* Posts by whisper111

2 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Dec 2017

Yes, your old iPhone is slowing down: iOS hits brakes on CPUs as batteries wear out


Re: A good feature

No its not a good feature.

Changing batteries is better for the environment than buying a new phone.

Would be great if there was some kind of software that could feel when the battery is worn out or if it is a new battery.

So the Apple (trademark) "slowdown" would not impact if you decied to change battery.


New battery

As some people here described. When battery worns out just change the battery.

Problem is that the Apple configuration will still be there if you buy a new battery.

That's the biggest annoying thing that makes me wonder is if Samsung or other phone brands do the same.

Would be great to analyse other brands to.

If it turns out that its only Apple that does this then Goodbye Apple for me.. :-(