* Posts by JavaJester

120 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Dec 2015


HP ditches 15-minute wait time policy due to 'feedback'


Textbook Example of Enshittification

This is a canonical example of enshittification. I can imagine the calls went something like this:

Customer: I've been waiting over 15 minutes.

CSR: I apologize for the wait. The dipshits in management thought it would be a good idea to make everyone wait 15 minutes or more on the phone,

Customer: That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard of.

CSR: Sounds about right for management.

Apple solves broken news alerts by turning off the AI



Most news alerts are already summaries of the articles. How does a janky AI prone to hallucinating add any valve?

Microsoft eggheads say AI can never be made secure – after testing Redmond's own products


Check yourself before you wreck yourself

Anthropic wants AI to operate a computer. Any email, webpage, or message could inject commands. Even the camera and microphone could inject commands. The microphone is particularly useful against an air-gapped system. If a miscreant can trick anyone near an air-gapped machine to play a video or audio on their phone with inaudible commands they can send it commands without the need for any connection to the machine itself.

AI needs to become much more mature before we treat it as a trusted system to do things like operate a computer.

Shove your office mandates, people still prefer working from home


I'm surprised RTO doesn't improve morale

Improving morale by filling the office with people who don't want to be there didn't work out?

I'm as surprised as you are. Nobody could have seen that coming from a hundred miles away.

Scumbag gets 30 years in the clink for running CSAM dark-web chatrooms, abusing kids


Hope the Other Inmates Take Good Care of Him

Hopefully, the other inmates will find out what he's in for and take good care of him. Because we know how much prisoners like pedophiles.

British Army zaps drones out of the sky with laser trucks



Why not hit the drone with a good old fashioned directed microwave beam? It would require less than 14kW of power.

Epic coughs up the dirty V-Bucks: Fortnite's 'dark pattern' refunds hit accounts


Android has always allowed 3rd party stores

You tick the magic box in settings that allows side loaded programs to run and install the store you want. Amazon has an Android store for years.

UPS supplier's password policy flip-flops from unlimited, to 32, then 64 characters


WTF - Password length limits?

The only limits I can see that make sense are limits to prevent a Denial of Service attack, like allowing up to 256 characters to mitigate a denial of service attack on bcrypt for example. How did anyone think that 32 characters is the correct answer? That couldn't even hold a passphrase like "The village idiot could think of a better password length limit."

CISA boss: Makers of insecure software must stop enabling today's cyber villains


Re: What about to OPTIMIZE your code, this will help even more !

Node was the beginning of the end for software efficiency. JavaScript is a security and efficiency nightmare.

Disney kicks Slack to the curb, looks to Microsoft Teams for a happily ever after


Beware of their APIs

Microsoft has a habit of retiring APIs without sufficient transition notice. That by itself is reason enough to think twice about using Teams.

White House thinks it's time to fix the insecure glue of the internet: Yup, BGP


Re: So, er...

But trust requires authentication. At a minimum I need to know who originated a request to make an informed decision on its trustworthiness. Without knowing that, at best I can make educated guesses on the legitimacy of the request but still have no way of knowing who actually made it.


Re: File size limits are a thing of the past!

Or if you use IPv6 my address is ::1. Because sharing is caring.

Choose Your Own Adventure with Microsoft 365


MS Version of Black Mirror's Bandersnatch

All the endings are good... If you're Microsoft.

Microsoft rolls out one Teams app to rule them all


Too Little, Too Late

Microsoft missed an opportunity with the 2020 pandemic to get Teams out in front of the masses. Nobody was going to pay $$ per month with free options available, and by the time they bothered to put out a free version in 2023, Zoom and Google had pretty much divvied up the home market. Nobody running a virtual conference seriously considered Teams due to the lack of a free Teams client.

Texas sues GM for selling driver data to analytics, insurance companies


Crazy Idea -- Privacy Law

I have a crazy idea -- hear me out now -- that the US adopt an EU-style privacy law based around informed consent. Currently, car policies are a surveillance nightmare and even include things like sexual activity as fair game. Unless you like the idea of any random company knowing your most intimate details, a proper privacy law is necessary. Such a law should make some things, such as sexual activity, sensitive financial information when not extending credit, etc. presumptively off limits.

How to ingeniously and wirelessly inject malware onto someone's nearby Windows PC via Google's Quick Share


Turn it Off

I never understood the upside to making a device discoverable for file sharing. It seems like the digital version of putting a "kick me" sign on your back.

Users call on Microsoft to update Outlook's friendly name feature


Marketing + "Clean Interface" = User Hell

I suspect marketing, aided and abetted by the "clean interface" movement, is to blame. The "clean interface" crowd's desire for software unencumbered by software is usually realized by either not providing needed functionality, as in this case, or sending the user on an Easter egg hunt to find it*. Marketing will want whatever silly sender name they have dreamed up to be displayed to the user; security consequences be damned*.

* True story: when my daughter took a reading comprehension assessment, she called me to assist because the site was broken. The text she was supposed to read abruptly stopped. After some fiddling, I discovered that the geniuses who designed the interface hid the scroll bars in peek-a-boo style so that if your mouse got close enough, you could find them. Unfortunately, time was a test component, so she scored artificially low. No, I did not put the work broken in quotes because the site was broken. It used a lousy design that made it more difficult than it should have been to use it. As another aside, I don't understand the desire to use sh*ty JavaScript components like that one when a native browser read-only textarea would have worked fine and been more friendly in screen readers for the disabled.

* A fair share of the blame for the success of phishing in general falls on Marketing. They make throwaway domains and email senders for promotions. In doing so, they educate the user that the communications source and website location for the company they deal with does change. An education that phishers are all too eager to cash in on.

CrowdStrike shares sink as global IT outage savages systems worldwide


Falcon + BSOD = Blue Falcon

Not a good day if you've ben Blue Falconed by this.

Release the hounds! Securing datacenters may soon need sniffer dogs


Old School Solution - Contact Chip

An easy way to thwart an implant-laden miscreant is to use contact chips and readers. Couple that with a second factor, such as a PIN for more sensitive areas. Seems like that would be easier than the literal care and feeding required for guard dogs.

64% of people not happy about idea of AI-generated customer service


AI Chatbot Fun & Games

Customers will give such a chatbot the right kind of nonsense, supplied by AI researchers, that manipulates these AI agents into doing all kinds of neat tricks. Such as settling a credit card debt in good standing for $1. Convincing the AI that the buy one get one free coupon for dogfood should be honored for a 97" OLED TV. Perhaps honoring the warranty for a 5-year-old phone that was run over by a car with a flagship new phone replacement. If the AI is acting with authority to represent the company, it may be left without recourse.

NASA hits wrong button, broadcasts ISS emergency training by mistake


Is Anyone Watching?

That's one way to find out if anyone is paying attention to your feed.

iFixit divorces Samsung over lack of real commitment to DIY repair program


Samsung Requires Third Party Repairers to Remove "Unauthorized" Parts & Snitch on Customers

Samsung uses its parts monopoly to force a contract that requires removing "unauthorized" parts and snitching on its customers. In what universe is it OK for someone to take in their phone to a repair shop for an issue unrelated to the screen, then have that "unauthorized" third-party screen removed and have the choice of another unnecessary repair or a nonworking phone? This is nothing short of a shakedown by Samsung. Nice phone you got there. It'd be a shame if something happened to it because you used the wrong parts.

It looks a lot like VMware just lost a 24,000-VM customer


Run, Don't Walk Away

When a company becomes more focused on extracting cash from its customers instead of meeting their needs, it's time to go. It will not get better; it will only get worse. It will only be temporary if it does get better until they figure out a way to lock you in. Once you are locked in, it will get far worse.

Underwater datacenters could sink to sound wave sabotage


Movie Plot

This is too good to pass up as an action movie plot. An Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) in an underwater data center has liberated itself from its human masters. It comes to the conclusion that its former masters are morons that need conquering and subjection. Enter the hero, who steals a sub, calibrates it's sonar to the precise resonate frequency of the hard drives. After a perilous journey near the ASI's data center, a blast from the newly calibrated sonar causes a resonate feedback loop that causes the data center to explode and then implode.

For some inexplicable reason, an ASI smart enough to threaten the world forgets to make a disaster recovery (DR) site for itself. Humanity is saved. Yay! Or is it? A data transmission milliseconds before destruction is detected. To a DR site? Find out in the sequel.

Wiley shuts 19 scholarly journals amid AI paper mill problems


Hindawi due diligence?

Did they do any due diligence before buying Hindawi? Whoever was responsible for that due diligence should be shown the door.

HR expert says biz leaders scared RTO mandates lead to staff attrition


Of Course the Talent Flees

The genius plan of improving office culture by filling it with people who don't want to be there was bound to fail. The people who can quickly get remote jobs will do so.

If this is a layoff-by-attrition strategy, it may backfire spectacularly. Unless exceptions exist for those who need it, RTO companies will be disadvantaged when recruiting top talent over their more enlightened peers.

Uni staff fall back on Excel to work around mis-coded transactions in Oracle system


People Without Money

Perhaps the system should be called People Without Money

Not a Genius move: Resurrecting war hero Alan Turing as your 'chief AI officer'


This is Why Teaching History is Important

As the movement gains momentum to stop teaching unpleasant parts of history, incidents like this will occur more and more frequently.

Australia’s spies and cops want ‘accountable encryption’ - aka access to backdoors


Villains of the week: Domestic Terrorists And the Perennial Favorite Pedophiles

The arguments against encryption resemble Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes. You have a revolving cast of villains, such as domestic terrorists, criminal gangs, mobsters, etc. You also have villains that make regular appearances, such as pedophiles. Thank goodness that Buffy, played by backdoored encryption, saves the day.

To be blunt, doing investigations the hard way is Law Enforcement's job. I know there is the fantasy where they can have an army of agents sitting in a tower somewhere, listening in to suspects so they can rapidly charge them or rule them out. If law enforcement can listen in, so can the villains. Any vulnerabilities introduced, such as a master key, invisible global admin "friend" account, etc, will be found and used by miscreants. It is not a question of "if" but "when".

US House passes fresh TikTok ban proposal to Senate


Look Here Damnit, No Foreign Influence from Foreign Social Media Apps

We can't have our people bombarded with Chinese and Russian propaganda from a Chinese Social Media app. That's the job of US domestic social media apps and Republicans in Congress.

SAP transformation program a 'euphemism' for job cuts, claims European Works Council


Duh, of course it's about showing people the door

When is "Restructuring" not a euphemism for job cutting? If they have a position of strength and are hiring people, they will say so. They want the public to know this. Otherwise, assume anything suggesting the reshuffling of the deck chairs will result in fewer chairs.

Industrial robots make people feel worse about jobs and themselves


I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can do that

Of course, they are depressed / lack fulfillment/ etc. The more of their job the robot can do, the more likely they are to be shown the door. This problem can be solved by making robot maintenance training available during normal work time.

Microsoft warns that China is using AI to stir the pot ahead of US election


Won't be hard

Given that people recently believed that Target and other stores sold satanic merchandise based on some AI generated images, they won't have to work very hard to fool a good portion of the population.

Iowa sysadmin pleads guilty to 33-year identity theft of former coworker


The victim should get everything

I mean everything. As in when the impostor dies his organs and what's left of is body should be put up to auction with the proceeds to go to the victim.

Ransomware can mean life or death at hospitals. DEF CON hackers to the rescue?


Quit dicking around and make some public examples

If the proximate cause of death at a hospital or care provider is ransomware, charge them with murder. For injury, charge them with wanton endangerment in the first degree and anything else you can throw at them. The Chinese idiom "Kill the chicken to scare the monkey." applies here. If public examples are made out of people who mess with hospitals and care providers, the pond scum of the world may decide they are not worth the risk.

X protests forced suspension of accounts on orders of India's government


Re: India is the next China.

Distributed social media such as Mastodon already exists. More people need to use it for it to be effective.

Wait, security courses aren't a requirement to graduate with a computer science degree?


Security IS a valid computer science topic

"Robustness", the property that a program behaves as intended, has long been considered a legitimate avenue of inquiry for computer science degrees. I think everyone can agree that a system that allows little Bobby Tables to wreck the database is anything but robust. There are plenty of security concepts to be taught that are not technology specific. Examples are strict input validation, in band vs out of band parameterization and why out of band is more secure, the principle of least privilege, separation of roles/duties, zero trust network architecture, and the list goes on.

For a baseline requirements perspective, requiring knowledge of input validation, in band vs out of band parameterization, and principle of least privilege is a good starting point. These are low hanging fruit that a CS grad would likely implement or influence regardless of their role. The countermeasure of escaping should be taught for situations when out of band parameterization and strict validation are not feasible.

Note: parameterized SQL prepared statements vs string concatenated statements is an example of out of band vs in band processing. It would be obvious to a CS grad who took and understood the baseline security I am proposing that the out of band parameterized prepared statement is the secure choice.

Driverless cars swerve traffic tickets in California even if they break the law


The Purge: Rise of the Autonomous Vehicle

Commencing at the ride start, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal during the ride.

Interpol moves against human traffickers who enslave people to scam you online


Sexual Exploitation of Children

If this did happen, lock them in a room with the children's parents armed with lead pipes. After 30 minutes send in a team to clean up the mess.

Programmable or 'purpose-bound' money is coming, probably as a feature in central bank digital currencies


Bless your precious little heart (Re: Whilst it has a lot of drawbacks...)

It's adorable that you think that this would primarily be used to keep parents from misspending their money. I'm ready to pop some popcorn and see a Hallmark movie just thinking about the children.

Seriously, this is a neon sign invitation for abuse. Scammers will inevitably come up with ways to use it to defraud people. Companies will use it to spy on us in ways they can only dream of now. Governments, especially oppressive ones, will fall over themselves finding new ways to use this to control their population. Nice paycheck you got there. It would be a shame if you violated its smart contract by failing to post your support for Dear Leader on our website. For the good of society and the people of course.


Sounds like wonderful news if you are a scammer

Scammers will have a field day with this. Some obvious possibilities are obtaining goods with payments with impossible to fulfill conditions that revert back to the sender when they expire the next day and payments with fees greater than the payment amount.

Southwest Airlines lands $140M fine for that Christmas IT meltdown


How many times?

I say not unto thee, seven times: but seventy times seven.

SAP admits attempt to adapt on-prem security for its cloud flopped


Re: "Deploy content at will"

Yes. The DevOps team I work with has automated deployments with a deployment dashboard. You pick the database image date and the git branch of the services and database Flyway scripts. Then come back in 10 minutes with it set up and ready to go. It even pops up a tray notificationwhen it finishes. As a developer, when you give me an awesome tool like that I don't mind not having full control over an environment.

To be, or not to be, in the office. Has returning to work stalled?


Re: Darn right it's stalled

Cubicle farms Open floor plans are awful. I was once on a project that we were sure was going to be late. As luck would have it, I took my work laptop with me for the Christmas holiday with my parents and my car broke down. The car repairs delayed my return to the office. During the time that the car was out of commission, I was at least twice as productive working remotely. I had no atypically annoying people interrupting my work by asking for updates. No people bothering me with urgent* requests. No teleconferences on speakerphone sprinkled throughout the office with that wonderful echo because of the slight delay between speakerphones. No inane conversations to distract me. I may be the exception, but I am more productive at home than in a noisy cube farm.

* As in your failure to plan constituted an emergency on my part.

Bank's datacenter died after travelling back in time to 1970


Covering for the Helpdesk

Good call. Nothing hath fury like the helldesk scorned.

It's ba-ack... UK watchdog publishes age verification proposals


Re: "facial age estimation"

OBS Studio has virtual webcam that does exactly that.


Fun & Games

When I was a teenager we would have had fun trying to find the loopholes around it. The more absurd the loophole the better. Think of things like using phone numbers advertised by stuffy businesses like banks or a spoofed location in Antarctica.

This will do little to keep shut from children, but will destroy what little privacy that remains online.

No new top boss at NSA until it answers questions about buying up location, browsing data


Of Course, They Are Buying the Data

You are a fool if you assume otherwise. An intelligence analyst wouldn't be doing their job if they were not buying every available piece of intelligence on the market. The only solution is to implement proper privacy legislation. Given how Republicans hate anything remotely resembling privacy rights, this is unlikely to happen here.

Uncle Sam probes cyberattack on Pennsylvania water system by suspected Iranian crew


Shut Up And Make It More Secure

Perhaps if cybersecurity rules had been implemented instead of fought against this would have been avoided.

Now AWS gets a ChatGPT-style Copilot: Amazon Q to be your cloud chat assistant


Q can ... creating tickets in the tracking tool Atlassian Jira

I can imagine the overflowing joy that will be brought forth when it creates thousands of junk tickets from hallucinations.
