Utter Shambles
This post has hit a raw nerve as I was banging my head against the shower of nonsense that new Outlook is last week while doing an e-mail migration for a client. They have several folders in New Outlook that, for some reason, won't sync with their existing IMAP service. Easy, set up new e-mail account alongside the old one and drag the few folder over. No way - that feature is not there. Oh and by the way, it won't let me set up both email accounts with the same name, old one alongside new one so, I resorted to subterfuge to make that happen. Export to .pst - nope. ffs. Oh and switch over to Classic Outlook and those folders don't show up either.
Contacting M'Soft support got this very amusing reply in one of their messages to me "since the new outlook is still under heavy development". And in a forum I found this wording from another M'Soft source "The new Outlook is not yet complete, and some options may not be available or work as expected. Many features of our current products are designed and upgraded based on customers’ feedback." I'll give you feedback alright.....on the other hand I've rather lost hope and will switch my client to Thunderbird.
So they have inflicted a "lunchtime hack" in their unsuspecting customers. Shocking. I really need to curtail my stream of expletives over this shower of utter garbage waste of disk space.
And .... Are they really saying that they will kill off Old Outlook. As in revoke, the licences for people who have paid for perpetual versions. Get a grip M'soft.
I'm so glad that all my production systems are Open Source and I've been using SeaMonkey (cousin of Thunderbird) for well over a decade without any issues at all,.