Re: re: I like kittens.
> A woman's job is to stay at home and produce babies
He gave the project lead to Barbera Res on Trump Tower his most important project at the time. He didn't think she should be at home having babies.
153 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Oct 2019
S&P in 2017 and 2019 produced massive returns (pensions, for US and non US investors / pensioners)
No new wars. Peace in the middle east.
I know this isn't the right place for being objective, but any headline / policy / macro level measures from his first term were pretty good.
Oh sorry, back to calling him juvenile names. Carry on
Sure, cos angry woke / democrats / anyone with another point of view never vent their spleen on X ever? Give it a rest.
You got to chuckle him making so many people whinge into their keyboards like on this thread.
None of this SEC spat has any impact to anyone on this thread, but how many want to type little angry toxic remarks into the computers.
You should log into Bluecry, you can join in the shared toxicity. How liberating. How fun.
Nobody gives two hoots about you and your peer group of lefties opinions either. But if you post sh*te, expect people who don't agree with your view to counter it. Thats what forums are for aren't they?
Or do you wanna hang in a vacuum of like minded blue haired people listening to your own hate in a bubble? Perhaps you do. Jellied it right though, the extremism does tend to gravitate around people who see themselves as victim minority, race, gender, sexual preference. Its a state of mind fighting a non existent enemy but translates to a focus on people who aren't what the left claim them to be.
Look at Trump and his mate Hershel Walker - you know, a black guy. But the left will call Trump with a straight face Hitler.
But carry on. Its this juvenile view that people are tired of.
Nuland was literally on the ground in Kiev in 2014 handing out water bottles and cookies. (or sandwiches she says)
Reading for the juveniles here:
BBC from 2014: Ukraine crisis: Transcript of leaked Nuland-Pyatt call
The Ukraine Mess That Nuland Made
Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland engineered Ukraine’s regime change without weighing the likely consequences.
The west literally invaded Iraq. Literally invaded Afghanistan. Then literally lecture others on non-interference. Its pure comedy.
In the same way the mainstream media treating republican voters with contempt? Calling Hispanics racist for not voting Harris. Black men who voted Trump sellouts. Literally calling Trump hitler.
The majority of Americans and probably western world citizens are tired of constant personal attacks and posts exactly like yours. Harris is a liar, Biden's pardoned his son, the Biden's are corrupt with their corruption in Ukraine (you know, the place there is a war in) Clinton's are corrupt. Hilary drew up plans to murder Asange. Calling out one side over the other is childish.
Who denied Russia invaded?
Nobody is saying Putin is a good guy. This is geopolitics, US vs the rest of the world.
Do explain how Russia has "weakened the EU" - that statement is empty.
Yes, the US has neocons who still have a cold war mentality toward Russia. Hence the Strangelove reference.
Look at Hollywood and how the villain is Russian so often.
Sad to say, you are lost to the western media brainwashing.
Casa, some reading:
Merkel here admitting they were a sham on the side of the west to buy time:
"Former German Chancellor Merkel admits the Minsk agreement was merely to buy time for Ukraine’s arms build-up"
The west never intended to negotiate. Weapons = $$$ for some US elites and politicians lining their pockets.
And for the Americans the cold war never ended:
See here for US mentality toward Russia.
Exactly Jellied. The notion that Russia is this singular dark force in the world is Tik-Tok BBC level of dipshittery.
Russia doing what lots of other nation states are doing.
The Americans at a way vaster scale than anyone else, because the American intelligence service budgets are in the billions.
What do people think the US do with all that money, buying staplers?
Here is the US causing physical damage to Iranian infrastructure.
Who do people think cut the Nordstream 2 pipeline, causing us in the UK to have higher food and utiltiy bills?
We in the UK are paying for this war that can't be won, instead of pressing our leaders for peace. But our leaders frankly aren't in control - US neocons and their corpo investment partners used as the lever are.
The people in that region wanted independence, and relief from persecution by Ukraine ultra nationalists.
None of us really know whether the US interference in the 2014 coup or Russian involvement in Donbas was the kick-starter to this whole saga.
But distilling it down to "bad man" vs "west good" without appreciating that the US make all the decisions, and most based on $ is simplistic in the extreme.
After all we followed the US into Iraq, an independent sovereign state and killed over 100,000 civilians.
Guardian actually. Reading a bit too much for you I suppose.
Look, use your own noddle instead of listening to the tripe spewed out by people in the west with an agenda.
For instance, here is the BBC
Rejecting the notion of Nazis in Ukraine.
But here is the same BBC, telling you in 2014 and here is the title of the video:
"Neo-Nazi threat in new Ukraine: NEWSNIGHT"
The Azov insignia is literally an Nazi SS symbol
Pure comedy from the MP
>"Putin is a man who wants destruction, not peace. He is trying to deter our support for Ukraine with his threats. He will not be successful," McFadden pledged.
Fairly certain Putin / Russia was open to the idea of negotiation.
Boris got the call from the milt tech ind complex and the US neocons - more bombs it is.
Both sides as bad as each other, but US interference in foreign elections and the US reneging on agreements made are as to blame. (1990 NATO no expansion with Gorbachev , Minsk sham agreements etc)
This juvenile rhetoric from MPs like this one are so tedious to listen to. Just like the Putin is gonna die soon, Putin has a body double (bla bla) propaganda in UK newspapers at the early onset of the war.
You just had to read / view media from non western sources to see Putin perfectly alive and well and walking round weapons factory and giving talks.
Does anyone take legacy media seriously anymore? Absolute clowns.
Hopefully January ushers in the peace process.
>I suppose so long as they are spreading the misinformation he wants to see spread
Ah the classic "misinformation" with no actual evidence of real misinformation. They mean an alternate point of view from the progressive/democrats point of view?
The lies of the Russian influence in 2016.
As opposed to moderating out real information like the actual true Hunter Biden laptop? Suppression of discussion of side effects of vaccines or C19's true origin?
Pure comedy. Left brain people speaking from their Ministry Of Truth.
Well said Harrys. Not sure why you've been downvoted, or which type of snowflake you've offended.
Putting in some effort to avoid mass fingerprinting and profiling (for the globalist to target you with this weeks messaging to brainwash the hard of thinking) seems a very sensible idea.
De-googling, meta'ing, ms'ing and appling seems like a good start. <best braveheart voice> "freeeeeeedooom"</>
Downvote as much as you like, but go watch Julian Assange recent talks. The US three letter acronym, are way more sinister than Russia. US spending on hacking people, countries and entities is more invasive and more widespread and greater funded than some ramshackle wronguns in Russia. Pay attention to how Apple/Google/MS responded to Wikileaks telling them where and how their devices and services were compromised. Their collusion with he US government is a huge concern. Freedom is under attack, and you still think its about party politics or dem darn Ruskies. Hint: Its not.
Yes, anyone not towing the PTB line given to you by the dutiful media must be a troll.
Don't forget Putins body double, hes gonna die real soon now. The whole country is against him etc etc
The Russophobia and propaganda filling the mouths of the gullible is tedious to watch.
The marvellous US I am certain are squeaky clean though. Definitely not making money from arms, or LNG shipments to Europe because of that pesky Nordstream pipeline accidentally cutting itself.
Twitter? The place that is mostly left leaning?
"Twitter users are younger, more educated and more likely to be Democrats than general public"
This notion that Twitter is the domain of the "far right" is the sort of juvenile perspective I'd expect from the BBC
Anyone with an IQ higher that a potato knows what sort of user froths over their keyboard on Twitter. Mr Lineker says hello BTW.
Of course the attention is selective. Anyone with half an ounce of common sense know this is about control.
The media can't refer to Telegram without the phrase "far right" being thrown in. They don't like the information that is found on Telegram as its not under their control/"governance".
Zuckerburg has been saying this week how much the US government pressured him on what was allowed to be spoken about on C19 during the pandemic.
If I won't to know something the UK gov / or western media are suppressing I can go to telegram to find the info. Thats exactly what the PTB don't like about Telegram.
When that 17 yr old killed those girls up north, people on Telegram (and actually WhatsApp) posted his age, parentage (and their country of origin) and nothing about his religion - the "facts" shared were spot on. Yet the media and police warned people of shared info, but the info was correct.
Look at the nonsense posted in the western media about Putin at the start of the war, he's ill, hes got a body double. His people are against him - bla bla.
Thats not the impression you get looking at non western media sources, like Telegram.
In the UK you can't get to RT.COM, yet you can get to the BBC from Russia. If you don't think the west want to moderate to their own liking then you're delusional. This almost certainly isn't an arrest about weed being flogged on a platform. Its almost certainly political.
Very easy to dismiss "conspiracy" theorists. I used to be exactly like you, believe whatever the gov or BBC spewed out.
A viral outbreak that was in the same place as a BL4 lab, what a coicidence.
Lee Harvey Oswald killed by Jack Ruby before authorities could get the truth out of him, what a coincidence.
Boeing whistleblowers die suddenly, what a coincidence.
Nordstream 2 blew up, and nobody can figure out exaclty who did it, I'm sure its just circumstantial.
I'm sure we went into Iraq to "liberate" the people, nothing to do with oil at all.
Thing is, the dark forces / perps rely on brain dead believers of anything authority figures spit out to carry on doing what they do.
This could be coincidence. Thing is, the dismiss an alternative and label anyone who questions it in the way you did says more about you chief.
Its nice to hear that view from an American citizen.
As a non US citizen, i can speak for many when we say your govs (and agencies NSA/CIA) overeach (and invlolving / coercing more likely the UK government of the day) into following you into unneccasry wars / conflcit / couips - and pushing the US view on how the world should be governed and social fabric managed is deeply frustraing and counter productive to a harmoneous world. Thank you for being candid and that thoughtful.
What a complete Bourke, what if a conspiracy theory is true?
Particualry when it involves the US state/entity. Not a massive leap given the close proximatey to the death of his co-defendent.
Could be just coicindence of course.
You probably believe Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK. Or that Covid 19 came from "zoonotic transfer".
hrhr X a hate filled chamber for the right wing? ahahha, surely you gest?
It was a hate filled intolerantt of anything other than left wing / woke views unltra moderated left fest.
Certainly before Musk took over:
And people will retort that conservative views are amplified by the algorythm.
The truth is somewhere in between, but to suggest X isn't filled with toxic hate filled lefties is bonkers denial. Nobody cared much about Musk until he took over the leftie playground and was going to level the moderation playing feild. Now look at the all the hate spewed by left sufferers.
The Internet with Social Media has created a poltical and social head space that literally pits humans against each other and made humans have ever more proposterous and extreme views. To the point where people are literally taking aim with guns at politicians. We've had left and right nutters kill MPs in the UK.
Suggesting hate is only the domain of the right is madness. Its extermism and intolerance and anger thats the problem - on all sides.
3% is the median average for mid and large organizations. 3-5% is typical. Highly depends on your type or organization though.
Delta from a quick search turn over 15.8bn. So 0.5bn would cut it, but they say "billions per year" - so probably isn't due to a lack of spending as they are way over the median.
Actually, your only valid point is the EV battery issue.
In all other respects, EV cars are much simplar and more reliable. ICE cars are way more complicated mechanically, and more prone to more numerous drivertrain issues. I'd always hated buying second hand ICE cars (someone elses problems they are offloading onto the unsuspecting) Nah.
Contrasting reports on EV reliability fixate on Software issues, Climate Control (geesh) and "build quality" - none say the actual driving the car part is less reliable as clearly that's not true its the opposite.
Often the anti EV posters come from a position of a mixture of jealousy and ignorance.
Stuff like "the national grid can't cope", even though the National Grid website has a literal article telling you they can (as peak electricity usage was around the year 2006).
There are people who can't charge at home. People who live in flats for example.
But for those that can home charge, drive around the average of 7,400 mile per year on multi short trips to work/hobbies/stores per week with only occasional long distance trips then EV cars are easy to live with. They have their downsides, expensive to buy, and expensive to replace batteries - but the luddites make some of the issues out to be a much bigger deal than they actually are.
Yup, Brave and Mullvad good choices.
Google also a no go for rampant privacy intrusion.
Likewise have an aversion to woke propaganda (the most tedious) but all forms of ideological, political or otherwise propaganda.
In times gone by you could just agree to disagree.