* Posts by gedw99

18 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jan 2021

No App Store needed: Apple caves, will allow sideloading in EU



Still no proper PWA and A2HS from Safari

It’s amazing how much functionality and GUI and Storage you can provide using a Service Worker.

Apples worst nightmare is making the A2HS feature super easy and upfront for users.

The security / hacking problems all go away since the WebView sandboxes the developers code , protecting users device.

Would be so great is the EU / UK /US forced Apple and Google to do this.

Probably save a ton of money in software development budgets too. Everything is just a WebView.

Attacks on UK fiber networks mount: Operators beg govt to step in



Well I guess people might be more incentivised to use Star link ?

It’s hotly popular in Australia and New Zealand due to poor fibre and expensive bills.

Epic decision sees jury find Google's Play store is illegal monopoly


5 years more

Appeals etc will take 5 years.

As an app developer o wish the EU and US would just rule that app stores must be independent and we can bill however we want . Would solve it all in 1 hit.

Then users and developers have the freedom to choose.

The only fly is hacking but each OS has capability based security so users can restrict an app breaking g out of its sandbox that way. Don’t see it as any different from the guarantees Google and apple provide actually . Their checking is about policing billing rather than user security anyway imho

GitHub claims source code search engine is a game changer


worst search experience !!!

its broken by design

Apple might have to pay that €13B EU tax bill after all


Re: Simple

Pillar 1 and pillar 2 will put an end to these tax avoidance.games.

It comes in in 2024 and applies globally.

Taxes based on where the item is sold to , not based on where the company is based.

And a minimum tax of 15%

I mit will be interesting the difference it makes to government revenue and social security for people.

37 Signals says cloud repatriation plan has already saved it $1 million


Re: Is it comparable?

So “ no one got fired for choosing Microsoft “ It’s very true that he has his arse on the line.

But I guess that’s why he still has s3.

Also databases can run off s3 these days.

I Wonder how they mitigated the costs for egress from s3 to their own servers ?

So you want to save energy? Ditch web apps and go native, boffins say



This will make web apps light and yet feel like mobile apps .

It’s really taking off and so simple

Maker of Chrome extension with 300,000+ users tells of constant pressure to sell out


Moved to safari extensions

Today I moved everything in chrome to safari.

All the extensions exists and translate works great.

Apple to creating their own Ad network but it’s a refuge for now .

I have up on Firefox. They seem stretched to build decent sync tooling etc

Microsoft pushes users to the Edge in Outlook, Teams


It’s just a webview . Everyone does it ..

How they manage to bypass default browser is pretty easy too . Scan for what’s they and call direct .

MS do like to play dirty though when they can .

Laugh all you want. There will be a year of the Linux desktop


Web apps on your Linux desktop will add to the move .

Web apps are becoming quite powerful.

Wasm running in Web Worker and Service workers allow multi threading style architectures.

Even Microsoft with Blazer which heavily embraces WASM will mean that there are going to be a large swathe of them .

The same goes for Mobile too or course.

The Linux desktop killer OS could end up looking a lot like a Chromebook.

The critical part will be file sync services because users tend to prefer own ship of the files , rather than being held hostage to Cloud based Web / WASM Apps.

The added advantage is that these web style apps give capability based security and sandboxing , thus eliminating the fake screening that app stores pretend to offer. And so another pillar of OS lock-in falls.

Google wants to copy-paste your mainframe applications into its cloud



The google consultants cost a minimum of 125 million euro / year / person for on site help .

I was one of them Yonkers ago.

That’s chump change for banks and google !!

Nvidia CEO Huang jointly files patent for software tech in the metaverse


Re: How is this novel?

Agree . Exactly

But 2 reasons it’s compelling for them

Security . No sand boxing needed on the client needed because the app is runnng on the server and just sending pixels .

VR gear cost and interoperability. Any VR gear can stream done pixels .

Its hilarious how we have 360ed back around - from mainframe with telnet stream to mainframe but with video stream.


Google stadia again

It’s alarmingly simple and just google stadia but for documents and 3d cad

The app ( likely server less ) is running on the server and hits a headless gpu and the stream sent to the vr gear.

VNC basically running using http 3 web transport . The video stream pushing up from the server and mutation events pushing down from the vr Client.

Why ?

Br gear sucks in terms of compute but is able to stream videos. Just like a chrome cast and be screens mashed together. Makes the cost of VR gear much lower

Security . No client side app sandboxing needed.

Academics tell Brit MPs to check the software used when considering reproducibility in science and tech research


Fraud is why we need data and code


If scientists question the validity of how science is being conducted, what can you expect from the layman? Your contributions which would allow direct access to the data and code I would certainly help restore some confidence among scientists.

Microsoft's .NET Foundation under fire as resigning board member questions its role


I was s c# dev for about 10 years and jumped to golang 5 years ago.

This story reminds me why

For dotnet there is blazer. https://dotnet.microsoft.com/apps/aspnet/web-apps/blazor

For golang there is Gioui. https://gioui.org/

Gioui moves fast and involves everyone in decisions and moves forward quickly.

Take 1 sec to install.

Compiles to web, mobile, desktop, Apple TV.

Lots of open and commercial projects built on top of it with many of the core GiOUI team working on both.

An easier way to Flutter? Custom functions improve visual code builder but devs may still be frustrated


Uncanny valley problem

I use flutter and have played with their tool and google appssheet.

You definitely end up in a place where you get blocked eventually. It’s a great example of the 80/20 rule at the extend in that the first 80% of the functionality is done in 20% of the project time. But that last 20% of functionality is going to be a hell ride due to the Low Code environment getting in your way .

Theee are many other teams working on this area using very different approaches that solve that low code / full file inility dilemma.

Many are using wasm on the web, mobile and server.

Also after using flutter for 2 years and thinking it was the best thing , I have moved on to using other platform architectures that are leaner that are based on wasm. Flutter is very very complex under the hood , and in fact t like most google code based definitely overly complex . A bit like Kubernetes in that way. Google tends to makes things more complex to everyone’s peril.

The next thing in Low Code will be wasm and the ide and the compiler will itself run in the browser itself . Flutter can’t do that due to its heavily reliance on skia, harbuz and other libs they reused from chrome to make flutter work.

Canonical: Flutter now 'the default choice for future desktop and mobile apps'


Been using flutter for web and desktop and mobile and rasp pi.

It’s been great

Open-source contributors say they'll pull out of Qt as LTS release goes commercial-only


Flutter option

I think that a per ent of open and closed QT developers / users will make the move to flutter.

The two are both OS widget independent and I used both for many years and moved to flutter and it works well on web, desktop, mobile and rasp pi and other small boards.

You can use all the c code legacy you have by using the FFI features of Flutter.

I tend to write all core code in golang and use FFI to expose that to flutter