the old skills of my 8 ,16 & 32 bit yoof
Fingers crossed my Paradox and Delphi skills will be back in demand again ;)
14 publicly visible posts • joined 10 May 2021
Currently writing for BBCBasic on my z80 CP/M board
Basics will never die
Microsoft Basic80 and 85 are also available
on my Z80-MBC2 CP/M modern recreation of
the old 8 bit days
Currently building functions to send the escape
code to the terminal for changing colours and
drawing shapes.
It's got HiTech C, Assembler, Turbo Pascal, Turbo C
and forth available too
Back in the 90s in an Oil tech company we would not start a project until we had a worked out a rude name for the project.
it was the only we we could get the documentations done.
that was before we had project managers and all that bollocks
still the manuals looks lovely on the shelve.