ganyu: I'm... more worried about the person who released the kite.
(If the pleased option was chosen)
(Obtain "The Title of Champion Is Mine!" "The Title of Champion Is Mine!")
(If the afraid option was chosen)
(Obtain "Help!!!" "Help!!!")
(If the guilty option was chosen)
(Obtain "N-No Way!" "N-No Way!")
(After the cutscene)
Media:vo eqhdj302 16 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: There's wind up ahead. Looks like we can glide over.
(Talk to Gaming, optional)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj302 gaming 02.ogg Gaming: Now for the string...
(Talk to Ganyu, optional)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj302 ganyu 02.ogg Ganyu: I hope the person who released the kite is going to be okay...
(Talk to Shenhe, optional)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj302 shenhe 03.ogg Shenhe: Master is not without her principles... We need not worry too much.
(Talk to Shuyu, optional)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj302 shuyu 02.ogg Shuyu: Please look after Master for me.
(Talk to Yaoyao, optional)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj302 yaoyao 03.ogg Yaoyao: Be careful, you two!

(Approach the marked area)
Media:vo eqhdj302 16 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: It's right there!
(Approach the marker)
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xueyue 01.ogg Houzhang: Hmm. This Fontainian device of mechanical motion is quite curious indeed...
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 moutainshaper 01.ogg Jiehu: Now is hardly an opportune time for your musings! Someone among us was not sufficiently attentive, and now the kite has vanished!
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xueyue 02.ogg Houzhang: Calm yourself. Do you have any recollection of its last location?
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 moutainshaper 02.ogg Jiehu: One believes it drifted in the direction of Mt. Aocang.
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 moutainshaper 03.ogg Jiehu: Perhaps it is mere happenstance, but one feels a certain sense of dread at the thought.
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xueyue 03.ogg Houzhang: Your concern is misplaced, surely.
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xueyue 04.ogg Houzhang: Cloud Retainer is either in the city looking after her disciples or secluded in her abode attending to her research. She will not notice that kite.
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xueyue 05.ogg Houzhang: On the subject of said kite, however, one simply must remark on the genius of its windless lift technology. One cannot help but surmise that its ingenuity rivals that of Cloud Retainer's creations...
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 moutainshaper 04.ogg Jiehu: Still thy tongue! If Cloud Retainer were to hear you profess such a thing, we can both say farewell to any further use of the Supreme Cuisine Machine!
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xianyun 01.ogg Xianyun: One presumes... that this kite belongs to you?
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xueyue 06.ogg Houzhang: ...!
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 moutainshaper 05.ogg Jiehu: (Regard the situation with which we are now confronted! This is all your fault!)
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xueyue 07.ogg Houzhang: (One's fault? One seems to recall that releasing the kite was no solitary endeavor.)
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xueyue 08.ogg Houzhang: (Say something, Mountain Shaper. Surely you can think of something to appease her!)
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 moutainshaper 06.ogg Jiehu: (Further explanation shall only fan the flames of her wrath. It would be better to stay silent and retire at the earliest opportunity!)
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xueyue 09.ogg Houzhang: (We can hardly avoid her forever. That may suffice during Lantern Rite, but what about the Moonchase Festival? Sooner or later, she will discover our true identity.)
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xianyun 02.ogg Xianyun: ...Hello?
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 moutainshaper 07.ogg Jiehu: (Go retrieve the kite.)
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xueyue 10.ogg Houzhang: (Absolutely not. You retrieve it!)
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 moutainshaper 08.ogg Jiehu: That... is not our kite...
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xianyun 03.ogg Xianyun: Oh? So, an adeptus such as oneself is mistaken then?
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xueyue 11.ogg Houzhang: Ah! You're an adeptus? Please forgive us for any impropriety.
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xueyue 12.ogg Houzhang: I truly possess no inkling of who could have released a kite into your esteemed demesne. Pray, who could be responsible for such wanton behavior...
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 moutainshaper 09.ogg Jiehu: Verily! Verily! We were but delighting in the surrounding scenery. This locale is home to such exquisite...erm... Ah! Mint!
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 moutainshaper 10.ogg Jiehu: Well, and if that's all, then we'll just be on our way...
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Phew... we finally caught up. You sure do fly fast in your illuminated bird form, Xianyun!
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Moon Carver? Mountain Shaper? What are you doing here?
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 together 01.ogg Houzhang & Jiehu:
Icon Dialogue Talk She...
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Okay, now Paimon's getting a weird vibe. Did she say something wrong?
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xianyun 04.ogg Xianyun: It is of no consequence. Long has one seen through their disguises. One was simply curious as to how long they would keep up the act.
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xueyue 13.ogg Houzhang: Then, you are not angry?
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xianyun 05.ogg Xianyun: Hmph. How could one feel anger at the sight of two old friends enjoying themselves? One is also well aware of how enticing these city novelties can be.
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 moutainshaper 11.ogg Jiehu: *sigh* We were simply consumed by a fit of festive spirit. Seldom do we get the opportunity to partake in the delights of the times.
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 moutainshaper 12.ogg Jiehu: However, we are far from being as adept as you in matters that require a deftness of hand. No worthy kite could be born of our own making. Thus, we could only take the convenient route, so to speak.
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xueyue 14.ogg Houzhang: Your prowess in mechanics is unparalleled, Cloud Retainer. You wield the wind and waves themselves. Your singular talent stands unmatched across the land... Of this we are well aware.
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xianyun 06.ogg Xianyun: Hmph...
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xianyun 07.ogg Xianyun: One has guests to attend to. We will have to convene again some other time.
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 xianyun 08.ogg Xianyun: (TravelerTraveler), Paimon, do try to keep up.
(Xianyun returns to her crane form and flies off again)
Media:vo eqhdj302 17 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: We're leaving already? Argh, all this flying from place to place is wearing Paimon out!
(Talk to Houzhang and Jiehu, optional)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj302 moutainshaper 01.ogg Jiehu: *exhale*... It seems that one's concern was misplaced after all.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj302 xueyue 01.ogg Houzhang: Then should we continue flying the kite?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj302 moutainshaper 02.ogg Jiehu: A splendid suggestion! But it would be advisable to change locations.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj302 xueyue 02.ogg Houzhang: Perhaps your mountain would suffice? It is more than spacious enough.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj302 moutainshaper 03.ogg Jiehu: A fine idea... a fine idea indeed.

(Approach Shenhe and Ganyu at Mt. Aocang)
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 shenhe 01a.ogg Shenhe: They're back.
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Paimon's pooped. Huh? Why are there only two of you left?
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 ganyu 01.ogg Ganyu: After you left, Yaoyao and Shuyu tired themselves out playing with their kites.
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 ganyu 02.ogg Ganyu: Gaming offered to escort them home.
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 shenhe 02.ogg Shenhe: Before he left, he said something that I don't quite understand.
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Oh? What did he say?
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 shenhe 03.ogg Shenhe: He said, "A kite is always tied down no matter how far it flies or how high it soars. Its tether prevents it from ever truly flying free."
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 shenhe 04.ogg Shenhe: He looked quite dejected as he said this.
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 ganyu 03.ogg Ganyu: Now that you mention it, Gaming did seem to have a rather strange attitude towards kites.
Icon Dialogue Talk Perhaps he sees himself reflected in them?
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 shenhe 05.ogg Shenhe: A reflection of himself...
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 shenhe 06.ogg Shenhe: If I were a kite, I would cherish that tether as a symbol of kinship and the bonds that tie us, and...
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Shenhe?
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 shenhe 07.ogg Shenhe: It may be an exceedingly slim and distant connection, but lose it, and you lose that which links you to home.
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 shenhe 08.ogg Shenhe: If Gaming truly sees a kite as a reflection of himself... Then I fear I understand his words even less.
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 ganyu 04.ogg Ganyu: Well, people often have different points of view depending on their mindset and experiences, right? It's actually quite normal.
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 shenhe 09.ogg Shenhe: ...Just like some people can eat spicy food, but others won't go anywhere near it?
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 ganyu 05.ogg Ganyu: Exactly. That's why tolerance and understanding are as important as they are.
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 xianyun 01.ogg Xianyun: Tolerance and understanding? What brought about this conversation? Did one miss something?
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: We were just chatting — you don't have to butt in on every little thing, you know. Where were you, anyway?
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 xianyun 02.ogg Xianyun: Hmph, one was merely doing a bit of cooking.
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 xianyun 03.ogg Xianyun: Night fast approaches. If you are otherwise unoccupied, one would entreat you to stay and eat before you depart.
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 ganyu 06.ogg Ganyu: Oh! It's been so long since I've had the chance to enjoy your cooking, Cloud Retainer!
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 shenhe 10.ogg Shenhe: ...Uh.
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 xianyun 04.ogg Xianyun: Worry not. One has prepared a variety of meat and vegetable dishes. One is more than familiar with everyone's culinary proclivities.
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll take you up on your offer then.
Icon Dialogue Talk I call dibs on Paimon's portion.
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 paimon 05b 1.ogg Paimon: Hey! Paimon's hungry too! It's not like the dim sum and grilled fish could keep her full the whole day, y'know!
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 xianyun 05.ogg Xianyun: Shenhe, Ganyu, come with me.
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Woah, what's with all the secrecy? You're not trying to play favorites, are you?
Media:vo eqhdj302 19 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: If you're ready to serve the food, we can help too!
(Approach Cloud Retainer's abode)
You wait outside Cloud Retainer's abode for a few moments...
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Th—This is...!
(Ganyu and Shenhe appear in their Twilight Blossom and Frostflower Dew outfits, repectively)
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 ganyu 01.ogg Ganyu: (Ohh... I can feel the wind brushing against my legs. This is a bit embarrassing...)
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 ganyu 02.ogg Ganyu: (Is the headpiece secure? I should have asked Cloud Retainer to check before I stepped outside...)
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 shenhe 01.ogg Shenhe: How do we look?
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 ganyu 03.ogg Ganyu: (Huh!? She asked them just like that...?)
Icon Dialogue Talk You look great.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: You look pretty too, Ganyu. How should Paimon put it? You both look so elegant and refined — those outfits really suit you both.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 01.ogg Xianyun: Given that one employed the services of the best tailor in all of Liyue, one would expect nothing less.
(A flashback begins)
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 02.ogg Xianyun: What colors have you been partial to lately, Shenhe and Ganyu?
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 ganyu 04.ogg Ganyu: (Lately? Why is Cloud Retainer suddenly asking about what colors we like?)
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 shenhe 02.ogg Shenhe: I like black.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 03.ogg Xianyun: One is gratified to see that one's disciple has inherited one's own tastes.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 shenhe 03.ogg Shenhe: (The color black doesn't get dirty easily — a virtue I've come to value recently.)
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 04.ogg Xianyun: And you, Ganyu?
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 ganyu 05.ogg Ganyu: I favor blue and black.
(Flashback ends)
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 05.ogg Xianyun: And the material is sufficiently comfortable, yes?
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 ganyu 06.ogg Ganyu: Yes, very. I simply cannot thank you enough, Cloud Retainer — for this gift, and the kite, too.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 shenhe 04.ogg Shenhe: Thank you, Master.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 06.ogg Xianyun: One is content as long as you are pleased with the gift. One hopes these garments will see much use.
You sit down and enjoy a tableful of delicious food and pleasant company...
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Seems like your Supreme Cuisine Machine is just getting better and better, Xianyun!
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: This Golden Crab's particularly good. The shell's deliciously crunchy, and the meat inside is so succulent and sweet. Hehe, Paimon can't stop eating!
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: It's a good thing Gaming isn't here or Paimon would have to have to duel him for the food — y'know, with chopsticks!
Icon Dialogue Talk It would be a close match.
Icon Dialogue Talk You'd trounce him.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 07.ogg Xianyun: He traveled all this way on account of the kite-making workshop, and he spent the whole afternoon looking after Shuyu... One was hoping to treat him to a meal.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 08.ogg Xianyun: Oh well... One will just have to extend one's thanks in person.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 ganyu 07.ogg Ganyu: It's rare for someone to make such a good impression on you, Cloud Retainer.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 09.ogg Xianyun: Hah. One has high standards.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 10.ogg Xianyun: He appears to be a young man of much merit, and one is not the type who would see such potential squandered.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 shenhe 05.ogg Shenhe: It appears that he wishes to break free from the kite string that tethers him.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 11.ogg Xianyun: Kite string? What strange metaphors you speak in, Shenhe. Ever since you returned from Wanmin Restaurant, your turns of phrase render one at quite the loss.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Where do we even begin... Oh, do you know about the conflict between Gaming and his dad, Xianyun?
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 12.ogg Xianyun: One has only heard that the two are not on good terms...
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: He ran away from home and hasn't been back since!
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 shenhe 06.ogg Shenhe: Oh?
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 13.ogg Xianyun: Ran away, you say? One believes we would all benefit from a more thorough retelling. Start from the beginning.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Oh, okay. Paimon just hopes he won't mind...
Paimon tells Cloud Retainer everything she knows about Gaming's family situation...
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 shenhe 07.ogg Shenhe: ...What?
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 14.ogg Xianyun: This shall not do!
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 15.ogg Xianyun: Lantern Rite fast approaches. We must make haste.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 16.ogg Xianyun: As one was contacting various tailors around Liyue, one could not help but be reminded of Menogias.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 17.ogg Xianyun: He possessed a singular talent for clothing design. He had an exquisite eye not just for fabric selection and color pairing, but also for what accessories could best accentuate a garment's overall styling.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 18.ogg Xianyun: At a gathering of adepti, Bonanus once complained in secret to some of the ladies in attendance that the skirt Menogias made for her was too long and impractical, lamenting that it would only hinder her in battle.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 19.ogg Xianyun: However, when one asked Menogias his opinion, he remarked that the train of the skirt would serve to enhance her adeptal countenance by exemplifying a certain elegance. Menogias was that type of person. When it came to topics relating to garments and accessories, not even Rex Lapis could best his stubbornness.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 20.ogg Xianyun: And later...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 21.ogg Xianyun: Ah, one seems to have strayed off-topic.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 22.ogg Xianyun: One means to say that Lantern Rite should be a day of reunion.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 23.ogg Xianyun: It is a time to address problems before they turn into regrets.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 24.ogg Xianyun: Fate is fickle. The cruel reality of this world is that suffering and misfortune can befall any of us without design or reason. If there is a chance for young people to remain insulated from this reality, one should do one's utmost to make it so.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: That's nice and all, but...
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 ganyu 08.ogg Ganyu: Do you have any ideas, Cloud Retainer?
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 25.ogg Xianyun: Perhaps adeptal arts could be of use? No, no... mechanics, perhaps? Hmm, one fails to see its use in a situation such as this...
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 shenhe 08.ogg Shenhe: ...Is there anything I can do to help?
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 26.ogg Xianyun: Hmm...
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 27.ogg Xianyun: Combining our efforts... is a fine idea indeed.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 28.ogg Xianyun: Aha! One has an idea...
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 29.ogg Xianyun: How about this...
(Xianyun discusses her plans with the others)
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 30.ogg Xianyun: ...Does that make sense to everyone?
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Yep! Paimon really hopes this works!
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 31.ogg Xianyun: Hmph, one's designs never fail.
Media:vo eqhdj302 20 xianyun 32.ogg Xianyun: Now then, I counsel rest for all, and to make the necessary preparations. One shall see you in two days...


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
18Nightcap at NightfallJadeite RedolenceA Cloud-Sea Appeal, a Brilliance Revealed (Quest)
23A Jolly TrickJadeite RedolenceA Cloud-Sea Appeal, a Brilliance Revealed (Quest), The Glede Returns to the Pavilion (Quest)
Event Gameplay

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishA Cloud-Sea Appeal, a Brilliance Revealed
Miáo Lù Mó Huī, Sùyuàn Yúnhǎi
Tracing Dew and Sunlight, Appealing to the Sea of Clouds
Miáo Lù Mó Huī, Sùyuàn Yúnhǎi
Fuukou wo Egaki, Unkai ni Negai wo
Depicting Scenic Beauty, Appealing to the Sea of Clouds
Korean빛과 이슬을 담아 구름에 비는 소원
Bitgwa Iseureul Dama Gureume Bineun Sowon
A Wish to the Clouds with Light and Dew
SpanishFulgor en un mar de nubesBrilliance in a Sea of Clouds
FrenchBrillance révélée ; mer de nuages appeléeBrilliance Revealed; Cloud-Sea Called
RussianПритягательность заоблачных высот и раскрывшееся великолепие
Prityagatel'nost' zaoblachnykh vysot i raskryvsheyesya velikolepiye
Appeal of Sky-High Heights and a Splendor Revealed
Thaiเมฆาบรรจบเหนือทะเล ส่องประกายทิวาโชติช่วง
VietnameseTô Vẽ Màu Sắc, Biển Mây Thỉnh Cầu
GermanDer Wolken Bild im Taue, der Himmel nie vergraueThe Clouds' Image in the Dew, the Sky Never Turns Gray
IndonesianLautan Awan Tersingkap, Keagungan TerkuakThe Sea of Clouds Opens, the Glory Revealed
PortugueseUm Encanto no Mar de Nuvens, um Esplendor Revelado
TurkishBuluşur Bulutlar Denizle, İhtişamın Doğduğu Yerde
ItalianUn richiamo dal mare di nuvole, la rivelazione della meravigliaA Call From the Sea of Clouds, the Revelation of Wonder

Change History[]
