Freeã¢ããå®ç¨ã®æ (3): TimeMachineã¢ãã
import qualified Data.IntMap as Map import Control.Monad.Trans.Free import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Monad newtype Ticket = TicketId {getTicketId :: Int} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data Train a = Ticket (Ticket -> a) | Departure Ticket a | Station Ticket a | Skip Ticket a a instance Functor Train where fmap f (Ticket g) = Ticket (f . g) fmap f (Departure t x) = Departure t (f x) fmap f (Station t x) = Station t (f x) fmap f (Skip t x y) = Skip t (f x) (f y) type TimeMachineT = FreeT Train ticket :: Monad m => TimeMachineT m Ticket ticket = liftF (Ticket id) departure :: Monad m => Ticket -> TimeMachineT m () departure t = liftF (Departure t ()) station :: Monad m => Ticket -> TimeMachineT m () station t = liftF (Station t ()) skippable :: Monad m => Ticket -> TimeMachineT m a -> TimeMachineT m (Maybe a) skippable t m = FreeT $ return $ Free $ Skip t (liftM Just m) (return Nothing) runTimeMachineT :: Monad m => TimeMachineT m a -> m a runTimeMachineT = liftM (\(_, _, r) ->r) .run 0 Map.empty where run i ss m = runFreeT m >>= \r -> case r of Pure a -> return (i, ss,ãa) Free (Ticket f) -> run (succ i) ss (f (TicketId i)) Free (Departure (TicketId n) cont) -> case Map.lookup n ss of Just (Just m) -> run i ss m Nothing -> run i (Map.insert n Nothing ss) cont Free (Station (TicketId n) cont) -> case Map.lookup n ss of Nothing -> run i (Map.insert n (Just cont) ss) cont Just _ -> run i (Map.delete n ss) cont Free (Skip (TicketId n) m cont) -> case Map.lookup n ss of Just Nothing -> run i ss cont _ -> run i ss m ex3 = do lift $ putStrLn "begin." homu <- ticket piyo <- ticket station homu lift $ putStr "You're on Homu now. Do you want to skip to Piyo? " str <- lift $ getLine when (str == "y") $ departure piyo skippable piyo $ lift $ putStr "Please input:" str <- skippable piyo $ lift $ getLine lift $ print str -- ã¹ããããããå ´åãstrã¯Nothingã¨ãªã station piyo lift $ putStr "You're on Piyo now. Do you want to return to Homu? " str <- lift $ getLine when (str == "y") $ departure homu lift $ putStrLn "end." main = runTimeMachineT ex3