Fray Bentos
Pass the sellotape again, it’s proton exchange membrane time. #stickytheory
375 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Oct 2017
Look at the wall. My bad, it’s true. I quite like my Lumia. I soon as it was EOL, I was interested. Payment for an upgrade and yes the UX is strange, but it’s simple, really simple which is a change. Everything still just about works, and as a 4th or 5th travel phone with a throwaway SIM card and a long battery life. #stillinthebag
This used to happen all the time within a bank payments department around the turn of the century into the present day. The system is down but the card payments and ATM withdrawals still work. Don’t tell the merchants on punters though. Now it’s it just it’s broken again and nothing works and costs everyone. #spreadsheetville #keepthemusicgoingitsawedding
Can I have a think tank please. So the entire population of the Ireland could use just the tube in a day and no-one would notice. That's without any other mode of transport, zoning and other malarkey. Sounds like a bilateral mobile infrastructure and investment footing. #productivity
You’ve got no arms left. The country is already in recession, and if the economy wasn’t so warped, by axis and finance, you’d have noticed. It’s a policy bubble, with vote for the Blacksmith party or leave the sceptred shores. Albeit a bifurcated dichotomy nonetheless. #itsafleshwound
So to recap on the United Kingdom's technology advances over the last decade. A failed banking system, a failed pension system, a failed political system and a failed investment system, a bust accountancy institute, a fraudulent cut and paste reseller, a big unfinished and measured hole plus a pink credit card. €bigwins #taudeltaoff
Like a back actor. Can I have a sim please. Let's fire an ever descending serial particle spectral sequence from a lagrange gun, curved forward in time through the offset IDL and bounced back. Like a complicated flag with a planar barcode scanner at asteroids level. #wordsshapesconceptsandgenerationmaynotbeapplicable #magnetslater