* Posts by Caffeinated Sponge

29 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Jun 2018

Linus Torvalds offers to build guitar effects pedal for kernel developer

Caffeinated Sponge

Re: Aion FX are they really tracing ?

... And that's before you see the huge 'π' silkscreened onto the casing ....

Microsoft tests 45% M365 price hikes in Asia-Pacific to see how much you enjoy AI

Caffeinated Sponge

Having tried (unsuccessful) to downgrade a family sub to an individual one with Microsoft in the past I'm not surprised. The default is to make the process as broken as possible so people let the date sail by and just start paying the extra...

I have absolutely no interest in CoPilot at this point. I'd actually quite like the 'new!' versions of the apps to be solidly device based not webview too.

Encryption backdoor debate 'done and dusted,' former White House tech advisor says

Caffeinated Sponge

Re: I bet . . .

The last I heard, British Conservatives were still all over the idea that 'only people with something to hide should want encryption'.

Of course, as with the Sir Pterry quote above, whilst this is actually true it is built around the easy to sell misconception that the only people with anything to hide are *bad* people.

UK health services call-handling vendor faces $7.7M fine over 2022 ransomware attack

Caffeinated Sponge

Re: Justice to come?

Thing is though, there's no real reason why not apart from cronyism.

Consider penalties under ITAR, for example... (And remember that this is legislation for keeping private enterprise in line from that bastion of communism, the USA)


Brit tech mogul Mike Lynch missing after yacht sinks off Sicily amid storms

Caffeinated Sponge

I'm not normally given to conspiracy theories, but in the paper this morning, Stephen Chamberlain seems to have mysteriously been struck fatally by a car whilst out jogging too.

Iowa sysadmin pleads guilty to 33-year identity theft of former coworker

Caffeinated Sponge

It certainly should, but unless I'm misreading there's a huge stack of credit in false name here. Unless that's being claimed separately, I have a feeling it's going to get first dibs on the money.

Absolutely though, person rendered unemployable, imprisoned and medicated as a mental patient due to fraudster really should be getting a good chunk out of this.

Apart from the prior courts and LEOs, there are also huge questions over US metal patient Inpatients I'd say - treating a person as insane and medicating for psychosis because a judge who didn't spot identity theft in progress says much. Essentially the real Woods was discriminated against because the fraudster seemed like a nice, professional person. That's something we should all reflect on.

You've stolen the antiglare shield on that monitor you've fixed – they say the screen is completely unreadable now

Caffeinated Sponge

Re: HAZMAT suit please, nurse, gloves please!

Dishwashers used to be the standard fix for Apple keyboards before it all went chiclets.

Post Office burned £100m in UK taxpayer cash on Horizon IT scandal legal fees, MPs told

Caffeinated Sponge

Re: BS

Slightly mangled interpretation.

Yes, CO2 emissions *are* a problem.

However, they are not the only undesirable emission an internal combustion engine produces whether operating as designed or otherwise. The problem you’re alluding to is that most/all governments and their associated bodies spent twenty odd years selling the public that CO2 was the only pollutant. Hence a generation of car buyers who feel cheated when they discover their vehicles may have been making low statistics for CO2 but were actually busily poisoning everyone around them and destroying the planet in many other ways.

What was Boeing through their heads? Emails show staff wouldn't put their families on a 737 Max over safety fears

Caffeinated Sponge

Re: Inconsistent with Boeing values

‘Inconsistent with Boeing values and appropriate action is being taken’

While we still give money to companies saying things like this when they actually needed to accept and apologise, we are as guilty as they.

Boeing clearly intend to witch-hunt the staff involved and take measures to ensure that their next cynical attempt to sell a polished turd has no smoking guns waiting to be found.

Conspiracy loons claim victory in Brighton and Hove as council rejects plans to build 5G masts

Caffeinated Sponge

Meh, I regret the passing of sodium lighting purely on aesthetic grounds but LED lighting is technically superior in most ways - about the only problems being that sighting is far more important due to the more focused nature and they do have an annoying tendency to turn into strobe lights when things go wrong.

Royal Bank of Scotland IT contractor ban sparks murmurs of legal action

Caffeinated Sponge

My understanding is that it’s only a 20% pay cut if you viewed paying taxes as optional and something to be avoided.

I’m having a lot of trouble getting worked up about this one tbph although I agree there are far more grievous avoided tax bills that could do with collecting.

F-35 'incomparable' to Harrier jump jet, top test pilot tells El Reg

Caffeinated Sponge

Re: Hearts & minds propaganda, courtesy of MoD

STEM subjects *are* important, but so are fluffy arts unless we wish to lose who we are. Technological superiority is of no value if there isn’t actually a civilisation to be powered by it.

More tech-minded people would do well to grasp this, as the ‘STEM STEM STEM...’ idea is really catching on with western governments to the point that the Arts are being systematically defunded at elementary level. There is such a thing as being the King of Nothing.

Operation Desert Sh!tstorm: Routine test shoots down military's top-secret internets

Caffeinated Sponge

Re: I'm so glad we kept one!

Same way they believe the salesperson who sells them the wonderful new software without mentioning the HW resources and infrastructure required.

That's a hell of Huawei to run a business, Chinese giant scolds FedEx after internal files routed via America

Caffeinated Sponge

Glass Houses...

As many here, I’m not particularly surprised that a US based parcel carrier ‘inadvertently misrouted’ several packages belonging to a company their President is currently trying to browbeat the rest of the world into abandoning “because it spies for its government”.

I seem to recall a few years ago, the ‘Patriot Act’ had most companies in countries that aren’t America scrambling to ensure nothing online touched US based companies basically for the same reason, which caused quite a problem as Cloud based infrastructure was just really taking off. Unsurprisingly this doesn’t feature in the media narrative of ‘bad Huawei!’

If there's 5G connectivity but no 5G devices on it, does it make a sound? Wait, no, that's not right

Caffeinated Sponge

Re: Wrong

Was going to post something similar, but points are covered mostly.

The UK broadband market may be healthier than in the US but we still have real infrastructure problems, and unless the old cable companies that merged into Virgin built into a given area, your choices are basically limited to BT, companies leasing BT’s wires, something satellite based or something using the mobile phone networks with massive civils costs blocking anyone re-cabling. 5G has the chance to make a real difference in some places.

Hello, tech support? Yes, I've run out of desk... Yes, DESK... space

Caffeinated Sponge

Re: Hmm

That sounds like the sort of thing I was using in XWindows on SPARCs at college...

Amazon robot fingered for bear spray leak that hospitalised 24 staffers

Caffeinated Sponge

Re: Risk assessment

The forward packing arrangements are an interesting angle no one else seems to have touched yet... imagine that thing going up in the delivery van in an urban space!

UK computer dealer Aria PC loses £750k VAT fraud appeal attempt in THAT case

Caffeinated Sponge


Are (B) and (C) not actually the same response?

Macs to Linux fans: Stop right there, Penguinista scum, that's not macOS. Go on, git outta here

Caffeinated Sponge

Re: Great plan Timmy. @AC

Um, I may be guilty of reductionism here, but surely you are essentially arguing for the abolition of security certificates altogether?

The whole system is based on Trust, it really shouldn’t be a wake up if a certificate issued to Microsoft for Windows which is now deprecated in favour of a newer certificate was being used to sign for something that wasn’t Windows and had nothing to do with Microsoft, then there might be a problem in the post?

The obvious solutions are to steal the new certificate or obtain legitimate certificates that actually apply to the product...

Oddly enough, when a Tesla accelerates at a barrier, someone dies: Autopilot report lands

Caffeinated Sponge

Re: Dead man switch?

Agree that there seem to be operator involvement questions, but my reading of the sequence was that the vehicle crashed, killed its passenger and lost its front portion then the remainder rebounded back to the road and the other vehicles were involved. Hitting a hard surface usually involves deflection. If a large portion of the car was sheared off, then probably an erratic, spinning deflection that would be very difficult to avoid at highway speed and close quarters.

Caffeinated Sponge

No comment from Musk yet

He’s probably trying to decide who to call a kiddy-fiddler this time.

More seriously though, Tesla are going to need to rename that cruise control system at some point. Calling it ‘autopilot’ is just causing accidents and dragging the self driving field as a whole down through its visibility.

The fire is less surprising. That’s what lithium based batteries tend to do. Doesn’t take much physical damage to set them into a runaway thermal state, and when you have so many cells piled together (sorry!) then it’s unsurprising that a heavy impact followed by a fire caused other cells not immediately involved to have problems later. Lithium based batteries can be very power dense but they possibly should have limits on size for this sort of reason although it will stall electric vehicles until the technology is commercially replaceable.

EU wants one phone plug to rule them all. But we've got a better idea.

Caffeinated Sponge

Re: EU Standard plug

“second most painful after Lego surely?”

I kind of don’t understand this part of the argument. I’ve never stood on an upturned 3pin mains plug. I’d argue that if this is an occurrence frequent enough to be a problem then probably standards of basic tidiness are probably more in order. Or you could just look where you are putting your feet. Of course, if this is a workplace then both are already covered by H&S.

To be completely honest, the cable durability part is looking pretty shakey too given third party options that will outlast several phones and I’m not even going near the bit about enforcing a plug shape standard and then arbitrarily deciding not to wire half the pins with no external way to tell. Optionally disable data at the device is a far better idea.

Caffeinated Sponge

Re: "I've been through many micro USB cables through the life"

Re: docking solutions via USB C...

You try telling companies that have large fleets of laptops that were using proprietary edge connectors for docking bases that a new connector which a crazy high percentage of their existing laptops don’t have is an improvement.

At my place of work, USB C docks are seen as awkward, cheap, kludgy and simply being Dell trying to force more money out of us... (yes, I know about video bandwidth etc but apart from cases where high standards are actually needed most of userland stull defaults to 15pin VGA...)

Caffeinated Sponge

Re: Be much more interested in...

Voltage standards are also an issue more fundamentally, but yes the UK 3 pin plug is explicitly designed to prevent electrocution by forcing an earth pin to engage before either voltage pin.

If mains plug standards upset you, you probably shouldn’t look at America...

Internet overseer ICANN loses a THIRD time in Whois GDPR legal war

Caffeinated Sponge

Re: not in the cross-fire yet?

Pretty much. Ever since the ‘Patriot Act’, the rest of the world has been cautious of doing any business with the US that could expose data it wanted to be secure. Demonstrations such as this that US companies don’t give a fig about non-US law when doing business overseas really doesn’t help the case. Almost all that is needed to close the deal is for someone in the Whitehouse Lobby to point the Dotard In Chief at the problem, and let him declare all non-US laws illegal or similar...

The age of hard drives is over as Samsung cranks out consumer QLC SSDs

Caffeinated Sponge

Re: No story here

Hm. Maybe I’m in the provinces, but tape cartridges still seem plenty in the land of the living for off-line backups where I’m from.

Tech support chap given no training or briefing before jobs, which is why he was arrested

Caffeinated Sponge

Re: Back in my day. all you needed was screwdrivers, insulating tape and penknife

Actually, screwdriver as stethoscope isn’t so uncommon in mechanical use and if you weren’t sure where vibration was coming from and had limited tools it would still be a valid technique...

UK.gov told: You're not very good at collecting quality data, are you?

Caffeinated Sponge


I suppose it’s a bit early to be drawing conclusions, but two that jump right out at me are that maybe turkeys don’t like voting for Christmas- ie, services at risk of outsourcing don’t see why they should make themselves easy to replace and secondly, if the stats are all badly off and it turns out that the replaced public service was doing much more than its paymasters thought for the money, maybe they weren’t such poor value and could usefully have remained in-house?

Regardless of a persons’ political views on private versus public sector for service delivery, there are a number of very searching questions to be answered here. I’m not very impressed with the ‘business brains’ in charge...

Half of all Windows 10 users thought: BSOD it, let's get the latest build

Caffeinated Sponge

Re: They say history repeats itself.

I was just here for the popcorn but WTAF is ‘c-pound’?

I’m guessing you mean ‘sharp’.

Do you replace all examples of ‘sharp’ and ‘hash’ with ‘pound’?