"For now we're going to have to assume non-LGBTQIA workers weren't also having the same sort of naughty conversations on Intelink; if they were, one would hope they would be just as much in the firing line."
Doubtful. If the hate speech spewing users didn't get the sack, it's unlikely that had this been hetero sex talk, the users in question would have gotten more than a warning and a slap on the wrist. It's pretty clear given this administraton's actions so far that these people were fired because it involved DEI and the LGBTQIA community...
Not that I condone their actions of having such discussions in a professional work environment in the first place whether it involved the intelligence community or not. As others have stated, there are plenty of better and less public (well, relatively speaking) communication methods they could have used instead. But I still think had it not involved anything DEI, they'd probably just been warned and told to stop at most, rather than being fired.