Proctorio is trash
I'm an elearning specialist and one of my tasks since February is to implement Proctorio for our exams. (migrating from Lockdown Browser which doesn't comply fully to GDPR)
In education we have to deal with a lot of amateur software with poor customer service (Like Canvas for instance) but Proctorio takes the first place by far. What a piece of crap!
It's one of the worst experiences I ever had implementing a software.
It's absolutely unpredictable, stuff which worked last time might not work next time, no idea why.
The Chrome extension is a nightmare, sometimes it loads, sometimes it doesn't.
Sometimes students will be asked for a password when there shouldn't be one.
If you try to open the code inspector while the extension is active, proctorio will uninstall itself immediately. If a student presses the wrong key combination in the middle of an exam, it's bye bye...
Proctorio messes with the settings of the LMS, between other things locking the exam configurations after I take the exam as a test student (which is necessary to make sure there won't be any suprises).
And don't get me started with the useless proctoring reports. We ended up hiring externals to watch the exams of our students since there is absolutely nothing useful you can get out of the reports.
All of that to pretend that webcam video and screen capture will do anything to stop cheating. I demonstrated many different manners of cheating this kind of software. If you have monitors connected via a video splitter to the computer, Proctorio will interpret that as a single monitor. Add a bluetooth keyboard and mouse to the mix and your buddy can take the exam for you from the other room. You don't even need to use a video splitter with Proctorio since it won't identify if you're running Parsec, Anydesk, etc to someone else's computer.
They are supposed to provide a full browser soon, I can't wait to see what a mess that will be.
Currently we are advising teachers to look into other methods of assessment since proctoring basically doesn't work.
I hope they don't sue me for this comment :)