* Posts by pgm

13 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jun 2016

HP: That print-free-for-life deal we promised you? Well, now it's pay-per-month to continue using your printer ink


HP being HP

They have lied ,cheated and misinformed for many years.

What makes you think they can change.

They are to hardware what M$ is to software.

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses... but not your H-1B geeks, L-1 staffers nor J-1 students


Why not just hire more women?

Why not just hire more women instead of H1B's?

According Institute for Women's Policy Research,they make only 66% of what men do for the same job?

Sounds like a no brainer.


Re: H-1B visas [ ... ]

I remember ads asking for MS CS,10years experience and a ton of vendor certs.


Anybody with that level of expertise is making at least 2 or 3x that.

India says its brains saved the world from the last colosso-crisis – cough, Y2K – proving it can become self-reliant


Anybody notice that trying log a call these days with M$ is damn near impossible?

The Indian tech support is so swamped that they don't answer phone calls from their partners.

Just say try calling later as everything is being delayed.(for the past month!).

Self reliant?

I don't think so.

Why should the UK pensions watchdog be able to spy on your internet activities? Same reason as the Environment Agency and many more



No wonder why it was written by a Brit.

Isn't the UK the most surveilled country in the western hemisphere?

How generous of GitHub to slash prices and make all its core features free. So what gives? Oh right, GitLab


Thought it said Grubhub for half off.

Microsoft tells resellers: 'We listened to you, and we have acted' (PS: Plz keep making us money)


The B52 is still in use after nearly 60 yeras of use.

So if the product still does what you need it to do ,why upgrade?

Netware was so many years ahead of M$ products that it's still a viable solution.

I see Fry's still uses Netware for their POS system.

Lightning fast and as stable as ever.

The problem was Netware was too good ,so there was never enough reason to rip and replace the product.

DRAM makers sued (yet again) for 'fixing prices' (yet again) of chips


Nothing new.

It's the old sell at a loss to force other competitors out ,and then after they are no longer in the marketplace and you have a monopoly,raise prices as much as you want because there are no competitors.

The Koreans have been caught red handed many, many times and are noted for it.

As a shock to absolutely no one, Uber is mostly pasty, male at the top


Do the math

Most of the folks coming out of college with tech backgrounds are male and mostly white and Asian.

So if your talent pool is 90% of the latter,why would you expect the numbers not to represent the talent pool?

It's time for Microsoft to revisit dated defaults


Netware harder to fix?

For every abend on Netware server ,there were a thousand BSOD's on an M$ box.

Edir was vastly superior to AD in oh so many ways.

Sysadmin 'fesses up to wrecking his former employer's IT systems


Re: Wild Guess

A lot of these wild guesses are based on what is becoming the norm in IT these days.


Re: I thought?

The real clinker is some termination contracts say you must support them for up to 6 months without pay or you won't get your severance package.


Let me take a wild guess .he was laid off ,had to train his replacement H1B or wouldn't get severance package plus agree not to file suit for wrongful termination.

Wrong person going to jail.