Re: Fingerprint sensor location? Waterproofing?
Only two things needed to make it my next phone, a headphone jack and the fingerprint sensor on the side. Is it so?
208 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Dec 2015
My first reading of the El Reg article seemed to be saying that there was a radio emission caused by the collapse of the combined neutron star into a black hole dragging in material from the debris into an accretion disk and thus generating "super fast radio signals". I accept that the article does not in fact say this (at least it doesn't on a second more careful reading).
But again I find all of this highly questionable. These jets just happen to be pointing towards us? I wonder what the angular resolution of the radio observation is. But I doubt I'll find that out on here.
Doesn't really make sense to me.
That collision, I thought, resulted in a bigger neutron star and not a black hole, according to the observation I seem to recall.
And even if it did somehow turn into a black hole after some time, how can that effect the gravity field of the new object at a distance?
I believe at best these are separate events that just happened in the same area of the sky at similar times from our point of observation.
> Any C compatible CPU needs to have Byte addressing.
That is true but a byte is not what you think it is. The C language defines a "byte" as the smallest addressable unit of storage but that does not equate to it being 8-bits. To prove this is true you can have a fully compliant C compiler that works on some strange architectures, for example a DSP where the C-language defined "byte" is a 32-bit unit. Oh my.
My favourite theory ties in nicely with the recent gravitational observation of a neutron star merger. The ejecta from such a collision rapidly decondenses (no longer enough gravity to keep it degenerate) into plasma featuring lots of heavy atomic nuclei. Further reactions and de-ionization yields dense lumps of heavy metallic and rocky stuff.
Seems to me the cops would be in breach of data protection if they were still employed by the Met. As they are retired they are fairly immune to any sort of sanction. And they certainly would have taken advice on the matter of this being a criminal act.
So it was just a case of them sticking the boot into Dirty Damian's career. Perhaps they didn't like him.
That's approx what I remember. But given the half-life is 5k years it would be pretty inaccurate for measuring in the ~100 year scale. Very useful for dating early humans and their artifacts.
By the way, I don't believe whisky of any sort improves once it's been bottled, whether that was by a scots artisan or a fraudster. It's cask time that makes it special.
"... if you have a gamma ray of the correct energy it can spontaeously turn itself into a positron and electron ..."
I thought it was always two photons created at the annihilation and also it needs two to interact for the reverse to happen? Because of conservation of momentum.
Apparently Scott was an absolute bastard to work for, but to his eternal credit he did manage to make Blade Runner with considerable creative vision, despite the studio's repeated attempts to stop him because of budget (and probably other) issues. It's that creative vision we still value in the original film despite its many glaring flaws.
Presumably now we are out of Europe we no longer have to work with those solidly stubborn Germans or smelly French. So we can go and do our own stuff in our own way, like in the good ol' days. There were good ol' days, right?
No, no that is not good enough. Profits have to be taxed.
Karl Marx said that Capitalism will always tend to break because it is fundamentally unstable. Because money gives power that gives more ability to accrue money. Ultimately the system fails because it does not successfully balance out the work/reward equation.
One of the purposes of government is to regulate economies to try to prevent that from happening, and the USA is failing in this basic duty through inept and corrupt leadership.
Hm mm yeh. The decline of reasoned debate.
1) The guy has a problem and it has ruined his career and very possibly his life.
2) You can't be in politics without getting at least a little dirty - it is mostly a business where you wrestle with pigs after all.
3) There is no conspiricy - it's all just stupidity, arrogance, cheating and greed.
The most significant thing for me in the article was how the girl sold her story to an English Newspaper. The shame ....