* Posts by riffrafff

28 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Oct 2019

Russia spoofed AIS data to fake British warship's course days before Crimea guns showdown


Fuck Russia.

We know it's hard to get your kicks at work – just do it away from a wall switch powering anything important


Re: She should have been sacked

Why would any important PC (or any PC at all) be on a switched outlet?

HP: That print-free-for-life deal we promised you? Well, now it's pay-per-month to continue using your printer ink


Why anyone continues to buy *anything* from HP is quite beyond me.

When you're On Call, only you can hear the silence of the clicks


Stella Artois? Blech.

Google contractor HCL America accused of retaliating against unionized techies by shifting US jobs to Poland


Google, I recognized your foul stench the moment I was brought on board.

Happy Hacking Professional Hybrid mechanical keyboard: Weird, powerful, comfortable ... and did we mention weird?


I really wish someone would come out with a modern/USB retro-replica of the original Amiga 1000 keyboard.

Brave takes brave stand against Google's plan to turn websites into ad-blocker-thwarting Web Bundles


LOL. Came here to say EXACTLY THAT.

Pew, pew, pew! Our galaxy is shooting cold, gaseous 'bullets' of high-speed matter. Boffins are baffled



Ferengi Bubbles.

Apple's at it again: Things go pear-shaped for meal planner app after iGiant opposes logo


The last Apple product I bought was a Newton Messagepad. This kind of juvenile bullying makes me glad I'm not part of the Apple ecosystem.

Fasten your seat belts: Brave Reg hack spends a week eating airline food grounded by coronavirus crash


What is "Tom Yam rice?" I can only find references to "Tom Yum rice."

Out on a tangent: Almost two decades into its 5-year mission, INTEGRAL still delivers the gamma ray goods


INTEGRAL: Hey! Dig me! I'm almost 18 years old!

Voyager 1: You're cute.

Voyager 2: Yeah, kids say the darnest things.

HPE pushes white label kit for 5G edge computing to tempt all the telcos still crying over WhatsApp and pals


"White label kit?"

...sounds racist to me.

Bose shouts down claims that it borked noise cancellation firmware to sell more headphones


Internal investigation? Well, there ya go, then. Nothing to see here. Move along.

PC owners borg into the most powerful computer the world has ever known – all in the search for coronavirus cure


Re: No love for Linux?

And suddenly, the GPU is working. First time ever. After weeks (months?) of re-enabling it in Config. WTF.

Anyways, it's all good now, I guess.


Re: No love for Linux?

I have it running on Ubuntu 18.04.4. It runs on the CPU fine (when I can get a WU), but will not recognize my Vega 56 GPU. :(


I can typically complete one Work Unit, then it spends the rest of the day simply trying.

"ERROR:WU01:FS00:Exception: Could not get an assignment"

World's smallest violin to be played for opportunistic sellers banned from eBay and Amazon for price gouging



What ever the market will bear. If the asking price is too high, don't buy it.

Just the place you'd want to spot a BSOD: While waiting in line for a roller coaster that lifts you up 124ft


But, did Steve go ahead and take the ride? Or did he quietly walk away?

Larry Tesler cut and pasted from this mortal coil: That thing you just did? He probably invented it


Re: Newton - MessagePad

On February 27, 1998, Steve Jobs discontinued the Apple Newton Messagepad, and thereby proved that even visionaries are not infallible.

Imagine what smart phones could be today if Jobs hadn't forced a ten-year hiatus on development. Christ.

Xiaomi what's inside: Wow, teardown nerds find debut smartwatch isn't actually a solder-and-resin nightmare


I still don't see the draw. It must just be me. I enjoy my autos. I don't foresee many smart watches being passed down for generations.

The delights of on-site working – sun, sea and... WordPad wrangling?


All you young whippersnappers...smh. I'm still using 488 to this very day to calibrate avionic test equipment. Now get off my lawn!

Bose customers beg for firmware ceasefire after headphones fall victim to another crap update


Re: thank god.....

Only five pairs? Meh. Lightweight. lol.

Yeah but, no, but... 'Overpaid' Boeing snaps back at NASA's watchdog


"Hard landing?"

When I crashed my car, I referred to that as a "hard parking."

We are absolutely, definitively, completely and utterly out of IPv4 addresses, warns RIPE


Last paragraph of the article: "...spend most of them time..."

"Them time?" Wut?

I've had it with these motherflipping eggs on this motherflipping train


I suggest that those with sensitive olfactory organs should maybe not use public transportation.

A History of (Computer) Violence: Wait. Before you whack it again, try caressing the mouse


Kids these days.

In my day, that's how you fixed your TV.

So, what's fashion going to look like on the Moon in 2024? NASA's ready to show you the goods


Major Matt Mason wore orange...

Major Matt Mason wore orange...

...well, his crew member Sgt. Storm did, anyway.

How much is your face worth? Google thinks a $5 Starbucks gift card should be good enough


Can you even buy anything at charbucks for $5?