* Posts by Fizban64

11 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Dec 2018

HP customers claim firmware update rendered third-party ink verboten


Happy Brother printer user, don't get this kind of business model. Just vote with your wallet and let companies that subscribe to this model of business practice die with their outdated thought procesess.

Attorney sues Microsoft for $1.75M, claiming his email has been useless since May


Bring back Humans!

Here's an idea,

Lets bring back humans to manage these takes, lets make humans great again!

All this stuff about never seeing your clients, not speaking to them on a human level, just shaking them down for all you can, well how about a general service desk where you can just ring a number and get sorted, sounds a bit radical, but if we could put a man on the moon in the 60's we can surely sort out someones access to their e-mail account!

Radical I know.

Bank of England won't call it Britcoin but says digital pound 'likely to be needed in future'


This is all about control. It will be abused by government; they can't resist the ultimate power of life and death this idea encapsulates. Having money that runs out in time, saying how you spend your money, breaking down your buying habits and saving you can only for example have 5 eggs and a certain amount of meat (if even meat is allowed in the future). This control system is all encompassing and will generate a future of human slavery. Well slavery for poor hardworking taxpayers at least. It will ultimately end in war, this amount of control belongs to no one, and no organisation and certainly no government.

Digital money as a replacement to money should be debated in parliament and if given the go ahead, we as a people of the UK should have a referendum on the proposal.

Investor tells Google: Cut costs now and stop paying staff so much


Re: Too many paid too much

Seems like there is a movement in China with it's younger workers actually not doing this stressful work anymore.


is a good read.

Indian government creates body with power to order social media content takedowns


Would be nice to see the indoan government take down their peoples scam call centres, scaming people out of money every day. There was even one "call centre" that was recently raided by europol and indian law enforcement.


Apparently it's less then a week and it's back up, running scams yet again. Will the police go see how they are doing again? How did they get back up so quickly?

Taiwan bans exports of chips faster than 25MHz to Russia, Belarus


Crazy World

With the need of Russian Federations raw materials to actually make the chips, they might not be actually creating the chips in the first place if the Russians start to ban certain chipmaking requirements. Talk about ill thought out, it'll bite them on their proverbial asses. Sad world.

Db2, where are you? Big Blue is oddly reluctant to discuss recent enhancements to its flagship database


Re: Throwaway society mentality comes to IT

Lets make a baby in 1 month, lets throw 9 women on the case. It's a pretty sad short term survival mentality out there.

UK to introduce new laws and a code of practice for police wanting to rifle through mobile phone messages


Re: Only the guilty would refuse...

I like Marty's answer over quora...

Marty Riggs

Answered 10 months ago · Author has 112 answers and 306.6K answer views

Question asked: Joseph Goebbels coined the term "if you have nothing to fear you have nothing to hide". Does that bother law enforcement? If their argument to search without a warrant is quoting a Nazi, how does that give them the moral high ground over taxpayers?

Everyone has something to hide. But, that’s another story.

I would be more concerned about your elected scum, called politicians, who use this phrase to justify monitoring the Internet, your phone, and mail, as well as justifying invasive practices on the war on drugs and the war on terror.

For me, I never asked unless I was certain I had a damn good reason. One that would get me a warrant if I asked. In other words, I was giving you a chance to HELP me instead of making me be the bad guy. Being able to say, “Your Honor, he was extremely cooperative and helpful during the incident” could actually get them a lesser sentence or charge if the judge was in a good mood. Hell, I could even overlook some minor shit that didn’t matter (in the real world).

Let’s face it, all governments are evil in a way. The Nazis are just demonized today so that others can look better. Read up on Hitler’s speeches and then compare them to today’s American politicians. Reagan was the last one I heard who spoke against a larger government and didn’t quote Nazis. Since then, including Clinton and Obama, they have used the same old lines and then done whatever the hell they wanted to do once elected. At least Trump didn’t do that. Yet, he’s seen as the worst of them.

Brit competition regulator will soon be able to seize rogue traders' domains – and even Amazon accounts


Re: No need for a trial

Ahh, I see an optimist amongst us! If the police could only limit their power to such worthy tasks, but alas when you hear terrorist laws being used to enforce bin habits, you should be wary of giving police such powers. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

GIMP open source image editor forked to fix 'problematic' name


It's so easy to be offended these days

Well the title says it all, it really is easy these days for people to be offended. Perhaps there is far to much fluoride in the water. They better calm our mass drugging down a bit. Gimp is well known and loved, not like pulp fiction gimp, but we can all, well most of us can, differentiate between the two.

Seems very childish to me, grow up folks and grow a backbone.

Brit startup Graphcore tossed a £200m early Christmas pressie for machine learning CPU


turning off iusnt like killing it

You know if you Need a general anaesthetic, they put you out with a needle, this doesn't cause you to forget everything, you are "Parked". Same would go with this kind oif technology, turning off would "Park" it, but its state would be preserved by solid storage. Both humans and machines ready to be unparked, ready to fight another day (if all goods well with the I operation!). So yes it is ethical, because you aren't destroying it.