The issue with rust
Yes, rust is memory safe. But the syntax is just painful. What we need is next-c, a memory safe version of cpp, with a familiar syntax, then I'll switch.
2 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jan 2017
The majority of the comments here seem to imply that a database should be secure upon installation and we should depend on that. That is scary to me. No database should EVER be deployed without going through a security lock down. Yes, MSSQL doesn't allow remote connections by default, but only an idiot would install it and turn on remote connections without doing other standard lock downs.
Most MySQL installs have default root accounts with default passwords depending on the distro, would anyone open one of those to the internet without changing that root password?
Stop depending on software to be configured a certain way, and start hiring competent dba's. Then, let them do their jobs...
As for MongoDB, they have AMAZING documentation on securing it, and provide many tools to do so. I don't see anyone saying it isn't secure after following their best practices, just sayin...