Correct. They are an associate member, exactly the same as the UK now is.
They are not a core member with access to all the secure encrypted protocols.
that is the UK's complant.
please try and keep up.
25 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Sep 2016
I'll just remind you that those in the top half of the UK voted strongly to stay in the EU.
And one of the main arguments in the Scottish referendum for staying part of the UK was that if Scotland didn't stay it would be out of the EU.
Guess how how well those arguments will work next referendum?
> And yet, the whole world over, Capitalism has time and again prove throughout all of human history to be the only system that increases living standards for all; while Socialism & Communism have impoverished all their nations and sent millions to an early death.
Ah. the old capitalism is the only way that works argument.
Which relies heavilly on defning "all" to exclude the brown people the East India Company exploited, all the Africans who were the product being sold, all the Irish who conveniently starved to death, all the native Americans who were not using their land properly....... and so on.
Is that the system you are promoting?
One of the most reliable signs of a novice user on a linux system is that they use ls to generate lists of files and then use awk to parse out the bits of the output they actually want.
And then complain about having to do that.
in the above example, it is much easier to just get the information you want
stat --format="%U" *
In Scotland, clamping a car and demanding money to free it is regarded as extortion, and is illegal.
If data has value, then this would seem to fall under the same legislaton.
It is perhaps time for someone to bring a private prosecution against Sonos, as happened with the car clampers.
If your'e gong to complain about the numbering, please get it right.
10 - Ecclestone
11 - Tennant
12 - Tennant
13 - Smith
14 - Capaldi
15 - Whittaker
> She's the 14th, not the 13th...?
Tennant used up a regeneraton healing injuries, so appears twice.
The War Doctor wasn't given a number.
So she is the 15th regeneraton, but referred to as number 13.
Now where's my anorack?
"I dunno, I think there may've been some things even he would choke on! Even pond scum has standards (though orange pond scum may be the exception)"
Which is why Sir Humphrey would have pledged loyalty to the presideny, Not to the particular bit of orange pond scum currently holding the post.
Yes, Incompetent.
In every security audit I have done in the last 15 years I always included a reccomendaton that windows administrators should disable the use of SMBv1.0 beause it is extremely insecure and hasn't been requred by any windows verson after windows 98.
most windows admins were surprised that there were different versions of SMB in use and refused to disable v1.0 in case something still needed it.
That one change would have stopped this infestation, even on unpatched XP systems.