Future Fight Wiki

What does Mastering do?[]

Mastering a character boosts their stats and gives them their Leadership skill. When a mastered character is leading a team, all members get the perks of the leader's skill. For example, if Ultron's Leadership skill is "No Strings on Me" which grants "All Attack +12%". If you made Ultron your team leader, each member would benefit from the Attack bonus. You can master a character once per rank up to 6 times total at max rank.

What resets every day?[]

Every day at a fixed time, the game servers clock over to a new day. A few things reset on a new day. They are: Daily Achievements, Daily Mission runs, Elite Mission runs, Villain Siege, Timeline Battle limits, Assemble Points cap.

Local reset times:

  • HAST - 5am
  • PDT - 8am
  • MDT - 9am
  • CDT - 10am
  • EDT - 11am
  • ART/BRT - 12pm
  • GMT - 3pm
  • BST - 4pm
  • CEST - 5pm
  • EEST - 6pm
  • GST - 7pm
  • PKT - 8pm
  • BST - 9pm
  • ICT - 10pm
  • AWST - 11pm
  • JST - 12am
  • ACST - 12:30am
  • Sydney - 1am
  • Auckland - 3am

How do I get Honour Tokens?[]

Honour tokens can be achieved through Timeline Battles (Arena). You get 50 each time you win a fight, and 25 when you lose. You only get Honour Tokens for your first 10 fights.

How do I get Chaos Tokens?[]

Chaos tokens can be achieved by beating bosses in Villain Siege.

Are team bonuses applied in Timeline Battles?[]

No. This means you can grab your three best all-round characters and go to town!

Does recharging the Timeline Battle entry limit allow me to get more Honour Tokens?[]

No. It will just allow you to get a higher rank at the end of the week.

What is the level cap for skills?[]

The level cap for skills is 6.

Is there any damage bonuses based on character type?[]

Yes. Speed has a boost on Blast, Blast has a boost on Combat, and Combat has a boost on Speed. Universal is neutral. There are no boosts or decreases in stats when you fight with or against a Universal character. You can view these effects by clicking on the type symbol anywhere in the game.

I have Another Question...[]

If you have a question that isn't covered above, feel free to look here for an ever-evolving FAQ or ask over at the unofficial Reddit page and the people there will try their best to answer you.
